The UK Arts Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK arts sponsorship opportunities
For information about obtaining listings on the site or placing banner advertisements, see contact information in our contact page
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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ADA/PL001 |
 2FaCeD DaNcE Company
2FaCeD DaNcE is the award-winning, all male break, street and contemporary dance company. Since its formation, the company has gained both national and international recognition and has subsequently whipped the UK male dance scene into a frenzied state! Innovative in its approach, fresh in its material, 2FaCeD is now one of the UK's hottest dance companies. 2FaCeD DaNcE has a strong education and outreach programme that runs all year round - specifically in the West Midlands region where the company is based, but also across the UK. Its regular evening classes, summer schools, in-school work, after school clubs and education packages are incredibly popular. Working with thousands of young people annually, the company seeks to offer young people (particularly young men) new opportunities and experiences within the arts. 2FaCeD are also seeking sponsorship for their current education programme. "Further information about the company or the work we offer is available on request". Contact: Dan Lowenstein, Marketing and Events Manager. Address: The Courtyard Arts Centre, Edgar Street, Hereford HR4 9JR. Tel.: 07824 663389. Fax: 01432 346549. E-mail: dan@2faceddance.co.uk. link to website
ADA/PL002 |
 ALFRED TAYLOR GAUNT The aim of this project is to create a new genre of film and portray narrative dance in a new medium. "We will be creating a series of dance films over the next few months. We hope you will be able to support us in some way. Sponsorship will be credited accordingly and we will be doing our utmost to get these films seen by as many people as possible. This will include the use of targeted social media advertising. All dancers are recent graduates from full time dance training, all currently working in the industry, and the crew a talented creative team looking to make waves with something iconic in the industry. After releasing these videos, we will begin showcasing events. We will be approaching TV channels across the United Kingdom for assistance in promoting the narrative choreography and language of dance. We will be moving towards a new era of dance and entertainment and invite you to both support and move with us. Alfred Taylor Gaunt has gone from strength to strength with his choreography, as well as winning extensive prizes and recognition while still studying at Performing Arts School. He has twice been invited to choreograph a full piece for The National Youth Ballet of Great Britain, receiving fantastic reviews. In addition, Alfred co-founded FTG Productions, working to develop and produce new British musical theatre. Alfred Taylor Gaunt has also had his work recognised by leading choreographers such as Matthew Bourne and Drew McOnie". "Seventeen year old Alfred Taylor Gaunt showed real potential in his Khaos at the Keaton Cafe, a ballet set to jazz music that followed the frenzied events of a new restaurant's opening night. His choreography was extremely fun and original with a particularly creative pas de deux", Dancing Times, November 2013. "Petty's work captured the pathos, self-hatred and suppressed fury of Pierrot with precision, thanks to the choreography of Alfred Taylor Gaunt, who was fully to the pitch of how to interpret this work through movement", britishtheatre.com. Contact: Ms Aisling Longshaw. Address: Maytree Cottage, Upper Icknield Way, Whieleaf, Princes Risborough HP27 0LX. Tel.: 07522466986. E-mail: atlongshaw@hotmail.com.
Links to Alfred's work
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhlMS3phK6I - Detention in Music Room 1
youtu.be/C1NdQFu7MAs - Khaos at the Keaton Cafe
ADA/PL003 |
 AMANDE CONCERTS UK Amande Concerts UK is a concert agency that organises concerts in the field of Russian classical ballet and folklore in the United Kingdom. "We bring to you famous Russian classical ballets such as Swan Lake, The Nutcracker and The Sleeping Beauty. We are also in association with the unique Russian State Ballet - which is called The Big Ballet because each dancer weighs a minimum of 100 kg. In general terms, we would aim to have one to three concerts a year. Each tour can run from six to twelve weeks in Spring and/or Autumn. For any given tour we travel to around 35 to 45 different theatres in England, Wales and Scotland and perform to thousands of people. Our posters will be seen and noticed by an even higher number. We offer the opportunity to advertise on all or just some of our marketing materials, such as posters and fliers (a sample poster is attached as the logo). On average we would print around 4,000 posters, ranging in size from A0 to A4, that are displayed in each theatre on tour. We would print around 150,000 fliers (A5) and around thirty banner stands. In addition to that we offer space in our programmes and on our website. You will be reaching out to a niche market and targeting a specific type of audience. In addition to sponsorship space on posters and fliers, there is the opportunity for a more detailed advert/description in the programmes and on our website. Last year alone our website attracted 12,000 unique visitors". Contact: Alexej Ignatov. Tel.: 07886548334. E-mail: ignal@gmx.net. link to website
ADA/PL004 |
 THE ARCHES PROJECT The Arches Project which is based in Digbeth, Birmingham and is in its infancy, operates a gallery providing a platform for innovative artists in all disciplines. "Our gallery space will be given to a group of artists so that they are free to engage with the space without the pressure of commercial gain, which can sometimes restrict the work of the artist. The exhibitions will range from solo shows to a group of live art performances and screens. The ethos of the project is dedicated to supporting artists in realising their visions and their dreams, so we are seeking sponsorship from your company. There are a number of sponsorship opportunities, which will be focused on one of the several exhibition events. Continued support from individuals and companies is crucial to the continued growth of the studio. To keep moving forward and be able to commission its own exhibitions, the studio urgently needs sponsorship. Supporting the mission will be of benefit to those companies wishing to advance. We believe that by bringing the community together to celebrate diversity through the arts there will be better understanding between groups of people living in the community. Please contact us for further details". Contact: Evette Edmeade. Address: Adderley Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B9 4EE. Tel.: 0121 772 0852. E-mail: enquiries@thearchesproject.org
link to website
Invitation to private viewing events.
Supporting a project with artists' initiative that will provide spaces for UK and international artists to exhibit their work.
Advertising on all printed literature, social media platforms and promotional material.
ADA/PL005 |
 ARTS SU/UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON SPORTS Arts Students' Union (Arts SU), the students' union of the University of the Arts London (UAL), offers a wide range of sports clubs. "We call this collective UAL Sport. Clubs range from dance to martial arts, competitive to non-competitive and traditional to non-traditional. All of our sports clubs are led by students. UAL Sport is a community where many students meet friends for life. We aim to create an inclusive and diverse environment where students can interact with other UAL students outside of their studies to enhance their university experience. To ensure that inclusion is as low cost as possible for our membership, we are seeking sponsorship from various well-suited partners to collaborate with on both the annual Arts Cup - Varsity Challenge tournament, against local rivals Goldsmiths University in March, and the annual Sports Ball celebration next May. There are many attractive sponsorship opportunities associated with these events. Sponsor benefits include print, digital and social thanks and exposure; table sponsorship; big screen sponsorship; email marketing to our 20,000 students; experiential marketing. For more detailed information, please get in touch". Contact: Jess Forsyth, Fundraising Manager. Tel.: 020 7955 7158. E-mail: j.forsyth@su.arts.ac.uk link to website
About UAL Sport members
25 active sports clubs
C. 1,000 students are members of sports clubs
Gender profile: 74% female, 26% male
Year of study profile: 1st year - 66%; 2nd year - 26%; 3rd year - 8%; 4th year - 1%
Age profile: 18-20 - 64%; 21-24 - 29%; 25-29 - 6%; >30 - 1%
1,500+ current UAL Sport Facebook group members
The Arts Cup - Varsity Challenge
Varsity is the most important event of the year in the UAL sporting calendar. UAL's rivalry with Goldsmiths University stretches back some seven years and is aptly named The Arts Cup. Students can expect a full day of sporting fixtures, from Ultimate Frisbee to Cheerleading. Arriving from 10.00am, hundreds of students compete and support their fellow athletes playing a variety of sports across multiple levels. After the trials of the day, all involved students alongside their friends will celebrate (or commiserate) at the Arts Cup after-party.
