The UK Education Sponsorship Database
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EESS/PL001 |
 BIG CREATIVE ACADEMY In September 2014, the Big Creative Academy, a groundbreaking school for 16 to 19 year olds, was launched to promote excellence in creativity, music and media. "Our intention is to deliver an academy that 're-imagines education' for the twenty-first century; one that will be regarded by young people, parents and employers as one of the leading providers in London". Located in East London, the academy provides an exciting new opportunity for some of the most disadvantaged communities in the country, while attracting students from across the capital, eager to access a curriculum dedicated to education and vocational training in digital media, music technology, event management, performing arts and fashion design. Funded by the government as part of the Free School policy, the Big Creative Academy is be free to attend and will be inspected by OFSTED, under the Common Inspection Framework. The academy will have capacity for 400 learners, with ambitious plans to expand over the next five years to reflect the changes and economic priorities for the sector. It will support the development of exciting industry projects and work with live briefs to prepare students for careers in their chosen sector. An established network of senior executives from high profile companies such as ITN, Universal Music, Barcroft Media, MTV and Industry in the Streets will also serve as ambassadors. Robin Elias, Managing Editor, ITV News, said: "The academy has introduced us to a previously untapped pool of enthusiastic and skilled talent. We've met a group of young people with a passion for media, coupled with technical know-how. They are focused, multi-skilled and totally at ease with the landscape of modern media. At ITN we want to open our doors and give opportunity to talent like this. The academy helped make that possible". The Big Creative Academy will champion well-being as a core part of the curriculum and embed enterprise at the heart of the organisation to help launch hundreds of successful businesses and careers. The move is part of an overarching plan to contribute to London's vibrant cultural scene as well as contribute to the economic growth of a sector that accounts for one in five jobs in London and is worth £81 billion. With the backing of the industry, sponsorship and the educational expertise of the team, the Big Creative Academy will cultivate an inspirational learning environment to produce motivated, work-ready young people, ready to progress directly into apprenticeships, HE, employment and enterprise in London's creative and cultural economy. Contact: Mr Utkal Joshi. Address: Silver Birch House, Uplands Business Park A, Blackhorse Lane, London SE17 5SD. Tel.: 020 8498 3320. E-mail: bcaaccounts@bigcreative.education. link to website
EESS/PL002 |
 CEME (Centre for Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence): Gateway to Skills The Gateway to Skills (GTS) programme provides a creative and inspiring 'Taster Day' for local secondary level schoolchildren in years 7 - 10 from the London boroughs of Newham, Havering and Barking & Dagenham (East Plus). Its objectives are to Create greater awareness of STEM subjects in secondary school level students Stimulate students' interest in Engineering and STEM in a fun and interesting environment outside of school Enhance existing, and develop new, personal skills in Technology and Construction Provide awareness of Engineering career options and the scope of sector-wide application Help to increase the available number of future engineers in the local area. The programme is run from dedicated facilities at CEME (Centre for Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence) that provide an integrated classroom and workshop environment that is tailored to theoretical and practical learning by schoolchildren. The facilities also host a full IT suite of connected computers, allowing students to learn from proprietary and bespoke content. In addition, a variety of supplies of building and engineering materials such as Knex blocks, electronic circuitry, robotics and software form part of the programme resources and enable construction of structures and ideas that require the principles of design and engineering to be applied. "Since 2006, the programme has delivered to well over 1,000 schoolchildren from the London East Plus areas and we plan to expand this geographic coverage in the future. GTS is designed to focus specifically on STEM subjects and to bring them alive in an interesting and fun way that will inspire schoolchildren to become more interested in these crucial subject areas. Unfortunately, many secondary level schools in the East Plus area suffer from a lack of funding to be able to create and deliver a similar STEM programme of their own. Consequently, they are often unable to gain access to the specialist equipment and teaching and denied the opportunity to educate and inspire their students in this way. The GTS programme steps in to fill that gap to provide that necessary and valuable opportunity for the local schools. This means that they can still receive interesting and high-quality, curriculum-based activity that supports their own teaching programmes without the need to find extra funding, as the programme is delivered free-of-charge to the participating schools who are located within the London Boroughs of Havering, Newham and Barking and Dagenham. The commercial sponsorship package is priced at £85,000. This provides for 1,000 student places that can be delivered over one or two academic years. The participating students would be currently from the London boroughs of Newham, Havering and Barking & Dagenham (East Plus). However, it is planned to expand that area to also include other London boroughs and south Essex schools whose location is close to the CEME campus". Contact: Graeme Hay, Business Development Director. Address: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham RM13 8EU. Tel.: 0208 596 7057. Fax: 0208 596 5401. E-mail: graeme.hay@ceme.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor CEME's Gateway to Schools programme (Word format)
