The UK Education Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK education sponsorship opportunities
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ETR/PL001 |
Clive Middleton is the web master for the web site www.vedicmaths.org. He has helped develop a range of interactive tutorials for this web site. "I am looking for sponsorship to cover the cost of developing more interactive web based tutorials on the subject of Vedic Mathematics. The practise of Vedic Mathematics naturally develops the ability of a person to perform mental calculations. If you wish to get a feel for the kind of material I wish to develop then see the interactive tutorials already made available at our website, www.vedicmaths.org. The development of these tutorials requires full time work for a prolonged period of time: hence the requirement to cover the cost of my wages and other development costs. It is my belief that the development of this material will transform the teaching of mathematics and allow people to become human calculators. This has the potential to transform education and what people actually can learn. Please see the attached PDF document for more details of our funding requirements and Thank You". Contact: Clive Middleton. Address: 108 Longfellow Road, Coventry CV2 5HF. Tel.: +44 741 20 22 002. E-mail: clive.middleton@yahoo.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from the Academy of Vedic Mathematics (pdf format)
ETR/PL002 |
 ARIA ALBA OPERA FOR ALL Aria Alba Opera for All is a new company, dedicated to bringing opera and musical performance to new audiences. "We provide a platform for emergent singers of all ages, and are currently rehearsing Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, in Italian, for performing in the Edinburgh Fringe. Our production includes a special youth version, showcasing our younger performers. Our singers range from professionals to complete newcomers, and our members all learn how to put on an opera. There are opportunities for instrumentalists, lights technicians, stage managers, costume designers, and everyone is made welcome. We seek sponsors to help with the costs of putting on delightful and inclusive performances, and to enable us to reach the widest possible audience". Contact: Sarah Tolley. Address: 12 Cairnmuir Road, Edinburgh EH12 6LP. Tel.: 07593316284. E-mail: enquiries@ariaalba.org.uk link to website
ETR/PL003 |
 AUTISM WEST MIDLANDS Autism West Midlands' vision is a world where all people on the autism spectrum have the specialist care and support they need to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives. The charity offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities. "There are lots of events and activities to choose from: your company could support one of our projects, for instance, or one of the services we provide. When you sponsor one of our services, your company could make a huge difference to what we can offer people affected by autism. You could sponsor an event, showing your commitment to a charitable cause, and helping us to keep providing vital services to those who have to live with the condition every day. You will be sponsoring Autism West Midlands, helping to actively benefit people living with autism across the West Midlands region and will experience large amounts of exposure as the charity prepares for a media rich rebranding - so there is great potential for high media visibility. Get on board now with a well-respected, utilised and worthwhile charity as a potentially lucrative yet rewarding sponsorship tool". Contact: Holly Waite. Address: 18 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3DU. Tel.: 0121 450 7573. E-mail: Hollyw@autismwestmidlands.org.uk. link to website
ETR/PL004 |
 BIG CREATIVE ACADEMY In September 2014, the Big Creative Academy, a groundbreaking school for 16 to 19 year olds, was launched to promote excellence in creativity, music and media. "Our intention is to deliver an academy that 're-imagines education' for the twenty-first century; one that will be regarded by young people, parents and employers as one of the leading providers in London". Located in East London, the academy provides an exciting new opportunity for some of the most disadvantaged communities in the country, while attracting students from across the capital, eager to access a curriculum dedicated to education and vocational training in digital media, music technology, event management, performing arts and fashion design. Funded by the government as part of the Free School policy, the Big Creative Academy is be free to attend and will be inspected by OFSTED, under the Common Inspection Framework. The academy will have capacity for 400 learners, with ambitious plans to expand over the next five years to reflect the changes and economic priorities for the sector. It will support the development of exciting industry projects and work with live briefs to prepare students for careers in their chosen sector. An established network of senior executives from high profile companies such as ITN, Universal Music, Barcroft Media, MTV and Industry in the Streets will also serve as ambassadors. Robin Elias, Managing Editor, ITV News, said: "The academy has introduced us to a previously untapped pool of enthusiastic and skilled talent. We've met a group of young people with a passion for media, coupled with technical know-how. They are focused, multi-skilled and totally at ease with the landscape of modern media. At ITN we want to open our doors and give opportunity to talent like this. The academy helped make that possible". The Big Creative Academy will champion well-being as a core part of the curriculum and embed enterprise at the heart of the organisation to help launch hundreds of successful businesses and careers. The move is part of an overarching plan to contribute to London's vibrant cultural scene as well as contribute to the economic growth of a sector that accounts for one in five jobs in London and is worth £81 billion. With the backing of the industry, sponsorship and the educational expertise of the team, the Big Creative Academy will cultivate an inspirational learning environment to produce motivated, work-ready young people, ready to progress directly into apprenticeships, HE, employment and enterprise in London's creative and cultural economy. Contact: Mr Utkal Joshi. Address: Silver Birch House, Uplands Business Park A, Blackhorse Lane, London SE17 5SD. Tel.: 020 8498 3320. E-mail: bcaaccounts@bigcreative.education. link to website
ETR/PL005 |
 BORDERLESS EXHIBITION: MADE IN ARTS LONDON (ARTS STUDENTS' UNION) Arts Students' Union represents the 20,000+ students of the University of the Arts London's six colleges. "We aim to help students embrace different experiences as they develop their creative practice through study. Arts SU is independent from the University, which means that we are always on the side of students. Made in Arts London (MiAL) is a not-for-profit enterprise run by Arts SU, promoting and selling art and design by students and recent graduates. We support our artists in their personal and professional development to break into the creative market. MiAL curates annual exhibitions, which explore relevant themes affecting artists as they progress from student to professional. How will 'Brexit' and the introduction of borders affect emerging artists in the UK and beyond? Through a week-long exhibition of students' work and an inspiring programme of professional-development workshops, Borderless addresses the new socio-economic obstacles facing British and international students and discusses how contribution from creatives across the world is vital to our multicultural society. Approximately twenty selected MiAL artists will exhibit their work, which we invite the public to view and purchase should they wish. As a not-for-profit, all profit goes straight to our student artists, ensuring they are valued for their time and talent. We have a number of sponsorship opportunities available and are seeking the perfect organisations to creatively collaborate with, in turn benefiting Borderless, our student membership and your brand's visibility and status. Please get in touch for an informal chat about your marketing objectives and how your financial support will make a difference to the next generation of artists". Contact: Jess Forsyth. Tel.: 0207 514 6270. E-mail: j.forsyth@su.arts.ac.uk link to website
Benefits include:
Substantial brand exposure to our 20,000+ creative students (digital, physical, social)
