The UK Cause-related Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK cause-related sponsorship opportunities
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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CO/PL001 |
 AFRICAN TRUST (was Banana Appeal) By supporting African Trust, sponsors can help provide one million meals to hungry children in Zululand, South Africa - and impress their suppliers, motivate their staff and win more business: cost £60,000. The Trust (previously trading as Banana Appeal) has provided over a million school meals to malnourished children and AIDS orphans through its food to school schemes in Zululand, South Africa. These schemes not only feed the children but also help many attend school, where they gain a vital education. Today the charity supplies over 1,600 meals daily through schools, providing 1,100 children with fruit each day and over five hundred children with a hot meal of rice and beans (or similar). The charity is on a mission to deliver one million school meals a year, to help the forgotten children and orphans of Zululand. This may sound expensive, but, at only 6p per day, £60,000 will pay for a million meals of fruit. At only 10p per day to feed a hot meal, £100,000 provides a million school meals of rice and beans (or similar). Over 2.5 million South African children are orphans and it is predicted that 32% of South African children will be orphans by 2015 due to AIDS. Today South Africa has the largest HIV population on earth. Each orphan is left to a terrible fate, often in abject poverty. By providing malnourished children with food security at school, African Trust can help remove them from begging or worse, allow them to attend school and give the hope of a better future. It also operates numerous schemes through SavetheZulu.org, including child sponsorship. "We are in the process of setting up a sports academy in Zululand and need £10k for this - and our ultimate goal is to set up the world's largest child sanctuary, caring for thousands of children. This project will cost £2.3 million. Our work has been featured on radio in the UK, South Africa and Canada, in papers and magazines in the UK and South Africa and on UK TV. We seek private and corporate sponsors to help expand our work. Please contact our founder Kevin Allen at kev@BananaAppeal.org or on 0783 773 1131". Contact: Kevin Allen. Address: Office 12 Maritime House, Off Alfreds Road, Wirral CH43 5RE. Tel.: 0783 773 1131. E-mail: info@African-Trust.org. link to website
CO/PL002 |
The African Wildlife Foundation's mission is direct: to work together with the people of Africa to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa endure forever. "AWF is the leading international conservation organisation focused exclusively on Africa, and for over fifty years the key to our success has been creative partnerships. In the past year we have worked with respected corporate leaders such as Disney and Starbucks, as well as smaller yet equally innovative businesses like Alex Woo jewellery and L*Space designer swimwear. These collaborations were tailored to fit the respective partner's brand and target audience and included promotion through events, the web, African Geographic Magazine and in print and e-communications distributed globally. A partnership with AWF sends a strong message about your company or brand's commitment to the environment and improving rural livelihoods in Africa. It also gives your organisation the opportunity to play a meaningful role in safeguarding awe-inspiring and threatened wildlife like rhinoceroses, lions, and elephants. Whatever your interest, our work in fourteen African countries gives your company a range of projects to choose from as a creative way to increase brand awareness, build consumer loyalty and, of course, drive incremental sales. Some exciting AWF initiatives that your company might consider supporting are shown below. Please visit www.awf.org/partners for more information on how respected companies and brands have advanced the mission of the African Wildlife Foundation while engaging the support of consumers worldwide. To discuss ways your company or brand might develop a cause-marketing partnership or sponsorship program with AWF, please contact us". Contact: Daniel McGahey. Address: African Wildlife Foundation, Milton Cottage, Playing Close, Charlbury OX7 3QF. E-mail: dmcgahey@awf.org link to website
Click button to download the AWF's Corporate Partnerships for Conservation brochure (pdf format)
AWF initiatives available for sponsorship support
Campaign to Save Africa's Rhinos - join with AWF to address the rhino poaching crisis sweeping Africa that threatens to drive this magnificent species to extinction.
Restore Forests for People & Wildlife - plant trees to restore the Mau Forest, which is the origin of and natural filter for much of the freshwater in Kenya.
Give Elephants Room to Roam - ensure the survival of elephants, lions and other large wildlife by helping AWF and community partners secure key migration corridors between protected areas.
Protect Africa's Great Apes - support our successful programs to conserve endangered mountain gorillas and bonobos and help us expand into new landscapes to protect imperiled chimps and lowland gorillas.
Conservation Enterprise - support AWF projects to develop ecotourism and agriculture enterprise projects that improve livelihoods in African communities.