EESS/PL003 |
 CHRIST THE KING COLLEGE Christ the King College is the first joint Church of England and Roman Catholic secondary school on the Isle of Wight. For information about sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch. Address: Christ the King College, Wellington Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5QT. Tel.: 01983 537070. Fax: 01983 537080. E-mail: admin@christ-the-king.iow.sch.uk link to website
EESS/PL004 |
The Mahmoodiah Trust has been set up exclusively to raise funds to establish The Mahmoodiah Academy of Excellence, a secondary school for young females in a deprived area of the Punjab province in Pakistan. The institution will initially cater for a hundred students and provide an exemplary education. This is a grassroots development programme and its success relies on the co-operation and support of dedicated, passionate and committed individuals and organisations willing to share their skills and expertise as well as sacrifice their time. Training centres will be founded to offer teacher training to local females. Whereas it is hoped that the educational establishment will be a beacon which other schools may follow and to which they may aspire, it is also hoped that the entire project will benefit the community and country at large with regard to local investment, business and the economy. In a country which has long neglected the education of its citizens, especially girls, this project may be the only chance for many to gain a quality education and broaden the understanding of the world in which they live - and ultimately enhance their prospects for the future. With a team of dedicated volunteers who have amongst them a background in business, education and international development, The Mahmoodiah Trust is confident that with support and investment from related organisations, this project could eventually broaden its horizons and invest in other educational establishments in other developing countries. Contact: Miss Farzana Akhtar. Address: 76 Stratford Street, Leeds LS11 6EG. Tel.: 07807 462121. E-mail: themahmoodiahtrust@hotmail.co.uk.
EESS/PL005 |
 Leading Learning Trust The Leading Learning Trust is an education charity which exists to further education for the public benefit. "We are currently two primary schools serving a culturally rich and diverse area in Newham, East London. Our schools are the hub of our communities and are highly valued by all stakeholders. Both schools are high performing, welcoming, safe and highly vibrant learning environments, in spite of the challenges our families often face in this part of London. The Trust's vision is 'transforming lives': we truly believe that education is at the forefront of social change and that all of our children deserve equality access to the cutting edge opportunities that children who live in more affluent areas often experience. We continually strive for innovation and excellence and this was recognised in the most recent Ofsted inspections (April 2019) where both schools were judged as 'Outstanding'. Like many other schools across the country, Covid has been an enormous learning curve and, while it had many negative consequences on our children and their families, it has also given us the opportunity to review and develop our current practice. A key part of the work we did during this period was the rapid provisioning of a number of applications within our cloud-based system, Google's G Suite for Education, to enable us to continue to educate our children, whether they were at home or in school (as some children were during lockdown). As we look to support our whole community through Covid-19 and beyond, we are enhancing our existing digital capability and are talking to a number of corporate partners in connection with this programme, seeking sponsorship that would empower us to provide each primary aged child with an electronic device. This is a critical part of our strategy and a key driver for innovative and sustainable change, both for curricular development and the future outcomes of all of our pupils and their families. We believe that a partnership would be mutually beneficial - the sponsor would directly impact on the journey of recovery that will give our children equality of access in a future digital world". Contact: Emma Nicholls, CEO. Address: Selwyn Primary School, Selwyn Road, London E13 0ES. Tel.: 02084716173. E-mail: emma.nicholls@leadinglearningtrust.org. link to website (Selwyn) link to website (Portway)
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor Leading Learning Trust's programme
EESS/PL006 |
The Big PTA Quiz is our annual virtual fundraising event, hosted by our PTAs and played by thousands of families during October. To take part, our PTA members simply download an exclusive interactive activity pack, featuring everything, and we mean everything, they need to be able to host, manage, promote and be part of the Big PTA Quiz. In our pilot year, 1,760 of our PTA members initially downloaded the activity pack upon its launch. Over 70% of those who downloaded played the Big PTA Quiz, which is over 1,250 schools raising funds. Each PTA had an average of seventeen teams play along at home. Over 93,000 friends, families and colleagues collectively raised over £280,000. We are seeking sponsors for our Big PTA Quiz 2021. With your support, we aim to make the Big PTA Quiz bigger and better for 2021 - ultimately, helping more PTAs raise even more money to ensure that children thrive and society benefits as a whole. Contact: Charli Janeway. Address: Parentkind, 39 Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge TN10 3DS. Tel.: 07807518268. E-mail: charli.janeway@parentkind.org.uk link to website
How can you get involved?