Goodwill transfer: support prestigious artists in realising their potential
Bespoke advertising campaign through Arts SU marketing channels
ETR/PL006 |
 BREDINGHURST SCHOOL (note: now known as Newlands School) Bredinghurst School is a secondary SEBD school for students aged 11 to 16 with severe social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, based in Peckham. "Bredinghurst is striving to be a beacon school in our provision of family and stakeholder therapy. We are seeking sponsorship of £55,000 to advance our psycho and multi-family therapies over the next year and develop our therapeutic provision to meet the needs of our stakeholders. The school is currently being rebuilt in a fit-for-purpose building on the current site - there are a number of sponsorship opportunities to develop on site vocational training in catering and our new performing arts provision. Full details are available on request". Contact: Richard Taylor, Business Manager. Address: Bredinghurst School, Stuart Road, Peckham SE15 3AZ. Tel.: 020 7639 2541. Fax no.: 0207 732 5502. E-mail: rtaylor@bredinghurst.southwark.sch.uk link to website
ETR/PL007 |
 BRISFEST - ASHTON COURT ESTATE, BRISTOL (call for updates) BrisFest, Bristol's largest music festival for 20,000 people per day, is designed to showcase the best of the south west, alongside top name artists. The festival features a packed programme of top quality entertainment, outdoor stages, flamboyant décor, costumed walkabouts, circus and comedy tents, projection light shows, miles of internationally renowned graffiti and an array of interactive fun for that ultimate festival experience. Tickets are from £15 a day, kids free, plus hundreds of volunteering opportunities to be accessible to all the event's wide-ranging audience, over 60% of whom are between 16 and 35. Now in its fifth year, BrisFest has announced an exciting expansion to the beautiful Ashton Court Estate, just thirty minutes' walk from the city centre. Due to the history of the Ashton Court Festival, this hugely popular move has been greeted with much enthusiasm by local press and public, which will only increase as anticipation builds. More than just a music festival BrisFest is organised by The Bristol Festival Community Group, a registered charity, with all proceeds going towards supporting and promoting local artists and training volunteers to gain employment in the events and music industries. "We invest in people, offering mentoring, training and recognised qualifications to help people into work, using the engaging power of music, art and festival fun. We're looking for sponsors to enable us to extend our reach, with marketing and brand awareness raising packages from as little as £1,000, up to supporting the main stages and headline artists bookings, or coming along to appear at the event and meet the crowds. We offer tailored partnerships, including social media campaigns to communicate directly to our huge online following or sponsored event consumables in order to really integrate our partners into the show. Partnering with BrisFest is an excellent value-for-money option to significantly raise your profile, reach thousands of potential customers and support a worthy cause. Previous partners have included Nokia Music, Sailor Jerry, UWE, Fenchurch, Gala Casinos, Redrow Homes and many more. For further information please email partners@brisfest.co.uk or call 0117 3281492 or see our website (link below)". Contact: Poppy Stephenson. Tel.: 0117 3281492. Address: BrisFest, Bush House, 4th Floor, 72 Price Street, Bristol BS1 4QD. E-mail: poppy@brisfest.co.uk link to website
Click button to download information from The Bristol Festival Community Group about BrisFest2012 (pdf format)
Annual - ongoing
ETR/PL009 |
 THE BRITISH FEDERATION OF FILM SOCIETIES The British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS) is the national support and development organisation for the film society and community cinema sector. "We represent a UK-wide network of over 550 community cinema groups, and through them over 55,000 audience members and film enthusiasts. BFFS makes film culture available and accessible to all. We have a variety of ongoing opportunities available. Foremost among them is the large scale official sponsorship of events such as our National Conference, a two-day event comprising film screenings and inspiring workshops which regularly attracts over 150 delegates from across the UK, and the Film Society of the Year Awards, which recognise and reward excellence in cultural and community cinema and attract high profile film industry speakers. Other sponsorship opportunities include individual awards, drinks receptions, film screenings and workshops, training and education packages, as well as local event sponsorship. Bespoke packages can also be created to accommodate individual sponsor's requirements. All sponsorship offers branding, promotional and PR opportunities as well as media coverage. Further details are available on request". Contact: Ms Jaq Chell. Address: Unit 320, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX. Tel.: 0114 2210314. E-mail: info@bffs.org.uk link to website
Click button to download more information from The British Federation of Film Societies (pdf format)
ETR/PL009 |
 CEME (Centre for Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence): Gateway to Skills The Gateway to Skills (GTS) programme provides a creative and inspiring 'Taster Day' for local secondary level schoolchildren in years 7 - 10 from the London boroughs of Newham, Havering and Barking & Dagenham (East Plus). Its objectives are to Create greater awareness of STEM subjects in secondary school level students Stimulate students' interest in Engineering and STEM in a fun and interesting environment outside of school Enhance existing, and develop new, personal skills in Technology and Construction Provide awareness of Engineering career options and the scope of sector-wide application Help to increase the available number of future engineers in the local area. The programme is run from dedicated facilities at CEME (Centre for Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence) that provide an integrated classroom and workshop environment that is tailored to theoretical and practical learning by schoolchildren. The facilities also host a full IT suite of connected computers, allowing students to learn from proprietary and bespoke content. In addition, a variety of supplies of building and engineering materials such as Knex blocks, electronic circuitry, robotics and software form part of the programme resources and enable construction of structures and ideas that require the principles of design and engineering to be applied. "Since 2006, the programme has delivered to well over 1,000 schoolchildren from the London East Plus areas and we plan to expand this geographic coverage in the future. GTS is designed to focus specifically on STEM subjects and to bring them alive in an interesting and fun way that will inspire schoolchildren to become more interested in these crucial subject areas. Unfortunately, many secondary level schools in the East Plus area suffer from a lack of funding to be able to create and deliver a similar STEM programme of their own. Consequently, they are often unable to gain access to the specialist equipment and teaching and denied the opportunity to educate and inspire their students in this way. The GTS programme steps in to fill that gap to provide that necessary and valuable opportunity for the local schools. This means that they can still receive interesting and high-quality, curriculum-based activity that supports their own teaching programmes without the need to find extra funding, as the programme is delivered free-of-charge to the participating schools who are located within the London Boroughs of Havering, Newham and Barking and Dagenham. The commercial sponsorship package is priced at £85,000. This provides for 1,000 student places that can be delivered over one or two academic years. The participating students would be currently from the London boroughs of Newham, Havering and Barking & Dagenham (East Plus). However, it is planned to expand that area to also include other London boroughs and south Essex schools whose location is close to the CEME campus". Contact: Graeme Hay, Business Development Director. Address: CEME, Marsh Way, Rainham RM13 8EU. Tel.: 0208 596 7057. Fax: 0208 596 5401. E-mail: graeme.hay@ceme.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor CEME's Gateway to Schools programme (Word format)