Sponsor benefits include: presence at the Arts Cup Varsity; sponsor logo on all competitive UAL sports shirts; sponsor logo on promotional banners; logo and thanks on all social, digital and email promotion regarding the event.
Sports Ball 2017
May 2017 sees Arts SU host the annual Sports Ball with 400 students celebrating in style at Café de Paris, central London - an unmissable opportunity for you to reach creative and sporting students based in London. UAL is home to 20,000+ students, all constantly deciding which brands to buy, use and trust for the first time, in line with their ethics and identity. Sponsoring this popular event is a great step towards establishing brand loyalty during and after their time at university.
ADA/PL006 |
 BALLET NIMBA AFRICAN DANCE THEATRE Ballet Nimba African Dance Theatre offers sponsors the opportunity to put their name to this exciting and vibrant African company with potential for worldwide touring - and therefore worldwide recognition of their support and sponsorship. "Be a part of something truly groundbreaking - 100% African but produced and therefore seen in the UK. Ballet Nimba African Dance Theatre is the first black dance company ever in Wales and the top company of its kind in the UK today. Led by the irrepressible Idrissa Camara of Guinea, Ballet Nimba combines musicians and dancers from across West Africa to produce dynamic, compelling dance theatre with amazing musicianship and percussive beats that will astound you. Camara is a young, up-and-coming choreographer who in just two years has taken his company to performances at the Southbank Centre and WOMAD's main stages. Expect to hear the sounds of a Fulani flute, Ngoni, Bolon Bata, Kirin, Djembe, Wassaoumba and the Doundoun drums, with six of the most agile dancers you've ever seen! Our latest production, Bagatai, was funded by the Arts Coucil of Wales and we are now looking for sponsorship to assist with rehearsal costs and educational activities related to this production, so that it can reach its full potential. It will be viewed by the British Council with potential for worldwide touring and will be going to WOMAD New Zealand and Australia. (WOMAD are the largest world music festivals in the world). Your sponsorship will be recognised in all publicity material, mail outs, videos, photos and merchandising". Call for updated details. Contact: Idrissa Camara, Artistic Director. Address: 473 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff CF5 1BA. Tel.: +44 2920 217707. E-mail: idrissa@balletnimba.org.uk. link to website
Press quotes
'One of the best kept artistic secrets burst on to the stage, grabbed us, mind, body and spirit and fed us a cherished hour of the most exciting and dynamic African dance imaginable ... if you want to celebrate the joy of living spend an hour with Ballet Nimba', Theatre in Wales Review. For the full review go to http://www.theatre-wales.co.uk/reviews/reviews_details.asp?reviewID=2660
'The audience were utterly transfixed and overcome by the whole experience - the sounds, the movement, the beauty, and the emotional intensity of the story. Everyone was so surprised by the intensity of expression of the dancers and the musicians they could barely communicate the wonder that they felt", Classical Journey Radio review of Ballet Nimba at the Home festival - http://classicaljourneyphonic.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/dartington-home-festival-feast-of-music.html
'Alongside these stand out performances for me over the weekend (at WOMAD) were ... Ballet Nimba's performances, including the Taste The World where they danced, sang, talked, explained how the instruments were made, and still got time to cook'. Read more at http://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/womad/2012/review-weekend.shtml#BjcB4tMqMPie8utU.99
'What does the "D" in WOMAD stand for? "That's a popular question round these parts. It is, of course, "D" for "dance", an aspect of the festival upheld this time around by, among others, Ballet Nimba. If you thought ballet was all about pirouettes and pas de deux performed at half-speed, let these six dancers recalibrate your preconceptions. This is an energetic, at times highly acrobatic display of West African dance, a discipline somewhat cast into shadow by the spotlight shone on the region's celebrated melody-makers. Not that Ballet Nimba neglect the musical element. The calibre of its accompanying musicians equals that of its dancers, whether delivering furious percussive work-outs or embroidering their compositions with the undulating melodies of the balafon and Fulani flute. Although drawn from several countries across West Africa, Ballet Nimba's focus is on recounting the mythologies and history of Guinea through choreography. We guarantee it'll be the most frenetic and physical history lesson you've ever sat in on - http://womad.org/artists/ballet-nimba/"'
' ... traditional masks and outfits make Ballet Nimba's visually stunning performance into a real carnival event ... Two of West Africa's most talented percussionists competed to astonish the audience with their superhuman drumming", This is Bristol Online Review
For the full review go to http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Transported-authentic-sounds-Africa/story-11283104-detail/story.html
' ... breath-taking performances by Wales' premier African Dance Theatre Company - Ballet Nimba', Black Heritage Today UK
'Ballet Nimba has started making ripples in the UK dance scene', Southbank Centre Dance Blog ... an interview with Idrissa Camara - for full interview go to http://dance.southbankcentre.co.uk/2011/09/09/celebrating-african-dance-spotlight-on-ballet-nimba/
Meriel Sparkes, ADAD south west coordinator, talks with Idrissa Camara about the process of developing new work drawing from his traditional roots, and working with dancers from outside his culture, to create an African dance for a European audience - http://www.adad.org.uk/metadot/index.pl?iid=25104
'An evening of West African culture, mythology, dance and music from Wales's new African dance-theatre company, Ballet Nimba. The show features traditional and contemporary Guinean dance from six agile performers, the rare talents of a Fulani flute player and the rootsy sound of the Ngoni, the traditional African acoustic guitar. Combined with the rousing rhythms of some of West Africa's most talented percussionists, it'll be a challenge to stay seated during the performance', press release from Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.