CO/PL003 |
Christian Aid is one of the UK's most respected overseas aid and development agencies. The charity works wherever the need is greatest, irrespective of faith, race or gender, supporting 600 partner organisations in nearly fifty countries, which have been developed in and for local communities. Christian Aid is a campaigning organisation that has played a key part in the important campaigns of recent years, from its Drop the Debt campaign to the Cut the Carbon March. Opportunities Sponsorship opportunities exist throughout the year to support Chrstian Aid's high profile events, such as 2007's Cut the Carbon March and Christian Aid Week. For sponsors wishing to support one of the charity's partners or projects around the world instead, they can put together a sponsorship programme tailored to specific CSR goals, with project visits, marketing support and regular reporting. The organisation's partners are involved in a huge variety of projects, from providing counselling for HIV positive women in Burkina Faso to helping communities in Bangladesh rebuild their houses after flood disasters. Benefits Branding Co-branded publicity materials for all events and projects can be displayed throughout the event and for all media interviews. Access to Supporters Christian Aid has a supporter database of over 1.5 million supporters, and can promote the sponsoring organisations through a variety of channels. Its quarterly magazine, Christian Aid News, has a circulation of 400,000, with a number of other publications that target particular audience interests, eg campaign work. The charity's corporate partners have the opportunity to develop flyers and other promotional materials to be sent out in these publications, and to receive positive editorial endorsements within the magazines. The organisation's corporate website (100,000 visitors per month) and its monthly e-zine (sent to 100,000 of its most active supporters) can also display the sponsor's company logo with a positive endorsement of its organisation. Regional and local support Christian Aid has a strong network of twenty-seven area offices throughout the country which are able to distribute flyers and publicity materials throughout their communities to those who might otherwise not be exposed to marketing activity. Ongoing Partnership Christian Aid offers a variety of ways to support its work - all tailored to the sponsoring organisation's needs. The charity manages a number of successful corporate relationships with companies such as the Co-Operative Bank and AquAid water cooler suppliers. "We view sponsorship as the first stage in a long term, mutually beneficial relationship, and would be happy to discuss in detail how best to engage with your organisation". Contact: Liora Wulf. Tel.: 0207 523 2463. E-mail: corporatepartnerships@christian-aid.org. link to website
Click button to download information from Christian Aid (Word format)
CO/PL004 |
 EPILEPSY FOOTPRINT Epilepsy Footprint is a non-profit organisation which aims to educate people everywhere about epilepsy. All its surplus funds are used in developing countries to improve people's access to support services and medical treatments for epilepsy. Too many people in these countries are dying from treatable seizures due to poverty, lack of access to medical services for epilepsy and general attitudes towards the condition. Ignorance towards epilepsy also means many people in the developing world are too scared to be diagnosed with the condition because it could potentially result in them losing their work, family or education. So by going out and speaking to people about epilepsy, Epilepsy Footprint's aim is to help people's understanding and attitudes towards the condition and remove the stigma which is holding so many people back from leading a normal life with epilepsy. The funding received from these presentations will be used in developing countries to
improve medical facilities and supplies
improve accessibility to medical and support services
provide education and skills training to people with epilepsy
improve the general understanding of epilepsy through school presentations. Epilepsy Footprint's Mission: the vision of Epilepsy Footprint is to keep improving people's understanding and handling of epilepsy in everyday life both in the UK and abroad. In many developing countries there is a negative attitude associating epilepsy with the devil and disease resulting in many people being disowned by their families, schools and employers. So going out and talking to people about the various aspects of epilepsy has been shown to bring people together rather than allowing them to remain isolated - and to improve people's confidence everywhere in handling seizures when witnessed. All this is achieved by providing training and information to those who wish to understand and learn more about epilepsy. This objective is achieved by giving various presentations regarding epilepsy in everyday life via schools businesses community groups hospitals families media national and international conferences. Contact: Tanya Spensley. Address: 2 Ashbourne Court, Ashbourne Close, London N12 8SA. Tel.: 0780 880 1210. E-mail: tspensley@epilepsyfootprint.com. link to website
CO/PL005 |
Communities in crisis need knowledge and empowerment. FilmAid provides both, to millions of people suffering the effects of war, poverty, displacement or disaster. Film screenings provide a way to reach many people at once, overcoming literacy boundaries, bringing forth information where it is needed and inspiring hope where it is lacking. Since 1999, FilmAid has worked in partnership with other global aid organizations to bring critical information to more than a million people, in places as diverse as Macedonia, Kenya, Tanzania, Afghanistan and the US Gulf Coast. FilmAid engages communities to shape the messages most needed for their survival and strength. The charity works with communities to create films and videos in their own voice, and to show these films in the most impactful and appropriate settings. FilmAid screenings range from intimate discussion of forty people to large outdoor screenings, reaching tens of thousands at one time. FilmAid UK is looking for sponsorship for fundraising events and more. Contact: Vicky Suzman. Address: 11 Thurloe Square, London SW7 2TA. Tel.: 0207 581 6546. E-mail: vicky@filmaid.org. link to website
CO/PL006 |