ETR/PL010 |
Champion Behaviours is a registered charity, based in Hampshire, set up to deliver workshops, free through schools, for young people 11-16 years old who are in danger of exclusion. The charity aims to help reduce exclusion, crime and fear of crime in the community (the Hampshire Police Authority area), and develop inclusion by helping young people to become valuable members of their commumity by adding to it. Young people can be influenced by poor role models and behaviours, or by champions in sport, life and business and their champion behaviours. The charity's workshops are about encouraging and developing Champion Behaviours based on the behaviours of Champions that the young people know. Workshops are delivered at schools, youth clubs, sports centres and suitable venues. Champion Behaviours needs ongoing financial support via sponsorship to deliver workshops in Hampshire and other areas. Vodafone, for example, bought days for young people in Trowbridge; and a national house builder supported the organisation's Solent Swim fundraiser, whilst other sponsors simply donate money and goods to the project. "We need cash on an ongoing basis: the more cash we raise, the more workshops we can deliver - and the more young people we can help. If you can help us, please do call us or visit the JustGiving website for Champion Behaviours. You can buy workshops for young people or schools in an area of your choosing. How about buying one of our CSR programmes that links your team building and people development with our programmes for young people? PJ Stevens and many of the Champs Team are highly skilled and qualified in corporate training; indeed PJ Stevens is one of Europe's top ten SDI trainers and has delivered corporate teambuilding, leadership and communication programmes in the USA, Europe, UK, north Africa and the UAE. He has worked with many corporate clients, some Olympic sailors, golfers and Premiership footballers. So if you want to develop your company and your people, whilst helping local schools and young people, we will be delighted to speak with you. The profit from these CSR sessions will go into running our charity and further programmes for young people. Sadly there are some 100,000 young people temporaily excluded from school in the UK, and we all know the challenges young people face and the dangers of knife crime amongst young people. Therefore our marketplace is huge! And we need help to help young people. Some schools we work with have 10% of their year groups who need our help, whilst one school has 46% of year groups who need extra support and help! Our workshops can delivered anywhere, subject to financial support". Contact: Paul J Stevens, Founder. Address: 127 Southampton Road, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9GR. Tel.: 01590 689 289. E-mail: info@championbehaviours.com. link to website
ETR/PL011 |
 CRICKET EVOLUTION Cricket Evolution is working with the OCB and local cricket organisations to gain funding and permissions to build a brand new indoor cricket facility, located in Oxfordshire and dedicated to the development of young cricket talent. The centre will be conveniently located in the Vale of White Horse, possibly near Wantage. Sponsorship support is sought to assist with the funding of the centre. Cricket Evolution is keen to work with its sponsors to build a mutually beneficial partnership. The indoor cricket centre will offer state-of-the-art training facilities that can be used by cricket clubs and coaches all year round, but particularly during the winter months to nurture young cricket talent. To fulfil this objective the facility will be made available to local schools in the area for a nominal fee. The proposed facility will include a training area with ten cricket lanes, nets and bowling machines. The centre will also include offices, which may be ideal for clubs to use as an administrative centre, as well as meeting rooms and a cricket equipment shop. Additional meeting rooms will be provided for meetings or small conferences, with multimedia facilities. Video analysis technology will be available to assist with improving batting technique, etc. The facility will be available to make block bookings for regular training by clubs and cricket coaches within a fifty mile radius. "We hope to have a confirmed location by Summer 2015 and to build the cricket centre in 2016. Sponsorship of the centre will offer significant PR benefits and a means of reaching a large number of young cricket enthusiasts and their followers. We would also be happy to discuss ways in which the facilities might be utilised by sponsors for hospitality, meetings, events, etc. Acknowledgement of sponsors' support will be included in press releases, on the centre's website and social media outlets, etc. and (subject to agreement) via visibility at the indoor centre itself. Ideally we are seeking a long-term partnership to assist with the launch and ongoing development of the centre, but we would be happy to tailor benefits to our sponsors' budgets and requirements". Ed Vaizey, MP for Didcot & Wantage: "Great initiative, worthy of widespread support"; Chris Clements, Chairman OCB: "A facility such as this one planned by Cricket Evolution would be a huge boost to Cricket in Oxfordshire - driving up accessibility and interest and therefore participation in the sport in this area"; Luke Ryan, Business Manager OCB: "A purpose built indoor cricket facility in Oxfordshire of this quality would make a significantly positive impact on our programs in particular - we will be working closely with Cricket Evolution to help them achieve their planned project for the benefit of cricket in Oxfordshire"; Ali Dane, International Eventer, Wantage: "A facility like this will thrive in the Oxfordshire area – especially with the determined group behind this project. I look forward to seeing the interest in Cricket grow in my local area!" Contact: Gabriella Racioppoo, Marketing. Tel.: 07824 858889. E-mail: gabriella@cricketevolution.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Cricket Evolution (pdf format)
Ongoing |
ETR/PL012 |
 DERBY ACADEMY OF ACTING Derby Academy of Acting was established following the closure of the Derby Playhouse in 2007. "Neale, formerly Director of Learning at the Playhouse, recognised the need for a high standard of actor training in the East Midlands. Regular classes provide quality training for students aged 12-15 years, 16-21 years and 22 years and above. The focus is on the development of techniques and skills, including healthy and effective voice use, movement, improvisation, tuition in the analysis of texts and the preparation of a piece of work for performance. The classes build confidence and teach an understanding of the skills necessary for entering the profession, developing talents and abilities in a fun and friendly environment. Our aim is to provide quality professional actor training to young people and adults from the East Midlands. The basis of the work is Naturalism and, because Neale continues to work at the top of the profession, the teaching is closely aligned to contemporary practise. What we do in the classes is very much what is happening in the rehearsal rooms around the country. Based in the centre of Derby, we are gaining a reputation for the quality of the teaching we provide. Membership has expanded beyond our expectations and our fees have remained as low as possible to prevent them being prohibitive. We urgently need sponsorship to provide further opportunities for students from low income groups, to offer Arts Award training and enable students of all abilities to gain recognisable qualifications, and to extend the number of classes we are able to provide by introducing further experienced staff and improving on our facilities. We are currently prevented from offering presentation showcases and mounting productions only because of the costs of such an undertaking. Sponsorship would enormously enrich the experiences of the young people at the Academy and provide opportunities for them to present their work. Your company has the opportunity to facilitate the training of young people in Derbyshire and the surrounding area, to gain exposure on our website and all printed material and take a prominent position on all of our showings and performances. For further details please contact our General Manager, Wendy Allen". Contact: Wendy Allen. Address: 189 Longmoor Lane, Breaston, Derby DE72 3BE. Tel.: 01332 875947. E-mail: daacting@gmail.com. link to website