ADA/PL007 |
 BORRELLI & GREEN - THE NO. 1 LATIN DANCE COUPLE Andrea Borrelli and Chantal Green are a very promising and committed English Latin dance sport couple who are currently the number 1 ranked English WDSF (World Dance Sport Federation) Amateur Latin dance partnership. They would be honoured to promote and represent your company during international competitions. Andrea and Chantal compete in Amateur Latin at WDSF competitions internationally, representing England, and train at the world famous Team Diablo in Italy, coached by Gabriele Goffredo and Anna Matus. Although a new partnership, they have already been selected to represent England five times this year by Dancesport England; namely, at the European Amateur Latin Championships in Barcelona, April 2012 European Latin Cup in Hungary, June 2012 World Amateur Latin Championships in Vienna, November 2012 World Latin Cup in Vienna, September 2013; and World Amateur Latin Championships in Berlin, November 2013. Andrea and Chantal only compete in WDSF Amateur Latin competitions representing England. This provides an ideal opportunity for companies to be represented at all the top WDSF competitions internationally because Andrea and Chantal are currently the top English WDSF Amateur Latin couple. Therefore at any international Latin competitions requiring national selection your brand will be represented on the floor by an English Latin couple. There are opportunities to have logos displayed on the couple's tracksuits, luggage and website (currently under construction). Andrea and Chantal would be happy to participate in advertising photography as required and to support any promotional events. Andrea and Chantal adopt a very professional approach and have the talent, work ethic and commitment necessary to maximise their full potential. They want to focus on this fully, but realistically they need to obtain financial support and sponsorship to achieve this. Andrea and Chantal are committed to competing internationally every month - in addition to any "by selection only" events. To achieve this they are undertaking a very structured six day training programme at Team Diablo organised by their coach Gabriele Goffredo who, along with his partner Ana Matus. Contact: Chantal. Address: 2 Ascot Close, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 9TA. Tel.: 07891 630471. E-mail: chantalgreen@msn.com. link to website
Click button to download more information from Borrelli & Green - the No. 1 Latin Dance couple (Word format)
ADA/PL008 |
 FALUN DAFA ASSOCIATION (FDA) UK LTD "Our service: FDA is a promoter of a top Classic Chinese dance show. We are a non-profit organisation that is reviving authentic divinely inspired Chinese culture, which has disappeared in China after the Cultural Revolution. Please contact us for further details about any apsect of the sponsorship opportunity". Contact: Shuyu Wang. Tel.: 0044 (0)787 567 7612. E-mail: shuyu.wang@falundafa.org.uk. link to website
The sponsorship opportunity
The show is in the phase of being established in the UK and we welcome sponsors for specific areas of the promotion, eg cost for advertising
in the targeted printed media.
ADA/PL009 |
 GRADUATION BALL: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is the foremost social science university in the world. "Based in central London, LSE is home to over 11,000 students representing over 140 different nations' worth of top talent. The School's graduates go on to shape the financial, business, political and voluntary sectors across the globe. The glamorous Graduation Ball will be held at the stunning Brewery in the City of London. Between 6.00pm and 1.00am, 800 students will celebrate with a champagne reception, three course meal and live music. By supporting the party of the LSE social calendar, you gain exclusive access to our incredible students as they leave university and embark on their careers. To discuss the opportunities available, please get in touch". Contact: Jess Forsyth. Tel.: 020 7955 7158. E-mail: j.forsyth1@lse.ac.uk link to website
Why sponsor the Graduation Ball?
Experiential marketing
Create a closer bond between graduating LSE students and your organisation as an employment contender through immersing your brand within the social event of the university calendar. Possible experience benefits could include: photo booth provision and playful props; entertainers with sponsor branding; goodie bags for graduate life.
LSE graduates
As university of the year for graduate employment, our alumni are in high demand. 88% of LSE graduates employed in the UK after their studies are located in London, and work within a variety of fields. The most popular fields of employment are increasingly the financial, legal and insurance sectors, with well over 30% of graduates securing such work upon graduating.
- 11,000+ students at LSE of whom approximately 90% will receive a First Class or Upper Second Class BA
- 800 attendees at the event
- 60% Female, 40% Male attendees
- 70% of attendees recall the sponsor of the Ball
- anticipate tickets selling out several months before the event
- 40% graduate with no secured employment
- 10,000+ unique website visits per month
- future ABC1 demographic entering the consumer markets
- Facebook event: 140,000+ reach and 2,000+ responses
Opportunities and benefits
Exclusive Graduation Ball sponsor - title rights: "LSE Graduation Ball brought to you by LSESU and …'"
Promotional logo and thanks on all print and digital event promotion
Exposure on email communications sent to all 12,000+ LSE students
Web banner for month preceding Ball on
Your own advert on our digital screen for six weeks
Presence in the official 'thank you' and follow up communications to all attendees
Scope for sponsor supplied entertainment element - experiential creative marketing
At the event
Two tickets to attend the Graduation Ball for you, your colleagues or clients
2 x promotional roller banners and artwork at the red carpet entrance seen by all attendees
Prime position for on-site presence at the Ball for brand exposure - a great chance to distribute branded giveaways and talk to students
Flyers/promotional material (to be agreed with LSESU in advance) on all tables (seating between 8 and 15 students).
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the London School of Economics Graduation Ball 2017 (pdf format)
ADA/PL010 |
The iDance UK Hip Hop Crew Championships provide participants with the chance to showcase their artistic freedom and performance skills in hip-hop dance, with the opportunity to represent the very best of UK Hip Hop dance flavour on an international stage, in front of television and media exposure for honour and prestigious national, international and world titles and awards. The UK Hip Hop Crew Championships is the only event that qualifies UK crews for the World Hip Hop Championship in America. The overall winners of the event are given a bursary to help ensure participation at the World Championship. iDance is looking for a sponsor whose brand can benefit from an association with the event - and there are other opportunities within the iDance family. Contact: Omar Paloma, Chair. Tel.: 01923 606255. Address: PO Box 234, Watford WD17 4XJ. E-mail: admin@idancestudios.com. link to website
ADA/PL011 |
The Inter Varsity Dance Association is the organisation promoting dancing amongst UK university students. It is a non-profit, student-led organisation that was founded in 1963. Since then, the IVDA has implemented initiatives to encourage more student involvement in dancing, both on the university and open circuits; to improve access to training; and to develop university clubs. By providing grants and support to both fledgling and established national student dance societies, IVDA has given many thousands of people the opportunity to learn and hone a skill and compete against like-minded dancers from across the country. Every year the IVDA showcases the talent it represents by holding a national student dance competition, the Inter Varsity Dance Competition (IVDC). Its main concern is dancesport, which comprises of competitive Ballroom and Latin American dancing, but it is increasingly providing initiatives to assist those that compete in other dance styles, such as the British Universities Dance Competition (BUDC), the inaugural edition of which was held way back in 2007. The IVDC provides competitions for those at every level, from beginner to advanced. It regularly attracts professional ballroom dancing couples for demonstrations. The IVDC provides exhibition stand space for sponsors and retailers with links to the dance world, who often provide student discounts on their goods. This gives companies exposure to the 800+ dancers and spectators that attend. There is also the opportunity to advertise in the hall during the competition and in the programme. The webpage boasts 900,000 impressions per month, and offers advertising space and sponsorship listing. The IVDA invites all university dance clubs in the UK to affiliate. Its committee consists of representatives from each member society. The association is headed by an executive committee of elected members, which is responsible for organising the annual competition and implementing various initiatives. Around thirty member societies from across the county affiliate each year. E-mail: sponsorship@universitydancesport.com
