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The Design and Technology Association inspires, develops and supports excellence in design and technology education for all. The organisation is a registered charity and professional association. It provides free advice and resources for teachers to use with primary, secondary and special needs pupils, cost return training and conferences, plus an awards ceremony for top D&T teachers. A range of sponsorship opportunities are available including associate membership, sponsorship of research and curriculum development groups, national and regional conferences and resources given to schools. Sponsors' names are entered on the charity's website, programmes, publications and posters, accessed by thousands of teachers. Contact: Fundraising Department. Address: 16 Wellesbourne House, Walton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9JB. Tel.: 01789 470007. Fax: 01789 841955. E-mail:
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The London Design Festival is an international event held every September to celebrate and promote the best of London and the UK's design and creative talent. The festival acts as an umbrella for over 155 partners including national and regional government, national museums, membership organisations, galleries and trade shows that stage a diverse range of events and activities during the festival period. It is well established on the international creative calendar. As an integral partner with the event, the sponsor is promised the full benefit of massive media coverage plus an on-street presence at high profile venues across London. This is a highly targeted sponsorship property ideal for a brand trying to reach a high end audience with a clear association with design excellence. Contact: Sponsorship Department. Address: 33 John Street, London WC1N 2AT. Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7242 6022. E-mail:
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The Music Design Awards recognise designers, worldwide, for the outstanding work they do for the music industry, at every level. To those in the know, designing for the music industry takes hard, hard work and real innovation - strokes of brilliance underscored with inspiration - leading to spectacular end results. Design for the music industry is unrelentingly challenging and occupies the minds of the world's most inspired, leading-edge designers and design houses. The Music Design Awards represent an opportunity for designers around the world to enter their projects for clients. The awards are truly global in context and open to designers from all regions. There are sixty-two awards to win - eleven project categories across five music genre groupings and seven continental region categories. Leading companies seeking to encourage and reward great design for the music industry support the Music Design Awards, such as Eye magazine and Art Vinyl, who have supported the Awards previously. The organisers of the Music Design Awards are keen to foster longer term relationships with partners/supporters and build enduring two-way relationships, ensuring supporters benefit from positive exposure and the Awards benefit from the credible support of companies for whom the link between design and music is important. Supporting organisations will benefit from electronic media exposure (in the form of website and editorial content), email activity, e-bulletins and e-ads on search engines. They will also gain exposure in more traditional media such as direct mail, editorial in trade titles, carefully selected display advertising and support from media partners. Contact: Marie Thomas, Operations Director. Address: Music Design Awards (jla), 80 Great Portland Street, London W1W 7NW. Tel.: +44 (0) 20 8675 8405. E-mail:
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OPF Radio 107.7 fm, The Open Project Franchise for Expressive Arts Radio Project and The Independent Music Show are offering an attractive sponsorship package to large brand companies who wish to support all aspects of expressive arts educational broadcasting and radio production. The package includes an opportunity to advertise the sponsor's brand, product or services in the form of 'On Air Audio Jingles' to be incorporated into the broadcast of OPF Radio output - 'Relay Broadcasting Worldwide 24 Hours A Day'. Banner ads. will also be placed prominently on the OPF Radio 107.7 fm website and the playlist page of The Independent Music Show. "This is your company's opportunity to support The Open Project Franchise for Expressive Arts. We are the only internet and FM radio broadcasting project promoting expressive arts educational broadcasting and offering interactive SMS, phone calls and requestbox features on the net, with over 11,000 listeners every week. This easy, self set-up school project comprises    our Present Your Own School Show Live 12.00 noon to 2.00pm programme, a low budget self set-up for teachers which won't cost their schools a penny (though they must already have a computer and broadband connection). We offer    free software, free jingles, free plug-ins, free email address, free servers, free streaming, free BT automated connection, free downloads, free training server and free tech support    all schools get two hours broadcasting time. When a person picks up a microphone there can be an amazing transformation. It allows them to take risks and responsibility for their own actions. Having an audience for your work, you become motivated and engaged in an activity-based learning project. This boosts self-confidence, builds relationships and enhances ICT skills. This real life experience pushes one to develop independent thinking and problem solving skills. We call it 'The Open Project Franchise for Expressive Arts'. Our free-to-join Radio Broadcasting Course is a complete sixteen week training workshop which combines hands-on training and live broadcasting from our fully equipped studios. In addition to vocal coaching (where we teach voice and speech technique), some of the weekly lectures include radio programming, jingle production, news, weather, voice-overs, sports reports, copywriting, music programming, station management and internet broadcasting. On completion pupils receive a certificate and 2 x 1 hour shows broadcasting live on the internet. This is your company's opportunity to support 'The Open Project Franchise for Expressive Arts'". Contact: Tom Lambert. Address: 83 The Grange, Lough Road, Lurgan BT67 9BU. Tel.: 02838 321608. E-mail:
link to website (Tom Lambert Real Country)

