The UK Cause-related Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK cause-related sponsorship opportunities
For information about obtaining listings on the site or placing banner advertisements, see contact information in our contact page
or submit listing info. now via response form.
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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CA/PL001 |
The African Wildlife Foundation's mission is direct: to work together with the people of Africa to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa endure forever. "AWF is the leading international conservation organisation focused exclusively on Africa, and for over fifty years the key to our success has been creative partnerships. In the past year we have worked with respected corporate leaders such as Disney and Starbucks, as well as smaller yet equally innovative businesses like Alex Woo jewellery and L*Space designer swimwear. These collaborations were tailored to fit the respective partner's brand and target audience and included promotion through events, the web, African Geographic Magazine and in print and e-communications distributed globally. A partnership with AWF sends a strong message about your company or brand's commitment to the environment and improving rural livelihoods in Africa. It also gives your organisation the opportunity to play a meaningful role in safeguarding awe-inspiring and threatened wildlife like rhinoceroses, lions, and elephants. Whatever your interest, our work in fourteen African countries gives your company a range of projects to choose from as a creative way to increase brand awareness, build consumer loyalty and, of course, drive incremental sales. Some exciting AWF initiatives that your company might consider supporting are shown below. Please visit www.awf.org/partners for more information on how respected companies and brands have advanced the mission of the African Wildlife Foundation while engaging the support of consumers worldwide. To discuss ways your company or brand might develop a cause-marketing partnership or sponsorship program with AWF, please contact us". Contact: Daniel McGahey. Address: African Wildlife Foundation, Milton Cottage, Playing Close, Charlbury OX7 3QF. E-mail: dmcgahey@awf.org link to website
Click button to download the AWF's Corporate Partnerships for Conservation brochure (pdf format)
AWF initiatives available for sponsorship support
Campaign to Save Africa's Rhinos - join with AWF to address the rhino poaching crisis sweeping Africa that threatens to drive this magnificent species to extinction.
Restore Forests for People & Wildlife - plant trees to restore the Mau Forest, which is the origin of and natural filter for much of the freshwater in Kenya.
Give Elephants Room to Roam - ensure the survival of elephants, lions and other large wildlife by helping AWF and community partners secure key migration corridors between protected areas.
Protect Africa's Great Apes - support our successful programs to conserve endangered mountain gorillas and bonobos and help us expand into new landscapes to protect imperiled chimps and lowland gorillas.
Conservation Enterprise - support AWF projects to develop ecotourism and agriculture enterprise projects that improve livelihoods in African communities.
CA/PL002 |
CaniX (short for canine - cross country) means running on foot with your dog. No special training or equipment is needed. CaniX UK caters for all shapes and sizes, any breed/cross and all fitness levels - canine and human. Humans from the age of ten to 110 can enter as there is an equal male/female split across all age groups. There is no handicap for the size or breed of dog, as most can run faster than their human teammate. CaniX UK attracts all levels of runners from ultra-distance athletes, marathon and fell runners who achieve sub-6 minute mile times on cross-country terrain to those who just enjoy getting as dirty as their dog. No matter what level of runner, all enjoy the camaraderie of CaniX UK events. CaniX UK aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for owner and dog and responsible pet ownership inform, advise and motivate people of all ages and abilities via the handbook, website and events to achieve their personal health and fitness goals make people aware of the benefits for both human and dog. Contact: Eileen Cook. Address: PO Box 1045, Cheltenham GL50 9JG. Tel.: 07711 818241. E-mail: eileen@canix.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from CaniX UK (pdf format)
Sponsorship opportunities
Crufts CaniX (March each year)
The National CaniX Championship - individual events or the whole season.
The European CaniX Championships in October each year.
Support can also be shown by advertising in the CaniX UK Handbook or taking a banner ad. on the website, which receives over 500,000 hits per month.