ETR/PL013 |
 DRIVERS EDGE UK Drivers Edge UK is an innovative organisation that aims to dramatically reduce the instances of road traffic accidents and driving-related crimes in the UK by providing young people, typically aged between 14 and 21, with a comprehensive training package, including workshops and seminars. Each preventative interactive session takes the students through the key causes of road traffic accidents, so there is a clear foundation to give young people the awareness they need to spot a dangerous situation, plus other advantages. "Our intensive mentoring and coaching programme equips young people with the skills, knowledge and conscience to drive safely and behave responsibly. Drivers Edge UK exploits the popular topic of driving to raise our students' self esteem, achievement and personal development. After losing a friend of ours through a road traffic accident in July 2006, we know first hand what it's like to see lives crumble as a result". The branding of a corporate sponsor or partner will appear on some or all of the following, depending on the level and type of sponsorship The Drivers Edge UK website (A) Quarterly Newsletter (to our 500 stakeholders and organisations) (A) Drivers Edge UK information leaflet (given to every attendee) Drivers Edge UK brochure (B)
Certificates of Attendance (B) Safe Road User agreement (C)
Toolkit Bag (including leaflet and sponsored gifts) Annual Reception (yearly - July). Contact: Wale Yusuff, Director. Tel.: +44 (0) 203 239 7259. E-mail: info@driversedgeuk.com link to website
Sponsor benefits
: network with some beneficiaries and friends of Drivers Edge UK
: expand customer base
: income (measurable via promotion codes ie two free driving lessons and giveaways)
: launch and sample new products and services and get instant customer feedback
: associate marketing with social cause
: public relations alongside Drivers Edge UK (social enterprise)
: Certificate of support - to be displayed in sponsor's offices
: use of Drivers Edge UK branding to make customers and employees aware of their support of Drivers Edge UK
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Drivers Edge UK (pdf format)
ETR/PL014 |
Emmaus North East is a homelessness charity offering sponsors the opportunity to name a room in its new residence, in return for £2,000.00. "We are converting a former children's home to be a residence for an Emmaus community where fifteen formerly homeless people will live. They will work in the charity's shops and workshop, repairing and reconditioning donated household goods which are then sold in the shops. Local families on tight budgets are able to buy low cost goods and there is an environmental benefit as the donated items would otherwise have been disposed of at landfill sites. Residents, or 'companions' as they are known, get a secure place to live and work, as well as companionship and support to help them recover their confidence and self-respect. They learn useful work skills and eventually will move on to mainstream economic activity and independent living. There are currently twenty-eight Emmaus communities in the UK and over 300 worldwide, though none in the north east of England where there is a pressing need. They are extremely successful in enabling individuals who have lost everything to make a fresh start. Every £1 invested in an Emmaus community returns £11 in economic, social and environmental benefits". Contact: Susan Wilson. Address: 639-643 Durham Road, Low Fell, Gateshead NE9 5HA. Tel.: 07885 591466. E-mail: sue.wilson@emmaus-northeast.org.uk. link to website
ETR/PL015 |
 THE FITS FOUNDATION The FITS Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation created specifically to provide training and accreditation for technicians in educational establishments. FITS (Framework for ICT Technical Support) is a set of guidance processes designed to streamline ICT service management and delivery in schools. Evidence has shown that implementing FITS processes cuts the costs of ICT support provision, delivers a higher return on ICT investment and a positive impact on teaching and learning outcomes. FITS, originally developed by Becta, the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning, is now managed and supported through The FITS Foundation. The FITS Foundation's goal is to provide a clear career path for ICT technicians in schools through their accreditations, both of which are internationally recognised qualifications and listed on the QCA register. The accreditations provide technicians with NVQ levels 4 and 5 qualifications. The FITS Foundation is now inviting sponsors to help them in their objectives of professionalising the technical workforce, providing improved returns on ICT investment and a positive impact on the teaching and learning experiences. Contact: Trevor Greenfield, Technical Director. Address: Pure Offices, Plato Close, Tachbrook Park, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV34 6WE. Tel.: 01926 800121. E-mail: trevor.greenfield@thefitsfoundation.org link to website
ETR/PL016 |
JUNIOR MEMORY CHAMPIONSHIP (Learning Skills research) Sponsorship is sought for the Junior Memory Championship, which works with schools to promote memory skills for children. The Junior Memory Championship is the only nationwide memory championship for primary schools in the UK. Now in its seventh year, it is an important educational initiative bringing valuable memory skills to the forefront of learning. In its first six years it has reached over 61,000 children. Over the past two years, the Junior Memory Championship has enjoyed some substantial media coverage in TESPro, Guardian Teachers Network, The Times and on BBC Radio 4's Midweek programme. The Founder of the Junior Memory Championship is Jonathan Hancock, former World Memory Champion, holder of two Guinness World Records and author of nine books on memory and learning. Importantly he is deputy headmaster of a primary school in Brighton and ensures that every element of this project is keyed into the real learning needs of children, and the practicalities of teaching in a crowded curriculum. As a teacher he sees for himself how memory and learning techniques are central to educational success. Jonathan says: "Today's primary school pupils may be adept at using the latest computer games and the internet, but they can still have difficulty learning the information and skills they're taught at school. To tackle these issues, and to make the most of the way the 'iPad Generation' thinks and learns, ancient memory techniques are being put to use as part of this national competition. The Junior Memory Championship involves ten and eleven year olds being shown how the ancient Greeks and Romans taught their students to remember, using strategies remarkably similar to today's interactive computer games and social-networking sites". The organisers of the championship, the Learning Skills Foundation, deliver a range of learning materials (developed by Jonathan Hancock) for primary teachers to use. These materials include lesson plans, INSET pack, video clips, a full memory training programme for the Year 6 children and materials to develop learning skills in other year-groups. "We wish to grow this project to reach most primary schools throughout the UK. We seek sponsorship of £30,000 to further develop and expand the Junior Memory Championship to enable the maximum number of teachers and children to participate and benefit from vitally important memory systems. Please see the downloadable document for further information". Contact: Mrs Caroline Shott. Address: Learning Skills Foundation, 8 Swift Street, London SW6 5AG.
For the Main sponsor of £30,000, there would be naming rights for the Junior Memory Championship, a highlighted sponsor listing on the home page of the website with hyperlink, the sponsor's company name highlighted on all educational materials, on the Sponsors' Page (on the website) a half page message of support, and a large banner advert across the home page of the website.
For Major sponsors of £15,000, there would be a listing on the home page of the website with a hyperlink, the sponsor's company name on all educational materials. On the Sponsors' Page (on the website), there would be a quarter page message of support, together with a medium-sized banner advert across the home page.
