The UK Arts Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK arts sponsorship opportunities
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AOM/PL001 |
 ARAWAK Arawak is seeking sponsorship partners to put the show on the road. "We are a high profile carnival float comprising 150-300 participants from various cultures, including several celebrities such as Narran McLean, leading lady of the most popular West End musical, Tasha Danvers, G.B. Olympic medallist and Lance Corporal Johnson Beharry VC, parading around the entire carnival route in wonderfully vibrant costumes at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival, attracting 2-2.5 million visitors over two days of the August Bank Holiday weekend. We offer three sponsorship packages which are tailored to the individual needs of our sponsors, enabling you to achieve the maximum exposure and awareness of your brand, product, service or business on our 2 x 45' trucks, our double deck London bus, 500 printed T-shirts and any other promotional material you may wish to distribute. You will also be linked to our website - www.arawak.eu. Arawak was formed in 2000 and has enjoyed twelve peaceful, happy carnivals with our superior security promoting health and safety. Having been commended by the Metropolitan Police, we are seen as a responsible professional organisation, featuring on prime time television on several occasions. Past sponsors include BBC London, AG Barr plc, Air Caribbean, Appleton Rum and many other brands. There is no sponsor too big or small for us to accommodate - so give us a call! You have everything to gain at the biggest street festival in Europe!" Contact: Lynda Joseph. Tel.: 07799655427. E-mail: email@arawak.eu. link to website
Click button to download more information from Arawak (Word format)
AOM/PL002 |
BRISFEST - ASHTON COURT ESTATE, BRISTOL (updated details for 2016 TBC) BrisFest, Bristol's largest music festival for 20,000 people per day, is designed to showcase the best of the south west, alongside top name artists. The festival typically features a packed programme of top quality entertainment, outdoor stages, flamboyant décor, costumed walkabouts, circus and comedy tents, projection light shows, miles of internationally renowned graffiti and an array of interactive fun for that ultimate festival experience. Tickets are from £15 a day, kids free, plus hundreds of volunteering opportunities to be accessible to all the event's wide-ranging audience, over 60% of whom are between 16 and 35. "We invest in people, offering mentoring, training and recognised qualifications to help people into work, using the engaging power of music, art and festival fun. We offer tailored partnerships, including social media campaigns to communicate directly to our huge online following or sponsored event consumables in order to really integrate our partners into the show. Partnering with BrisFest is an excellent value-for-money option to significantly raise your profile, reach thousands of potential customers and support a worthy cause. Previous partners have included Nokia Music, Sailor Jerry, UWE, Fenchurch, Gala Casinos, Redrow Homes and many more. For further information on future opportunities please email partners@brisfest.co.uk or call 0117 3281492 or see our website (link below)". Contact: Poppy Stephenson. Tel.: 0117 3281492. Address: BrisFest, Bush House, 4th Floor, 72 Price Street, Bristol BS1 4QD. E-mail: poppy@brisfest.co.uk link to website
AOM/PL003 |
 THE BRITISH FEDERATION OF FILM SOCIETIES The British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS) is the national support and development organisation for the film society and community cinema sector. "We represent a UK-wide network of over 550 community cinema groups, and through them over 55,000 audience members and film enthusiasts. BFFS makes film culture available and accessible to all. We have a variety of ongoing opportunities available. Foremost among them is the large scale official sponsorship of events such as our National Conference, a two-day event comprising film screenings and inspiring workshops which regularly attracts over 150 delegates from across the UK, and the Film Society of the Year Awards, which recognise and reward excellence in cultural and community cinema and attract high profile film industry speakers. Other sponsorship opportunities include individual awards, drinks receptions, film screenings and workshops, training and education packages, as well as local event sponsorship. Bespoke packages can also be created to accommodate individual sponsor's requirements. All sponsorship offers branding, promotional and PR opportunities as well as media coverage. Further details are available on request". Contact: Ms Jaq Chell. Address: Unit 320, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX. Tel.: 0114 2210314. E-mail: info@bffs.org.uk link to website
Click button to download more information from The British Federation of Film Societies (pdf format)
AOM/PL004 |
 THE BRITISH FIREWORK CHAMPIONSHIPS from THE EVENT SERVICES ASSOCIATION The British Firework Championships, now in their nineteenth year, is the biggest free event taking place in the South West each August. Attracting a family crowd of around 200,000 people over two nights, the event features a competition involving six 10 minute firework displays by professional display companies. In order to expand the event further, the organisers are seeking a headline sponsor to work with, to develop the Championships. This would include the provision of a dedicated radio station on which the sponsor's brand can be promoted. The event already attracts wide media coverage across the South West, as well as nationally. It offers excellent scope for expansion into promotional activity for the right sponsor. Contact: Jim Winship. Address: The Event Services Association, 18c Moor Street, Chepstow NP16 5DB. Tel.: 01291 636331. Fax: 01291 630402. E-mail: Jim@tesa.org.uk link to website
AOM/PL005 |
THE DAPHNE DU MAURIER FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND LITERATURE Started in 1997, the Daphne du Maurier Festival has grown steadily and proved to be very popular attracting visitors from far and wide, giving sponsors the opportunity to reach a diverse audience for their products. The first festival celebrated the ninetieth anniversary of the author's birth and over the past fifteen years has become an important date in Cornwall's cultural literary calendar. Fowey, in Cornwall, has been proud to host this festival and has welcomed a variety of artists and performers to enjoy the delights of this ancient seaport on the wonderful south coast of Cornwall. With its focus of a tented village overlooking the Fowey Estuary, the festival has been popular with artists and visitors alike. The Festival Village houses a 600 seat auditorium, bookshop and a cafe and bar, with views over the river. In addition to the Festival Village, the Festival also uses many more venues in and around Fowey. The programme includes a wide range of authors and other artistes during this ten day celebration. In the past artists such as Sir John Mills, Cleo Laine and John Dankworth have all asked to come again another year as they enjoyed the Festival's special atmosphere so much. The Festival Village events are complemented by community events. These include plays, talks, concerts, exhibitions and a series of guided walks. The festival has strong links with the local schools and is keen to encourage events suitable for, and put on by, the young generation. The University of Exeter has had a long association with the du Maurier Festival and has provided interesting and lively talks and debates covering a wide range of subjects. It has strong, loyal support from its enthusiastic supporters. An independent survey to assess the economic benefit stated The Daphne Du Maurier Festival currently provides an event that is well supported and highly regarded by its visitors with high satisfaction levels throughout The local community also supports the festival through attendance, but also appreciates the fact that it allows them to experience culture close to home. The festival, formerly run by Restormel Borough Council, then Cornwall Council, has recently been taken over by a joint committee of Fowey Town Council and the Port of Fowey Chamber of Commerce. The new committee is working to develop the festival further to encourage more visitors and in subsequent years to widen the range and breadth of its artistic programme. There is a range of sponsorship opportunities available in connection with this very special festival. Contact: Jonathan Aberdeen, Festival Administrator. Address: Daphne du Maurier Festival, Cornwall Council, Penwinninck Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR. Tel.: 01726 223439. E-mail: admin@dumaurierfestival.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from The Daphne du Maurier Festival (Word format)
