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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
The African Wildlife Foundation's mission is direct: to work together with the people of Africa to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa endure forever. "AWF is the leading international conservation organisation focused exclusively on Africa, and for over fifty years the key to our success has been creative partnerships. In the past year we have worked with respected corporate leaders such as Disney and Starbucks, as well as smaller yet equally innovative businesses like Alex Woo jewellery and L*Space designer swimwear. These collaborations were tailored to fit the respective partner's brand and target audience and included promotion through events, the web, African Geographic Magazine and in print and e-communications distributed globally. A partnership with AWF sends a strong message about your company or brand's commitment to the environment and improving rural livelihoods in Africa. It also gives your organisation the opportunity to play a meaningful role in safeguarding awe-inspiring and threatened wildlife like rhinoceroses, lions, and elephants. Whatever your interest, our work in fourteen African countries gives your company a range of projects to choose from as a creative way to increase brand awareness, build consumer loyalty and, of course, drive incremental sales. Some exciting AWF initiatives that your company might consider supporting are shown below. Please visit for more information on how respected companies and brands have advanced the mission of the African Wildlife Foundation while engaging the support of consumers worldwide. To discuss ways your company or brand might develop a cause-marketing partnership or sponsorship program with AWF, please contact us". Contact: Daniel McGahey. Address: African Wildlife Foundation, Milton Cottage, Playing Close, Charlbury OX7 3QF. E-mail:
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  Download more info.!   Click button to download the AWF's Corporate Partnerships for Conservation brochure (pdf format)

AWF initiatives available for sponsorship support

     Campaign to Save Africa's Rhinos - join with AWF to address the rhino poaching crisis sweeping Africa that threatens to drive this magnificent species to extinction.
     Restore Forests for People & Wildlife - plant trees to restore the Mau Forest, which is the origin of and natural filter for much of the freshwater in Kenya.
     Give Elephants Room to Roam - ensure the survival of elephants, lions and other large wildlife by helping AWF and community partners secure key migration corridors between protected areas.
     Protect Africa's Great Apes - support our successful programs to conserve endangered mountain gorillas and bonobos and help us expand into new landscapes to protect imperiled chimps and lowland gorillas.
     Conservation Enterprise - support AWF projects to develop ecotourism and agriculture enterprise projects that improve livelihoods in African communities.


Black Kestrel is a project to develop and build an electric powered aircraft. The project has three phases. The first phase is to develop a new type of non-fuel burning electrical generator that will provide the main power for the aircraft's electric motors. The next phase will be to convert a conventional small to medium sized propped aircraft, such as a Piper PA32 Lance, by removing its existing piston engine and replacing it with a single, brushless, high speed electric motor and reduction transmission. Once the aircraft has been certified by the CAA to fly it will undertake several test flights; when these have been completed the aircraft will fly on a round-the-world tour to show the practicality and endurance of electric powered aircraft and the electrical generators. The third phase is to design and build a new airframe. This aircraft will be built for high speed and high altitude cruise and will be powered by several high speed electric fans. It will also, once built and tested, fly on a world tour. Black Kestrel is looking for several large or small sponsors for this project. Sponsors will have their brand and logo displayed on the side of the aircraft's fuselage, as well as on the Black Kestrel website's home page, Sponsors page and Twitter page. The Black Kestrel website has a large audience and following around the world - any sponsor who has their brand and logo on the Black Kestrel website or aircraft's fuselage would have a truly global audience. For more information please visite the Black Kestrel website (see link below). Contact: Jake Quinton. Tel.: 07739 181203. E-mail:
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CIWEM's Environmental Photographer of the Year is an international showcase for the very best in environmental photography. EPOTY is one of the fastest growing photographic competitions in the world (see Sponsorship benefits include    perfect platform for the sponsor to express their commitment to environmental stewardship and enhance a brand their clients can be proud of    high level promotion through online and print marketing    fantastic international media coverage, including the Sydney Herald, Singapore's Straits Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent and the BBC    recognition from the highest level, such as Gordon Brown's selection of CIWEM's Young Environmental Photographer of the Year 2009 to take Number 10's official Christmas card    high profile environmental association by working with the historical Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management    involvement with a competition that captures the current zeitgeist of environmental awareness. Contact: Emily Doyle. Address: 15 John Street, London WC1N 2EB. Tel.: 020 7831 3110. Fax: 020 7405 4967. E-mail:
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Sponsorship opportunities

Category sponsorship for The Natural World; Quality of Life; Innovation in the Environment; The Underwater World; A View From the Western World; or CIWEM's Young Environmental Photographer of the Year

Overall sponsorship for the Environmental Photographer of the Year exhibition programme