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by the Junior Memory Championship (pdf format)
ETR/PL017 |
 LONDON MOTOR MUSEUM Opened in late 2007, a five minute journey from the UK's busiest airport, London Heathrow, and a fifteen minute train ride from London Paddington station, London Motor Museum is an exciting, innovative museum which encapsulates the essence of motoring achievement and features an element of extreme conversion vehicles never seen before. The museum's collection currently houses over 200 vehicles, covering the eras of the 1930s through to modern day concept cars. A wide range of transport vehicles is displayed, including bikes, trucks and concept cars. Being the only motor museum in the London region, the museum is able to stimulate the most profound motoring fanatics as well as provide an educational element which introduces innovation and core aspects of technology and design. A wide market reach, with targeted audiences being families, predominately males, and a large tourist interest, the London Motor Museum provides a fantastic canvas for inventive displays and exhibitions, being involved in some of the most prestigious and well-known motoring events - such as Goodwood Festival of Speed and Top Gear Live - and working for companies such as Nokia, Microsoft and Disney. London Motor Museum has always heavily based employment for the younger generation and provides hands-on opportunities to be involved in all aspects, such as planning, marketing and production. The museum's aims are to provide unique opportunities for the local community; it aims to raise funds for local youth programmes as well as establish a base and provide training through workshops and employment prospects. The museum is seeking sponsorship to market and promote the education programmes and to fund core collaboration projects with the community. The redevelopment of the suites will greatly improve revenue sources. To implement the second phase, a subsidiary museum in central London is planned. London Motor Museum is looking for sponsors to help fund projects and the redevelopment of the museum. All sponsors will get advertising space on the museum website, within the museum premises and on all brochures and leaflets, great marketing material and use of the museum facilities and vehicles. Contact Mai Elo, Manager. Address: 3 Nestles Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4SB. Tel.: 0800 195 0777. Fax 0208 561 7263. E-mail: mai@londonmotormuseum.co.uk link to website
ETR/PL018 |
 MILITARY MENTAL HEALTH CIC Military Mental Health CIC is a Social Enterprise which raises awareness of the psychological and social challenges that face veterans of the British Armed Forces. The organisation raises awareness in the following ways Military Veterans Awareness Training - directed towards public sector organisations such as the NHS Veterans Stress Management Programme - directed towards ex-British Armed Forces personnel Military Mental Health Awareness - directed towards the family and friends of Veterans. "Our aim is to ensure veterans are better supported within existing services. We are currently running The National Veterans Awareness Campaign and require sponsorship to enable us to highlight the campaign to the general public and ensure that the veterans are appropriately supported by public sector organisations for health, housing and employment. A donation of £5,000 can enable us to run one stress management programme for a period of twelve weeks for ten veterans. A donation of £7,000 will enable us to run one Military Veterans Awareness conference for a target audience of 100+ public sector employees.
A donation of £1,000 will enable us to run one Military Mental Health Awareness Workshop for the family and friends of veterans". Contact: Richard Williams, Director. Address: Military Mental Health CIC, Kathe Locke Centre, 123 Moss Lane East, Manchester M15 5DD. Tel.: 0161 455 0211. E-mail: richard@militarymentalhealth.co.uk. link to website
ETR/PL019 |
 NOTTINGHAM FOOTBALL CENTRE Nottingham Football Centre is offering naming rights and sponsorship opportunities connected with its brand new pavilion and community football pitches. With over 2,500 players and school pupils using the centre's state-of-the-art facilities, plus links with grassroots and professional football via Nottingham Forest FC, the Nottingham Football Centre delivers coaching clubs, training and match pitches, together with education and development programs in a positive environment. A brand new pavilion opens this December 15th, incorporating a learning zone, cafe, changing rooms, treatment clinic and reception, to compliment the fifteen pitches already operating at this very busy site. The sponsorship can include events, tournaments, educational programs and team-building days, as well as a highly visible branding presence and naming rights. This is an attractive, high traffic venue offering a superb opportunity for a prospective sponsor. Contact: Richard Hipkiss. Address: Nottingham Football Centre, Boundary Road. West Bridgeford NG2 7BW. Tel.: 08002289642. E-mail: nottinghamfootballcentre@yahoo.co.uk. link to website
ETR/PL020 |
 PAPER Artistic Development CIC
PAPER CIC, a not-for-profit social enterprise limited by guarantee, is based in the beating heart of Bristol's city centre. "At PAPER we use 'Professional Advice, Practical Education and Recognition' as tools to engaging people in self-development through the arts. This is why we believe that, by sharing our experiences and knowledge through skills based training, we can create opportunities for both individual and community development. In doing this we are helping people to release their potential and creating opportunities for individuals to gain an income through the arts. We are very different from a 'traditional' arts organisation as we value the fact that every person is an individual and that, when it comes to self-development, one size does not fit all. In June 2013 the number of long-term unemployed residents in Bristol was the highest it has been since 1997. Half of Bristol's JSA claimants have been unemployed for over six months and that number has been growing over the last two years. By providing skills and training for young people to enter employment or to become self employed, our project will improve the long-term job prospects of our target demographic. We currently work with the Job Centre and the Creative Employment Programme to deliver paid internships. In particular we work with 18-24 year olds that have been unemployed for a long period of time, to give them the confidence and necessary work experience to secure future employment in the creative sector. Our resource of city-wide training, talks, workshops and courses is open to the public. It is a user friendly online resource that helps the local community to source programs for self development. Our advice centre is open to the public and those that are not used to using computers can be shown how to use the resource and also book in for personal advice sessions if they feel they need more support and information. We rely heavily on volunteers and core funding to provide our services to the general public. We are looking for business sponsors to help us provide better equipment for our training courses and intern programs. Our city centre premises is very accessible but we also have an 'Out Reach' program to help encourage communities on the outskirts of the city or those that cannot easily access our building, to get involved in our skills programme. This building is our most expensive cost and any contribution to the maintenance and cost of running the building would be gratefully received". Contact: Simone Kidner, Managing Director. Address: 51-53 Merchant Street, Bristol BS1 3EE. Tel.: +44 7584 905546. E-mail: simone@paperpublication.co.uk
link to website
ETR/PL021 |
 PHOENIX FUTURES Support the Voyage of Recovery ... Phoenix Futures, a charity providing services for people with drug and alcohol problems, and the Tectona Trust, a charity dedicated to improving access to the world of sailing, are planning a very special project and would welcome sponsors' support. "Contact us to hear about our latest sponsorship opportunities". Contact: James Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Communications. Address: Phoenix Futures, ASRA House, 1 Long Lane, London SE1 4PG. Tel.: 0207 234 9762. E-mail: james.armstrong@phoenix-futures.org.uk. link to website
ETR/PL022 |
