To apply for a Platinum listing @ £30.00*, click here (send no money now) To apply for a Gold listing @ £15.00*, click here (send no money now) * Please note that costs shown are one-off charges. 33% discount for registered charities. "What's a Gold listing? What's a Platinum listing?" For Gold and Platinum package details, click here.
Two types of listing are offered by The UK Sponsorship Database to those wishing to display sponsorship opportunities. The table below includes a summary of the features of Gold and Platinum listings, to help you choose the type of listing that best suits your needs. Reminder: you only pay once - not weekly, monthly or annually - once.
Please note that Ltd. reserves the right to choose the most appropriate category(ies) in which to place listings. We may place a listing in more than one category at our discretion, at no extra charge to you. We may decline to list the opportunity. We may change the layout, order, format and sequence of listings at our discretion. We may require payment in advance for a listing which features an event which is due to take place two months or less from the time of the application. We may re-write submitted text to conform to our 'house style', eg no use of the expression 'unique opportunity', text must be written in the third person, etc.
Please see our Terms & Conditions
To apply for a Platinum listing @ £30.00*, click here (send no money now) To apply for a Gold listing @ £15.00*, click here (send no money now)* Please note that costs shown are one-off charges. |
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