The Green Awards illustrate the crucial role that needs to be played by green marketing and sustainability communications in informing people about green issues, products and lifestyle choices, and aim to showcase examples of excellence and best practice. Sponsorship offers     visibility for the sponsor's products and services to the Green Awards opt-in database and through National Geographic, Green.TV, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook    competitive advantage for the sponsor in showing thought leadership in their sector    a positive image for the sponsor's company to all their stakeholders    encourages staff, customers and suppliers to feel confident about the sponsor's support for sustainable initiatives. "We need your support! As a valued sponsor, you will receive global coverage through our media partners, such as National Geographic magazine, and the opportunity to stream your own corporate video broadcast. Your company branding will appear before, during and after the event, in pre-event advertisements supported by our media partners, in the Awards programme and on the Green Awards website. Sponsor logos will also be shown during the awards ceremony. There are nineteen sponsorship opportunities, including Principal, Associate and all the award categories". "The Green Awards are a great showcase for companies and organisations that are leading the way on sustainability", Dominic Burch, Head of Corporate PR, ASDA. "Making your voice heard and having an impact in the increasingly crowded and sometimes fatigue-laden world of environmental marketing requires persistence, creativity and the ability to take risks. Without it, I fear messages key to our very survival will not be noticed", Satinder Bindra, Director of Communications, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya. Contact: Iain Patton. Tel.: 0207 939 3958. Fax: 0207 403 9997. E-mail:
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The Green Blue is a trailblazing initiative developed by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and the British Marine Federation (BMF) to deliver real world solutions and best practice guidance to the recreational marine sector to minimise its impact on the coastal and inland marine environment. The organisation focusses on high impact awareness raising through published materials, targeted publicity, presence at marine events and support from high profile ambassadors, including Mike Golding and Dee Caffari, delivering practical demonstration projects (e.g. boat washdown systems or recycling facilities), building a bank of research to ensure their work is scientifically underpinned and making information available to assist in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements for marine businesses. Sponsorship opportunities range from strategic partnerships through to one-off events, including the Annual Conference and theme specific workshops and launches. Benefits and rights can include    prominent logo placement    co-branding of PR and communications    brand association with a leading edge marine environmental programme    access to the whole UK recreational boating sector (over 3.5 million participants) and to a RYA/BMF combined membership of 500,000 people and 1,600 businesses    promotional opportunities, including the Southampton and London International Boat Shows    event branding, pre/post event publicity    opportunities to showcase the sponsor's Corporate Social Responsibility    participation of the sponsor's stakeholders and staff in Green Blue events    and access to Green Blue's network of partners to assist the sponsor in meeting their environmental policy targets. The Green Blue is the leader of the fleet as an increasingly well-known environmental marine brand surrounded by a fast-growing network of support and interest. The Green Blue is unique and innovative: it is the first programme of its kind to be developed for any recreational sector in the UK and is well placed to help a potential sponsor's organisation enhance its reputation, reach and environmental performance. Contact: Jane Swan, Partnership Officer. Address: RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, SO31 4YA. Tel.: 02380 604100. Fax: 02380 604299. E-mail:
link to website


The Society for Conservation Biology Marine Section hosts the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) on a biennial basis. The event brings together several hundred marine conservationists from diverse disciplines for discussion, innovation and development of science-based products that inform policy change and implementation. IMCC is recognised as the most important international meeting for marine conservation. Speakers and attendees come from agencies, NGOs, universities and other organisations around the world. The 2014 event was held in Glasgow. Meeting sponsors can receive logos on banners, the website and PR materials, as well as exhibition booths and advertisements. Please enquire for updated details of sponsorship opportunities. Contact: Samantha Oester, IMCC3 Co-Chair & Communications Chair. E-mail:



The National Trust is Europe's leading conservation charity, with over 3.4 million loyal members. It cares for historic properties, internationally acclaimed gardens, coastline and countryside for everyone to enjoy, both now and in the future. The Trust is looking to work with like-minded companies on a variety of commercially attractive sponsorship opportunities. A relationship with The National Trust sends out a clear message about commitment to conservation, the environment and the preservation of our nation's heritage. Research has shown that Trust members see commercial partnerships as a clear endorsement of the brand or product. Promotional opportunities drive sales whilst benefiting from a positive association with the Trust in the minds of customers. Contact: Elin Horgan, Corporate Partnerships Manager. Address: The National Trust, Heelis, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2NA. Tel.: 01793 817507. E-mail:
link to website

Current opportunities include:

     Major programme sponsorship top tier sponsorship packages based around key areas of the Trust's work including Gardens, Discovery and Outdoors
     National Trust Music Festival: twelve high profile summer concerts at four key Trust properties
     From Plot to Plate - a series of over one hundred events focusing on growing, producing and cooking food
     Working Holidays scheme - the longest running National Trust volunteering programme with over 4,000 participants annually

Bespoke sponsorship packages can be created to meet the sponsor's marketing objectives, but the benefits of working with the National Trust include:

    Association with the powerful and trusted National Trust brand
    Access to 3.4 million National Trust members, 82% ABC1
    Coverage and acknowledgement in National Trust communications
    Excellent corporate social responsibility and PR story

Sponsor branding opportunities

    Corporate hospitality at some of the nation's most prestigious properties
    Staff benefits including free entry passes and an employee volunteering programme


    3.4 million members/1.7 million households
    82% are ABC1
    37% 35-54 years families with children under 16
    39% 45-64 years independent adults


    13 million visits to houses and gardens each year
    50 million visits to coast and countryside spaces each year
    500,000 visits by school children each year
    80% of the population live within twenty miles of a National Trust property


eRally aims to work with partners across a range of industries in private and public sectors and will develop individual partnership packages that enable its funders to achieve significant marketing, commercial and strategic benefits. Contact: Ellya Gold. Tel.: 07446 025827. E-mail:
link to website


     To build the first competitive zero-emission electric rally car.
     To compete in the British Rally Championship.
     To rigorously test ground breaking EV technology.
     To feed cutting edge technology into road cars that we all want to drive.
     To promote clean energy in an exciting, cool and fun sport.
     To help reduce the country's CO2 emissions by proving that electric cars outperform petrol and diesel cars and drive demand for EVs.
     To develop an education programme to train future generations in the environment, engineering, science and technology.  