Generation for Change and Development (GENCAD) is a UK-registered charity committed to helping communities experiencing extreme poverty in the Horn of Africa. Its aim is to work with partner organisations and communities on programmes and projects which have strong poverty alleviation objectives, such as: education; skills training; health care provisions; and income generating projects that empower the most vulnerable and needy communities. Currently GENCAD is working in North Eastern Province of Kenya in partnership with local community organisations, schools, and NGOs. The charity works with local partners in assessing needs and targeting assistance to the most deserving projects with a strong poverty alleviation component. This way they are able to maximise resource allocation and increase the number of beneficiaries. GENCAD organises an annual charity walk in July (Step Up for Africa Sponsored Walk) along Regent's Canal. "If you want to make a positive change to an orphan's well-being or believe that every child, no matter what background they come from, should be accorded a reasonable chance of achieving his or her potential, please help us by sponsoring this event". Contact: Abdirashid. Address: PO Box 2108, Ilford, Essex IG1 9LE. Tel.: 07950 539806. E-mail: admin@gencad.org. link to website
CO/PL007 |
giveITback creates completely solar powered PC labs. for underprivileged schools and communities in Africa. "We are currently Africa's leading solar PC lab manufacturer. The giveITback Solar PC Lab is easily transported to any destination which allows the Solar Lab to reach the most rural areas where it is needed most. The giveITback Solar PC Lab addresses the lack of building, electricity and IT infrastructure prevalent in African rural schools. Available in 21 or 9 PC options, the Solar PC Lab is versatile enough to be used for any size of school or community. Arriving completely assembled and ready to run, all you need is the sun. A standard lab includes printers, projectors, wi-fi, servers, educational content and more. In terms of computer literacy, Africa is lagging behind globally with an average rate of just 67.1%. With the use of our Solar Labs, communities are connected, jobs are created and learners have the tools to succeed in changing their future. This is a proven product. giveITback already has over forty PC Labs currently impacting the lives of thousands of disadvantaged Africans. Make a difference to the lives of our youth and support us with sponsorship or a donation now". Contact: Shaeestha Tufail. Address: Unit 3 Thynk Industrial Park, Brickworksway & Queen Nandi Drive, Durban 4001. Tel.: 087 550 1055. Fax: 086 516 3574. E-mail: info@giveitback.co.za. link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor giveITback (Powerpoint format)
CO/PL008 |
Joy Home for Children is an Indian orphanage based in Hyderabad, India. It offers a home for orphan children, eliminating the feeling of loneliness and desertion, to provide them with a safe and secure family environment. "As we are a small charity, any help makes a massive difference. Any help or support we receive is acknowledged on our website. So make a difference on a personal level". Contact: Raj Gosai. Address: Joy Home for Children, 85 Hamilton Avenue, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7PS. Tel.: 07958 048549. E-mail: info@joyhomeforchildren.com. link to website
CO/PL009 |
Lashings World XI has developed an unrivalled reputation as the world's leading provider of truly legendary, crowd drawing and entertaining cricket, since the celebrated signing of West Indian captain Richie Richardson in 1994. Sir Viv Richards, Shane Warne, Sachin Tendulkar, Shoaib Akhtar and Brian Lara have all represented the club, which continues to attract the true legends and current superstars of the game to its colours. During the domestic season, Lashings takes its World XI to venues throughout the UK and now, through its programme of overseas tours, around the globe, delivering the ultimate corporate entertainment and sponsored cricket experience. Lashings' key attraction continues to be their unique blend of crickets legends with current superstars of the game. A multi-cultural and multi-national squad, their illustrious names are drawn from talent from across the cricketing world. The list of sponsors has included Lombard, Cockspur, Quicksilver, Williams De Broe, Half Moon, NatWest and Surridge. The Lashings players are true ambassadors of cricket, whilst also promoting good manners, politeness, decency and respect. The team has a variety of players from different ethnic backgrounds and off the pitch, Lashings attend many community events and festivals supporting poor and disadvantaged communities, ethnic minorities, disadvantaged and disabled children, business communities, small rural cricket clubs and a whole host of charities at home and abroad. Wherever Lashings go, the players always hold free (but priceless) coaching sessions with young people, either at the ground before the game or in local schools, colleges or universities. It is Lashings' desire to become recognised sports ambassadors, supporting the work of the UK government and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in a range of activities that will help deliver their objectives to promote both cricket and social values. "We are seeking additional sponsorship partners who see the potential in promoting their brand and in the development of cricket and charity work. Lashings is a potential Harlem Globetrotters of cricket and has developed a range of flexible sponsorship packages to suit potential sponsors' needs". Contact: David Folb and Simon Teague. Address: The Cricket House, 10/12 Hayle Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6PF. Tel.: 07909 681627. Fax: 08704 606562. E-mail: simon@simonteague.com. link to website
| Ongoing
CO/PL010 |
The Mahmoodiah Trust has been set up exclusively to raise funds to establish The Mahmoodiah Academy of Excellence, a secondary school for young females in a deprived area of the Punjab province in Pakistan. The institution will initially cater for a hundred students and provide an exemplary education. This is a grassroots development programme and its success relies on the co-operation and support of dedicated, passionate and committed individuals and organisations willing to share their skills and expertise as well as sacrifice their time. Training centres will be founded to offer teacher training to local females. Whereas it is hoped that the educational establishment will be a beacon which other schools may follow and to which they may aspire, it is also hoped that the entire project will benefit the community and country at large with regard to local investment, business and the economy. In a country which has long neglected the education of its citizens, especially girls, this project may be the only chance for many to gain a quality education and broaden the understanding of the world in which they live - and ultimately enhance their prospects for the future. With a team of dedicated volunteers who have amongst them a background in business, education and international development, The Mahmoodiah Trust is confident that with support and investment from related organisations, this project could eventually broaden its horizons and invest in other educational establishments in other developing countries. Contact: Miss Farzana Akhtar. Address: 76 Stratford Street, Leeds LS11 6EG. Tel.: 07807 462121. E-mail: themahmoodiahtrust@hotmail.co.uk.