link to website
ADA/PL012 |
Jump Off TV produces unique Hip Hop sports and entertainment formats and events across UK and the US for online and VOD broadcast. These formats are cutting edge - with a huge following - and are positioned to become the next Extreme Sports phenomenon The Jump Off (London) - Jump Off TV is looking for a single 'Presents' Sponsor for monthly live events set in a Gladiator-style arena in front of a crowd of 800-1000 18-34 year olds. The company has already partnered with Kiss FM and MySpace UK. There is a link to a trailer (at the foot of this listing) which gives a clearer idea of the event and its history. Each event will produce 20-30 video clips, broadcast on JumpOff TV, MySpace UK, TotalKiss.com and on over thirty video networking sites such as YouTube, Revver, DailyMotion, Bolt, etc., virally generating well over one million views per month. These monthly events will create a continuous buzz throughout the year amongst 16 to 34 year olds. The company also produces the following global formats with qualifiers in UK: Dance Madness (London, New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles); Spin The Mic (New York); and the World Rap Championships (London, Melbourne, Toronto, Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, LA, NY). Each global format produces over two hundred video clips, occurs over multiple cities, has a buzz period of 20+ wks and virally generates over five million views, with global interest/fan base targeting 16-34 year olds. Jump Off TV is seeking sponsors and media partners for this season. "PS: people didn't think Poker was a sport until it was marketed as one". Contact: Ara, Director. Address: 142 Central Street, London EC1V 8AR. Tel.: 0207 253 7766. E-mail: ara@jumpoff.tv. link to website
Click button to download trailer from Jump Off TV (QT format)
ADA/PL013 |
 LONDON SCHOOL OF SAMBA In its twenty-seventh year, the London School of Samba continues to produce spectacular samba drumming, dance shows and parades in exquisite costumes, entertaining millions of people every year. "We regularly perform throughout the UK and internationally at a range of high profile events, festivals and carnivals. Recent clients include Tate Modern, Southbank Centre, Chelsea Football Club, Glastonbury Festival, Notting Hill Carnival, Hong Kong Tourism Board and many more! We are now looking for financial support to help with our organisation's running costs, in return for intensive media coverage, large scale exposure at live events and brand awareness via our print, web and merchandise - as well as entertainment for your company. Packages range from £2,000 to £20,000, so please get in touch to find out more!" Contact: Carnival Manager. E-mail: lss.carnivalmanager@gmail.com. link to website
Click button to download more information from the London School of Samba (pdf format)
ADA/PL014 |
 MASQUERADE 2K LTD Masquerade 2000 is seeking partners to put on performances at various events. "We are one of the UK's largest carnival floats/troupes, comprising 800-1,000 participants from diverse cultures and age groups, from the regions and London, appearing on both days of carnival. The London Notting Hill Carnival attracts 2.5 million visitors over the August Bank Holiday weekend. We offer sponsorship packages which are tailored to the individual needs of our sponsors, enabling you to achieve the maximum exposure and awareness for your brand, product, service or business. We offer opportunities for advertisement on our banners (trucks), 800 t-shirts and any other promotional materials you may wish to distribute. You may also be linked to the website 'm2kmas.com', e-newsletter and social media platforms. M2K mas was established in 1992 and has celebrated twenty years of carnival with our superior security, promoting health and safety. We are a responsible professional organisation, winning major awards for our artistry. We have been featured on prime time television, press (VogueUK.com, Time Out London, Metro, etc.) and promotional material for the Olympics and Millenium celebrations. Previous sponsors include British Airways, Asda, Supermalt and ESG. We attend other regional carnivals in Swanage, Derby, Leicester and Bristol (half million visitors). Further details are available on request". Contact: Margaret Hamilton. Address: 32 Chichester Road, London E11 3LH. Tel.: 07956880635. E-mail: m2kmas@hotmail.co.uk. link to website
M2K Opportunities 2013
Notting Hill Carnival launch: theme and product line
M2K at Notting Hill Carnival parade (two day event)
St Patricks Day appearance in Ireland: performers and float
DJ Competition
'R U Ready 2 Dance' competition.
ADA/PL015 |
For more than ten years Magpie Dance has been carving out a national reputation for its unique way of enabling people with learning disabilities to take part in dance. The charity works with young people and adults, offering regular, weekly workshops led by specially skilled professional dancers, accompanied by live music. Magpie Dance also runs a more advanced performance group, plus a groundbreaking mentoring programme for new choreographers with learning disabilities. The organisation works directly with around eighty people with learning disabilities in the Bromley area each year, but affects the lives of hundreds more - carers, parents, students in schools it visits, volunteers, professionals on work placement and its public audiences. There is no other dance provision like Magpie in the region. The increase in self-confidence, creative and social skills gained through working with Magpie is remarkable. Magpie is about extending opportunity to people who suffer exclusion through social and environmental structures not adapted to their needs. It offers new ways of learning and communication for people with learning disabilities through expert, tested methods of creative inclusion. A great example is Peter, who came to Magpie around three years ago, saying few words and only doing a few small, repetitive movements. In 2005, at his own request, he choreographed a new duet and performed in it with a professional dancer in front of 500 people! Magpie Dance won National Charity Awards in 2003 and 2006 and a Certificate of Achievement from Bromley Council (November 2003) for its work with people with learning disabilities. Magpie has been seen at the South Bank Centre, the Royal Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square, Sadlers Wells and The Churchill Theatre in Bromley. Magpie receives no regular funding and relies on project fundraising to enable it to continue. With no office base and mostly part-time/freelance workers, the charity channels all resources possible into giving people with learning disabilities a chance for creative involvement that nobody else offers. Contact: Laura Riches, General Manager. E-mail: laurariches@magpiedance.org.uk. link to website
ADA/PL016 |