AOM/PL006 |
DRAMARAMA MUSIC & DRAMA CLUB Dramarama is a community youth drama organisation. It works with children within the local community, giving them something to do in the evenings and with the aim of getting the children off the streets and helping them to build confidence and team building experience. All staff work on a voluntary basis and all funds come from government grants and fundraising events. The club is looking for sponsors who are willing to help in a variety of different ways - either through one-off or regular donations, in order for the children to buy much needed equipment, or by donation of the equipment itself. In exchange the club offers to add the donating company's logo to all of its advertising leaflets and any event posters or public paperwork, along with a notice attached to the equipment donated stating that the item was generously donated by the sponsor in question. Its current needs and requirements are as follows music mixing software theatrical lighting system scenery and staging equipment. They are also in the process of planning a family fun day during the summer holidays for the children in the area and require various pieces of equipment for the activities they have planned. These are marquees x 2, 3m x 3m art and craft equipment bouncy castle ball pit and balls trampoline face painting equipment outdoor gaming equipment (hula hoops, skittles, giant board games, etc.) large catering tea urn large sponges (wet sponge throwing). "Any further questions are welcome - please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks in advance". Contact: Mrs Gemma French, Chairperson. Address: 25 Eaden Crescent, Hoyland, Barnsley S74 9RH. Tel.: 01226 741592. E-mail: Dramarama@hotmail.com.
AOM/PL007 |
 EPSILON PRODUCTIONS Epsilon Productions strives to give a platform to the unsung talent within the industry, both on stage and behind the scenes. EP is based in Islington and always aims to work with local businesses and related groups. They aim to bring real stories to life, to unburden the stage of unnecessary clutter and to allow each production to reveal its unique essence. Past productions have been critically acclaimed and members of their team, cast and crew, have gone on to bigger and better things with some outstanding companies throughout the world. Funding is a constant concern in the realm of theatre and everything that Epsilon receives, from the pence to the pound, is guaranteed to be put to the best use possible. A breakdown will be sent out to all benefactors showing how and where their hard-earned cash has been spent. "Please take a moment to read through the testimonial page on our website to gain a clear idea of who we are and the calibre of our work". Contact: Angela Bull. Address: 81 Sussex Way, Holloway, London N7 6RU. Tel.: 07889 095764. E-mail: angela@epsilonproductions.co.uk link to website
AOM/PL008 |
 GAY PHOTOGRAPHERS NETWORK Gay Photographers Network holds an annual West End exhibition as official participants in the London Pride Festival but also in conjunction with World Pride. "We are seeking sponsorship to support the staging and promotion of this exciting addition to next summer's events calendar. With our sponsors' branding on all materials and events, last year's sponsors gained extensive exposure to the marketplace, including to over 180,000 readers of the print edition of the Independent newspaper and a further 58,000 Time Out readers with added visibility on their respective websites. We were also heavily supported by the gay press, including high profile titles such as QX and Bent. We estimate at least a quarter of a million potential customers were exposed to our sponsors' brands for the equivalent of just a few pence per head. In 2012 that exposure will be even greater with a million visitors expected in London next summer". Contact: John Drennan, Chairman. Tel.: 07887 997760. E-mail: info@gayphotographersnetwork.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from Gay Photographers Network (pdf format)
AOM/PL009 |
 GO FIGURATIVE This is an opportunity to sponsor exhibitions organised by the UK's only dedicated figurative art online community and gallery, Go Figurative. Go Figurative welcomes the chance to discuss support for each exhibition individually, as well as a more strategically focused, longer term, agreement covering multiple events. Go Figurative would suit a sponsor looking for an association with quality, aesthetic beauty, substance and evidence of skill. Contacts: Sally Perry (tel. +44 (0)20 8905 5872) or Peter Clements, Director (tel. +44 (0)7525 458180). Address: 68 Scotts Sufferance Wharf, 5 Mill Street, London SE1 2DF. E-mails: sallyperry@gofigurative.com and peterclements@gofigurative.com link to website
AOM/PL010 |
 GRIMSBY PRIDE The North East Lincolnshire Pride (trading as Grimsby Pride) committee have been providing an annual Pride festival for four years now, this one being the fifth event. The event always occurs on the Saturday after the August Bank Holiday, usually at Meridian Park, Cleethorpes. This year's event will take place between 11.00am and 7.00pm. Its aim is to raise awareness and promote social integration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and other strains of the diverse communities within the North East Lincolnshire area. "As I am sure you are aware, it can be very difficult for all people that are unsure about their feelings with regards to their sexuality. We can offer support and encouragement through professional bodies and organisations that will be present on the day to help people through what can be a very troubling time. It also offers them the opportunity to enjoy a fabulous day with like-minded people. The festival has become hugely successful with thousands of people attending throughout the day, where they can enjoy a fantastic array of headline acts, local acts and a wealth of information, health awareness and retail stalls. We are looking to increase the attendance figures for this year and are planning a fantastic line up of entertainment and attractions to ensure a great success. We are a non-profit organisation with every member of the committee being volunteers. Due to funding cutbacks within the local authority, we are now seeking additional funding, sponsorship and donations. With this in mind, in the attached sponsorship pack are a compilation of packages available for your consideration. We hope that you can support us in some way, no matter how great or small. 2012 saw the management committee apply to the Charities Commission to become a registered charity. Our charity number is 1146977. In addition, we are in a growing, developing and exciting partnership with Grimsby Institute, developing a support group for the LGBT youth of North East Lincolnshire". Contact: Wayne Reece-Gorman, Chairman. Address: Grimsby Pride, PO Box 646, Grimsby DN31 9HN. Tel.: 07824875261. E-mail: wayne@grimsbypride.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Grimsby Pride (Word format)