CO/PL011 |
 MUSEUM OF BAD ART (MOBA) The world's only museum dedicated to bad art will present 'art too bad to be ignored' in the UK, in Spring 2018. The world-famous Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA) will debut in Europe in Spring 2018, displaying best-loved pieces and some new acquisitions from UK. MOBA began near Boston when Lucy in the Field with Flowers was rescued from the trash. "Lucy became the founding piece. MOBA celebrates sincere art that has gone awry. Even skilled artists can make bad decisions or have trouble with execution. MOBA exhibits in their gallery in Somerville, Massachusetts. MOBA celebrates the artist's right to fail and demonstrates a real appreciation for these efforts. You can sample MOBA's art here - Open Gallery: https://museum-of-bad-art.culturalspot.org/home. Be the hero who brings MOBA to the UK. With 50K Facebook fans and thousands of MOBA aficionados around the world, this exhibition will bring international attention to your brand". Contact: Lisa Devaney, Friend and Representative of MOBA in the UK. Tel.: 07711238173. E-mail: lisa@haimediagroup.com
MOBA will come to London in partnership with Creative Debuts as the host, The Black and White Building in London's Shoreditch as the venue, and the exhibition will be free to attend
MOBA will open the 4-week exhibition on a First Thursday evening, attracting a crowd of up to 300 to celebrate
Early press previews and interviews will be held with MOBA's knowledgeable CEO and curator
During the exhibition, workshops and art talks will attract large audiences
The exhibition will be widely shared on social media and will receive top tier media coverage in London. Already a darling of the press, MOBA has been featured widely in the US and Canada, and Taiwan
About MOBA
"The Museum Of Bad Art Has Been Celebrating Failure Since 1994", Vice
"Most of us are familiar with artworks, proudly presented, which look like they've been produced by a four-year-old at playgroup. But now rather than simply congratulating your friend/relative on their talentlessness you can suggest they make a contribution to Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA), an institution that only takes art so bad it can't be ignored", The Independent
"Founded in 1994, the volunteer-run museum has since received attention from around the world, and critics from the New York Times to Harvard scholars have expounded on its influence. MOBA has even released two books", Today.com
CO/PL012 |
On 1st May, 2015, Peter Jenkins embarked on a walk around the world in aid of Cancer Research and UNICEF. "My route will take me through twenty-eight countries, cover approximately 20,000 miles and take approximately 3 years 6 months. I am looking to raise £2,000,000 plus and I need to secure £40,000 in sponsorship to cover, food, medical cover and three international flights between Singapore and Perth, Sydney and L.A. and also New York to Lisbon, Portugal. I would be delighted to discuss opportunities with any possible sponsors". Contact: Peter Jenkins. Address: 84 Cassini Drive, Swindon SN25 2JT. Tel.: 07557 994914. E-mail: worldwalk4aid@gmail.com. link to website
CO/PL013 |
Rigul Trust is a UK based charity set up to help people living in impoverished areas - in particular in Rigul, a remote village in the Kham district of eastern Tibet. So far a primary school and health clinic have been established. People in this area are commonly nomadic and of very limited means. There is very little infrastructure provided, no surfaced roads, and the climate can be very harsh. At present the school is open seven days a week and sixty-five children attend. Two hot meals are provided every day (which has made the school even more popular!). Some children walk an hour each day to the school. There are three teachers. A health clinic has also been established nearby with a doctor, assistant and nurse. As many as forty-five people attend every day and people are coming from further and further afield. 100% of all donations received go to further activities in the field. "We would very much appreciate your support". Contact: Margaret Richardson. Tel.: 023 8046 2926. link to website
Click button to download more information from Rigul Trust (pdf format)
CO/PL014 |
SOS Children is the world's largest orphan charity, caring for over 60,000 children in unique SOS Children's Villages in 123 countries. The charity helps a further one million in the community through SOS Medical Centres, SOS Social Centres and SOS Vocational Training Centres. In times of disaster, the organisation runs SOS Emergency Relief Programmes using its local knowledge and rooting where it is often first on the scene and works long term with communities. Child sponsors and donors support SOS Children's work by helping them to give children a family for life. Sponsorship for events and partnerships with companies also helps the charity's work and supports its annual awareness campaign, World Orphan Week. Contact: Andrew Cates. Address: SOS Children, 59 St Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB2 3BZ. Tel.: 01223 365589. E-mail: info@soschildren.org link to website
CO/PL015 |
WaterAid is a leading independent organisation which enables the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. The charity works in Africa, Asia and the Pacific region and campaigns globally with its partners to realise our vision of a world where everyone has access to these basic human rights. Information about sponsorship and cause related marketing opportunites is available on request. Contact: Duncan Wilbur, Corporate & Events Manager. Address: 47-49 Durham Street, London SE11 5JD. Tel.: 020 7793 4517. E-mail: duncanwilbur@wateraid.org. link to website
CO/PL016 |