    CE/PL009     RSPB
The RSPB is the UK charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and wildlife, helping to create a better world for us all. Its work is driven by a passionate belief that     birds and other wildlife enrich people's lives     the health of bird populations reflects the health of the planet, on which our future depends    we all have a responsibility to protect biodiversity. Contact: Neil Barton, Sponsorship Manager. Address: RSPB Headquarters, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL. Tel.: 01767 680551. E-mail:
link to website


The RSPB can tailor sponsorship packages to sponsors' needs. What does the RSPB do?

    It champions birds and the environment to decision makers
    It protects, restores and manages habitats for birds and wildlife
    It owns or manages more than 190 nature reserves, where wildlife can flourish and people can be inspired
    It carries out recovery projects for our most threatened species
    It shares its knowledge and enthusiasm to help young and old enjoy the natural world
    It champions the cause of biodiversity as part of sustainable development
    It is active across the UK at national, regional and local levels - its work is relevant to everyone's environment
    It tackles international conservation issues through the Birdlife International Partnership - a global coalition of like-minded conservation organisations


Fractured is a short eco-thriller/buddy film about two unlikely allies, Jonie and Cara, who take a stand against a fracking company that's secretly developing a drilling site. The directors of Rocky Bay Productions believe that engaging and entertaining fiction films have enormous power to draw viewers' attention to crucial issues facing the world. "There is no doubt that fracking is a pressing environmental issue, yet many young people are not aware of its implications. This is our primary target audience. To draw in younger viewers who would not necessarily seek out documentaries on the topic, we address this serious issue through a gripping narrative, peppered with irreverent wit. To achieve our ambitious distribution goals, we will implement a hybrid distribution strategy, which combines classic and DIY models and has the potential to reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of viewers. Sponsorship of this film will increase brand awareness and affinity for you, your company or your organisation and help build your customer base, especially among younger consumers. We are offering your name and logo a presence in the front or end credits of the film, depending on the level of sponsorship. Together, the project stakeholders, including the young actors, have an enormous social media presence and will be a walking commercial for their sponsors wherever they go. Written by Lambert Nagle and to be directed by Virginia Pitts, Fractured will be produced by Rocky Bay Productions Ltd. Between them, the producers Alison Ripley Cubitt and Virginia Pitts, have over thirty-five years screen production experience. Their film and television productions have been selected to screen at over forty international festivals, won awards, gained theatrical release and sold widely. Award-winning cinematographer, Frank Madone, has joined the team and two brilliant young actors, Josephine Rogers and Acushla-Tara Kupe, have been cast in the main roles. Fractured is not only a standalone short film, it is also a pilot and pathway to an environmentally-focused feature film and television series. While the latter two productions will be eligible for industry funding, this is not the case for Fractured, despite the increasing popularity of shorts in the digital age. By contributing to this film, you will not only help kick-start a series of environmentally-themed dramas for screen, but be part of a broad movement working to protect the future of the planet and its inhabitants. Sponsorship is sought for both the production (late July/early August) and post-production (September-December) of the film". A full sponsorship proposal is available on request. Contact: Virginia Pitts, Co-Producer/Director. Address: 30 Holters Mill, Canterbury, Kent CT2 8SP. Tel.: 07581 309837. E-mail:
link to website


Download more info.!   Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor Fractured (pdf format)


31st December, 2018
Following the successful use of paramotors on a major scientific expedition by the Scientific Exploration Society in the Bolivian Amazonas, it is proposed to develop the concept of using paramotors and all terrain vehicles, working together on a series of scientific projects. A small team of experts have come together to plan the ventures and they consist of the following individuals: John Blashford Snell, Scientific Exploration Society; Alex Ledger, SkySchool Flight Centre; Alan Morton, Proactive TV. The first expedition is to Botswana and the aim is to research areas of scientific interest as well as support the local community. Proactive TV have agreed to film the expeditions with the aim of placing them on either Channel 4 or the Discovery Channel. The charity Just a Drop has also agreed to support the expedition. These expeditions are clearly advantageous for either a single main sponsor or a variety of different sponsors. "We therefore propose that interested parties should contact us to discuss the options available". Contact: Alex Ledger. Address: Rams Hill Farm, Manston, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1HD. Tel.: 07747 097527. E-mail:
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The Thames Chase Trust aims to make the Thames Chase Community Forest an inspirational example of landscape regeneration through cost effective environmental improvements that change lives - and demonstrates these values through exemplary community-led management at the Thames Chase Forest Centre. Thames Chase Community Forest covers forty square miles of countryside around the London/Essex borders, encompassing landscape in Barking and Dagenham, Brentwood, Havering and Thurrock. Within its boundaries there has been a concerted effort, over the last twenty-five years, to regenerate despoiled landscape and enhance the natural environment for the benefit of local people and wildlife. Contact: Mary Wright, Trustee. Address: Thames Chase Forest Centre, Broadfields, Pike Lane Upminster, RM14 3NS. Tel.: 01708 642970. E-mail:
link to website