 PAIR DANCE The mission of Pair Dance is to create opportunities for artists and young people to play, explore and investigate an endless capacity for development through movement and sound. "Our aim is to demonstrate that talent has no borders, no race, no age, and no limits! Pair Dance | Professional is an award-winning UK based contemporary dance company that quickly caught the attention of the national and international dance community. Known for its provocative and daring style, Pair Dance is admired for its unique method and blend of combining original sound scores written, arranged and produced by Richard Leonard and choreographic works by Harriet Macauley, which imbue power, exuberant energy with a delicacy and technical virtuosity which is contained, yet explosive. Pair Dance includes an award-winning ensemble of dancers who have previously trained in Europe, UK, Brazil, Greece, Ghana, Turkey, Israel, USA and Spain. Awards include: 15th Masdanza, Lisa Ullman, Bonnie Bird, Art Universe - Austria, Jacobs Pillow Residency Award, a scholarship to attend Purchase conservatory of dance in the USA, and the company was an Olympic Torch Bearer 2004. Pair Dance performances include: Edinburgh, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Boston, New York - Joyce Soho and The John Ryan Theatre, The Place - UK, Canada and many more. We believe in diversity and equality through performing and the bringing together of communities from different backgrounds and cultures in the UK to learn, experiment and explore performing arts. The aim of Pair Dance| Creative Learning is to bring Arts to a suburban area, making high quality performances, workshops and engagement more accessible to those that need and want to benefit from the arts. We are focused and committed to performance, community engagement and artistic development in a variety of settings. We create and promote creativity with performance skills in a positive and vibrant environment. All tutors have a CRB-enhanced disclosure and are first aid certified. Pair Dance | Creative Learning exists at the heart of our organisation based in the east of England - Hertfordshire - and we work in partnership with Community Action Hertsmere, Hertsmere Borough Council, Work Net, Hertfordshire Community Foundation and numerous others. We currently have over 345 user groups/members of our Creative Learning programme and aim to double this in one year. Please contact us for details of current sponsorship opportunities". Contact: Harriet Macauley, Director. Address: 23 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1AU. Tel.: 0203 489 9223. E-mail: info@pairdance.org. link to website
Click button to download more information from Pair Dance (pdf format)
ADA/PL017 |
1.5 million people every summer see The Sheep Show at over 120 different locations in the UK. This educational but entertaining show is a live stage show about sheep, wool and the countryside. "For twenty years it has entertained the public with its nine show sheep showing the different breeds, where they are from and how we shear a sheep. Don't miss the dancing sheep!! 2,000 children between the ages of 6 and 11 can be captivated for thirty minutes by this ewe-nique show. Audiences are of all ages, but have a high proportion of females. Is it the good looking Kiwi presenters, or "Nobby the Norfolk Horn" - or perhaps "Sam the Suffolk"? Highly visual and very photogenic, this is an ideal sponsorship opportunity". Contact: Richard Savory. Address: Spring Barn, Gateley, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 5EF. Tel.: 01328 829888. E-mail: info@sheepshow.fsnet.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from The Sheep Show (pdf format)
AD/PL018 |
 TAKE 2 THEATRE SCHOOL Take 2 Theatre School is a South Yorkshire based theatre school offering children and young people the opportunity to gain confidence and develop their skills through performing arts. "Our groups are aged from 3 to 19 and we have workshops in dance, drama and musical theatre. We are seeking sponsors to help with the costs of putting on shows at the theatre, hiring costumes and musicians and the costs of publicity for the productions, eg posters, leaflets, T Shirts. We charge minimal fees to our members as we want everyone in the community to be able to afford to access our sessions; but this means there are few funds left to pay for the costs involved in putting on a show". Contact: Julie Cooper. Address: Take 2 Theatre School, 311 Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley S70 5TU. Tel.: 01226 744442. E-mail: julieacooper@fsmail.net link to website
ADA/PL019 |
Union Dance can boast international acclamation for its expertise in combining contemporary dance, hip-hop, martial arts and urban style. Its holistic approach extends the boundaries of dance and movement through performance, education, digital technology, design and radical innovation. 'A showcase for world dance which starts like a prayer and ends like a party', The Times. For twenty years Union Dance has enriched the diversity of cultural heritage by creating inspirational, collaborative arts experiences for the widest possible audience. This company of superb dance technicians fulfils a mission to explore and express an identity through dance that reflects the growing diversity of contemporary Britain, and through its creativity and critical thinking produces culturally enriching performances and educational activities. '[Union Dance] builds a bridge across the dance of the studio and the dance of the streets', The Guardian. Union Dance tours to small and middle-scale theatres throughout the UK, returning to many venues time and again. Its reputation has taken the company as far afield as New York, Italy, Bosnia, Cuba, Austria, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and the USA. Union Dance attracts audiences and participants from all cultural backgrounds and age groups, its eclectic style attracting many young people from a broad range of communities and backgrounds. The company complements its touring work with an Education Programme that has inspired generations of young people: it responds to the influences, energy and aspirations embedded in youth culture, providing access for all people to learn new skills, explore identity and enrich their lives. Union Dance is seeking to engage with commercial partners in a manner that creates cultural, social and financial opportunities. Contact: Judy Steadman, General Manager. Address: Top Floor, 6 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0HG. Tel.: 020 7836 7837. Fax: 020 7836 7847. E-mail: judy.steadman@uniondance.co.uk
link to website
Current opportunities
New production, music, digital technology or costume sponsorship
National tour, season or single performance sponsorship
Dance-film sponsorship
Union education workshop and performance projects
Events/reception sponsorship
ADA/PL020 |
 WHEELCHAIR DANCE SPORT ASSOCIATION The Wheelchair Dance Sport Association offers diverse and mixed inclusive dancing for all. The WDSA (UK) was established in 2006 as the UK National Governing Body for wheelchair dance sport and wheelchair dancing within the UK, for those who would otherwise be excluded from dancing. The aim of the WDSA (UK) is to promote and develop wheelchair dancing as a sport and leisure activity across the country, to raise the standard of instruction and competition in the UK and internationally at all levels. As well as making dance, in whatever form, FUN, exciting and something that individuals who are part of this association and who take part in wheelchair dance are proud to say 'I can do that'. "Members can become an instructor or just be part of a group where they can learn to dance. This is an inclusive environment where members meet able-bodied and disabled partners and can choose to compete as an individual. We are looking for sponsors who can help us with funding to continue our valuable services throughout the UK. We offer bursaries to people to train as an instructor. We work closely with local councils to provide an active sport to those in wheelchairs and with a more severe disability. NO ONE is turned away. Please help support us with our ongoing costs". Contact: Mrs Gill Day. Address: Lemarie Centre for Charities, 524 St Albans Road, Watford WD24 7RX. Tel.: 03001113045. E-mail: gill@wdsauk.co.uk. link to website
ADA/PL021 |
 WORTHING THEATRES' SUMMER OF CIRCUS As a group of three theatres and a cinema, Worthing Theatres hosts a diverse range of up-and-coming, contemporary and traditional theatre, music, dance, circus and film on the south coast. "This June to September we will be celebrating our first Summer of Circus, an exhilarating festival featuring renowned non-traditional circus acts, heart-stopping new productions and outdoor pieces by the hottest circus companies. As a sponsor, you are invited to join the fun of bringing spectacle, colour and vibrance to the town while aligning your brand with all the joy, seduction and sparkle of contemporary circus". Contact: Gemma Nethersole, PR and Fundraising Co-ordinator. Tel.: 01903 231 226. Address: Connaught Theatre, Union Place, Worthing BN11 1LG. E-mail: gemma.nethersole@adur-worthing.gov.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Worthing Theatres' Summer of Circus (pdf format)
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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ADA/0001 |