WEZIMBABWE is a UK based charity and its premier event is called Zimfest™. This is an annual festival which has been held successfully over the last six years. Zimfest has grown to become one of the biggest African festivals and last year attracted over 5,000 people. Testament to the success of the event is that strategic partnerships have been established to give the event a unique global presence and it now takes place in five cities across the globe: London, Cape Town, Perth, Brisbane and Bulawayo, attracting Zimbabweans as well as locals in a truly multicultural celebration of Zimbabwean music and culture. "We are very proud of this achievement", says Head of Marketing Mike Tashaya, "and would like to offer you the opportunity to join us in the continued success of the festival. To this end we would like to discuss the possibility of your joining us as one of the sponsors and partners of this event. We currently receive extensive coverage in both local and national press, as well as several community focused publications. With Zimbabwe being the subject of constant debate we are assured of wide press coverage and have in the past been covered by, amongst others, the BBC, Virgin Media, the Sunday Independent, TNT Magazine and InLondon as well as several online publications and media services. We also provide a good opportunity to have your brand on thousands of computer screens via our website and our social media presence online. Over the last couple of years the event has been supported by Qantas, Coca-Cola, Western Union - to name just a few of the companies who have worked with one or more of the festivals around the world. Please take a look at the documents which provide you with a brief history of WEZIMBABWE and a detailed sponsorship proposal for Zimfest. If you are interested in finding out more or in discussing this opportunity further, please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact details provided". Contact: Mike Tashaya, Head of Marketing. Address: 54-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4JX. Tel.: 07876 430182. E-mail: mike.tashaya@wezimbabwe.org link to website
Click button to download more information about WEZIMBABWE (pdf format)
Click button to download more information about WEZIMBABWE sponsorship opportunities (pdf format)
Click button to download more information about Zimfest (pdf format)
Click button to download more information about Zimfest London (pdf format)
Current sponsorship opportunities
Principle Sponsor (global)
Local Sponsor
Hospitality Sponsor (local)
Guest Sponsor
In return for sponsorship support, WEZIMBABWE will offer extensive promotion of the sponsor's brand as a named sponsor on all appropriate media releases, marketing material and online and social media marketing. This also extends to banner advertising on the day. More information is available on the event website.
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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CO/0001 |
Relieving child poverty around the world. Contact David Wing. Tel.: 0207 561 7561. Address: ActionAid, Hamlyn House, Macdonald Road, London, N19 5PG. E-mail: davidw@actionaid.org.uk. link to website
CO/0002 |
CHILDREN WALKING TALL Children Walking Tall is a UK-based charity working in Goa, India, to improve the deprived lives of street children. The organisation hopes to provide a shelter to which all children, no matter what their background, religion or circumstance can come for healthy food, a safe, dry place to rest and to join in with creative and fun education and also time to do what children the world over should do, PLAY! The charity aims to offer street children nourishing food, medical care, education, clothes and showers and toilets. Doing these basic tasks, Children Walking Tall will ensure that they provide some love and care for children that otherwise have nothing and no-one to turn to. The charity is looking for any kind of sponsorship or donations whether it be money, materials, services or volunteers. Contact: Robert Lyon, Co-Founder. Address: 10 Byron Close, Darlton, Newark, Notts. NG22 0TG. E-mail: please contact via the organisation's website. link to website
CO/0003 |
FACING THE WORLD Facing the World is a UK-based charity that offers facial reconstructive surgery to children who are unable to access treatment in their own countries as a result of lack of finance, infrastructure or skills. Without treatment, these children suffer extreme prejudice as well as medical complications. Reconstructive surgery for those with severe disfigurements requires multidisciplinary teams and high tech. medical equipment - something that is only available in very few countries. Facing the World's medical team are all volunteers. Patients and their guardians stay in the UK for an average of three months. Sponsorship support is requested. Contact: Sarah Driver-Jowitt, Executive Co-ordinator. Address: Facing The World, London House, 266 Fulham Road, London SW10 9EL. Tel.: 0207 352 6702. Fax: 0207 352 0052. E-mail: info@facingtheworld.net. link to website
CO/0004 |
Fundatia New Life owns a house in Amara, a small Romanian village just outside the town of Slobozia. The charity's house is home to seven young men who face an uncertain future. Without the house they would have ended up on the streets. Thanks to Fundatia New Life and its hard working staff, they have been saved from their bleak future. The charity has been able to provide a wonderful house with excellent grounds, which have in turn provided space for many crops and farm animals. These young men have benefited from their wonderful surroundings and much healthier atmosphere. However as a small charity Fundatia New Life is in need of constant funding and support - something that is becoming scarce in today's world. The home costs over £2,000 a month to run so the organisation is constantly in need of sponsorship. Whether it be a large amount or small, any sponsorship is warmly received. Further information is of course available on request. "Please help us to help", they say. Contact: Hugh Baddeley. Address: Farn Brakes, Rudgwick, Horsham RH12 3EJ. Tel.: 01403 822234. E-mail: Hughbad@aol.com.