Current opportunities include:

    A defibrilator for our Forest Centre
    The Conservation Volunteer's 4x4 vehicle
    Supporting wildlife and activity volunteer groups
    Re-planting our renovated Tree Nursery

Bespoke sponsorship packages can be created to meet the sponsor's marketing objectives, but the benefits of working with the Community Forest include:

    Association with the powerful and national Community Forest brand
    Access to around 125,000 annual visitors to our Forest Centre
    Coverage and acknowledgement in Community Forest social and printed media communications
    Excellent corporate social responsibility and PR story
    Sponsor branding opportunities
    Corporate hospitality at our 17th century Essex barn and Conference Room


    125,000 visits to our Forest Centre each year
    3,500 visits to our website each month
    Over 10,000 reached on social media each month



TIKI THE PENGUIN - FOR KIDS AND FOR THE PLANET is an environmental education website with a global reach, aimed at children, schools and other educational establishments. The site, established just over fifteen years ago, is free to use and had nearly 300,000 separate users in the last year alone. This attractive website with its numerous and colourful cartoons appears at the top of Google searches for "kids' guides to climate change" and other searches related to pollution, pollution, plastics, pollution, energy, biodiversity and several more. Statistics show the site is widely used internationally, with the highest percentage of users being from the USA (37%), the UK (18%) and India (7%).     More about Tiki and his website | Tiki, a friendly penguin, cares deeply about the future of the planet. He explains the ins and outs of pressing environmental issues, as seen through the eyes of a non-human via a series of jargon-free guides, in an engaging and humorous way, appealing to both children and adults. Each guide concludes with an empowering "What kids can do" page. These guides are used as an educational resource by schools and individuals all over the world, helping our future adults gain a deeper understanding about the issues that will affect their future. Tiki's site is free for all to use. As a result, the site is chronically underfunded, receiving basic support - as it has done since its inception - from OneWorld (a non-profit UK-based organisation). Tiki's founder and producer, an earth scientist with a PhD (1970, Cambridge, UK), is looking for sponsorship to put Tiki's pages on a firm financial footing so that there can be a search for younger freelance writer(s) who can take over the reins of the website, building on its success, taking it forward into the future, where a science-based understanding of the problems caused by humans will be essential if solutions are to be found and implemented. Contact: Bry Lynas, Producer. Address: Mur Crusto, Llangybi, Pwllheli LL53 6LX. Tel.: 01766 819109. E-mail:
link to website

Sponsorship Opportunities

There is now the opportunity to promote your business or organisation through the website, by including your company logo, and company information in a single advertising opportunity on the website. This would provide benefits to your business through:

     Being the sole sponsor - only one business will have the opportunity to advertise on the site, making your company stand out to all visitors to the site

     Helping to achieve objectives towards improving your Corporate Social Responsibility, by supporting a free environmental education resource used by schools and individuals world-wide

     Promoting your business or organisation as sole sponsor and reach out to educational establishments across the world on a website that is popular and well-used internationally

     Associating your organisation with a good cause: promoting global conservation and educating people about the dangers and problems facing the future of our planet

     Contributing to corporate/business Carbon Offsetting objectives, through investment in a climate-responsible organisation



The Wildeye Conservation Film Festival is an annual opportunity for film-makers, conservation experts and broadcasters to explore the use of film in conservation. It will also celebrate those films that have made a difference to conservation issues facing our planet. Why sponsor the Wildeye Conservation Film Festival? "Sponsors allow us to achieve our mission of improving wildlife conservation and environmental protection through the education of the public and those with political power. Film-making, whether it be for cinema, television or the web, is a powerful tool for education and can inspire change. The Wildeye Conservation Film Festival aims to seek ways to utilise this inspirational tool for maximum power in effectively educating and motivating audiences". Contact: Jason Peters, Director. Address: 8 Gurney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7SB. Tel.: 07711299114. E-mail:
link to website

Sponsorship opportunities

    A tiered level of £1,000, £2,500 or £5,000 or any level that you are comfortable with
    The evening party, pre-party drinks and the Awards party can be sponsored
    Festival items can also be sponsored (festival bags, brochures, leaflets, notepads, pens, memory sticks, t-shirts)
    Merchandise that can be sold/auctioned/given to award winners

Benefits of Sponsorship

    Promote your business or organisation through our media networks and by including your company logo
    on our web site, in print and other media
    Associate your business with a good cause: promoting global conservation and educating people about the dangers and problems facing the planet
    Help improve your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by supporting a local initiative with a global reach.