AOM/PL011 |
 HULL LGBT COMMUNITY PRIDE - UK PRIDE 2017 2017 is an exciting year for Hull LGBT Community Pride. "Not only is Hull the UK City of Culture for 2017, we are also hosting the first annual UK Pride as part of a national network of over a hundred regional Prides. It is also fifty years since the decriminalisation of being gay. It will be a massive celebration, encompassing a whole week which will garner much local, national and international media coverage. We believe we can work together for a mutually beneficial partnership. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to be involved with the largest LGBT+ celebration in 2017. A list of the main events follows, but we will be running events throughout the week. Pride Parade: up to 105 individual UK Prides will be marching along with organisations such as the Police (every force to be represented) and the Fire Brigade. This year will see the parade undertake the longest route in its history. Main Pride Event: the main Pride event will this year be held for the first time at Queens Gardens, a ten acre site right in the middle of Hull city centre. There will be the main stage, with live entertainment featuring music from the last fifty years, together with a VIP site for corporate sponsors and stalls for organisations that provide support for the LGBT+ community. This will be a family event, so everybody can get involved with individual stalls and attractions. We are even going to have a symphony orchestra perform a specially arranged LGBT+ musical timeline in an evening concert, with special guests making an appearance. 2017 is a big year for us and we welcome you to get involved. We are looking for sponsorship for a very wide range of events, so we would appreciate your taking the time to click on the download button below and read the attached booklet. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me". Contact: Danielle Oliver, Trustee, Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities. Address: 31 Rosebury Street, Hull HU5 6PQ. Tel.: 01482442543. E-mail: danielle@prideinhull.co.uk. link to website
Other UK Pride events include
LGBT+ Film Festival
LGBT+ Comedy Festival
LGBT+ Poetry, Spoken Word Festival
LGBT+ Photography Festival
LGBT+ Tea Time Talks
LGBT+ Cabaret Fundraising Ball
LGBT+ Job Skills and Entrepreneur Workshops
and so much more. There will also be many community supported events throughout this landmark week of celebration.
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor UK Pride 2017 (pdf format)
UK Pride - 22/07/2017 to 28/07/2017; Hull Pride - annual
AOM/PL012 |
 IDEAS TAP IdeasTap is a UK national arts charity with 170,000 young, creative members and forty-six high profile arts organisations as partners. These include BAFTA, BFI, Royal Shakespeare Company, Underbelly, Magnum Photos, National Youth Theatre and Sky. "For the very first time, IdeasTap is opening its doors to the corporate world to help further our charitable work. We are offering a range of bespoke packages, which include prime time TV and digital broadcasting opportunities through our partnership with Sky and sponsorship of some of our exclusive funds, such as our Edinburgh Festival fund and Magnum Photographic Award. You will also gain access to our 170,000 member base and the ability to network with our high profile partner organisations. So if you're looking to increase brand awareness in the UK arts scene, and better engage with young people and future audiences, we can help". Contact: Adam Risbridger, Business Development Officer. Address: Woolyard, 54 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UD. Tel.: 0207 232 5445. E-mail: adam@ideastap.com. link to website
AOM/PL013 |
 I WILL TELL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The I Will Tell International Film Festival is a large and strong community that understands the power of story. "We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available to help you tell yours. The tenth anniversary of the I Will Tell International Film Festival will be a spectacular celebration of ten years of showcasing award-winning films from over twenty-five countries, covering a variety of genres from micro-animations to epic feature-length dramas, followed by thought-provoking and inspirational post-screening discussions. The festival was inadvertently named by a young girl, called Anel, in an impoverished area of Mozambique, who wanted the world to know her story and the story of so many others around the world. I Will Tell is run with a Christian ethos and showcases the most innovative and exceptional films made by filmmakers of any faith or none, addressing issues such as war and peace, relationship, faith, family, business, government, gender issues, race and much more. These are films that, just by being screened, help to empower, support, teach, encourage and challenge people around the world. But it is the inspirational post-screening discussions after each film - with the audience, filmmakers and subject matter experts - that contribute to making I Will Tell unlike any other festival in the world. The festival serves a culturally diverse and vibrant audience of mostly early 20s to mid-50s men and women who are active in film or the creative industries, passionate about social renewal and purpose and/or are thought leaders or specialists in the themes addressed by the wide range of films. Information about sponsorship opportunities is available on request". Contact: Jenny Lee. Tel.: 07961 314 251. E-mail: info@iwilltell.com link to website
AOM/PL014 |
 KINGSTON VALE OPERATIC & DRAMATIC SOCIETY KVODS is an amateur musical theatre group based in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey. It also has a youth section called Young KVODS for young people aged 7 to 17 years, which is expanding in size year on year. Both groups enable members of the local community to take part in full scale musical productions at purpose-built theatres. The groups also hope to educate local people in the arts and give those who may not normally attend theatre a chance to see musicals. More information about sponsorship opportunities is available on request. Contact: Julie Mills. E-mail: secretary@kvods.com
AOM/PL015 |
 LIGHT LAB Light Lab is a community arts organisation running projects across Scotland, set up by Edinburgh artist Kenny Bean. It provides a range of arts events to community groups using video projection and photography to increase people's skills, encourage their creative potential and boost confidence and self-esteem. Light Lab works with over 1,000 young people each year, through a series of workshop-based projects and arts events. There is great potential for a sponsor to help create brand new projects or to adopt an existing touring event helping to reach even more communities. Full details of sponsorship opportunities are available on request. Contact: Kenny Bean, Artistic Director. Tel.: 07720 840 847. Address: Light Lab, 29 Broomhall Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 7PX. E-mail: kennybean@outlook.com link to website
Examples of projects that require sponsorship
Lightspaces - a ten-day project allowing groups to create their own three-screen projection space to express their cultural identity.
Art in Landscape - a temporary art installation project to create artwork within the natural environment making sculptural pieces and exterior projections.
Lightbox - a short workshop for young people to explore nature's diversity and complex patterns in a highly creative way.
Light Lab - a short workshop for young people in a schools to learn about the art and science of light from an experienced science communicator and light artist.
Caravan Obscura - a mobile art installation using lenses and light to project images onto the interior of a caravan. The installation is mostly used for large festivals and community outdoor events.