| Ongoing
CA/PL004 |
Guide Dogs want a world in which all people who are blind and partially sighted enjoy the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities as everyone else. As such, the Association has been transforming the lives of many thousands of blind and partially sighted people for over seventy-five years, by providing guide dogs, mobility and rehabilitation services that really meet their needs and aspirations. Key Facts
Guide Dogs total awareness is high at 94%, 79% among 16-24 year olds The Guide Dogs and Andrex corporate partnership is very well known; 65% of people said they had definitely heard of the partnership
Guide Dogs has a strong personality amongst the public with above average scores on attributes such as 'caring', 'effective' and 'helpful' £10 supports a guide dog partnership for one day, paying for training, vets bills, food and support. Guide Dogs is always looking to work with corporate partners to help them reach out to give even more blind and partially sighted people the support and freedom they deserve. If the fit is right, the Association is particularly interested in linking with a brand in connection with Cause Related Marketing promotions, helping the sponsor to drive loyalty, providing sales uplift and positive brand association, as well as offering unique PR opportunities. Fully tailored sponsorship packages are available on request. Contact: Jessica Stickland, National Corporate Account Manager. Address: Guide Dogs Head Office, Hillfields, Reading Road, Burghfield Common RG7 3YG. Tel.: 0800 953 0113/0118 983 5555. E-mail: jessica.stickland@guidedogs.org.uk. link to website
CA/PL005 |
 MARGARET GREEN ANIMAL RESCUE Margaret Green Animal Rescue is the oldest and largest animal welfare organisation in Dorset. "We rescue, care for and rehome all types of animals which have been abandoned, abused, neglected or are unwanted. More than 1,200 animals including dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, goats, pigs, sheep and birds are rescued each year. We receive no government funding and rely heavily on public support, fundraising and sponsorship. We provide food, shelter and veterinary care (vet bills on average can be £100,000 per annum). We neuter, micro-chip, flea and worm where necessary and always spend time on rehabilitation for each animal before they leave us. Aims and Objectives Rescue unwanted, abandoned and ill-treated animals Offer care without compromise Provide care for animals when owners can no longer do so Rehome animals into caring loving homes Offer ongoing support to new owners after rehoming Provide lifetime care to animals when rehoming is inappropriate Assist many local councils to look after their stray dogs Rehome over 1,200 of all types of animals each year. Our policy Neutering to restrict the breeding of unwanted pets Vaccination to restrict the spread of infectious diseases Not putting any animals to sleep unless incurably ill, in pain and distress or dangerous". Contact: Kate Cross, Fundraising Officer. Address: Margaret Green Animal Rescue, The Animal Sanctuary, Church Knowle, Nr Wareham BH20 5NQ. Tel.: 01929 477074. E-mail: fundraising@margaretgreenanimalrescue.org.uk link to website
Sponsorship opportunities
We hold various events, for which we offer corporate sponsorship. These currently include:
Margaret Green Day
Major Donor Event
Family Animal Activity Day
Annual Companion Dog Show
Family Fun Day
Sponsorship opportunities in print
Newsletter: this is biannual. Please get in touch for further information.
CA/PL006 |
The RSPB is the UK charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and wildlife, helping to create a better world for us all. Its work is driven by a passionate belief that birds and other wildlife enrich people's lives the health of bird populations reflects the health of the planet, on which our future depends we all have a responsibility to protect biodiversity. Contact: Neil Barton, Sponsorship Manager. Address: RSPB Headquarters, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL. Tel.: 01767 680551. E-mail: neil.barton@rspb.org.uk link to website
The RSPB can tailor sponsorship packages to sponsors' needs. What does the RSPB do?
It champions birds and the environment to decision makers It protects, restores and manages habitats for birds and wildlife It owns or manages more than 190 nature reserves, where wildlife can
flourish and people can be inspired It carries out recovery projects for our most threatened species It shares its knowledge and enthusiasm to help young and old enjoy the
natural world It champions the cause of biodiversity as part of sustainable development It is active across the UK at national, regional and local levels - its work is relevant to everyone's environment It tackles international conservation issues through the Birdlife International Partnership - a global coalition of like-minded conservation organisations
CA/PL007 |
*Contact for latest details* Raptor Trust is looking for sponsorship either for one of two projects and/or its work in rehabilitating wild birds of prey in Norfolk. "The first project is a new and very different mobile education stand. Instead of being a gazebo filled with captive birds for people to look at, we want to provide a stand where people can be educated and get involved with activities they can learn from. We wanted to reconnect people with nature and their local wild bird populations. We want to teach people about the birds, habitats, prey, health, populations and status and the difficulties they face and how to help. This stand will be used across Norfolk, and elsewhere occasionally too, and will be seen at events such as the Royal Norfolk Show, as well as at school talks and workshops and so on. Sponsors' details will be printed in plenty of places on the stand as well as on our Facebook and web pages, and in press releases. The second project is for a training and networking symposium where we hope to educate professionals across various vocations from the police, wardens, vets, etc., as well as the public and schools, all attending different sessions on different days. This will include infection control issues, crime, disturbance, First Aid, and so on. We should be able to educate up to 2,000 people for only £5.00 each. This will help deal with rehabilitation, conservation, crime and welfare issues and there is not another event or opportunity currently like this in the UK. Our rehabilitation work has increased dramatically as we are now taking on over 400 wild birds of prey just in Norfolk. With the rising costs of food, mileage and insurance this will cost us around £45.00 per bird on average! We are all volunteers working from home and provide all of the nursing ourselves, to keep costs low and provide the most appropriate relaxed environment to aid in these birds' recoveries. Please get in touch to discuss sponsorship opportunities". Contact: Claire Halls. Address: 31 Holworthy Road, Norwich NR5 9DG. Tel.: 07599134655. E-mail: chestnuts@supanet.com link to website
CA/PL008 |
 SECRET WORLD WILDLIFE RESCUE: 'CARING FOR BRITISH WILDLIFE' CONFERENCESecret World Wildlife Rescue's 'Caring for British Wildlife Conference 2025' provides a learning opportunity for wildlife rehabbers, vets, vet nurses, ecologists and conservationists, as well as students studying any of the former. The conference provides a space for education, collaboration and discussion, an opportunity seldom seen in the wildlife rehabilitation sector. Speakers at previous conferences have included Derek Gow, Chris Sperring MBE and Alick Simmons.