| Ongoing
CO/0005 |
The aim of Good Practice - Worldwide is to enable those African schools which in need of resources to benefit from information which is already available on the internet. The organisation will do this by helping to provide internet connections and computers to both secondary and primary schools in Africa. Good Practice - Worldwide are looking therefore for companies wishing to help with this project, either through direct sponsorship or through the donating of secondhand computers. They would also appreciate contributions from shipping companies who may be able to ship computers to African countries. Contact: Miriam Roberts. Address: 352 Bath Road, Worcester WR5 3EZ. Tel.: 01905 359342. E-mail: info@gpww.org. link to website
| Ongoing
CO/0006 |
TRAX Africa works in Ghana and Togo with rural families to help them improve their livelihoods through sustainable farming. TRAX Africa now works in partnership with UK international development charity Harvest Help in ten rural districts in northern Ghana and Togo. TRAX trains people in sustainable farming methods and helps them find new ways to earn a living, so that they can overcome extreme poverty. It also improves the ability of communities to organise themselves so they can become self-reliant. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Address: 3-4 Old Bakery Row, Wellington, Shropshire TF1 1PS Tel.: 01952 260699. E-mail: info@harvesthelp.org. link to website
| Ongoing
CO/0007 |
This team will be travelling to Mozambique to support orphans and a local clinic and are open to negotiation. Contact: Debi, Beth and Natalie. Address: 3 Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett, Surrey GU16 6DH. Tel.: 01252 671965. E-mail: one_real_funky_chicken@yahoo.co.uk.
| Ongoing
CO/0008 |
JARJEER MULES Jarjeer is based just 24 kms. south of Marrakech, Morocco, in the foothills of the High Atlas. "We are home to many animals and have recently been recognised as a donkey sanctuary. Here at Jarjeer, everyone is very excited about our new project involving our team of magical donkeys who are socialised, friendly and always very happy to see visitors. Our team is working with children in Marrakech who have special needs. There is vast experience of equines in the UK providing such therapy, relaxation and pleasure to these very special children and we hope to introduce the same level of commitment in Marrakech. All of us at Jarjeer are committed to animal welfare and those within our charge are cared for to exacting standards. Please contact us to discuss opportunities for sponsorship". Contact: Susan Machin. Address: 41 School Fold in the UK, Hesketh Bank, Preston PR4 6RE. Tel.: 441614151500. E-mail: susanmachin@jarjeer.com. link to website
CO/0009 |
The objectives of the Matema Educational Trust are 1. To improve the quality of human resources in Malawi by identifying 'beacon projects' where facilities can be established for vocational education by financing colleges, classrooms and equipment providing vocational courses so that people can gain the necessary skills, either to enhance their employment prospects or, and preferably, so that they can start their own enterprises providing the opportunity for school-leavers to improve their communication skills (literacy, numeracy, computing) so that they can upgrade their leaving certificate and thereby gain employment; and 2. To indirectly contribute to the development process in Malawi by supporting the nation's struggle in poverty alleviation by breaking the poverty cycle and initiating a grass roots model promoting sustainability in the economy by introducing concepts and practices of energy and appropriate technology. The first project is to establish Matema College near Karonga in the northern region of Malawi. Sponsorship funds would help build the first classroom block. Much of Malawi's population is in distress through periodic crop failure during drought, HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB - and one of the world's highest population growth rates. After universal free primary education was introduced, enrolment leapt and primary schools have a pupil:staff ratio of 62:1, resulting in a considerable decline in quality. Entry to secondary education is highly selective, just 140,000 pupils gaining places in essentially fee paying schools, where theoretically the pupil/staff ratio is 36:1, but in reality is much higher. More vocational education is essential to empower people with the skills to start their own small business ventures. As the country is burdened with considerable national debt - unlikely to be relieved in the immediate future - and heavily dependent upon outside aid, it's extremely important to support the Malawi Government's intervention into vocational education. Contact: John Weeks. Address: 21 Oakhurst Avenue, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN4 8DL.