AOM/PL016 |
 LONDON MOTOR MUSEUM Opened in late 2007, a five minute journey from the UK's busiest airport, London Heathrow, and a fifteen minute train ride from London Paddington station, London Motor Museum is an exciting, innovative museum which encapsulates the essence of motoring achievement and features an element of extreme conversion vehicles never seen before. The museum's collection currently houses over 200 vehicles, covering the eras of the 1930s through to modern day concept cars. A wide range of transport vehicles is displayed, including bikes, trucks and concept cars. Being the only motor museum in the London region, the museum is able to stimulate the most profound motoring fanatics as well as provide an educational element which introduces innovation and core aspects of technology and design. A wide market reach, with targeted audiences being families, predominately males, and a large tourist interest, the London Motor Museum provides a fantastic canvas for inventive displays and exhibitions, being involved in some of the most prestigious and well-known motoring events - such as Goodwood Festival of Speed and Top Gear Live - and working for companies such as Nokia, Microsoft and Disney. London Motor Museum has always heavily based employment for the younger generation and provides hands-on opportunities to be involved in all aspects, such as planning, marketing and production. The museum's aims are to provide unique opportunities for the local community; it aims to raise funds for local youth programmes as well as establish a base and provide training through workshops and employment prospects. The museum is seeking sponsorship to market and promote the education programmes and to fund core collaboration projects with the community. The redevelopment of the suites will greatly improve revenue sources. To implement the second phase, a subsidiary museum in central London is planned. London Motor Museum is looking for sponsors to help fund projects and the redevelopment of the museum. All sponsors will get advertising space on the museum website, within the museum premises and on all brochures and leaflets, great marketing material and use of the museum facilities and vehicles. Contact Mai Elo, Manager. Address: 3 Nestles Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4SB. Tel.: 0800 195 0777. Fax 0208 561 7263. E-mail: mai@londonmotormuseum.co.uk link to website
AOM/PL017 |
 NEWARK BLUES FESTIVAL The not-for-profit Newark Blues Festival is the only event of its kind in the East Midlands area. Organised by local musicians and music enthusiasts on a volunteer basis, the festival takes place in numerous venues across the town, with several feature events also being held in the grounds of Newark Castle throughout the weekend. With top national blues artists performing, as well as established local bands, plus the involvement of local young musicians through the free to attend workshops, the event promises to once again attract both a local, national and international audience. "With the continued development of our website, the involvement of local and national media and support from the Town and District Councils, we are positive that this year's festival will continue to build on the success of the first three events, which gained both local and national recognition and coverage, including nominations in the Best Blues Festival category of the British Blues Awards. Once again Newark Blues Festival promises to be one of the live music events of the year and we would like to offer your business or organisation the opportunity to get involved. There are many ways to partner with Newark Blues Festival, from simply donating services to sponsoring a special event, or even the main stage. If you would like to talk further about becoming involved with Newark Blues Festival in any capacity whatsoever, please feel free to call us or drop us an email. We look forward to talking with you soon". Contact: Darren Pointing, Chairman. Address: 1 Dale Way, Fernwood, Newark NG24 3GH. Tel.: 07903 598256. E-mail: info@newarkblues.co.uk link to website
AOM/PL018 |
 PAIR DANCE The mission of Pair Dance is to create opportunities for artists and young people to play, explore and investigate an endless capacity for development through movement and sound. "Our aim is to demonstrate that talent has no borders, no race, no age, and no limits! Pair Dance | Professional is an award-winning UK based contemporary dance company that quickly caught the attention of the national and international dance community. Known for its provocative and daring style, Pair Dance is admired for its unique method and blend of combining original sound scores written, arranged and produced by Richard Leonard and choreographic works by Harriet Macauley, which imbue power, exuberant energy with a delicacy and technical virtuosity which is contained, yet explosive. Pair Dance includes an award-winning ensemble of dancers who have previously trained in Europe, UK, Brazil, Greece, Ghana, Turkey, Israel, USA and Spain. Awards include: 15th Masdanza, Lisa Ullman, Bonnie Bird, Art Universe - Austria, Jacobs Pillow Residency Award, a scholarship to attend Purchase conservatory of dance in the USA, and the company was an Olympic Torch Bearer 2004. Pair Dance performances include: Edinburgh, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Boston, New York - Joyce Soho and The John Ryan Theatre, The Place - UK, Canada and many more. We believe in diversity and equality through performing and the bringing together of communities from different backgrounds and cultures in the UK to learn, experiment and explore performing arts. The aim of Pair Dance| Creative Learning is to bring Arts to a suburban area, making high quality performances, workshops and engagement more accessible to those that need and want to benefit from the arts. We are focused and committed to performance, community engagement and artistic development in a variety of settings. We create and promote creativity with performance skills in a positive and vibrant environment. All tutors have a CRB-enhanced disclosure and are first aid certified. Pair Dance | Creative Learning exists at the heart of our organisation based in the east of England - Hertfordshire - and we work in partnership with Community Action Hertsmere, Hertsmere Borough Council, Work Net, Hertfordshire Community Foundation and numerous others. We currently have over 345 user groups/members of our Creative Learning programme and aim to double this in one year". Pair Dance would be happy to talk to potential sponsors. Contact: Harriet Macauley, Director. Address: 23 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1AU. Tel.: 0203 489 9223. E-mail: info@pairdance.org. link to website
Click button to download more information from Pair Dance (pdf format)
AOM/PL019 |
 POLPERRO MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL The historic and picturesque Cornish fishing village of Polperro has held a nine day Community Music and Arts Festival for the past fifteen years. "We're a non-profit event, run by volunteers with the aim of highlighting Polperro, Cornwall, and local arts, music and the environment and we are always looking for sponsorship as we run entirely off these and other donations. There are many opportunities, from covering the costs of our marquee in the village (approximately £1,800) to an advert in our programme at £75, or on our website. Our little website gets 20,000+ visits per annum and we print 1,000 programmes that are sold to locals and visiting tourists. We have no large corporations in the village, so have to search much further afield". Contact: Robert Springett, Chair. Address: c/o Top Floor Flat, Little Cottage, Landaviddy Lane, Polperro, Cornwall PL13 2RT. Tel.: 07813 303445. E-mail: polperrofestival@hotmail.com. link to website