Tickets start at £60 and go up to £160 for those wishing to attend the whole weekend. Growing on previous conferences and moving into a larger venue, we anticipate in excess of 100 attendees each day.
The Caring for British Wildlife Conference allows people from a variety of backgrounds with shared experiences to come together, discuss the problems they are facing and hear about some exciting projects and solutions. It is a platform that encourages grassroots change within the sector.
Contact: George Bethell. Address: Secret World Wildlife Rescue, New Road, East Huntspill. Tel.: 01278 768723. Charity number: 1097119. E-mail: george.bethell@secretworld.org link to website
Opportunities for support
Become an overall sponsor of the SWWR Caring for British Wildlife Conference
Sponsor one of the conference themes
Sponsor a number of tickets (allowing us to offer admissions to those under financial pressure)
Sponsor our speakers (we are unable to reimburse our speakers for their time or travel but treat them to an evening meal, this is available for sponsorship)
Benefits available to sponsor
Logo and special mention on website and social media advertising
Logo on all print advertising over the conference weekend
Dedicated advertising slide shown to all delegates in break and lunch slots
Opportunity to influence future conference topics
Networking opportunity across the weekend and at the evening meal
Click button to download more information about Secret World Wildlife Rescue's 'Caring for British Wildlife Conference 2025' (pdf format)
8th February, 2025
CA/PL009 |
 WETNOSE ANIMAL AID Wetnose Animal Aid raises awareness of vulnerable animal issues by providing information and advice via a regular newsletter and features on its website by gaining local and national media coverage, and by encouraging and supporting animal awareness projects in youth organisations and schools. It promotes the highest standards of animal care by recognising and awarding organisations who excel in vulnerable animal care and welfare; by publishing advice and guidance, via its website, on how organisations can achieve and maintain accaptable standards; and by recommending that organisations comply with the Wetnose Charter for Vulnerable Animal Care. Please get in touch for an update on current sponsorship opportunities. Contact: Andrea Gamby-Boulger. Address: Wetnose Animal Aid, Newgate Lodge, Newgate, Kirby Cane, Norfolk NR35 2PP. Tel.: 01508 518650. E-mail: andrea@wetnoseanimalaid.com link to website
CA/PL010 |
Wood Green Animal Shelters (reg. charity no. 298348). Its mission: to take in unwanted and lost animals, provide shelter and care, find secure and loving homes and provide advice, support and guidance for pet owners. About the charity: Wood Green Animal Shelters was established in north London in 1924 to take in lost and unwanted animals from the streets of London. Today Wood Green provides care and shelter, and finds new homes, for up to 6,000 animals a year, including cats, dogs, small animals and field animals. The charity has three shelters which are located in London, Heydon and Godmanchester, each one having its own veterinary surgery and specialist staff. It costs approximately £12,000 per day to run the shelters. The organisation is now seeking sponsorship for many areas of its work, in connection with both existing and new projects. The charity has a wide range of innovative facilities and services across the three sites. Longer term projects currently include a much needed upgrade to the veterinary clinic at the London shelter. Corporate sponsors will receive recognition for areas of the charity's work with which they have assisted. More information can be found on the organisation's website (see link below). Contact: Corporate Relations Team. Address: 601 Lordship Lane, Wood Green, London N22 5LG. Tel.: 0844 248 8181. E-mail: corporate@woodgreen.org.uk link to website
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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CA/0001 |
The African Conservation Foundation is working towards the protection and conservation of Africa's endangered wildlife and their habitats. Founded in 1999, ACF fills a unique niche by creating an Africa-wide network for information exchange and capacity building of conservation efforts in the region. Address: PO Box 602, Chichester, PO19 9FY, West Sussex, United Kingdom. link to website
CA/0002 |