link to website (OPF Radio)



Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
Arts Development
Kala Phool is an arts development agency that strives to make diverse artforms accessible, fun and low cost. Currently not core funded, Kala Phool needs financial support from like-minded organisations that want to work with it. Projects Kala Phool develops and delivers include the Brighton Hip Hop Festival, which boasts a position as the UK's largest celebration of Hip Hop culture. Kala Phool currently works globally with existing and emerging partners, as well as those from across the UK, pushing the boundaries in making all the artforms under the Hip Hop 'banner' visible. The festival was ten years old in 2013 and Kala Phool are keen to have sponsors come and support their vision - they are open to more than one supporter.     Mother India 21st Century Remix - this project is currently under development and involves the rescoring of the iconic and Oscar award winning Indian epic, Mother India. It will be produced using the talent of the world's top Turntablist, bringing the film to a fresh new audience with India and Pakistan's independence as its inspiration.     Frieze Box - imagine, a box covered in canvas in the middle of your town, school or on a roundabout, with artists working on it in rotation. This is the concept and currently Frieze Box is being developed to work with younger people, in schools and with national festivals. It's a way of taking the art to the people and allowing them to have a go. Quality is foremost in Kala Phool's visioning and the agency works with the best of the best, the most respected and credible artists ... but also in their own right they value Kala Phool's work. Kala Phool works to support under-developed artform sectors that may not necessarily have a voice. It advocates on strategic, national and international levels with a variety of agencies. "We want to hear from you". Contact: Ms Indy Hunjan. Address: PO Box 106, Brighton, East Sussex BN50 9BU. Tel.: +44 (0) 7977 449052. E-mail:
link to Kalaphool website
link to Brighton Hip Hop Festival website


Opportunity to be involved as sponsors; partners get priority notice of sponsorship opportunities and are encouraged to be involved in the development of new projects. Address: 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ. Tel.: 0207-930-5115. Fax: 0207-839-5805. Contact John Pennant, Director of Development (direct line 0207-451-6891). E-mail:
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Arts Publications
Culture Compass (formerly Open Magazine is an online magazine offering a cutting edge combination of the high arts and popular culture. The ethos of the mag. is to present the arts as stylish, relevant, accessible and exciting. Its readership is bright, savvy and curious: interested in discovering new experiences; widening their knowledge. They may already be involved with the arts either as practitioners or enthusiasts. But, equally, the magazine appeals to those who may know nothing about art, or theatre or modern dance but simply be curious. Open is never preachy or judgemental: it's fun, glossy and looks at the emerging zeitgeist with humour and irreverence. It looks at the classics with fresh eyes and champions emerging talent. Features are written by journalists and experts in their field ... often by arts practitioners themselves. Editor-in-Chief Loma-Ann Bonner is a former staff journalist on various nationals and has recently been elected as a Fellow of the RSA for her work on Culture Compass. Details of sponsorship opportunities are available on request. Contact: Loma-Ann Bonner, Editor-in-Chief. Address: London-based. Tel.: 07946 476183. E-mail:
link to website