AOM/PL020 |
PRIDE GLASGOW Pride Glasgow is offering the opportunity to sponsor Scotland's largest LGBT festival. "Our annual event is in its 21st year and this year we have a two day event. The theme of the festival for 2015 is Happiness. This theme will be rolled out across the full festival, including the parade and the main event. Happiness will also play a prominent role in our new Pride Life Volunteer Programme. Pride Glasgow is calling for festival-goers to share a bit of their happiness with others, building upon twenty years of Pride in Scotland. Our attendance for 2014 was around 7,500. There are opportunities to sponsor the event, or advertise - and also to show your customers and staff that you support LGBT equality and fairness". Contact: David Sinclair, Strategic Partnership Manager. Address: 4/1 30 Bell Street, Glasgow G1 1LG. Tel.: 0844 664 5428. E-mail: david@pride.scot. link to website
AOM/PL021 |
 PUTNEY ARTS THEATRE Putney Arts Theatre is a community venue home to G64 - theatre for young people - and Putney Theatre Company (PTC) for adults. "G64 runs classes, projects and shows for 350+ participants from 4 - 19 years of age and PTC produces a wide range of productions throughout the year. We also host events by many visiting groups. As a self-supporting organisation we rely on sponsorship to support our building maintenance, fund our ongoing activities and to further our educational reach to schools throughout the borough. We offer various marketing packages which range from programme advertising to funding a show and we can promote your good name through a variety of channels both at the theatre and through social media". Contact: Marie Thackwell, General Manager. Address: Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney SW15 6AW. Tel.: 020 8788 6943. E-mail: info@putneyartstheatre.org.uk. link to website
AOM/PL022 |
 RHYTHMS OF THE WORLD Rhythms of the World is a community festival which competes with the big boys! "Voted one of Songlines Magazine's Top Ten UK Summer Festivals in 2012 - alongside the likes of the Womad and Latitude festivals - we offer 125 musical acts from 'around the World and round the corner', across six stages. We also provide a host of other entertainment: a Family Area, a Community Arts arena, including our Street Art Wall and a chill out Garden. Up to 30,000 people visit Rhythms of the World from across the region each year. It's located right in the heart of the beautiful market town of Hitchin in Hertfordshire - just twenty-eight minutes by train from London. Whilst it's a great place to discover music you've never heard before, you can also see a host of household names. Past performers include rock legends The Damned, jazz impresario Courtney Pine, Mercury Prize Winner Speech Debelle and 2015 Brits Critics' Choice winner James Bay. We offer a host of sponsorship and advertising packages, starting from just £400.00 plus VAT. As well as event sponsorship, we have opportunities to sponsor a stage, the wristbands, lanyards or crew T shirts. Product sampling is also available. As Rhythms of the World is a registered charity, by sponsoring our event, you'll also be meeting your company's corporate social responsibility objectives. You could even get your staff involved in some of our many corporate volunteering opportunities". Contact: Cath Cole, Head of Sponsorship. Address: PO Box 121, Hitchin SG5 2WB. Tel.: 07786 270192. E-mail: sponsorship@rotw.org.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Rhythms of the World (pdf format)
AOM/PL023 |
 SEEDTIME PROJECTS "Would you like to promote your products or services to 7,000+ local people in Dagenham and the surrounding areas? One that promotes community cohesion to meet your corporate social responsibility aims?" In the Mix is a community cohesion festival, in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, aimed at bringing about better understanding and harmony in the community, especially across race, age and religion whilst celebrating talent and diversity. The event is advertised in the local press and also via a full advertising campaign on the local radio station that reaches some 29,000 adults per week. The project is initiated by the charity Seedtime Projects. "We believe that by bringing the entire community together to celebrate diversity through music, art and entertainment, there will be better understanding between various groups of people living in the community. Community cohesion is a buzz word in Barking and Dagenham and In The Mix is truly becoming on of the main events for connecting the local community. Seedtime Projects has various sponsorship packages available from £50 - £30,000. Further information is available on request. Get Ready ... get In The Mix!" Contact: Dawn Quye-Joyce, Community Engagement Manager. Address: 5a Parsloes Avenue, Dagenham, Essex RM9 5PA. Tel.: 020 8596 0106. Fax: 020 8526 7011. E-mail: dawn@seedtimeprojects.org.uk. link to website
AOM/PL024 |
 SHOOT EXPERIENCE: LONDON STREET PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL Please click on the website link for an update. Contact: Brett Jefferson Stott, Director. Address: Unit 9a, 2nd Floor, 23-28 Penn Street, London N1 5DL. Tel.: 0845 260 2460. E-mail: brett@shootexperience.com. link to website
| Ongoing
AOM/PL025 |
Vibrant, award-winning music collective Soundcastle is a not-for-profit social enterprise which seeks to promote a love of music, art and local heritage throughout Bloomsbury. Mission Statement: Soundcastle is a pioneering arts collective which creates original music through a diverse range of collaborations. "Our artistic ethos is to engage first and foremost with the people and the place with which we are working. Our mission is to explore exciting and inspiring approaches to music making; promote music as an individual and collective voice; make links within and between communities". Professional Testimonial: 'Soundcastle are an exciting, high quality, innovative ensemble established by musicians on the Guildhall Masters Leadership Programme. The ensemble consists of four excellent portfolio musicians who have much to offer society at large as performers, creative collaborators, leaders and teachers. The collective artistic and educational experience of these individuals will make Soundcastle more than the sum of its parts and bring new and extraordinary experiences to a wide range of people in a variety of contexts', Sean Gregory, Director of Creative Learning, Barbican/Guildhall. Let's celebrate local heritage through music, song and dance". Contact: Rachael Perrin. Address: 18 Sundorne Road, Greenwich SE7 7PP. Tel.: 447525059570. E-mail: rachael@soundcastle.co.uk. link to website
AOM/PL026 |