Raptor Trust is looking for sponsorship either for one of two projects and/or its work in rehabilitating wild birds of prey in Norfolk. "The first project is a new and very different mobile education stand. Instead of being a gazebo filled with captive birds for people to look at, we want to provide a stand where people can be educated and get involved with activities they can learn from. We wanted to reconnect people with nature and their local wild bird populations. We want to teach people about the birds, habitats, prey, health, populations and status and the difficulties they face and how to help. This stand will be used across Norfolk, and elsewhere occasionally too, and will be seen at events such as the Royal Norfolk Show, as well as at school talks and workshops and so on. Sponsors' details will be printed in plenty of places on the stand as well as on our Facebook and web pages, and in press releases. The second project is for a training and networking symposium where we hope to educate professionals across various vocations from the police, wardens, vets, etc., as well as the public and schools, all attending different sessions on different days. This will include infection control issues, crime, disturbance, First Aid, and so on. We should be able to educate up to 2,000 people for only £5.00 each. This will help deal with rehabilitation, conservation, crime and welfare issues and there is not another event or opportunity currently like this in the UK. Our rehabilitation work has increased dramatically as we are now taking on over 400 wild birds of prey just in Norfolk. With the rising costs of food, mileage and insurance this will cost us around £45.00 per bird on average! We are all volunteers working from home and provide all of the nursing ourselves, to keep costs low and provide the most appropriate relaxed environment to aid in these birds' recoveries. Please get in touch to discuss sponsorship opportunities". Contact: Claire Halls. Address: 31 Holworthy Road, Norwich NR5 9DG. Tel.: 07599134655. E-mail: chestnuts@supanet.com link to website
June 2017
ETR/PL023 |
 RIVERS COACHING Rivers Coaching is an innovative social enterprise, passionate about education and the power it has to influence the future life chances of pupils. "Going beyond academic attainment, we believe that every child should be equipped with the skills and attitudes they need to succeed beyond the classroom. We believe that teachers hold the key to unlocking this future. Through the power of coaching we empower classroom teachers to become outstanding classroom leaders, working purposefully towards creating a lasting and meaningful impact on the attainment and holistic development of their pupils. Through our work we aim to:
Improve the educational outcomes of young people to enable them to succeed in their chosen path Increase teacher effectiveness to ensure every child receives an outstanding education and is supported to achieve their full potential regardless of their background
Improve retention of teachers working in schools in disadvantaged communities. We are seeking to develop partnerships with London-based organisations that share our values and who have an interest in improving the lives of young people through education, specifically those based in disadvantaged communities. This is a fantastic opportunity to raise your profile within the community by part sponsoring the development of one or more teachers in return for marketing and promotional opportunities. We want our partnerships to be mutually beneficial and therefore aim to understand how we can best work together to support you to achieve the individual needs and objectives of your business. If you'd like to discuss more about what we do and how you can get involved, we'd love to hear from you". Contact: Raheela. E-mail: info@riverscoaching.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Rivers Coaching (pdf format)
ETR/PL024 |
 THE SHEFFIELD COLLEGE: TED (TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND DESIGN) - please call for updated details The £15.6 million Sheffield College upgrade will lead to new facilities and courses linked to areas of growth for the regional economy. "£6.8 million of this project is being used to build an extension on our Olive Grove Road Campus, which will see the launch of the latest technology, engineering and design facilities including teaching accommodation and workshops. Opened in September 2015, the new centre is known as TED (Technology, Engineering and Design). Through sponsorship opportunities, we are looking to raise additional funds to equip our refurbished workshops and new technical classrooms, with equipment and systems of industry and professional standards - this will ensure our learners have the best possible chance of filling ever-growing employer skills gaps. For example, we are proposing new course provision to include robotics, control systems engineering, design and computer numeric control, and sustainable development. We are aiming to train the next generation of engineers in the latest technology, engineering and design facilities. We currently work with over 1,000 students completing apprenticeships, diploma and higher level qualifications. We have already established strong connections with industry - for example, training apprentices for employers including Tata Steel Speciality Steels". Please call for updated information. Contact: James Smythe, Deputy Principal. Address: The Sheffield College, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL. Tel.: 0114 2602600. E-mail: james.smythe@sheffcol.ac.uk. link to website
Key areas for investment
We have four specialist curriculum areas based at TED: Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineering and Installation, Motor Vehicle and Plumbing, Heating & Ventilation. We are looking to invest in state of the art equipment to provide quality, industry standard experiences for students in these vocational areas:
Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
: Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
: Laser cutter
: Lathes
: Millers
Electrical Engineering and Installation
: Robotics equipment
: PLC equipment
: Oscilloscopes
: Signal generators
Motor Vehicle
: Piaggio Chassis trainer
: Electric vehicle and hybrid rigs - pneumatic
: Electric vehicle and hybrid rigs - hydraulic
: Electric vehicle and hybrid rigs - hybrid
: Electric car
Plumbing, Heating & Ventilation
: Renewable energy training rig
: Under floor heating training rig
: Pressure testing equipment
: Pipe threading machines
ETR/PL025 |
 SPECIAL OLYMPICS GREAT BRITAIN Special Olympics Great Britain, the country's largest disability sports charity - providing year-round sport for people with intellectual (learning) disabilities - is seeking a new lead sponsor. National Grid, who have been the charity's Premier Partner since 2007, are re-aligning their sponsorship strategy with Special Olympics GB to become a second tier sponsor. National Grid's programme has exceeded all expectations. More than 600 of the company's employees have volunteered their time to support the charity. Plus, 78% of volunteers feel that the Special Olympics GB volunteer programme makes National Grid a better place to work and 100% feel inclined to support future Special Olympics events, based on a National Grid internal survey. Special Olympics GB has just enjoyed unprecedented media coverage for a sports disability charity through its team that recently attended this summer's European Games. BBC and ITV national and regional television provided continuous coverage, along with Radio 2 and Radio 4 features, regional features on athletes and huge amount of social media and online exposure. Special Olympics GB is gearing up for another high-profile year with a team of over 100 athletes heading to Los Angeles next year for the World Games - hosted by Games Honorary Chair President Barack Obama and the First Lady. "There are currently 150 Special Olympics clubs across Great Britain, run by more than 4,000 volunteers who support the 8,000 athletes benefitting from our ongoing sports training and competition programme. Most corners of the UK have been involved in one way or another with sporting legacy activity following 2012, but none of this legacy activity has directly targeted the largest population of disabled people in the country - children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics has a plan. A big plan. To grow the number of athletes we can support from 8,000 to 15,000 by 2017. Each Special Olympics partnership package is individually structured to best meet a company's objectives and that of Special Olympics GB. Partnership packages include key activation areas - Rights of association Hospitality Access to events, medal ceremonies and a range of sports Sampling and promotional opportunities Competitions and associated programmes Branding and PR opportunities Local community engagement Employee volunteering and customer involvement National fundraising events and activation". CEO Karen Wallin says: "The aim of Special Olympics Great Britain is to transform the lives of people with intellectual (learning) disabilities through sport. We are the only organisation in the UK to offer a year-round programme of sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing opportunities for them to develop their physical skills and confidence, adapt to a healthier lifestyle and become inclusive members of their community. We aim to integrate health, wellbeing, education and social inclusion into all of our programmes and strands of work". To request further information and discuss what potential options there might be for your company to get involved, just get in touch. Contact: Karen Wallin, CEO. Address: 1st Floor, 6-8 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3NT. Tel.: 0207 375 7612. E-mail: karen.wallin@sogb.org.uk link to website
| Ongoing
ETR/PL026 |
Sporting Hearts: Helping, Educating and Rehabilitating Through Sports.