Download more info.!   Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Wildeye Film Festival (pdf format)



International Dawn Chorus Day boasts a position as one of the most enduring and popular annual environmental events on the calendar. The simple concept is of early morning gatherings to hear the dawn chorus at nature reserves, parks or other open spaces, often followed by a healthy, hearty breakfast. The history and background to this exciting event is documented on, the IDCD website. Participating UK organisations include The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, National Trust, English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, Local Authority Ranger Services and very many more, down to small local groups. Birdwatch Ireland organises a busy programme of events in Eire. Thousands of individuals make the effort to rise early and appreciate Nature's daily miracle on International Dawn Chorus Day. Millions more get to here about the event and learn more about the need to conserve wild birds. Excellent press and media coverage was achieved, mostly in the UK, but also with a good profile in North America, Europe and elswhere in the world. The message of International Dawn Chorus Day is a simple one, allowing hundreds of organisations to raise the profile of their essential conservation work for wild birds and their habitats. The colours and sounds of wild birds make this a sponsorship opportunity well suited to multi-media promotion, especially using the web. International Dawn Chorus Day needs sponsorship support so that the organisation can encourage a greater number of event registrations; run a telephone/email support service for event organisers and help people find their local event; and also to raise the profile of the event even higher. The UK organisers also want to increase their contact with overseas event organisers, especially in Europe, North America, Australasia and Southern Africa. This is a package with great appeal for a UK-based organisation. The organisers have been able to make International Dawn Chorus Day a remarkable success - with your support, they say, it could be the biggest international wildlife event of all! For the full story, visit the website or get in touch. Contact: Mr. Neil Wyatt, Chief Executive. Address: 28 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3AA. Tel.: 0121 454 1199. Fax: 0121 454 6556. E-mail:
link to website

Opportunities for sponsors include:

Syndicated celebrity radio interviews.
Excellent press coverage, from nationals to local free papers.
Great appeal for broadcast media locally, regionally and nationally (one year IDCD was featured all day on Radio 4 with broadcasts from around the world).
Interactive web coverage.
Custom video footage.
Branding opportunities.
Long event window - advance publicity starts in December with the main event taking place on the first Sunday in May. Some events happen over several weeks each side of the main event.



Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
CREATE is a not-for-profit organisation working to reduce the effects of climate change. Address: Kenley House, 25 Bridgeman Terrace, Wigan WN1 1TD. Tel.: 01942 422800. E-mail:
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Clive Sall was a co-founder of FAT (Fashion, Architecture & Taste), Alphaville and BOB (Big Open Box). Clive Sall Architecture has been exploring the theoretical and practical relationship between branding, architecture and the urban environment, producing art projects such as Roadworks (1996), Picnic (1995) and Outpost (1993-5). The company is now offering the opportunity to sponsor a pioneering new project that seeks to challenge the perception of urban space and public art. Cart is a collaborative venture that endeavours to engage the public in an experience of art beyond the gallery, using the car, the quintessential symbol of modernity, as a canvas. "Our aim is to produce a series of 'Art-Cars', which will complete a procession through the city of London during Summer 2010. The convoy will stop at several major art institutions and events to generate a high level of publicity, whilst establishing a link between the galleries and public art. We want to take these artistic expressions outside the galleries to challenge the public perception of surroundings and make people think about their environment in an alternative way. A variety of artists, designers and architects will be commissioned to produce a series of Art-car Maquettes. Six of the Art-car Maquettes will be selected for full-scale reproduction into functioning vehicles of the same design. We require financial sponsorship for Cart, in order to cover the costs required to establish and execute our project. As this is a not-for-profit scheme, all the proceeds raised through sales will be donated to charity". Contact: Laura Diaz Ramos. Address: 2 Providence Yard, Ezra Street, London E2 7RJ. E-mail:
link to website


The Clyde River Foundation is a charity dedicated to the recovery of the River Clyde as a vital part of the economic and cultural heritage of the West of Scotland. Sponsorship opportunities exist for environmental research and rehabilitation projects and environmental education programmes to raise awareness of the biodiversity of the river, as well as the opportunity for corporate sponsorship of a high profile flagship of regeneration in the West of Scotland. Reg. charity no. SCO29602. Contact: W. Yeomans, Project Co-ordinator. Address: Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ. Tel.: 0141 330 5080. Fax: 0141 330 5971. E-mail:
link to website


EIA is an independent, international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime. EIA secures protection for species, their habitats and the environment by conducting undercover investigations and in-depth research. If good laws are not enforced and civil society is weak, criminals and profiteers are effectively free to make huge amounts of money – often at the expense of the environment and local communities. EIA works to raise awareness of, and prevent, environmental crime and also works with communities to share its campaigning skills and equipment to build the capacity to bring about change. EIA offers bespoke partnerships that are designed to maximise potential for both parties. Contact: Sponsorship Department. Address: 62-63 Upper Street, London, N1 0NY. Tel.: +44 (0) 207 3547960. E-mail:
link to website

Forest of Cardiff is an environmental charity set up to encourage, support and enable all community groups to increase Cardiff's tree population and develop an array of environmental projects. The organisation strives to be reactive to the needs of the community and welcomes new ideas for maintaining the health of the city. A number of project ideas already exist but sponsorship is sought to make the projects happen. Forest of Cardiff boasts a good track record of achieving publicity. Contact: Julie Evans, Marketing Manager. Address: The Walled Garden, Old Coedarhydyglyn, St. Nicholas, Cardiff CF5 6SG. Tel.: 029-20-599300. Fax: 029-20-592929. E-mail:
link to website
Contact: via website (please see link below). Address: 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ. Tel.: 0207-490-1555. Fax: 0207-490-0881. E-mail:
link to website