 TAKE 2 THEATRE SCHOOL Take 2 Theatre School is a South Yorkshire based theatre school offering children and young people the opportunity to gain confidence and develop their skills through performing arts. "Our groups are aged from 3 to 19 and we have workshops in dance, drama and musical theatre. We are seeking sponsors to help with the costs of putting on shows at the theatre, hiring costumes and musicians and the costs of publicity for the productions, eg posters, leaflets, T Shirts. We charge minimal fees to our members as we want everyone in the community to be able to afford to access our sessions; but this means there are few funds left to pay for the costs involved in putting on a show". Contact: Julie Cooper. Address: Take 2 Theatre School, 311 Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley S70 5TU. Tel.: 01226 744442. E-mail: julieacooper@fsmail.net link to website
AOM/PL027 |
 TARQUIN PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Tarquin Productions is the brainchild of director Benji Sperring and is made up of a group of individuals who are interested in adapting classic literature into new and exciting stage plays. "We believe in the integrity of the author's voice and we aim to keep the dialogue true to the original book. We embrace literature from around the world, from all periods and strive to present the work with styles and techniques appropriate to the voice of the text. Let's face it, we all need a little help at times. We are a young, self-sufficient theatre group that provides educational workshops to subsidise the artistic side of the business, and any support is greatly welcomed. We offer a range of excellent sponsorship opportunities, available upon request. Tarquin's productions have a wide-ranging audience and feature direct contact through flyers to 10,000 people, as well as through creative press advertising and marketing initiatives. Our work has a particular emphasis on the local community and sponsorship from local business contributes a large amount to our work. Sponsors of our work enjoy prominent space on our posters, literature and sizeable advertisements in all programmes". Contact: Laura Blackwell. Address: 13a Denman Road, SE15 5NS. Tel.: 07817 254528. E-mail: laura@tarquinproductions.co.uk. link to website
AOM/PL028 |
 THAME ARTS & LITERATURE FESTIVAL Thame Arts & Literature Festival, which takes place on the third weekend in October, is a vibrant and exciting festival, now in its seventh year. "In recent years we have hosted BBC Radio 4, Will Gompertz, Jonathan Dimbleby, Mary Berry, Michael Morpurgo, Sophie Dahl, George Monbiot, Vince Cable and many others. Contact us for full details of the exciting range of sponsorship opportunities which we offer". Contact: Steve Bannister. Tel.: 07712 090514. Address: 12 Aston Street, Oxford OX4 1EP. E-mail: steve@talfestival.org link to website
One weekend with approximately thirty-five events
3,000 tickets sold
5,000 printed high quality A5 brochures
1,250 newsletter database
A website that includes an online ticketing facility
Twitter and Facebook campaigns starting in May each year
- our philosophy is to be friendly yet professional - and accessible as well as challenging.
85% of attenders are based within twenty-five miles of Oxford and Thame and are aged between 35 and 65
Commercial partnerships
Headline Sponsor - works closely with the festival at all levels; benefits include naming rights, staff discount, joint events, private events, joint promotions, competitions, etc., etc.
Associate Partner - a more structured package with more pre-defined benefits, including (amongst other benefits) branding involvement at all events, ten x complimentary tickets, full page advert in the souvenir brochure, promotional links in newsletters and other digital correspondence, invitations to special events, including the VIP Launch evening, etc.
Event Partner - with some thirty-five events to choose from, an Event Partner benefits from branding involvement at the event, four x complimentary tickets, 1/2 page advert in the souvenir brochure, logos on and links to and from the TAL website, invitations to the VIP Launch evening.
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Thame Arts & Literature Festival (pdf format)
Ongoing (annual event)
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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AOM/001 |
Acidic Records (as part of the Virus Project) is an up-and-coming record label, bringing some of the most amazing new Underground music talent to London. The organisation aims to push the boundaries in any area it is involved in. "As we are a not-for-profit collective, we are unencumbered with the financial difficulties and complications of running a business, and are able to commit our efforts exclusively to the Project and its members.
We aim to create a synergistic community of like-minded people pool our diverse range of skills for the benefit of all members teach, share and learn new, different and experimental skills collaborate on productions of art, music and other media remain not-for-profit and be driven by ambition and aspiration, not greed aspire to maintain the Project's independence, and be self-sufficient and reliant only on ourselves welcome anyone wishing to contribute. Our achievements, in our short time in existence, have brought us to a point where popularity has grown by working and collaborating with other groups like the Elysian Project (www.elysianproject.org) to put on events in and around London. We have also released an EP under the Acidic Records name by one of our many talented producers, Cellardore. The Pattern in the Smoke EP was released over a year ago - and is really going places. You can listen to it here: http://soundcloud.com/cellardore. We are currently looking for help and support with our promotions campaign which starts in April and seeking interest from promoting agencies. This is an amazing opportunity to become a part of a family which is ever-expanding at a fast pace. Are you ready for us? Check us out - our website addresses are listed below". Contact: Peter O'Shea, Deputy Managing Director. Address: 51 Sandcross Lane, Surrey RH2 8EX. Tel.: 07772 712255 E-mail: peter.hepburn.scott@gmail.com. link to website (Acidic Records)
link to website (Virus Project)
AOM/002 |
B.Supreme is the only UK hip hop festival dedicated to Women in Hip Hop. B.Supreme is a London based organisation dedicated to supporting and nurturing women in hip hop by providing training and performance opportunities for emerging talent. Most significantly, B.Supreme run an annual International festival to promote women within every element of the hip hop culture. The festival launched in September 2006 at the South Bank Centre, London and platformed the work of 121 of the best international hip hop artists, to an audience of 3,400. Since then, the festival has played host to companies such as Flowzaic (UK), Evoke (Switzerland), Venus Fly Trap (USA), Boy Blue Entertainment (UK), Plan B (Holland), Haus Fraus (Denmark), Avant Garde Dance (UK), Decadancetheatre (USA), Unity (UK), Impact Dance (UK), Unos Dos Tres (France) and IndaHouse Collective (France/UK). It is the voice of young people and refuses to go away. B.Supreme aims to continue to inspire young women and showcase hip hop dance theatre, DJs, films, music, battles and education work in an annual celebration of Women in Hip Hop. B.Supreme offers a multitude of potential opportunities and, with ideas for future tours and branding, is set to grow rapidly in momentum, taking the festival to levels of success reached by no other hip hop event in the UK. Contact: Holly Shanks, Festival Manager. Address: Independance, Brixton Hill Methodist Church, Elm Park, London SW2 2TX. Tel.: 0208 671 8811. Fax: 0208 671 0066. E-mail: holly@independance.co.uk. link to website