The Barn Owl Trust is Britain's dedicated barn owl charity. A small registered charity, the organisation represents this most beautiful and threatened species. The Barn Owl is familiar to many people, and very popular. The Barn Owl Trust would like to link up with businesses of an appropriate nature that wish to support its conservation work and become associated with the cause. The Trust works with farmers and landowners, taking a balanced and holistic view of conservation, whilst maintaining a personal, grassroots approach. Contact: Philip Knowling, Information Officer. Address: Barn Owl Trust, Waterleat, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7HU. Tel.: 01364-653026. Fax: 01364-654392. E-mail: info@barnowltrust.org.uk link to website
CA/0003 |
The British Feral Goat Research Group is Britain's dedicated feral goat organisation. A small group currently undergoing registered charity status, the organisation represents this rare and threatened animal. The British Primitive (feral goat with no modern goat blood through it) Goat is now one of our rarer breeds. All our domestic breeds of today are descended from foreign imports, and our primitive breed would have died out completely but for the fact that some escaped or were turned loose on the hills to run wild. But having all died out in domestication our feral population has been in decline for some time. Recent large culls (eg circa 1,200 in Galloway) have seen numbers drop dramatically. Known introgression with modern breeds has spoiled some herds. The number of true British Primitive Goats has therefore been severely reduced (possibly to circa 1,500). Urgent action is needed to protect, preserve and promote what is rapidly becoming a remnant of our Primitive breed. Sponsors can help safeguard this beautiful animal and educate the public about its importance. The organisation currently receives no funding for this work. Contact: Tracy Livingstone. Address: BFGRG, 54 Dryburgh Avenue, Glasgow, G73 3EU. Tel.: 07855 914272. E-mail: feralgoatuk@yahoo.co.uk link to website
CA/0004 |
Colchester Zoo's Corporate Sponsorship Scheme gives all sorts of companies a perfect platform for promotion, whilst at the same time increasing the funding for the zoo. Any of the zoo's enclosures can be sponsored for a minimum period of one year. Several companies have already gained significant exposure for their sponsorships. The standard sponsorship scheme includes the opportunity to use a company logo at the chosen enclosure, PR assistance, complimentary tickets, sponsorship plaque, certificate and regular copies of the zoo's newletter. Contact: Alex Burr, Marketing Director. Address: Maldon Road, Stanway, Essex CO3 5SL. Tel.: 01206-331292. Fax: 01206-331392. E-mail: marketing@colchseter-zoo.co.uk link to website
CA/0005 |
Creature Cavorts (CC) is in start-up as a Social Enterprise with charitable aims. It's a not-for-profit business that ploughs its profit into its charitable side. It provides shelter for animals that come into its care via B3Living (a Housing Association), with whom it has an agreement. CC helps people who are in need struggling with the care of their pets if they are infirm, house-bound, in financial difficulty or suffering some other hardship. Creature Cavorts provides pet care services to the public to support this venture. "We do not have the £3,000 necessary to register with the Charity Commission, though they are aware of our existence. We would be extremely grateful if a sponsor could come forward to help us achieve our aims to benefit our community". Contact: Brigitte (Bee) Hopkins, Founder. Address: Creature Cavorts, 22A St Augustines Drive, Broxbourne, Herts. EN10 7NA. Tel.: 01992 448241. Fax: 01992 448241. E-mail: creaturecavorts@gmail.com. link to website
CA/0006 |
FRAME (The Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) offers sponsorship opportunities for specific projects or ongoing research into the development of alternative techniques which do not require the use of animals in medical research. "FRAME is entirely dependent on donations and is particularly grateful to its corporate supporters. These are companies who believe in FRAME and its work, and who make annual payments to support us and what we do. Corporate membership enables us to continue our programme of projects and research. Donations range from as little as £1,000 a year to in excess of £20,000 per annum. Various privileges are associated with corporate membership, which might include collaboration in scientific projects, association with educational projects, benefiting from FRAME’s ethical expertise, advice and scientific support for product development, use of the FRAME logo on products or marketing materials, and much more. (In some cases a VAT-able charge for professional services may be required). Contact: Moira Smith, Administration & Finance Manager. Address: 96-98 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham NG1 4EE. Tel.: 0115-958-4740. Fax: 0115-950-3570. E-mail: frame@frame.org.uk link to website