AOC/0001 TAG (The Artists Group)
TAG is a non profit-making partnership of three professional artists, based in the North West, whose aim is to provide anyone (especially disadvantaged groups) with the opportunity to collaborate with artists and take part in high quality contemporary art projects. Support in the form of sponsorship will assist in the funding of current work, which includes a visual arts project with a group of brain-injured patients at the Rathbone Hospital in Liverpool; a relief sculpture project with a youth association in a deprived area of the city (incorporating local history and researching amongst older members of the community); and a project with elderly people who are at present recovering from strokes in a local Liverpool hospital (involving the creation by the patients of hand-made books). TAG are happy to provide more detailed information about any of the above projects, the group itself and future projects. Address: TAG (please indicate 'TAG' clearly on the envelope), c/o Marybone YACA, Fontenoy Street, Liverpool L3 2AP. Tel.: 0151-236-3865. Fax: 0151-236-7740. Mobile: 07957-335-567. E-mail:


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London Arte Chamber Orchestra (LACO) has just returned from a tour to China and Poland. "Sponsorship will allow the orchestra to continue developing our intense education programme, which consists of the constant promotion of young musicians, composers, soloists and conductors in London and worldwide. Our mission is to create more opportunities through our Young Composer's Competition and Music To Heal campaign to help people in need and with disabilities. LACO performs a vast repertoire of music from all periods, styles and ethnicities. Our aim is to commission yearly new music scores from young composers, premiering new pieces worldwide and locally and showcasing the music that is still undiscovered. LACO has proudly performed concerts for diverse charities in London and has worked with the Stroke Association, the BBC and Disney. We need the support of new sponsors to be able to continue performing our orchestral and chamber music competitions, alongside our education programme. The orchestra can perform in any type of events from corporate to independent concerts that can be tailored to the sponsor's needs. We have provided quality musicians for the last six years to corporate events, weddings, festivals and public concerts and will continue to do so in a new exciting season". Contact: Fabricio Brachetta, Artistic Director. Address: London Arte Chamber Orchestra, 23 Chaffinch Road BR3 4LT.
link to website

The Wheelchair Dance Sport Association offers diverse and mixed inclusive dancing for all. The WDSA (UK) was established in 2006 as the UK National Governing Body for wheelchair dance sport and wheelchair dancing within the UK, for those who would otherwise be excluded from dancing. The aim of the WDSA (UK) is to promote and develop wheelchair dancing as a sport and leisure activity across the country, to raise the standard of instruction and competition in the UK and internationally at all levels. As well as making dance, in whatever form, FUN, exciting and something that individuals who are part of this association and who take part in wheelchair dance are proud to say 'I can do that'. "Members can become an instructor or just be part of a group where they can learn to dance. This is an inclusive environment where members meet able-bodied and disabled partners and can choose to compete as an individual. We are looking for sponsors who can help us with funding to continue our valuable services throughout the UK. We offer bursaries to people to train as an instructor. We work closely with local councils to provide an active sport to those in wheelchairs and with a more severe disability. NO ONE is turned away. Please help support us with our ongoing costs". Contact: Mrs Gill Day. Address: Lemarie Centre for Charities, 524 St Albans Road, Watford WD24 7RX. Tel.: 03001113045. E-mail:
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The Art House is dedicated to creating equality of opportunity for disabled people within the visual arts. It is as an inclusive organisation, working with both disabled and non-disabled artists. The range of sponsorship opportunities available includes ongoing support for specific projects and exhibitions. The Art House Workspace is situated in Wakefield, with accessible and supported studios, accommodation and workspace for visiting artists, printmaking studio, Foyer Gallery, offices and meeting rooms. Contact: Liz Whitehouse, Director. Address: The Art House, Drury Lane, Wakefield WF1 2TE. Tel: 01924 377740. E-mail:


Established in 1981 to provide information and advice for disabled people regarding access to London's arts and entertainment venues. Mailing address: Artsline, 54 Chalton Street, London NW1 1HS. Tel.: 0207-388-2227 (voice and Minicom). Multicultural Project 0207-388-2474. Fax: 0207-383-2653. E-mail:
link to web site


Mencap is the leading UK learning disability charity. Contact: Felicity Smith, Senior Corporate Account Manager. Address: 123 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0RT. Tel.: 020 7696 6970. Fax: 020 7696 5540. E-mail:
link to website