AOM/003 |
Candystore Productions' new TV series OnScreen is currently seeking a sponsor. This weekly half-hour film review show will cover each of the week's new cinema releases, alongside the weekly film news, box office top ten, competitions and interviews with an array of entertainment personalities. Produced by a dedicated team with a wealth of experience, industry relationships and awards recognition, OnScreen will appear alongside an existing weekly radio show (to be rebranded OffScreen upon its counterpart's launch) and a new UK-based film news and reviews website with a marketing push of "OnScreen, OffScreen, OnLine: movie news and reviews the way you want them". OnScreen has an agreement to broadcast on four community television channels throughout the UK upon launch, with a fifth to follow shortly after. Each episode will also be made freely available through online outlets, with other interested community stations to follow in the coming months. Sponsors will be in on Day One with a dynamic first-of-its-kind cross-platform film show, with a predicted launch audience of 937,000 (based on established BARB figures) and the opportunity to present their brand in tandem with OnScreen - represented through four idents per show (10-15 second advert shown at the beginning and end of each commercial break, and at the beginning and conclusion of each episode). Sponsorship of the series is sought solely to offset the weekly production budget, and offers a cost of £350.00 per episode. "Contact us for more detailed information about this exciting opportunity". Contact: Van Connor, Producer. Tel.: 07742429506. E-mail: van.connor@onscreenfilm.com
AOM/004 |
City Arts currently runs twenty-three different participatory arts projects across the city of Nottingham. The work targets a diverse cross-section of the community - from multimedia work with young people in care to supporting artists in residence schemes in community settings. The organisation has four core areas of work which it is developing: (i) Refugees and Asylum Seekers; (ii) Health (specifically mental health projects); (iii) Education (including bullying, literature projects and arts in early years provision); and (iv) Youth Exclusion (developing a new music provision in its local area as well as working with Social Services). City Arts works across art forms and fundraises for all of the projects that it is involved with. City Arts Nottingham develops arts opportunities that bring people together, stimulate change and create stronger, healthier communities. "We believe participation in the arts can enrich and transform people's lives and have been pioneering this approach for over thirty years. A registered charity, we work creatively and collaboratively with communities and particularly target resources towards vulnerable groups. Our projects include music, performance, visual and digital arts and are all facilitated by artists particularly skilled in working creatively with people. Sponsorship could be in the form of direct financial support for a particular project or event. The organisation would also consider longer term relationships with sponsors to develop a mutually beneficial partnership linked to a specific strand of its work". Contact: Beth Noble, Projects Officer. Address: City Arts, Ortzen Street, Radford, Nottingham NG7 4BN. Tel.: 0115 978 2463. Fax: 0115 942 4644. E-mail: info@city-arts.org.uk. link to website
AOM/005 |
Devon Artist Network runs a well-established annual Open Studios event for artists living and working in Devon. To accompany this a catalogue of entries is produced, with year-long relevance. Typically 30,000 of these are produced and distributed free through Tourist Information Centres, libraries and arts venues, as well as through the open studios/workshops themselves. "We are seeking sponsorship to enable us to continue to charge artists at an affordable rate for taking part in Open Studios and to cover administrative costs of what is a largely volunteer-run organisation. Devon Artist Network has an active and lively website which is updated with member events on a regular basis. It has just launched a "Friends of DAN" at an annual subscription of £10.00. It has a loyal following of people who attend Open Studios every year and even travel to Devon especially for the event. Potential sponsors would be sure of the goodwill of the public". Contact: Joanna Radford. Address: hannaford Old House, Poundsgate, Newton Abbot TQ13 7NX. Tel.: 01364 631287 link to website
| Ongoing
AOM/006 |
Dorset Filipino Association is organising and producing a Philippine Bario Fiesta in the south of England. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available via stalls and entertainment. Last year's attendance was over 5,000, say the organisers, in an event which again promises to be 'a cultural delight from the far east'. Contact: Nigel Robson. Address: 1 Lea Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 9HT. Tel.: 01305 789960. Fax: 0870 7348547. E-mail: ndrobson@worldmailer.com.
AOM/007 |
A range of 'live events' can be sponsored at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, including exhibitions (art, photography, textiles), concerts, poetry readings, story-telling and patient-centred workshops. Contact: Katharine Chant, Consultant Fundraiser. Address: Exeter Health Care Arts, Bowmore House, RD&E, Barrack Road, Exeter EX4 4DT. Tel.: 01392-496653. E-mail: chants2001@netscapeonline.co.uk. link to website
AOM/008 |
HARROW FIREWORKS SHOW An exciting sponsorship opportunity is available in connection with the Harrow Fireworks Show. The show is a fireworks display event that has been established for the last three years. "As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to reach a family-orientated demographic and advertise your products and services within our marketing campaign. This consists of banners in thirty prime locations, 40,000 flyers, 1,000 posters and boards which appear in many shops, online marketing, including seven websites which attract 10,000 hits a day, digital marketing on 400 websites, social media marketing on Facebook pages and to Facebook groups, national coverage using Wowcher customers and media coverage via advertising in nine local newspapers and on local radio stations. We had our first show in 2012 at Stanmore Cricket Club, attracting an attendance of around 1,500 spectators. Then in 2013 we moved to Byron Park, where we had an attendance of 2,500. In 2014, in the same location, we had an attendance of 4,500. For 2015 we intend to stage the event again in Byron Park, with a much larger marketing campaign. With an expanding customer base, we hope for at least a 30% increase in attendance year-on-year. Any sponsor associating with us will be seen to be supporting an excellent family-orientated event that is the largest public event in Harrow. If you are considering sponsoring this event in any way please contact David Silber". Contact: David Silber. Address: 31 Gyles Park, Stanmore, Harrow HA7 1AN. Tels.: 0741 222 444 6 or 07929 825133. E-mail: info@harrowfireworks.co.uk or skydiver1942@ntlworld.com. link to website
Sponsorship benefits
"All published material, banners and also all online advertising and material will have the sponsor's logo, message and details printed on it. We will also reserve space in our newspaper advertisements for a more extended message. You will also have a space for a large marquee at the event, etc., etc."