CA/0007 |
FRIENDS OF AKITAS TRUST "I am posting this request as National Co-ordinator of the Friends of Akitas Trust (UK) - registered charity number 1128641 - to enquire about corporate sponsorship. Akitas are a large spitz breed of dog, originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. The Trust is a not for profit charity that specialises in rescuing and re-homing Akitas in need. The organisation was formed in late 2007 when it became apparent there was a gap in provision for Akitas ending up on 'death row' in council pounds across the UK. One of our aims is to raise awareness of the breed and roll out an educational programme nationwide. We currently adhere to this by taking part in organised events throughout the UK and also by holding our own. Every year we attend Crufts and Discover Dogs, etc. as well as hosting smaller scale walks and fun days locally. FOA started off with one dog, a young Akita bitch named Molly, who was on death row in a South Yorkshire pound, who was subsequently re-homed in December 2007. As an organisation in high demand, we are facing many costs related to kennelling, vet bills and transport, not to mention the day-to-day costs of running the organisation. The Trust would welcome the opportunity to work with a sponsor to strengthen both brands. We are currently one of the largest Akita breed rescues in the UK with many thousands of forum members. We have a high number of followers on social networking sites and feel we have a lot to offer any potential sponsor in terms of exposure and low cost marketing". E-mail: rae@friendsofakitas.co.uk link to website
CA/0008 |
The Furness Cat Shelter is a small charity based in Furness, which operates a 'no unnecessary destruction' policy. The charity takes in and re-homes stray, abandoned and ill-treated cats and kittens. It helps with respite and looks after cats for families of abuse, etc. The charity is desperate for more funding to help it carry on its good work. Sponsorship support is requested urgently. Contact: Mrs. Caroline Barker, Secretary. Address: 191 Rawlinson Street, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria LA14 1ED. Tel.: 01229 431557. E-mail: andrew@barker2631.freeserve.co.uk
CA/0009 |
THE HIGHLANDS HORSE & PONY RESCUE The Highlands Horse & Pony Rescue is seeking a sponsor to help fund its rescue centre in Worcestershire. "We are slightly 'different' as we try to turn a percentage of our family into 'show' animals, as that's our passion. Every animal has a beautiful talent ... it's just a case of finding it! Our current success is The Bandit (aka Buzz,) a piebald pony stallion that both CHAPS and the BSPA refused to grade, as he had no known parentage. This year he has been unbeaten (with one exception where he was second at Equifest) and last weekend took the title of In Hand Coloured Champion Of Britain at the International Showing Society Championships at The Royal London Show. We compete most weekends whilst finances allow and advertising could be placed both on our lorry and we would be happy to prefix Buzz's show name with the sponsor's name. We currently self fund and are not looking for major money - so we may be just as attractive to a small business as to a large one". Contact: Anabel Bray. Address: 2 Chapel Cottage, Ranters Bank, Far Forest DT14 9DT. Tel.: 07899 941209. E-mail: ian@ranters-bank.wanadoo.co.uk.
CA/0010 |
In the United Kingdom the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH) has a network of farms and field officers dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of cruelty cases. Working in the developing world, the ILPH runs educational and training courses to combat the major causes of equine suffering and helps the owners help themselves. A number of sponsorship opportunities are available, including advertising space on the ILPH website.