Tidy Eye Films is seeking sponsorship for a film project involving disabled and disadvantaged actors, writers and crew in the Bideford area, Devon. The film is a blossoming love story involving a disabled war veteran and a ditzy female neighbour who tries to pull him out of his deep melancholy and disassociation. It is a story of courage in overcoming prejudice and the fear of the unknown, something we can all relate to whether able-bodied or not. The project offers opportunities for talent to get noticed, advertisers and sponsors who want to do something worthwhile to unite the community. Contact: Ray Smith. Address: Owl Barn, Wooda Road, Northam, Bideford EX39 1NB. Tel.: 07962 532947. E-mail:
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Information Services
Established in 1981 to provide information and advice for disabled people regarding access to London's arts and entertainment venues. Mailing address: Artsline, 54 Chalton Street, London NW1 1HS. Tel.: 0207-388-2227 (voice and Minicom). Multicultural Project 0207-388-2474. Fax: 0207-383-2653. E-mail:
link to web site



Gratitude ( is a spectacular outdoor public art installation which commemorates this extraordinary moment in time. The installation will bring together 49 uniquely designed human form sculptures in a display which invites contemplation and takes visitors on a creative journey of discovery. The image of key workers standing together, but apart, is one of the abiding images of our times - each worker socially distancing and standing apart, while at the same time showing a unique coming together. Each sculpture will be created by national and regional artists to reflect the stories and contributions of NHS staff and all key workers and will be sponsored by a different business. Free to visit, Gratitude will be hosted in high profile, accessible locations in Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and London. The sculptures will be auctioned in October 2021 to raise funds for NHS Charities Together (Registered Charity Number 1186569). "Businesses and other local organisations are invited to sponsor a sculpture for £9,750 plus VAT, which provides a great opportunity for your company to recognise the tremendous efforts of your own employees during the pandemic, and to support artists and exhibition designers, who are giving us all some much-needed colour and vibrancy to our cities in this challenging period. We also appreciate that, as a business, you will want to see a return on this investment and use your sponsorship to reach all your stakeholders. There are various ways that you can do this, including employee and stakeholder engagement and driving customers to your business. Gratitude sponsorship is a great opportunity to promote your brand, what you do and key messages through our print and digital assets. These include the sculpture plaque, Gratitude website and the app. Our team will talk you through various ways of getting your message out there. So don't delay and join our other sponsors including Ocado, Wesleyan, HSBC, Browne Jacobson, Securitas, Thortful, Premier Inn, Selfridges and others ... we are now looking for our last twelve sponsors and need to know by June 2021". "Gratitude will be an important landmark event for NHS Charities Together in 2021. We hope businesses step forward to support this event, which will raise vital funds for NHS Charities Together and will help us to produce a very special and significant event for the UK", Ellie Orton, Chief Executive, NHS Charities Together. Contact: Julie Gaskell. Address: Wild In Art, Unit 14, Binswood Trading Estate, Whaley Bridge SK23 7LY. Tel.: 07768 038912. E-mail:
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Download more info.!   Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the Gratitude installation (pdf format)


Completely Naked is a visual arts initiative. London based founders Claire Ward-Thornton and Pau Ros created Completely Naked in November 1999. Currently Completely Naked comprises a team of free-lance collaborators, like Pablo Goikoetxea. The team explores representations of the human body and challenges social boundaries around personal identity. Its work combines an interest in culture, psychology and communication with design by engaging public audiences in exciting methods of interactivity and art. Contact: Claire Ward-Thornton, Company Development. Address: 27a Belfast Road, London N16 6UN. Tel.: 020 8806 5596.
link to website


Dust Ensemble creates groundbreaking work that tours conventional and unconventional performance venues. "Our work is intermedial, combining film, dance, theatre and music technology that immerses an audience in a strange and beautifully poetic experience." Established in 2014 by Artistic Director Mary Steadman, the company, formally known as Red Room Productions, was re-named in 2024 to reflect a shift in focus aligning with Mary's practice and research. Her deep interest in the eerie and unexplained shaped Dust Ensemble into a multi-disciplinary company. "Our work seeks to ask questions about the world we live in, what's beneath the surface and that things are not what they seem. Sponsorship opportunities are now available to develop our organisation to the next stage." Contact: Mary Steadman. Address, 134, Main Road, Cleeve, BS49 4PW, Tel: 07469 947209. E-mail:
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