We have a number of packages, which enjoy varying levels of exposure, ensuring your company is readily available and easily accessible to our PTAs and their parent volunteers. Thus, no matter the size of your budget or your business objectives, you will enjoy effective levels of exposure, thus guaranteeing that your business information achieves high visibility and resonates with our PTA and parent audience.
By aligning your company with our annual virtual fundraising moments, your company will enjoy:
Advocating and improving the educational environment for millions of children
Demonstrating commitment to education and community goodwill
Being known as a contributor to school fundraising projects
Emotionally connecting with new audiences on a community level
Increasing distribution of positive PR
Generating attractive content and feel-good CSR stories
Supporting Parentkind and their mission of giving all parents a voice in their child's education
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Parentkind (pdf format)
EESS/PL007 |
 STIRLING SCHOOL OF ENGLISH "Please help the Stirling School of English to continue to offer free English Language teaching". The Stirling School of English is looking for a sponsor with an interest in increasing global understanding. The school offers free English tuition to non-English speakers. It has currently more than two hundred students from over thirty countries being taught by about twenty-five qualified volunteers in thirty different classes each week. It caters for students of all ranges of proficiency in the language, beginners to advanced. These students are here either working or studying and every part of the globe is represented in the school. The school, however, does more than teach language skills. It also helps students integrate into the community and provides social activities to reduce a sense of isolation. Uniquely amongst teaching institutions, students can join at any time during the year, so they can begin to learn the language as soon as they arrive in the area. This is particularly important in helping people integrate into the community. The school also links to employers seeking to improve the language skills of their migrant workers. "Sponsorship would enable us to maintain our free service, but also expand our activities (eg extending crèche facilities to enable more working mothers to attend), improve our premises and our training of volunteers. It would also help us commission the design of teaching materials as well as purchase computer equipment to facilitate modern learning methods. Above all, it would help produce financial stability and relieve the school from reliance on a variable grant regime, as well as enabling it to develop as a social enterprise and allow it to generate income. Sponsors would be welcome to get involved as consultants to put together a professional business plan and help the school develop in creative ways and sustain its activities into the future". Contact: Lore Kelling. Address: 7a Woodside Road, Stirling FK8 1RG. Tel.: 07817749902. E-mail: lore@stirling-school-of-english.com. link to website
EESS/PL008 |
 TAKE 2 THEATRE SCHOOL Take 2 Theatre School is a South Yorkshire based theatre school offering children and young people the opportunity to gain confidence and develop their skills through performing arts. "Our groups are aged from 3 to 19 and we have workshops in dance, drama and musical theatre. We are seeking sponsors to help with the costs of putting on shows at the theatre, hiring costumes and musicians and the costs of publicity for the productions, eg posters, leaflets, T Shirts. We charge minimal fees to our members as we want everyone in the community to be able to afford to access our sessions; but this means there are few funds left to pay for the costs involved in putting on a show". Contact: Julie Cooper. Address: Take 2 Theatre School, 311 Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley S70 5TU. Tel.: 01226 744442. E-mail: julieacooper@fsmail.net link to website
EESS/PL009 |
Torquay Girls' Grammar School's current gym is a testament to the builders of the day. "Unfortunately that day was in 1939 and the single badminton court-sized gym can only be described as small and sad. It was designed to be used by only 120 girls, some of whom, on returning after more than half a century, recognise the same wall bars and ropes as either old friends or instruments of torture. The gym cannot cope with the sporting demands of our 860 girls. Parts of it are crumbling, parts of it are mouldy, parts of it are absent (no showers) and all parts are smelly. This is hardly surprising after seventy-two years of loyal service. We have the site, the plans and the planning pre-application for a four badminton court Sports Hall, with fitness suite, classroom and amenities. We hope to raise £100,000 to support a bid to the Department of Education. I am sure you are aware that there were no women shortlisted for the BBC Sports Personality of the Year recently! This was despite many worthy female candidates who had arguably