The Alliance Performing Arts Foundation is based in Colchester and displays visual and dance performances all over the UK to music using flags, imitation rifles/sabres and other similar items. The Foundation caters for young people between the ages of 4 and 25 years old. There are currently two competitive groups: The Alliance Junior Guard - school starting age to approximately eight years old; and The Alliance Open Guard - up to 25 years old. The Alliance Performing Arts Foundation is in the process of creating both a brass and a percussion ensemble. With growing membership and an increase in housing time required for rehearsal, Alliance are looking for sponsorship to help with this huge cost, so that they can continue to provide the educational and award-winning packages they already provide for the youth of Colchester and Essex. Contact: Jason Hawke, Chairman. Tel.: 07867 540326. Address: Suite 5, The Centre, Lakes Industrial Park, Lower Chapel Hill, Braintree, Essex CM7 3RU. E-mail: stoney24@hotmail.com. link to website
ADA/0002 |
Ascendance Rep promises high level media coverage within the arts world and potential mainstream crossover. Audiences range from young to old, with the project's focus aimed towards introducing new audiences to the arts. Current support is provided by regional Arts Boards and local councils. Contact: Rachel Wesson, Director. Address: Ascendance Rep, Yorkshire Dance, 3 St Peters Buildings, St Peters Square, Leeds LS9 8AH. Tel.: 07977 127753. E-mail: info@ascendance.org.uk. link to website
ADA/0003 |
Ballet Russe is a classical ballet company which exists to produce and tour world-class ballet, to break down barriers and to develop talent. The Russian-trained dancers tour throughout the UK and are committed to serving the most people and the widest community it can reach whilst on tour. In addition to performing in theatres where ballet is rarely seen, the company also embarks on frequent community projects bringing ballet to children, parents, the old and young, disadvantaged and disabled throughout the UK. The company is looking for any potential sponsors who would like to involve themselves in a completely new and evolving project which has great potential for the future. Contact: Alun Davies, Chairman. Address: Ballet Russe, c/o Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea SA1 3QJ. Tel.: 01792 526452. Fax: 01792 526452. E-mail: balletrusse@narod.ru or AlunDavies@Glebe-farm.fsnet.co.uk. link to website
ADA/0004 |
Birmingham Royal Ballet offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities, including UK and International Touring performances and productions. There is also a substantial programme of community, audience development and education projects. A full range of corporate and individual membership and donor schemes are also available for sponsorship. In addition, there are regular London seasons and spectacular, 'one-off' social events. Contact: Sandy Robertson, Director. Address: Birmingham Royal Ballet Trust, Thorp Street, Birmingham B5 4AU. Tel.: 0121-622-2555. Fax: 0121-689-3071. E-mail: sandyrobertson@brb.org.uk
link to website
ADA/0005 |
BrisFest is the south west's hottest new music, arts and culture festival, organised by volunteers to showcase a massive range of local talent. Plans are now in hand for the 2011 festival. The Bristol Festival (now known as Brisfest) is a cultural melting pot of the city's diverse communities of all ages and backgrounds, brought together through the shared enjoyment of music, dance and food. The festival receives massive public support in the region and has achieved high levels of press coverage, including BBC and ITV, every local radio station from Community FM to BBC Radio Bristol, front pages and extended features in local press such as Venue Magazine and the Evening Post and over three million website hits a year. Bristol has one of the most edgy and alternative under-30s demographics in the UK and is home to the wealthiest students outside of 'Oxbridge'. "Sponsorship opportunities offer excellent value for money, with advertising across all our publicity. We are flexible and happy to incorporate your ideas when promoting your brand in association with our fantastic project". Contact: Poppy Stephenson. Address: 4th Floor, Bush House, 72 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4QD. Tel.: 0117 328 1492. E-mail: info@brisfest.co.uk link to website
ADA/0006 |
Capoeira Angola Palmares is a well established London school of Capoeira Angola. The school comprises a wide network of dedicated students at all levels of ability. Contact: Mr. Axé. E-mail: capoeirapalmares@hotmail.com
link to website
ADA/0007 |
The organisation offers opportunities for sponsors to become involved in its projects in schools and amongst a wide range of community groups. Projects undertaken can be either high profile or more 'grass roots' based. Sponsorships of resource packs can be offered or it is even possible to sponsor a dance apprentice. Contact Adam Holloway, Business Director. Tel.: 01606-861-770. Fax: 01606-550629. E-mail: cdw@easynet.co.uk
link to website
ADA/0008 |
This is an opportunity to sponsor a leading dance company, which will be touring this Autumn and the following Spring. Choreographer Lea Anderson and Oscar-winning costume designer Sandy Powell will collaborate to make what is promised to be an exciting, innovative show. The company suggest that this is an excellent opportunity for sponsors to be associated with a contemporary, high quality artistic product - Saab Great Britain have been sponsors of the company for three consecutive years. Contact: Jenny Noden. Address: The Cholmondeleys. Unit 1.1, Lafone House, The Leathermarket, 11-13 Leathermarket Street, London SE1 3HN. E-mail: admin@the cholmondeleys.org. link to website
ADA/0009 |
Dance 4 is the National Dance Agency based in Nottinghamshire. It commissions and produces new dance work and manages a number of innovative dance festivals. There are many sponsorship opportunities associated with the agency's various programmes. Contact Rachel Emmett, General Manager. Address: 3-9 Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FH. Tel.: 0115-941-0773. Fax: 0115-941-0776. E-mail: rachel@dance4.co.uk
link to website
Current opportunities
NOTT Dance Festival: annual event celebrating small scale dance - 'the UK's no. 1 small scale contemporary dance festival'
Dance Blitz Festival: workshop where people of all ages and abilities can try dance
ADA/0010 |
Diversions was established in 1983 as a contemporary dance company and has grown to become a National Performing Arts Company for Wales. In recognition of its role as a flagship company, it was awarded National Status by The Arts Council of Wales in 1999. The company is nowadays a resident of the prestigious Wales Millennium Centre, which gives it a much-needed permanent home, providing world class production facilities. Diversions are keen to develop partnership opportunities with business sponsors that will create benefits for all involved. The company offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities which includes UK and international touring along with an extensive programme of education and community projects. Contact: Ann Rees, Business Development Manager. Address: Studio 18, Tyndall Street, PO Box 1028, Cardiff CF10 4XJ. Tel.: 02920 465345. Fax: 02920 465346. E-mail: annrees@diversionsdance.co.uk
link to website
ADA/011 |
D-ROM is a youth culture brand looking for various sponsors. "As a brand specialising in EDM (Electronic Dance Music), we can offer worldwide reach - and a chance to attach your brand to this growing phenomenon with ClubMixed.com and D-Rom.com. Clubmixed.com is an easy to navigate direct-to-consumer hub for people wanting to connect directly with clubs, producers, DJs and record labels producing some of coolest electronic music around from around the world. Users have free access to DJ and club Mix albums, videos, exclusives, photo galleries, biographies, tour schedules and the latest news stories. D-ROM is the world's first streaming site dedicated to independent DJs, clubs and labels, introducing the world's first auto-licensing system giving DJs access to over 20,000 new tracks from independent labels across the globe and releasing the new mixes they've created worldwide. Our world famous DJs and artists are already receiving over half a million views per month. This is a chance to brand across the web - per play, per click. Please contact us for further details". Contact: Mark A Pearce. Address: 121 Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, London SE23 3LD. Tel.: 0208 291 3600. E-mail: mark@d-rom.com. link to website
Get access to free music downloads for your promotions
Embed the music on your internet site, your Facebook page and much more
Branding on the whole site's background
Branding on all embedded players at the top
Banner ad. on all sections - including the new Club section
Social media inclusion
Opt-in database sharing
Access to club events and tours.