Sporting Hearts are working in highly disadvantaged areas of Nottinghamshire with youngsters aged 5 to 25 who are in danger of becoming socially or educationally excluded. This could be because of anti-social behaviour, lack of self-esteem, lack of basic and social skills or because of bullying or disability. "We offer access to sporting activities which will include teamwork and raising of self-esteem and self-confidence. We encourage our successes to become ambassadors within their peer groups to encourage even more youngsters to eschew crime, drugs and alcohol for sport and community work. We have an extensive network of providers who can offer a variety of sporting opportunities and progression pathways to success. These include further training, coaching and officiating courses and vocational training for employability. Nottinghamshire has a high youth crime rate and a gang culture, often fuelled by alcohol and/or drugs. We are determined to offer opportunities for the youth of today to become the heart of the community tomorrow. We passionately believe that sport is a conduit for this vision. We currently provide a variety of projects from boxing to dance and football. We are working with several schools in the area to help deliver our vision to youngsters who have been identified as becoming socially or educationally excluded and those who suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). If you feel you would like to help in any way please contact us at projects@sportinghearts.co.uk". Contact: Joan Smalley, Funding Director. Address: New Brook House, 385 Alfreton Road, Nottingham NG7 5LR. Tel.: 0115 727 0101. E-mail: info@sportinghearts.org.uk link to website
Click button to download more information from Sporting Hearts (Word format)
Ongoing |
ETR/PL027 |
 STIRLING SCHOOL OF ENGLISH "Please help the Stirling School of English to continue to offer free English Language teaching". The Stirling School of English is looking for a sponsor with an interest in increasing global understanding. The school offers free English tuition to non-English speakers. It has currently more than two hundred students from over thirty countries being taught by about twenty-five qualified volunteers in thirty different classes each week. It caters for students of all ranges of proficiency in the language, beginners to advanced. These students are here either working or studying and every part of the globe is represented in the school. The school, however, does more than teach language skills. It also helps students integrate into the community and provides social activities to reduce a sense of isolation. Uniquely amongst teaching institutions, students can join at any time during the year, so they can begin to learn the language as soon as they arrive in the area. This is particularly important in helping people integrate into the community. The school also links to employers seeking to improve the language skills of their migrant workers. "Sponsorship would enable us to maintain our free service, but also expand our activities (eg extending crèche facilities to enable more working mothers to attend), improve our premises and our training of volunteers. It would also help us commission the design of teaching materials as well as purchase computer equipment to facilitate modern learning methods. Above all, it would help produce financial stability and relieve the school from reliance on a variable grant regime, as well as enabling it to develop as a social enterprise and allow it to generate income. Sponsors would be welcome to get involved as consultants to put together a professional business plan and help the school develop in creative ways and sustain its activities into the future". Address: The Rock Centre, 61-63 Murray Place, Stirling, Scotland FK8 1AP. Tel.: 07817749902. E-mail: stirling.school@yahoo.co.uk. link to website
ETR/PL028 |
TAILWAGGER DOG DISPLAY TEAM The Tailwagger Dog Display Team is a self-funding team of thirty-two people drawn from The Tailwagger Training Club in Leeds. At present they attend various shows throughout Yorkshire, ranging from small village fetes to agricultural shows. One of their main shows is Bramham International Horse Trials in June each year. This year their show season culminated in a trip to south west Wales in September to defend their title of Dog Olympic Champions, which is an inter-club competition held each year. The team retained their title of Dog Olympics Champions, coming first and third. "We are now ready to launch this event in Yorkshire. We have our own PA system, generator, trailer and portable fencing - all of which require servicing/upgrading from time to time. Our trip to Wales costs in the region of £6,000.00, including fuel and overnight stays, all of which we pay ourselves. Most of the team use this as a holiday, because otherwise they would not get one!" Contact: Cathy Paterson, Team Manager. Address: 432 Stonegate House, Moortown, Leeds LS17 5BX. Tel.: 07717 860142. E-mail: cathy.paterson@ntlworld.com link to website
ETR/PL029 |

The Talentz is a fresh and dynamic musical theatre company for four to twenty-one year olds, offering exceptional training in the performing arts. "We deliver weekly classes in acting, singing and dance, in addition to summer schools, holiday courses, masterclasses with current West End performers and full-scale musical productions - and we act as an agency for children and young performers. We encourage students to work together to learn about every aspect of musical theatre whilst developing their individual talent and exploring their own personality as a performer. Our experienced team of dedicated and inspiring industry professionals work to get the best from each student, and it is a testament to our teaching that many students go on to study at some of the country's leading drama schools. We would love help making our training affordable to everyone to help keep music live, and we would truly welcome the support of another company. We would love a sponsor for our fourth Edinburgh Festival - the largest arts festival in the world - run, which we have sold out the last three years and would really enjoy a collaboration. We are so proud of what we do and with a little help could do so much more. Please consider this totally passionate, family feel company. Thank you so much". Contact: Debbie King. Address: 62 Queens Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9JU. Tel.: 07899998249. E-mail: debbie@thetalentz.com. link to website
ETR/PL030 |
 TALK TOGETHER LONDON CIC Talk Together London CIC (TTL) is a small, London-based social enterprise, launched in 2005, which runs a number of after school study support clubs designed to help improve the educational achievement of young people of bilingual or black and minority ethnic backgrounds, particularly those who are socially or economically disadvantaged. The organisation changed its name in 2008 to reflect the inclusive, bridge-building approach that it has developed to enable learners to really talk and learn together. TTL's community learning project brings together people of varying faiths and cultures to help children, young people and adult learners reach their full potential. The project offers support to children, young people, parents and carers who do not speak English at home as their main language of communication, by linking directly with schools, local authorities and communities. The attendees are encouraged to develop as role models and to share their experiences by volunteering and training to teach as 'tutors' or 'tutor assistants' on the project. TTL offers an environment where cultural, linguistic and religious assumptions are not judged and parents and carers who are either taking on volunteer roles and/or studying to improve their skills may feel more confident about their children's future in the UK. TTL's Study Support Clubs engage service users and the key stakeholders such as school staff, local authority officers, funders, parents and carers as active participants in the implementation and evaluation of TTL's services. TTL would be delighted to discuss mutually-beneficial sponsorship opportunities. Contact: Clare Alcott, Volunteer Administrator. Address: Office 2, Canalside House, 383 Ladbroke Grove, London W10 5AA. Tel.: 02072508226 (answer phone). E-mail: studysupport@ttlcic.org.uk. link to website
ETR/PL031 |