achieved greater feats than some candidates listed. Chrissie Wellington, four times world champion tri-athlete, is a deserving example. Our girls are rightly outraged by this turn of events, so I have encouraged them to respond by becoming either (i) the future editor of a publication entitled to vote for the award; or (ii) a world champion sportswoman that they cannot ignore. I know we can give our girls the motivation, the skills and the guidance to fulfil either of these ambitions. Unfortunately, as our flyer clearly shows, we cannot provide them with the facilities to become champion sportswomen. We desperately need a Sports Hall - and feel the fact that we do not have one is an extension of the discrimination highlighted by the Award. Your sponsorship would support our efforts to enable girls to improve their fitness, participate in sport and perhaps have the chance to become future world champions. These girls will become tommorow's leaders and your sponsorship would resonate in their minds". Contact: Dr Nicholas Smith, Headteacher. Address: 30 Shiphay Lane, Shiphay, Torquay TQ2 7DY. Tel.: 01803 613215. Fax: 01803 616 724. E-mail: nsmith@tggsacademy.org. link to website
Click button to download more information from Torquay Girls' Grammar School (pdf format)
EESS/PL010 |
 YOUTH SPORT TRUST The Youth Sport Trust (YST) is a national charity passionate about creating a future where every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. "We are on a mission to pioneer new ways of using sport to improve children's wellbeing and give them a brighter future! Over the last twenty years, YST has developed successful partnerships with businesses of different shapes, sizes and sectors. These mutually beneficial partnerships have delivered a positive impact for businesses while supporting our charitable work to transform children's lives through the power of sport. We work on a local, national and international scale and strive to create bespoke partnerships which work for every company - from media companies like Sky and Entertainment One to the likes of Sainsbury's, Allianz and ESPO. We see our corporate partnerships as mutually beneficial relationships. By working with us to transform young lives through sport, you will help us to deliver a lasting positive social impact and we will help you to unlock benefits for your business like enhancing your brand or boosting employee recruitment and engagement. Every partnership is different and we will work to create one which is right for your business whether it is for a one-off event, a longer strategic partnership, programme sponsorship, a fundraiser or something completely different. Our reach: 20,000+ schools work with us across all of our different programmes, including more than 1,600 in the most deprived areas of England. We had 8.3 million views of our social media posts last year, from more than 60,000 followers, and 176,000 people visited our website. Interested in partnering with us? We have a number of partnership options available or can create something bespoke to your business". Contact: Corporate Account Manager. Address: Sportpark, 3 Oakwood Drive LE12 8WH. E-mail: partnerships@youthsporttrust.org. link to website
Ongoing <
EESS/001 |
"We are looking for a sponsor. The Alan Winner Academy was established in 1985. It is a sports academy teaching the discipline of Chinese Martial Art with classes from Monday to Friday 4.00pm to 10.00pm for all ages. It currently has about a hundred students. Given the number of years, we have become an integral part of our local community in Acton, Chiswick and Ealing. Through his teaching Alan provides much needed guidance to youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds, to adults who are dealing with personal or physical problems and to the general public - it's a great way to stay healthy. But also Alan provides the highest level of coaching to make the selection for the national team. For the past twenty-seven years we were based at Acton Swimming Baths, where we had exclusive use of a small but lovely training room. Although this room was half the size of a competition area, we still managed to get numerous first places in the British Nationals, third and fifth in the European Wushu Championships and twelfth and seventeenth in the World. Our training room at Acton Swimming Baths is no longer available to us as the centre closed for redevelopment. We have finally found a location which would be perfect for the Academy to continue. Now we are faced with the question of how to fund the new place. It is a scouts' hut on Popes Lane put up for sale by The Southfield Trust. The location is on a main road, so it would quickly become a local hot spot. We are determined to keep the tradition of The Alan Winner Academy alive as it is unique in its field. There is no other place in the world that combines all the different disciplines: Meditation, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Wing Chun kung fu, Shaolin Kickboxing (Sanshou), Wushu International and floor gymnastics under one roof. And Alan, having reached the stage of Grand Master at the age of fifty-four has a wealth of knowledge acquired since the age of eight when he started in the competitive world of swimming". Contact: Alan Winner, Founder. Address: Acton Swimming Baths, Salisbury Street, London W3 8NW. Tel.: 0208 995 7717. E-mail: alanwinner@thealanwinneracademy.com. link to website