ADA/0012 |
English National Ballet is the country's leading touring classical ballet company, presenting over 170 performances a year to more than 240,000 people worldwide. Founded in 1950 through the magical partnership of Alicia Markova and Anton Dolin, the company was created to take a repertoire of popular and challenging work to as wide an audience as possible at affordable prices. The company still exists to fulfil this pursuit of accessibility and excellence through various means: extensive touring nationwide and abroad, top-quality education outreach work, affordable ticket pricing and repertoire choice. Offering a range of partnership opportunities from production sponsor to in-kind support, English National Ballet is highly experienced in working in close partnership with business sponsors to create tangible working relationships of mutual benefit. Contact: Fiona Mallin Robinson, Development Director. Address: English National Ballet, Markova House, 39 Jay Mews, London SW7 2ES. Tel.: 020 7581 1245. Fax: 020 7225 0827. E-mail: sponsorship@ballet.org.uk. link to website
ADA/0013 |
European Ballet is a London-based company of international dancers under the direction of former Bolshoi Principal, Stanislav Tchassov. It tours to over a hundred mid-scale venues across the UK each year, bringing quality full-length classical ballet productions to audiences which might not otherwise have access to them. The company also involves local dance schools in its productions, as well as carrying out masterclasses and lessons, giving youngsters (even those with little ballet experience) the chance to work with a professional touring company. European Ballet is looking for corporate and individual sponsors and promises some excellent sponsorship opportunities. Contact: Stanislav Tchassov, Director. Address: 18 Lynton Gardens, London N11 2NN. Tel.: 0208 487 5525. Fax: 0208 487 5525. E-mail: europeanballet@freeuk.com. link to website
ADA/0014 |
The Georgettes Morris Troupe is based in Bredbury, Stockport and is looking for a sponsor. The troupe was established in 1990 and is in desperate need of funds to enable them to attend at competitions and their annual championships. The troupe's aim is to enable youngsters of the community to have an activity to engage in - and help them to build confidence and team playing skills. The sponsorship package will include the firm's emblem on T-shirts which the troupe is hoping to purchase, together with banners throughout the term of the sponsorship. Contact: Angela Wright. Address: 70 Naseby Road, Reddish, Stockport SK5 6EH. E-mail: angenscott@hotmail.co.uk. link to website
ADA/0015 |
JSLN DANCE COMPANY JSLN Dance Company is an international neo-classical ballet company committed to bringing world class ballet to rural areas. The company works to make ballet accessible to all audiences, young and old, and to new audiences who may consider the art form as being somewhat dull and outdated. "We have the belief that ballet is art for entertainment and seek to make it sustainable for the future by giving it a refreshing new outlook. We are currently seeking corporate and private sponsorship for our upcoming UK tour in summer 2016, where we are presenting a triple bill consisting of a new version of Petrouchka, an adaptation in dance of the popular sitcom 'Allo 'Allo! and an elegant neo-classical work, Transitions of (I)dentity, premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2015. The company was founded in 2012 by Artistic Director Sören M. Niewelt and Principal Dancer Jessica Larbig and has performed to delighted audiences throughout Asia and Germany since its inception. Niewelt is an inspired choreographer using versatile dancers with strong classical technique to present works ranging from classical ballet repertoire, refreshing and exciting neo-classical ballet as well as using his natural sense of comedy to entertain audiences. JSLN Dance Company is a non-profit organisation and is committed to social outreach work through its Happy Feet project, taking dance to care homes, hospitals and hospices, bringing dance to those who are unable to visit theatres. We have also worked with disabled children with varied levels of cognition in special schools to share with them the joy of dance. Sponsorship will enable us to guarantee that our performances reach as wide an audience as possible and ensure that ballet is a sustainable art form for the future". Contact: Loretta Wong. Address: 1 Hinton View, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1ES. E-mail: jslndancecompany@yahoo.com link to website
ADA/0016 |
This annual festival offers a range of opportunities in terms of both sponsorship and corporate publicity. The festival includes a wide ranging programme of performances from top companies at venues throughout Richmond, together with a varied programme of educational and community workshops. Contact: Jayne Andrew, Arts Officer. Address: Leisure Services, Langholm Lodge, 146 Petersham Road, Richmond, London TW10 6UX. Tel.: 020-8831-6138. Fax: 020-8940-7568. E-mail: j.andrew@richmond.gov.uk link to website
ADA/0017 |
LEEDS FREESTYLE DANCE SOCIETY The success of Leeds Freestyle Dance Society can be seen not just in its trophies (it was undefeated nationally and internationally in 2014 and 2015), but also in the incredible 100,000+ views of its YouTube channel, which attracts thousands of viewers from inside and outside the UK. "We are contacting you with regard to sponsorship for the coming academic year and for our national competitions in 2016. Our society would like to provide sponsors with a great opportunity to increase brand presence among students and Dance enthusiasts, not only in Leeds but throughout the country and internationally. As a relatively large society with an average of ninety members, the marketing value derived from your logo being branded on our hoodies and uniforms would be exceptional. Our uniforms are worn not just around campus, but at the Sheffield and Loughborough national competitions, in which over 1,000 students and thirty universities take part each year. This is not to mention the international competition in Spain in which we participate annually, and our numerous performances across Leeds and at university shows. These branding opportunities will increase awareness, not only for you as a company, but also as a company that helps students in their careers, even during their education. With our weekly class videos displaying your logo and our triumphant win of Leeds University Union's 'Best Publicity' awards 2014 and 2015, alongside winning 'Best Dance Society', we really are the number one society to promote your brand! We would of course be happy to follow up an initial contact with a meeting or telephone conversation to discuss any questions or comments you may have". Contact: Samuel Gomez. Address: 5 Royal Park Avenue, Hyde Park, Leeds LS6 1JY. Tel.: +447943443259. E-mail: leedsfreestyledancesociety@gmail.com link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Leeds Freestyle Dance Society (pdf format)
ADA/0018 |
Ludus is a dance-in-education company, producing issue-based work and associated educational programmes for young people. It tours Britain and abroad and works with up to 30,000 young people per annum. Ludus is also involved in a dance in the community programme, throughout Lancashire in particular. Contact: Deborah Barnard, Director. Address: Ludus Dance Centre, The Assembly Rooms, King Street, Lancaster LA1 1SE. Tel.: 01524-35936. E-mail: info@ludus.org link to website
ADA/0019 |