"Birds and other animals common in our childhood have dramatically declined, leaving some on the brink of extinction. Together we can reverse the decline of our native species". For more information, contact the Sponsorship Department. Address: Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EF. Tel.: 01425-651015. Fax: 01425-651026. E-mail:
link to website

Groundwork is a leading environmental regeneration charity making sustainable development a reality in many of the UK's poorest communities. "Our major projects include national grant schemes, programmes of community work funded by one of our corporate partners and complex networks of projects co-ordinated between ourselves and other partners. Initiatives like these mean we can join up many local projects, helping to share 'what works' and make more of an impact on the ground. It also often means helping other organisations and learning from their successes". Address: Groundwork UK, Lockside, 5 SCotland Street, Birmingham B1 2RR. Tel.: 0121 236 8565. Fax: 0121 236 7356. E-mail:
link to website


The Keen Green and Ethical Trade Market, held at Old Spitalfields, London, provides a great sponsorship opportunity to help increase a company's 'green credentials' within its local community and beyond. "Organiser the Market Square Group is offering a cost-effective sponsorship package of this brand new eco- and ethically-focused event, providing the opportunity to promote your eco-credentials and existing products or road-test or launch new ones within this premier London attraction. The Market Square Group is a long-established markets and events resource supplier which recognises the public's growing understanding of ethical and environmentally-friendly products and trading practices. Running every Tuesday and Wednesday from March 2012, the vibrant, colourful Keen Green and Ethical Trade Market showcases producers and merchants of ethically-traded arts, crafts, clothing, jewellery and home furnishings from all over the world alongside free range, traceable and homemade local and regional food and drink. Supported by a comprehensive PR and marketing campaign, this unique event promises much more than retail therapy and combines working demonstrations, entertainment and planned visitor attractions including a weekly auction and swap shop". Contact: Paul Kennedy. Tel.: 07944 599165. E-mail:
link to website

Sponsorship package and benefits

The cost of sponsorship is £375.00 per week for four weeks.

    Branding opportunities throughout the venue
    Logo and details on 20,000 flyers
    Logo/link on the Market Square Group website
    Stall to sell and promote within the event

Learning Through Landscapes is 'The UK School Grounds Charity' and its mission is 'to ensure that children enjoy the opportunities and experiences that well planned and designed school grounds can offer'. LTL has a portfolio of national and regional educational and environmental projects available for sponsorship, linked to promoting and enhancing the development, use and value of school grounds (see below). Contact: Stephen Webb, Head of Fundraising. Address: South Side Offices, The Law Courts, Winchester SO23 9DL. Tel.: 01962-846258. Fax: 01962-869099. E-mail:
link to website

Current opportunities

National School Grounds Week
A national award scheme
A major secondary school grounds campaign
A cause-related marketing project

Luke Jerram is seeking partners for a significant public artwork. Aeolus - an Acoustic Wind Pavilion, is an ambitious new work created by UK artist Luke Jerram ( Aeolus was the ruler of the four winds in Greek mythology. Aeolus is a giant singing sculpture that responds to the wind, providing a wonderful audio-visual experience. It is a spectacular optical and acoustic pavilion that has been developed by Jerram and a specialist team of engineers from the University of Southampton. Fabricated in steel and the size of a small house, it is the outcome of research into Aeolian harps and sound chambers. Just like wind turbines, it relies on the wind to animate it. Aeolus is touring the UK in 2011 and will be visited by thousands, on windy hilltops and urban wastelands. Download an information pack at There are opportunities for organisations to be involved and benefit from the international profile that involvement brings. "The work already has significant funding in place and we now need support, either in cash or in kind, to take this exciting new work on tour and share it with audiences throughout the country". Contact: Carolyn Black. Address: Pervasive Media Studio, Leadworks, Anchor Square, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. Tel.: 0117 9157237. E-mail:
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Sponsors will benefit from:

    Substantial national and international press coverage
    Corporate hospitality events and conference profiling
    Full accreditation (logos and company name) online, in press releases and in all printed materials
    Diverse audiences - Aeolus will be seen by thousands of people