AOM/009 |
Liverpool Lighthouse is a versatile venue in Anfield, Liverpool. It is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is seeking sponsors for various elements of its venue, for core funding, for donated items for its furniture outlets and for its community projects. Liverpool Lighthouse is part of the Love and Joy Ministries Group and is Europe's first designated Urban Gospel Arts Centre. Its aim is to transform communities through working together. It is based in the former Gaumont cinema in Anfield, Liverpool, just 100 metres from the famous football ground. The building was in a very poor state of repair when purchased in 1998 and since then, through private and public fundraising plus a huge number of volunteers, the organisers have renovated it. However, there is still more work to be done. Liverpool Lighthouse has a 430 seater auditorium; back auditorium space that can also seat an extra one hundred; dance space; workshop space; conference and board rooms; meeting rooms; a Learndirect centre; café small business office space; recording studio; and a furniture outlet. Amongst the charity's community projects are Harmonize - an alternative education programme underpinned by arts and music for children aged 14 to 16 who are excluded from school or in care, in conjunction with Liverpool LEA; Kaleidoscope - an over 55s community project, including card making, local history and a community choir in conjunction with the Capital of Culture Company; Skills for Work courses for the local community; and Integrate - helping asylum seekers and refugees learn English and other skills. Liverpool Lighthouse is the home venue for a number of gospel choirs, including the award-winning Love and Joy gospel choir. It is able to host meetings, exhibitions, conferences, performances, rehearsals, etc., etc. Liverpool Lighthouse seeks sponsorship, benefits in kind, use of people's skills and expertise, donations and good quality items for their furniture outlets. Be assured that anything that they receive will be put to good use. In return, obviously depending on what is provided, they may offer coverage in their marketing material, use of their facilities, recognition within the venue itself, capacity to host team building exercises, tickets to their events and the ability to provide a 'Be a Gospel Choir in a day' package. "Help us to help others. We look forward to hearing from you". Contact: Sarah Rea, Marketing Officer. Address: Liverpool Lighthouse, Oakfield Road, Liverpool L4 0UF. Tel.: 0151 475 4062. Mobile: 07789 714698. Fax: 0151 260 4192. E-mail: Sarah.Rea@LJMGroup.org.uk link to website
AOM/010 |
It is the proud boast of Rural Arts East that it takes quality arts to the grassroots. The organisation works with communities all over Norfolk and north Suffolk to bring professional performances, exhibitions and artist-led activities to village halls and other rural venues, which normally miss out on exciting arts activity. Family audiences flock to see small-scale theatre shows, puppetry shows, storytelling evenings, music of all kinds, contemporary dance and superb visual arts exhibitions. Rural Arts East organises a year-round programme which is marketed in 'seasons'. A detailed audience profile can be supplied. Contact: Alistair Winch. Address: Prospect House, Great Melton Road, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3AB. Tel.: 01603-813323. Fax: 01603-813343. E-mail: rae@netcom.co.uk.
AOM/011 |
SOUTH EAST FOLK ARTS NETWORK SEFAN (the South East Folk Arts Network) received full Charity status in November 2005. Its mission is to increase knowledge, participation and interest in the traditional arts throughout the ACE, SE region. Folk music and dance bring people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds together and represent accessible art forms which encourage participation. SEFAN is keen on improving youth participation in the Folk Arts (running its own youth programmes) and is set to become the first port of call for information and advice in the region. Contact: Penny Allen, Administrator. Address: 89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 7JQ. Tel.: 01273 541453. Fax: 01273 554189 E-mail: admin@sefan.org.uk. link to website
AOM/012 |
TIDY EYE FILMS Tidy Eye Films is seeking sponsorship for a film project involving disabled and disadvantaged actors, writers and crew in the Bideford area, Devon. The film is a blossoming love story involving a disabled war veteran and a ditzy female neighbour who tries to pull him out of his deep melancholy and disassociation. It is a story of courage in overcoming prejudice and the fear of the unknown, something we can all relate to whether able-bodied or not. The project offers opportunities for talent to get noticed, advertisers and sponsors who want to do something worthwhile to unite the community. Contact: Ray Smith. Address: Owl Barn, Wooda Road, Northam, Bideford EX39 1NB. Tel.: 07962 532947. E-mail: mail@tidyeyefilms.com. link to website
AOM/013 |
TIME TRAVELLER MEDIA GROUP Time Traveller Media Group works throughout the UK, training young and old people media skills using radio as a platform. "We have gained a little funding locally to move into video work and have started a community TV project. We have local groups being setup all over the UK. We are looking for sponsors and advertisers to take up the challenge to help us move this fast-moving project to the next level". Contact: Edd Stonham, Project Manager. Address: 12 Normanton Way, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9XS. Tel.: 07921 997996. E-mail: edd.stonham@uktimetraveller.com link to website
AOM/014 |
TOGETHER IN WADDON COMMUNITY PROJECT Together In Waddon is a well-established community group working in and around the Waddon Estate in Croydon, providing after school clubs and holiday activities for children, regular lunch clubs and tea dance events for older people, a welfare benefits advice service and frequent festivals, performances and whole-community events. "We have tackled some of the major issues facing the community, including anti-social behaviour, gang culture, racism, and drug and alcohol abuse and have worked to ease tensions and misunderstandings between younger and older members of the community. Our work with children and young people has been commended by the local Youth Offending Team, police and council officials who have recognised the positive impact we have made. Sudden withdrawal of council funding has forced us to seriously scale back the operation, and we urgently need support to enable us to continue our valuable work with children. Our clubs are called TEAM Academy (TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More); there is room for a sponsor's name in there!" Contact: Craig Murdoch, Development Worker. Address: c/o The Aerodrome Primary School, Goodwin Road, Croydon CR0 4EJ. Tel.: 020 8667 0803. Fax: 020 8662 8564. E-mail: togetherinwaddon@btconnect.com.
AOM/015 |
WIRKSWORTH WELLDRESSING AND CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION The town carnival has been in decline for the last few years and was in danger of collapsing altogether until a new committee was formed. "We are turning around the carnival and now face the next step of moving forward. We need to find a sponsor to ensure we can carry on the work we have started. In return the sponsor will have their name on all our banners and advertising leafets, etc.. It is the committee's aim to make this carnival the best in Derbyshire. We would to like to have a carnival centre where we will have classes to help people make costumes and floats, etc. and also to teach steel drumming, dance and circus workshops. To enable us to put on real show-stopper of a carnival, we will need to hire people to help us fulfill our ambitions. But this comes at a cost, which we will need a sponsor to help cover. We will also do our own fundraising events, which we already do. Further details are available - please don't hesitate to contact me". Contact: Chris Booth, Chairman. Address: 4 Hoptonwood Close, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4NL. Tel.: 07849 000653. E-mail: chrisb1965@btinternet.com. link to website
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