Contact: Phil Spilby, Head of Publications & Advertising. Address: Anne Colvin House, Snetterton, Norfolk NR16 2LR. Tel.: 01953-498682. Fax: 01953-498373. E-mail: phils@ilph.org link to website
CA/0011 |
JARJEER MULES Jarjeer is based just 24 kms. south of Marrakech, Morocco, in the foothills of the High Atlas. "We are home to many animals and have recently been recognised as a donkey sanctuary. Here at Jarjeer, everyone is very excited about our new project involving our team of magical donkeys who are socialised, friendly and always very happy to see visitors. Our team is working with children in Marrakech who have special needs. There is vast experience of equines in the UK providing such therapy, relaxation and pleasure to these very special children and we hope to introduce the same level of commitment in Marrakech. All of us at Jarjeer are committed to animal welfare and those within our charge are cared for to exacting standards. Please contact us to discuss opportunities for sponsorship". Contact: Susan Machin. Address: 41 School Fold in the UK, Hesketh Bank, Preston PR4 6RE. Tel.: 441614151500. E-mail: susanmachin@jarjeer.com. link to website
CA/0012 |
The object of The Kennel Club is to promote, in every way possible, the general improvement of dogs. The club has a long history, dating back to the time in 1870 when the National Dog Club Committee was formed and a discussion ensued which resulted in twelve gentlemen founding The Kennel Club. The number of those involved in the government of the dog world in this country has increased tremendously and The Kennel Club is now concerned with aspects of general canine matters which could not have been foreseen in the 1870s, when the conduct of dog shows and trials was the sole consideration. The first Crufts show in that name was booked into the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington in 1891, named after its founder, Charles Cruft. Sponsorship opportunities are available via high profile canine events such as Crufts itself, Discover Dogs, Young Kennel Club and the Good Citizen Dog Scheme. Further information on events can be gained via the club's web site. Contact: Helen Fox, Marketing & Business Development Executive. Address: 1-5 Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB. Tel.: 020 7518 1049. Fax: 020 7518 1028. E-mail: helen.fox@thekennelclub.org.uk link to website
CA/0013 |
The Mammal Society is the voice for British mammals and the only organisation solely dedicated to the study and conservation of all British mammals. Many of our British mammals are disappearing from the countryside: red squirrels, dormice, water voles – the list is too long. We can only protect our threatened mammals if we know where they live and how to identify them and the signs (droppings, footprints) they leave behind. The Mammal Society runs nationwide surveys to monitor the populations of British mammals and identify their habitat requirements. They are also the leading provider of top quality training in all aspects of mammal work from identification skills to survey techniques. This all costs money and so the society needs support urgently to help them expand and build on this work. Sponsorship opportunities exist to fund projects on individual species (eg water shrew) or groups of species (eg garden mammals). There are also opportunities to sponsor the society's training courses - on a particular topic or area of the country (eg Northern Ireland) - or other aspects of their work. Contact: Georgette Shearer, Development Officer. Address: 2B Inworth Street, London SW11 3EP. Tel.: 020 7350 2200. Fax: 020 7359 2211. E-mail: gshearer@mammal.org.uk link to website
CA/0014 |
Mostonbrook Sanctuary provides a permanent home for rescued horses, ponies and donkeys and seeks sponsorship of animals to help towards running costs. Contact: Hazel Wright. Address: Dolfynydd Farm, Llwyndrain, Llanfyrnach, Pembrokeshire SA35 0AS. Tel.: 01239-698-549. E-mail: hazelsdonkeys@aol.com link to website
CA/0015 |
OFAH horse rescue sanctuary promise coverage of their organisation on a number of major equine websites, including Horse & Hound, Kickon, World of Horses, Horseconnections, HorseIT, Stabletalk, Equine World and Nedset. A weekly 'fly-on-the-wall' journal will be featured widely on the web, say OFAH, highlighting rescue work and the day to day running of the sanctuary. The total anticipated weekly visitor figure for the sites is over 50,000. The charity boasts support from many celebrities, including Denise Welsh, Tim Healy, Cherie Hewson, Bob Mortimer and John "Only Fools" Sullivan. Sponsorship is sought for the journal and various departments of the website. Contact: Grant Garswood, Project Manager. Address: 17 Hardman Street, Blackburn, BB2 2NW. Tel.: 01254-690-795. E-mail: onlyfoalsandhorses@totalise.co.uk
CA/0016 |
PAW has been created to raise funds and awareness for all the amazing animal conservation and welfare organisations that are situated around the globe. It has already been suggested that PAW is fast becoming the animal and environmental version of Children In Need. Contact: Katie Hobbs. Address: Murraytone House, Looe, Cornwall PL13 1NZ. Tel.: 01503 262532. Fax: 01503 262532. E-mail: paw_info@yahoo.co.uk. link to website
CA/0017 |
PDSA is the UK's leading veterinary charity, caring for more than 350,000 pet patients belonging to people in need. Address: Whitechapel Way, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire, TF2 9PQ. Tel.: 01952-290999. Fax: 01952-291035. E-mail: PR@PDSA.org.uk. link to website
CA/0018 |