Over half of Britain's wildlife lives below the waves. The Marine Conservation Society is the UK's only charity dedicated to protecting our beautiful seas, shores and all the wonderful wildlife that inhabits them. The society works with all levels of the public, industry and government alike, organising a wide range of projects and campaigns aimed at finding solutions to the many threats our seas face today such as over-fishing, pollution and climate change. MCS is able to offer tailor-made corporate sponsorship packages. Contact: Marianne Steele, Fundraising Manager. Address: Unit 3, Wolf Business Park, Alton Road, Ross on Wye, HR9 5NB. Tel.: 01989 566017. Fax: 01989 567815. E-mail:
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The work of Mauduit Foundation (M.Fondation) is directed towards enabling the growth of strategic innovations which will contribute to sustainable development for the good of all nations. "We are currently supporting an ecological procedure to obtain clean water from salt water. Existing desalination procedures involve throwing back into the sea 100% of all salt extracted, as well as unwanted heavy metal waste, creating serious marine pollution and disturbing local industries based on fishing. Such techniques enable the retrieval of no more than 50% of the water extracted. The technology supported by involves no throwback and enables practically 100% retrieval of both water and salt. This project also enables the use of the salt to grow a seaweed, Dunaliella Salina, which is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, food supplements, biofuels, etc.. Reserves of minerals on our planet, particularly river sand, are limited, but our need for concrete, metals and so on never ceases to grow. These materials are produced by carbonisation, causing serious climatic disruption. Our foundation supports a relevant alternative which uses water chemistry. This technique enables an ecological production of a material that is equivalent to stone and was inspired by the way in which vertebrates create teeth and bones. This ecological mimicry enables us to obtain a whole range of materials that are infinitely recyclable, at an ambient temperature. As an example, one variation of this process is going to produce a material for use in the manufacture of bathroom equipment. Another variation enables the manufacture of concrete using a base of sea water and desert sand. This alternative, which will have a positive effect on some thirty different skills and will generate considerable employment, is supported by our foundation. We are soliciting your financial support - perhaps even a partnership. We are also establishing a university hub, beginning with Lancaster University. To enable the consolidation of this project we are hoping for your support. We would particularly appreciate financial help". Contact: Pamela Witton. E-mail:
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The National Botanic Garden of Wales works to conserve threatened plant species, research plant diversity and create an experience leaving visitors with a wealth of memories - an entire Mediterranean landscape, re-created within the world's largest glasshouse, or one of Europe's longest herbaceous borders, all set within an immaculately-restored Regency park. Contact: Dr Rosetta Plummer. Address: Middleton Hall, Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire SA32 8HG. Tel.: 01558-667116. Fax: 01558-667138. E-mail:
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Plantlife International is a charity dedicated exclusively to conserving all forms of plant life in the UK, Europe and across the world, in their natural habitats. The organisation acts directly to stop common plants becoming rare in the wild, to rescue wild plants on the brink of extinction, and to protect sites of exceptional botanical importance. The charity carries out practical conservation work, influences relevant policy and legislation, involves its 12,000 members in many aspects of its work and collaborates widely to promote the cause of wild plant conservation. For the conservation of plants in the wild to be successful, Plantlife International believes that it must become the responsibility, willingly accepted, of all sectors of society: businesses, institutions, landowners, farmers, individuals, and the wider community. Plantlife hosts the secretariat for Planta Europa, the network of organisations working for plant conservation across Europe. A number of opportunities exist for both UK- and overseas-based sponsorship. Contact: Ally Crichton, INdividual and Corporate Giving Manager. Address: 14 Rollestone Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1DX. Tel.: 01722 342735. Fax: 01722 329035. E-mail:
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Mission and Objectives: Rainforest Concern is a UK-based charity dedicated to safeguarding threatened natural habitats and the rich biodiversity they support. Established in 1993, the organisation collaborates with local communities and partners to implement conservation strategies worldwide. "Rainforest Concern preserves natural habitats and wildlife in some of the most biodiverse regions of the planet and has protected over 5 million acres of rainforest since it was founded 31 years ago. Rainforest Concern's corporate supporters range from global IT companies to SMEs and start-ups, and partnership opportunities are tailored to align with ESG and CSR objectives. Partnership opportunities include annual membership, sponsoring acres of rainforest, twinning UK land with the purchase and protection of an equivalent area of rainforest, making donations per customer, sale, or project, sponsoring our reserves in Ecuador and Chile, donating 1% for the Planet, or supporting individual conservation projects, which include      protecting and expanding Rainforest Concern's 3,000-hectare Neblina Cloud Forest Reserve in the Tropical Andes - the most biodiverse region on the planet - to create vital ecological corridors for rare Andean bears, pumas, ocelots, and the critically endangered black-and-chestnut eagle, of which fewer than 200 may remain in the wild. providing training and support for women in the Western Ghats in India to grow thousands of rare endemic plant species and rewild former tea plantations, transforming them into lush forests where tigers and elephants have been seen for the first time in decades      purchasing and protecting a 1,000-hectare rainforest corridor linking Costa Rica's mountain reserves with lowland Caribbean forests; the area is currently a haven for rare species such as jaguars, margays, jaguarondis, Baird's tapir, great green macaws and red-fronted parrotlets, but is imminently threatened by development and road-building      providing environmental education to remote rainforest schools in Colombia and working with local communities to support the development of sustainable business enterprises      protecting rare cats, sloths, monkeys, and leatherback turtles in Costa Rica." For more information on how to get involved, visit the
Get Involved page on their website. Head office: 66 Great Pulteney Street, Bath BA2 4DL, UK. Tel.: +44 (0)1225 481 151. E-mail:
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The Rainforest Foundation supports indigenous communities of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfil their rights. A range of opportunities is currently available for companies to sponsor various aspects of the Foundation's work. The Foundation points out that sponsoring one of its projects can bring significant benefits: its strong brand and logo can help reinforce the environmental ethos of a company's brand strategy, promoting a positive image and thereby helping to improve sales. The Foundation's initiatives often receive high profile media coverage: in September 1998, for instance, the BBC broadcast a TV appeal on its behalf in which Sting presented its work in Cameroon. Reg. charity no. 801436. Contact: Alison Payne. Address: The Rainforest Foundation, City Cloisters, 196 Old Street, London EC1V 9FR. Tel.: 020-7251-6345. E-mail:
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The Scottish Wildlife Trust is the leading charity working to protect all forms of wildlife in the towns, cities and countryside of Scotland. Various sponsorship opportunities (and Corporate memberships) are available. Reg. charity no. SCO 05792. Address: Scottish Wildlife Trust, Harbourside House, 110 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6NF. Tel.: 0131-312-7765. E-mail:
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Starchaser Industries is an international company working at the leading edge of the new commercial Space Age. Through the application of total commitment, quality and excellence, Starchaser has established itself at the forefront of engineering and technology. The Starchaser Partner Programme provides companies with the opportunity to develop customised engagement models and partnership programmes focused on meeting the needs of the Partner. Contact name: Tony Meadows. Address: Unit 7, Hyde Point, Dunkirk Lane, Cheshire SK14 4NL. Tel.: 0161 882 9922. Fax: 0161 882 9233. E-mail:
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Trees For Cities is an independent charity working to improve the environment through tree planting and landscaping projects. It seeks to bring 'dead spaces' alive, turning them into green spaces that people can use for play, work, learning, socialising or just relaxing. Sponsorship opportunities include community projects (eg community woodlands, street trees, orchards in school playgrounds) and other related activities, eg the organisation's newsletter and events. Contact: Graham Simmonds, Chief Executive. Address: Prince Consort Lodge, Kennington Park, Kennington Park Place, London SE11 4AS. Tel.: 020-7587-1320. Fax: 020-7793-9042. E-mail:
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Ventnor Botanic Garden is a free public open space that is committed to providing a facility for education, plant conservation and recreation. Within 22 acres of coastal garden on the southern side of the Isle of Wight, an extensive collection of more than 10,000 different species of plant, both native and exotic, represents a rich and genetically diverse display of considerable scientific interest. Much work is still to be done and the Friends of Ventnor Botanic Garden (registered charity no. 1080835) are looking to set up training programmes to encourage people into horticulture as a first career, or for those people who are changing career. The Friends have a policy of social inclusion and encourage people from all walks of life to participate in the development of the Garden. To realise many of their goals - notably to promote and encourage the use, enjoyment and development of the garden as well as assisting in the dissemination of knowledge of the plant kingdom - considerable sponsorship is required. Potential for partnerships is a major opportunity. Contact name: Simon Goodenough, Curator. Address: Ventnor Botanic Garden, Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1UL. Tel.: 01983 855397. Fax: 01983 856756. E-mail:
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WWF works to conserve endangered species, such as the Siberian tiger; protect endangered spaces, from seas to forests; and address global environmental threats, such as climate change or deforestation. Its approach to these problems is to seek long-term solutions with people in civil society and government, industry and education. WWF is able to offer tailor-made corporate sponsorship packages. Contact: Edwina Silvester, Head of Corporate Support. Address: Panda House, Weyside Park, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR. Tel.: 01483-412365. Fax: 01483-426409. E-mail:
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Waste Watch is a national organisation which works with community groups, local authorities and industry to educate, inform and raise awareness on waste reduction, reuse and recycling. To discuss joining the Business Sponsors' Group, contact Tim Burns. Address: Europa House, Ground Floor, 13-17 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QG. Tel.: 020 7549 0302. E-mail:
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Wheal Martyn Cornwall's Museum of The Clay Country (a registered charity) is an open air museum covering the history of china clay in Cornwall and West Devon. Its twenty-six acre site includes historic areas, nature trails through reclaimed china clay tips and an opportunity to see a modern clay pit at work from a viewing platform. A range of sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact name: Peter Jennings, Chief Executive. Address: Wheal Martyn, Carthew, St Austell PL26 8XG. Tel.: 01726 850362. Fax: 01726 850362. E-mail: peterjennings@
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Wildscreen is a UK-based charity working globally to increase the public’s awareness and appreciation of the natural world. The Wildscreen Festival boasts a position as the world’s most prestigious and influential event for the wildlife, earth science and environmental film-making industries. It was founded by Sir Peter Scott in 1982 in association with WWF UK. The festival's aims are to increase the diversity, quality and quantity of wildlife and environmental films and provide filmmakers with the opportunity to learn or develop filmmaking skills. Ultimately Wildscreen hopes to promote conservation through wildlife film-making. It is the world’s largest and most prestigious festival of its kind, attracting nearly 900 delegates ranging from established and renowned film-makers to broadcasters to suppliers. The week-long festival comprises a diverse programme including a training school, seminars, masterclasses, screenings of films from around the world, a trade show and many opportunities to share ideas and make new contacts. The centrepiece of every Wildscreen is the bestowing of its Panda Awards – the wildlife film industry’s equivalent of the Oscars. There are numerous sponsorship and branding opportunities available. Contact: Colin Butfield, Festival Director. Address: PO Box 366, Bristol BS99 2HD. Tel.: 0117 915 7101. E-mail:
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The leading woodland conservation charity. Address: Autumn Park, Grantham, Lincs. NG31 6LL. Tel.: 01476-581112. Scotland - tel.: 01764-662554. Fax: 01764-662553. Ireland - tel.: 02891-275787. Fax: 02891-275940. E-mail:
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