Soaring to new heights, North East Wales Dance is making physical and social strides in the heart of the community. Feel the pulse, say the organisers, be included. Invest in a cultural arts programme accessible to, and aimed at, a diverse cross-section of the community, which promotes health and invigorates social activity. With youth at the heart of its established programme North East Wales Dance strives to develop other target areas within the promotion of "Life Long Learning", providing dance for toddlers, adults and senior citizens through a bi-lingual approach. The organisation promotes professional dance performance and choreography linked to education; and also develops its own performance in education work for schools whilst embracing ongoing training programmes. Participation figures currently stand at nearly 14,000, with audience figures totalling nearly 21,000. The company has a close association with Diversions, the International Eisteddfod and Royal International Pavilion and the unitary authorities of Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire. With the successful impact of its expansion, the organisation is now keen to establish new partnerships on a local and national level. Now is the optimum time for you as an investor to gain maximum benefit from the impact of this community dance organisation with the emergence of its new national and international identity, says the company. In return for sponsorship, North East Wales Dance can offer recognition at staged events, coverage in the local media and inclusion in any advertising material, title sponsorship and corporate events. Contact: Paul Anthony Davies, Artistic Director. Address: Royal International Pavilion, Abbey Road, Llangollen, Denbighshire LL20 8SW. Tel.: 01978 869468. Fax: 01978 869456. E-mail: newd@connectfree.co.uk
link to website
ADA/0020 |
Northern Ballet Theatre is one of the UK’s leading touring ballet companies. Its mission, quite simply, is to make dance more accessible to today’s theatregoer. Creative commercial partnerships enable the company to create new productions, to sustain an extensive National Tour and to make much of its education and community work possible. National Tour venues include Bath, Bradford, Canterbury, Cardiff, Edinburgh, High Wycombe, Hull, Leeds, London (Sadler’s Wells), Milton Keynes, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Salford, Sheffield, Stoke, Wimbledon and Woking. Contact: Mark Skipper, Chief Executive. Tel.: 0113 274 5355. E-mail: mark.skipper@nbtdance.demon.co.uk
link to website
Current opportunities
Education/community sponsorships
Supporting NBT’s work in schools and the community
Single performance sponsorships
Season sponsorships
Supporting NBT’s residency and associated education/community work in a specific National Tour venue
National Tour sponsorship
Exclusive title sponsorship of part or all of NBT's National Tour
ADA/0021 |
Powys Dance is a small dance company based in Llandrindod Wells, Mid-Wales. The activities of the company include community classes throughout Powys, work with the mentally and physically disabled, Welsh Language development and dance in education. Powys is a rural county and access to the arts and education opportunities outside regular schooling is very limited - so the activities of Powys Dance are important to the community. The organisation has several forthcoming sponsorship opportunities, including projects with early years groups, teenagers and the elderly. Some of its work is in disadvantaged areas of the county. In return for sponsorship, the company can offer recognition at related events, coverage in the local media and inclusion in any advertising material. Contact: Vicki Thomas, Administrator. Address: Arlais Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5RF. Tel.: 01597 824370. Fax: 01597 824370. E-mail: powys.dance@powys.gov.uk
link to website
ADA/0022 |
The Rambert Dance Company is seeking corporate sponsorship/ membership in the UK and internationally. Contact: Charlotte Surman. Address: 94 Chiswick High Road, London W4 1SH. Tel.: +44 (0) 20 8630 0642. Fax: +44 (0) 20 8747 8323. E-mail: charlotte.surman@rambert.org.uk. link to website
ADA/0023 |
Dedicated to innovation and quality in contemporary dance performance, Random Dance, Resident Company at Sadler’s Wells, is a creative frontrunner on the British and international dance scene. Random is renowned the world over for its extraordinary innovations with a distinctive and exhilarating physical dance vocabulary, its pioneering use of new media onstage, and for its extraordinary record in accessing new, predominantly young, audiences. The company is currently engaged with the intimate exploration of science in creation, performance and outreach, with an emphasis on the interactivity with, and application to, the human body. Random have traditionally reached audiences in non-conventional ways, exploring cutting edge new technologies in their education work - which is fundamental to the company’s work - reaching hundreds of young people each year. Regularly supported by the British Council, Random tours frequently to some of the most prestigious theatres worldwide as well as to areas of the world that rarely have access to British contemporary dance. Contact: Rebecca Marshall, Executive Producer. Tel.: 020 7278 6015. Fax: 020 7278 5469. Address: Sadler's Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN. E-mail: rebecca@randomdance.org. link to website
ADA/0024 |
REALIFE TRUST (now Stortford Music Festival)
The Woodworks Annual Music and Dance Festival attracts approximately 1,000 people across the Bishops Stortford, Stansted Airport, M11 corridor area of East Herts. and West Essex. This major event offers excellent sponsorship opportunities in terms of publicity materials, showcase events, world class performances and all-age public participation. Contact: Tony Phillips, Director. Address: 3, The Courtyard, Windhill, Bishops stortford, Herts. CM23 2ND. Tel.: 01279 504735. Fax: 01279 757658. E-mail: tony@realife.org.uk. link to website
ADA/0025 |
The Redbridge Dance Festival aims to attract new audiences to dance and increase opportunities to become involved in dance in the borough. The Festival includes events for all ages. It is advertised widely via a brochure, press and advertising. Contact: Kate Draper, Arts Development & Entertainment Officer. Address: Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1NY. Tel.: 0208-708-3530.
ADA/0026 |
Sadler's Wells' mission is to promote and encourage dance and music theatre for all, bringing the world's most outstanding dance, ballet and opera companies to London and ensuring that performances are accessible for all through affordable ticket prices and a wide ranging education programme. Contact: Martha Heiland-Allen. Address: Sadler's Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN. Tel.: 020 7863 8138. E-mail: martha.heilandallen@sadlerswells.com. link to website
ADA/0027 |
"Business involvement with Scottish Ballet is the start of a sustainable business relationship built on the delivery of quality and your involvement in an outstanding cultural experience and national company. Your support will provide a valuable stream of income, which will enable Scottish Ballet to produce work of the highest standards and reach the widest possible audience. Benefits may include best seats, corporate hospitality events, opportunity to meet the dancers, prominent use of your brand, ticket discount for employees and 'behind the scenes' talks". Contact: Development Department. Tel.: 0141-331-2931. E-mail: support@scottishballet.co.uk. link to website
ADA/0028 |
SOUTH EAST FOLK ARTS NETWORK SEFAN (the South East Folk Arts Network) received full Charity status in November 2005. Its mission is to increase knowledge, participation and interest in the traditional arts throughout the ACE, SE region. Folk music and dance bring people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds together and represent accessible art forms which encourage participation. SEFAN is keen on improving youth participation in the Folk Arts (running its own youth programmes) and is set to become the first port of call for information and advice in the region. Contact: Penny Allen, Administrator. Address: 89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 7JQ. Tel.: 01273 541453. Fax: 01273 554189 E-mail: admin@sefan.org.uk. link to website
ADA/0029 |
Tabula Rasa is seeking a sponsorship partner for its professional programme of contemporary dance performances and education work for children. Contact: Sponsorship Department. Tel.: 01450 860 378. Address: Whitelaw House, Earlside, Hawick Scottish Borders TD9 9SE. E-mail: info@tabularasacollaborations.com. link to website