| Ongoing
CO/0010 |
Media Action International is a UK registered charity and not-for-profit foundation based in Switzerland. MAI runs community radio and emergency radio advice and guidance programmes for youths caught up in natural or man-made disasters and emergencies. Currently MAI operates weekly youth-based educational radio programmes throughout the Balkans and in particular for Kosovo and outlying regions. MAI wishes to continue to provide educational, health and community advice and guidance via radio across the Balkans, helping youths to reintegrate into society and to provide information and advice that is lacking in general public and commercial radio and television in the region. The annual cost of these programmes can be as little as £100,000 for the entire year and all activities. Various other elements such as the Radio Roadshow and the UN open day exhibition in Geneva involve smaller, separate costs. Contact: Robert Winter, Managing Director. Tel.: 00 33 450 99 03 18. E-mail: wntrrobert@aol.com.
| Ongoing
CO/0011 |
Merlin provides medical care to people in crisis situations around the world. Merlin will work with sponsors to help develop the right sponsorship opportunity. Contact: Lena Young, Head of Marketing. Tel.: 020-7378-4821. E-mail: lyoung@merlin.org.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
CO/0012 |
Sponsorship is sought for a new hospital in Quito, Ecuador, that will provide healthcare to poor and uneducated people that cannot afford to pay for their hospital care. Quito currently does not make provision for people that don't have money to receive treatment. The project will develop in the future and some of the money will be used to teach people a trade and to educate them. The aim of the project is to tackle the issue of health and unemployment. Some of the money sought will be given to the Bible Text Publicity Mission who are a registered charity that displays biblical text posters which include a telephone helpline. Contact: Mr. Chris Turner. Address: 50 Forest Road, Romford RM7 8DT. Tel.: 01708 733293. E-mail: crismturner200221@yahoo.es. link to website (for BTPM)
CO/0013 |
Promoting self-reliance for refugees and displaced persons - corporate sponsorship opportunities available. Contact: Helen Osborne-Lewis. Address: Ockenden International, Constitution Hill, Woking, Surrey GU22 7UU. Tel.: 01483-772012. Fax: 01483-750774. E-mail: oi@ockenden.org.uk. link to web site
CO/0014 |
Oxfam works with others to reduce poverty and suffering. For information on opportunities for sponsorship, please contact the
Corporate Partnerships Team. Tel.: 01865 472431. Address: John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2JY. E-mail: companies@oxfam.org.uk. link to website
CO/0015 |
Projeto Phoenix Brasil is dedicated to the opening of a shelter school for street children in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To achieve this the organisation needs help to provide the services and equipment it will need to make the project a success. Projeto Phoenix Brasil is a newly-formed charity and at this time its fundraising has been limited to producing an audio cd to be sold in order to raise awareness of the levels of child poverty in this, the fifth largest country in the world and the fifth largest economy. The charity's efforts to date have been hanpered by lack of funds. The organisation needs to get its cd, which has been supported by many musicians including some renowned artists, onto shelves where it can be sold - and to do this quickly it will need help. Future sponsorships would also be useful as Projeto Phoenix Brasil has limited resources at this time. Contact: Gordon Leed, Director & Chairman. Address: 42 Hallaton Road, Peterborough PE1 4TN. Tel.: 01733 555309. E-mail: info@projetophoenix.org
link to web site
CO/0016 |
The Rainforest Foundation supports indigenous communities of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfil their rights. A range of opportunities is currently available for companies to sponsor various aspects of the Foundation's work. The Foundation points out that sponsoring one of its projects can bring significant benefits: its strong brand and logo can help reinforce the environmental ethos of a company's brand strategy, promoting a positive image and thereby helping to improve sales. The Foundation's initiatives often receive high profile media coverage: in September 1998, for instance, the BBC broadcast a TV appeal on its behalf in which Sting presented its work in Cameroon. Reg. charity no. 801436. Contact: Alison Payne. Address: The Rainforest Foundation, City Cloisters, 196 Old Street, London EC1V 9FR. Tel.: 020-7251-6345. E-mail: alison@rainforest.com. link to website
CO/0017 |
Response Emergency Stress Team UK (REST UK) is a registered charity that provides stress relief for emergency services both nationally and internationally, working at the scenes of major incidents, including working at Ground Zero following 9/11. It is a voluntary organisation for Britain. REST UK offers rescue workers on site chair massages, allowing them a 10-15 minute brief respite during the course of their shift. REST UK is composed entirely of volunteers who are all highly trained massage therapists. The organisation is also a volunteer agency for local authorities, and has been used for many evacuation exercises. REST UK's main work has been with the UK fire service search and rescue teams and the urban search and rescue teams who have recognised the benefits of the chair massage for firefighters. It has been shown that chair massage can help lower the stress levels rescue workers experience at critical incidents. The chair massage has been developed by leading complementary practitioners and has been approved by conventional medical authorities. It is non-invasive and non-intrusive. The results are instantaneous: people are relaxed and rejuvenated, ready to return to work. REST UK has trained over thirty volunteers across England and its aim is to have a team for every county in the UK, ready to respond at a moment's notice. Contact: Kim Wooldridge. Address: The Farmhouse, 14 Haconby Lane, Morton, Lincolnshire PE10 0NP. Tel.: 01778 570120. E-mail: rest_uk@onetel.com. link to website
CO/0018 |
SIERRA LEONE WAR TRUST FOR CHILDREN (SLWT) SLWT (a registered charity) works to promote the education, health, rehabilitation and self-sufficiency of children and youth affected by war in Sierra Leone through advocacy and the provision of financial and technical support. Its vision is to become an authority on the welfare of the war-affected children of Sierra Leone, and secure a better future for them. The charity organises a wide variety of events in support of its activities. Contact: Folu Olajide, Project Co-ordinator. Address: 7 Thornton's Road, Potter's Bar, Little Heath, Herts. EN6 1JJ. Tel.: +44 208 874 2051. E-mail: info@slwt.org. link to website
CO/0019 |
Sight Savers International is the UK's leading charity combatting blindness in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. A number of sponsorship opportunities exist currently. Contact: Miss Awo Ablo, Marketing Officer. Address: Grosvenor Hall, Bolnore Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4BX. Tel.: 01444-446600. Fax: 01444-446688.