EESS/002 |
THE BEACONSFIELD SCHOOL The Beaconsfield School is a mixed secondary school located in Buckinghamshire. The school competes in county, district and national sports competitions. Sponsorship is available for all school teams in the following sports: Rugby, Football, Basketball, Netball, Gymnastics, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics. Sponsorship for individual sports or a whole school sport sponsorship package is available. Sponsors can be located in the following places on the school kits Front Middle Sleeves Back above number Back below number Collar Shorts. Contact: Simon Tattersall. Address: The Beaconsfield School, Wattleton Road, Buckinghamshire HP9 1SJ. Tel.: 01494 687949. Fax: 01494 676404. E-mail: simon.tattersall@beaconsfield.bucks.sch.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
EESS/003 |
Burnley Habergham High School and Tohoku High School, Sapporo, Japan, are exchange partners. Students from each school stay with host families to experience both school and family life. Places of interest both locally and nationally are visited. Partners/sponsors are sought to continue this rich cultural exchange. Contact: Mr. S. Smith (Headteacher) or Mrs. W. Litherland. Address: Habergham High School, Byron Street, Burnley BB12 6NU. Tel.: 01282 775131. Fax: 01282 774214. E-mail: head@habergham.lancsngfl.ac.uk
EESS/004 |
Elderslie Nursery School is a non-profit-making, parent committee-run nursery school with charity status. It provides learning through play for children of multiple abilities between the ages of two and five years old, as well offering an accessible form of support to parents of young children in the local community. The nursery has facilities to teach children with some physical and learning disabilities, as well as able children, and promises a safe, encouraging and fun learning environment through play of all types. Elderslie Nursery School attracts the majority of its funds to buy resources and equipment for the children through fundraising. "The parent committee and local community all help with the planning and implementation of the events and, although this helps, this method can only raise so much and relies heavily on community and public support which can be erratic - so we also rely on funding from external sources of support such as other charities and sponsorship. Our ongoing intention is to provide equipment and resources that will enable children with a wide range of abilities, including children with speech and language difficulties, physical disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders, to learn through play and their environment to the best of their abilities. We are also hoping to find money and/or support for a marketing and publicity campaign, so that we can raise awareness of what we do within the surrounding areas where we are often not known about. We can offer advertising in exchange for support, as we are based within a village hall which is heavily used by other groups to - and our information board is available for all the public to view". Contact: Mrs Shelley Phillipson, HR Advisor and Administrator. Address: Elderslie Nursery School, Ockley Village Hall, Stane Street, Ockley, Surrey RH5 5SY. Tel.: 01306 713439. E-mail: elderslie.nursery@live.co.uk. link to website
EESS/005 |
Finchley Catholic High School is applying for specialist status for its Business and Enterprise with Technology department. The school is seeking business sponsorship and partnerships as part of the government's drive to involve industry and business in education. Contact: Mr. Kevin Hoare, Head Master. Address: Woodside Lane, London N12 8TA. Tel.: 020 8445 0105. Fax: 020 8446 0691. E-mail: admin@fchs.demon.co.uk.
EESS/006 |
In order to obtain specialist school status in the Arts, Fullbrook School needs to find a sponsor for its Performing Arts. The school has a 150-seat drama studio and a dance studio and will consider sponsors who are able to improve the opportunities it can offer its students. The school's main area of focus is in Music. Contact: R.A. Elms, Headteacher. Address: Fullbrook School, Selsdon Road, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3HW. Tel.: 01932-349301. Fax: 01932-351224. E-mail: info@fullbrook.surrey.sch.uk. link to website
EESS/007 |
Leeds Grammar School has been developing boys' potential irrespective of background since 1552 and, with sponsors' help, hopes to continue to do so for many years to come. All kinds of sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Rachel Kerr, Head of Marketing. Address: Leeds Grammar School, Alwoodley Gates, Harrogate Road, Leeds LS17 8GS. Tel.: 0113 228 5157. Fax: 0113 228 5151. E-mail: rk@lgs.leeds.sch.uk. link to website