Redwings is the largest horse sanctuary in the UK and has over 1,500 horses, ponies, donkeys and mules in its direct care. It has around 500 horses and ponies living out in guardian homes and re-homes over seventy more every year. Redwings has centres around the UK, including four visitor centres in Essex, Norfolk and Warwickshire, and will soon be merging with Scottish charity Mountains Animal Sanctuary. Sponsorships help towards the upkeep of one or more animals. If you are interested in any form of corporate fundraising or support for Redwings, be it payroll giving, fundraising in your workplace or even working in partnership, please call the Head of Fundraising. Address: Broadlands, Broadley Common, Nr. Nazeing, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 2DH. Tel.: 01508 481000. E-mail: rewles@redwings.co.uk link to website
CA/0019 |
Opportunities are available through the sponsoring of high-profile public events run by the RSPCA. Corporate brochure may be ordered online from the website. Address: Corporate Partnerships Team, RSPCA, Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9RS. Tel.: contact via this web page: http://www.rspca.org.uk/utilities/contactus. E-mail: corporate@rspca.org.uk link to website
CA/0020 |
The Scottish Wildlife Trust is the leading charity working to protect all forms of wildlife in the towns, cities and countryside of Scotland. Various sponsorship opportunities (and Corporate memberships) are available. Reg. charity no. SCO 05792. Contact: Steven Gardner, Corporate Fundraising Manager. Address: Cramond House, Cramond Glebe Road, Edinburgh EH4 6NS. Tel.: 0131-312-7765. E-mail: sgardner@swt.org.uk. link to website
CA/0021 |
The Swan Rescue Sanctuary is a small, non-profit making organisation funded by donations, sponsorship and fundraising events. Address: The Swan Rescue Sanctuary, Crooked Withies, Holt, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7LB. Tel.: 01202-828166.
CA/0022 |
The Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre is a registered charity that rehabilitates and re-homes ex-racehorses. Sponsorship is always needed. Address: TRC Ltd., Whinney Hill, Aughton Road, Halton, Lancashire LA2 6PQ. Tel.: 01524 812649. link to website
CA/0023 |
WWF works to conserve endangered species, such as the Siberian tiger; protect endangered spaces, from seas to forests; and address global environmental threats, such as climate change or deforestation. Its approach to these problems is to seek long-term solutions with people in civil society and government, industry and education. WWF is able to offer tailor-made corporate sponsorship packages. Contact: Edwina Silvester, Head of Corporate Support. Address: Panda House, Weyside Park, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR. Tel.: 01483-412365. Fax: 01483-426409. E-mail: esilvester@wwf.org.uk. link to website
CA/0024 |
The Wildlife Trusts represent the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species, whether they be in the countryside, in cities or at sea. 135,000 of its members belong to its junior branch. Address: The Wildlife Trusts, National Office, The Kiln, Waterside, Mather Road, Newark, Notts. NG24 1WT. Tel.: 01636-677711. Fax: 01636-670001. enquiry@wildlifetrusts.org link to website
CA/0025 |
International Dawn Chorus Day boasts a position as one of the most enduring and popular annual environmental events on the calendar. The simple concept is of early morning gatherings to hear the dawn chorus at nature reserves, parks or other open spaces, often followed by a healthy, hearty breakfast. The history and background to this exciting event is documented on www.idcd.info, the IDCD website. Over 150 events from around the world were registered initially, with many, many more unregistered events. Participating UK organisations include The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, National Trust, English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, Local Authority Ranger Services and very many more, down to small local groups. Birdwatch Ireland organises a busy programme of events in Eire. Thousands of individuals make the effort to rise early and appreciate Nature's daily miracle on International Dawn Chorus Day. Millions more get to here about the event and learn more about the need to conserve wild birds. Excellent press and media coverage was achieved, mostly in the UK, but also with a good profile in North America, Europe and elswhere in the world. The message of International Dawn Chorus Day is a simple one, allowing hundreds of organisations to raise the profile of their essential conservation work for wild birds and their habitats. The colours and sounds of wild birds make this a sponsorship opportunity well suited to multi-media promotion, especially using the web. International Dawn Chorus Day needs sponsorship support so that the organisation can encourage a greater number of event registrations; run a telephone/email support service for event organisers and help people find their local event; and also to raise the profile of the event even higher. The UK organisers also want to increase their contact with overseas event organisers, especially in Europe, North America, Australasia and Southern Africa. This is a package with great appeal for a UK-based organisation. The organisers have been able to make International Dawn Chorus Day a remarkable success - with your support, they say, it could be the biggest international wildlife event of all! For the full story, visit the website or get in touch. Contact: Mr. Neil Wyatt, Chief Executive. Address: 28 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3AA. Tel.: 0121 454 1199. Fax: 0121 454 6556. E-mail: idcd@bbcwildlife.org.uk. link to website