CO/0020 |
THE VIRTUAL DOCTORS The Virtual Doctors is a charity which provides a free telemedicine service, utilising mobile phone and internet technology, for Clinical Officers located in rural and remote areas of Zambia. "Our hand-held devices offer remote connection with our volunteer medical professionals in the UK, using our bespoke telemedicine software. The Clinical Officers upload case files, select an area of specialism in a dropdown bar, which the selected UK medical professional can review, and subsequently respond offering diagnostic advice. Clinical Officers are trained professionals but are not as qualified as doctors. Some clinics have huge catchment areas and people must travel long distances to reach them, only to be referred on to a hospital even further away. Our service is helping the Clinical Officers to learn and have the confidence to treat patients on site locally rather than having to refer to distant hospitals. The service is economically scalable, tried and tested. We have expansion plans to expand our reach beyond the current twenty health clinics and two hospitals in Zambia - our goal is to be delivering the service into 100 sites in rural Zambia and we will have introduced a trial into another sub-Saharan country by the end of 2018. We rely upon the generosity of others for 100% of our funding and your support would enable us to expand our reach into new areas and help more patients. We are keen to hear from individuals and organisations who would be interested in helping us to fund this expansion. It costs approximately £1,000 to set up and run the service for twelve months in each rural health centre. If you or your company would like to get involved, please contact rosbird@virtualdoctors.org". Contact: Huw Jones. Address: Sussex Innovation Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SB. Tel.: 01273 454755. E-mail: huw@virtualdoctors.org. link to website
CO/0021 |
VSO is an international development charity which works through volunteers in some of the world's poorest countries. Target audiences may be addressed through high profile events sponsorship. Contact Melanie Gibson. Address: 317 Putney Bridge Road, London SW15 2PN. Tel.: 0208-780-7291. Fax: 0208-780-7300. E-mail: corporatepartnerships@vso.org.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
CO/0022 |
WORLD ANIMAL DAY Reap the benefits of being the corporate sponsor of 'World Animal Day' World Animal Day offers an innovative and exciting opportunity to help develop a sponsor's business within and beyond the current borders. The World Animal Day initiative is an ideal Corporate Social Responsibility project as it can take a sponsor's organisation into the homes of animal lovers in every corner of the world and benefit people, animals and the environment at the same time. When joined in partnership, organisations have the power to reach new audiences, expand projects and make a difference in the world around us. That is what the organisers of World Animal Day are asking of potential sponsors today: "Please join us and help make a difference. This would be your pledge to the world - that your organisation supports the improvement of animal welfare standards around the globe". The initiative unites the animal welfare movement worldwide, embracing all animals and the unique concerns of each, in every country. www.worldanimalday.org.uk is the central portal that connects everyone who cares about animals in celebration of this special day. Participation in World Animal Day continues to grow. Events to highlight animal welfare issues and fundraise have been organised by large multi-national organisations, right through to small grass root groups with very limited means. World Animal Day is the central platform they need to connect to animal advocates throughout the world, acting as an umbrella by embracing all animals and the unique concerns of each in every country. It provides societies with the opportunity they need to raise funds and draw public attention to the valuable work they carry out, often under difficult and challenging conditions. "World Animal Day is not linked to any one individual, organisation or campaign, but belongs to everyone! Perusing the website will provide you with a better picture of what this project is all about, and if you would like more detailed information please send me an email. Also, if possible, we would be delighted to meet with you to discuss our proposal further. I look forward to hearing from you via letter, email to info@worldanimalday.org.uk or telephone on 01242 252871". Contact: Caroline Barker, Project Manager. Address: World Animal Day, 14 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham GL52 6AA. Tel.: 01242 252871. E-mail: info@worldanimalday.org.uk link to website