CA/0026 |
Wildscreen is a UK-based charity working globally to increase the public’s awareness and appreciation of the natural world. The Wildscreen Festival boasts a position as the world’s most prestigious and influential event for the wildlife, earth science and environmental film-making industries. It was founded by Sir Peter Scott in 1982 in association with WWF UK. The festival’s aims are to increase the diversity, quality and quantity of wildlife and environmental films and provide filmmakers with the opportunity to learn or develop filmmaking skills. Ultimately Wildscreen hopes to promote conservation through wildlife film-making. It is the world’s largest and most prestigious festival of its kind, attracting nearly 900 delegates ranging from established and renowned film-makers to broadcasters to suppliers. The week-long festival comprises a diverse programme including a training school, seminars, masterclasses, screenings of films from around the world, a trade show and many opportunities to share ideas and make new contacts. The centrepiece of every Wildscreen is the bestowing of its Panda Awards – the wildlife film industry’s equivalent of the Oscars. There are numerous sponsorship and branding opportunities available. Contact: Colin Butfield, Festival Director. Address: PO Box 366, Bristol BS99 2HD. Tel.: 0117 915 7101. E-mail: colin.butfield@wildscreen.org.uk. link to website
CA/0027 |
WORLD ANIMAL DAY Reap the benefits of being the corporate sponsor of 'World Animal Day' World Animal Day offers an innovative and exciting opportunity to help develop a sponsor's business within and beyond the current borders. The World Animal Day initiative is an ideal Corporate Social Responsibility project as it can take a sponsor's organisation into the homes of animal lovers in every corner of the world and benefit people, animals and the environment at the same time. When joined in partnership, organisations have the power to reach new audiences, expand projects and make a difference in the world around us. That is what the organisers of World Animal Day are asking of potential sponsors today: "Please join us and help make a difference. This would be your pledge to the world - that your organisation supports the improvement of animal welfare standards around the globe". The initiative unites the animal welfare movement worldwide, embracing all animals and the unique concerns of each, in every country. www.worldanimalday.org.uk is the central portal that connects everyone who cares about animals in celebration of this special day. Participation in World Animal Day continues to grow with the number of events in 2009 being more than 100% higher than in 2008, held in at least eighty countries around the globe. Many 2009 Event Reports have been published on the website - simply click on the links from the home page above the slide show. Events to highlight animal welfare issues and fundraise were organised by large multi-national organisations, right through to small grass root groups with very limited means. World Animal Day is the central platform they need to connect to animal advocates throughout the world, acting as an umbrella by embracing all animals and the unique concerns of each in every country. It provides societies with the opportunity they need to raise funds and draw public attention to the valuable work they carry out, often under difficult and challenging conditions. "World Animal Day is not linked to any one individual, organisation or campaign, but belongs to everyone! Perusing the website will provide you with a better picture of what this project is all about, and if you would like more detailed information please send me an email. Also, if possible, we would be delighted to meet with you to discuss our proposal further. I look forward to hearing from you via letter, email to info@worldanimalday.org.uk or telephone on 01242 252871". Contact: Caroline Barker, Project Manager. Address: World Animal Day, 14 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham GL52 6AA. Tel.: 01242 252871. E-mail: info@worldanimalday.org.uk link to website
CA/0028 |
WSPA works in co-operation with over 400 member organisations in more than 90 countries, to raise the standards of animal welfare, through animal rescue, action against cruelty and by changing hearts and minds. Founded in 1981, the society looks beyond the conservation of a species to the welfare of individual animals. It seeks to expose animal abuse and fights for better enforcement of laws to ensure animal cruelty is not tolerated; by fostering compassion and developing better skills for people working with animals, the society helps to forge a safer future for all animals; and, where animals are abandoned, neglected or caught up in natural or man-made disasters, it does what it can to care for them or provide a refuge. Sponsorship opportunities exist for WSPA projects, fundraising events, educational literature, membership programmes and more. WSPA offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities in the UK and abroad, allowing sponsors to target many sectors of the global community, demonstrating corporate and brand values, targeting new markets and promoting new products. Contact: Robert Brandford, Corporate Fundraising. Address: 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP. Tel.: 020 7587 5000. Fax: 020 7793 0208. E-mail: robertbrandford@wspa.org.uk link to website