 WORKMAZE Ever since 1999, Workmaze has been providing career services to university Business Schools both in the UK and around the world. "Workmaze was founded to help people reach their career potential. With the backing of an exceptional team, we have designed, built and delivered tools and services that give people the opportunity to fulfil their career ambitions. Workmaze publishes ten Recruitment Guides (eg the Guide to MBA Recruitment in the FTSE 100), featuring over 1,000 companies together with job opportunities for Masters and MBA students and alumni, offering sponsoring companies the opportunity to reach future 'captains of industry'. Sponsorship is sought for each of the ten Guides". Address: 15 St James Street, Castle Hedingham, Essex CO9 3EN. Tel.: 08456 026066. Fax: 07053 408364. E-mail: info@workmaze.com. link to website Click button to download more information from Workmaze (pdf format)
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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ETR/001 |
"We are looking for a sponsor. The Alan Winner Academy was established in 1985. It is a sports academy teaching the discipline of Chinese Martial Art with classes from Monday to Friday 4.00pm to 10.00pm for all ages. It currently has about a hundred students. Given the number of years, we have become an integral part of our local community in Acton, Chiswick and Ealing. Through his teaching Alan provides much needed guidance to youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds, to adults who are dealing with personal or physical problems and to the general public - it's a great way to stay healthy. But also Alan provides the highest level of coaching to make the selection for the national team. For the past twenty-seven years we were based at Acton Swimming Baths, where we had exclusive use of a small but lovely training room. Although this room was half the size of a competition area, we still managed to get numerous first places in the British Nationals, third and fifth in the European Wushu Championships and twelfth and seventeenth in the World. Our training room at Acton Swimming Baths is no longer be available to us as they are closing the centre for redevelopment. We have finally found a location which would be perfect for the Academy to continue. Now we are faced with the question of how to fund the new place. It is a scouts' hut on Popes Lane put up for sale by The Southfield Trust. The location is on a main road, so it would quickly become a local hot spot. We are determined to keep the tradition of The Alan Winner Academy alive as it is unique in its field. There is no other place in the world that combines all the different disciplines: Meditation, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Wing Chun kung fu, Shaolin Kickboxing (Sanshou), Wushu International and floor gymnastics under one roof. And Alan, having reached the stage of Grand Master at the age of fifty-four has a wealth of knowledge acquired since the age of eight when he started in the competitive world of swimming". Contact: Alan Winner, Founder. Address: Acton Swimming Baths, Salisbury Street, London W3 8NW. Tel.: 0208 995 7717. E-mail: alanwinner@thealanwinneracademy.com. link to website
ETR/002 |
The Chariots of Fire Driving Centre is a carriage driving training centre based in a rural community in the Borders of Scotland. It is the only centre in the country bringing on children as young as three years into the sport, enabling them to compete at all levels. The centre works with disadvantaged youngsters, many of whom are either physically disabled, psychologically traumatised or have learning difficulties. They are given a safe environment with full one-to-one support where they can feel totally nurtured and able to bring out the best they have to give, often surprising themselves. The centre also works with adults who are either fresh to the sport or may have come to regain confidence after an accident or loss of nerve. The organisation would like to work in partnership with a sponsor to promote and expand these activities. In exchange, they can offer local and national media exposure; logos and advertising on their fleet of well-travelled competition and display team vehicles; facilities for company incentive schemes; and team building activities, etc. They need financial support for vehicles, ponies, equipment and products. Any sponsor would be working in association with a professional organisation that is well known for working within the community, creating opportunities for children and adults who might not otherwise be in a position to benefit from such resources. Contact: Amanda Saville. Address: Chariots of Fire Driving Centre, Boreland, Lockerbie DG11 2LL. Tel.: 01576 610248. E-mail: amanda@chariots.org.uk link to website
ETR/003 |
Suzanne Turner at Equus Training is now seeking sponsorship support. A highly dedicated, ambitious and talented show jumper, horse trainer and instructor, she has a number of sponsorship packages available which can be tailored to suit sponsors' requirements and budgets. These range from horse ownership, part or syndicate horse ownership and investment shares of new or existing horses to provision of funding, equipment, feed, products, etc. In return, sponsors could receive such benefits as product endorsement, advertising on kit, transport and web, website links, opportunities to attend competitions, training, social get-togethers, regular updates on progress, etc. Further information about Suzanne and Equus Training can be found on the website. Contact: Suzanne Turner. Address: Stable Cottage, Reddings Farm, Little Hundridge Lane, Hyde End, Bucks. HP16 0RP. Tel.: 01494 868284. E-mail: sturner583@btinternet.com. link to website
ETR/004 |
REDUNDANCY SERVICES RedundancyServices.co.uk is an online resource to help individuals plan their next move, save money - and bounce back after redundancy. The site was launched to provide genuinely useful advice - and inspiration - to individuals affected by redundancy in the UK. "The government has done a great job giving people legally accurate (but ultimately fairly dry) information. The tone of the website is realistic, but upbeat. This is a niche audience who are being forced into making some big changes. We are looking for organisations that have a product or service that is genuinely helpful to this audience. For more information call Caroline Chicken or Greg Pendleton on 0117 907 3520". Contact: Caroline Chicken, Director. Address: 6 Crofton Avenue, Bristol BS7 0BP. Tel.: 0117 907 3520. Fax: 441179073520. E-mail: caroline@retirementdirectory.co.uk link to website
ETR/005 |
TIME TRAVELLER MEDIA GROUP Time Traveller Media Group works throughout the UK, training young and old people media skills using radio as a platform. "We have gained a little funding locally to move into video work and have started a community TV project. We have local groups being setup all over the UK. We are looking for sponsors and advertisers to take up the challenge to help us move this fast-moving project to the next level". Contact: Edd Stonham, Project Manager. Address: 12 Normanton Way, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9XS. Tel.: 07921 997996. E-mail: edd.stonham@uktimetraveller.com link to website
ETR/006 |
Untold Design CIC is a not for profit Community Interest Company which provides affordable showcasing opportunities for new and emerging designers to introduce themselves to press, media and buyers within the fashion industry. It also creates opportunities for designers and creatives to subsist themselves in the early stages of their careers at consumer events where they are able to meet with potential customers, build an awareness of their brand and sell to clients. The ethos of Untold is to work as a collective through which a cyclical programme of support and assistance is made available, with the aim of building a long-lasting legacy for new designers and creatives. The organisation relies solely on the hard work and dedication of volunteers and visionaries to take the vision forward; however, there is so much more that they have planned to really broaden their reach and their usefulness to designers and creatives, and they now seek outside sponsorship and support that will enable them to take the organisation to the next level. Currently, Untold produces fashion shows and exhibitions during London Fashion Week, including the Fashion Diversity event produced in partnership with Mahogany Model Management and Museum of London. They have also produced shows at such venues as the Clink Prison Museum, The Foundling Museum and the Kensington Rooms and have an ongoing partnership with the London Design Festival. Untold also works with Clothes Show London and debuts at The Glam Show at Earls Court this October. "All of these opportunities have been created through the organisation since it began in 2007. Over the next year we are seeking to establish a base from which designers can have a retail presence which will also double up as a flexible workspace and training venue for new and aspiring designers. We are seeking to forge long term working relationships with our supporters and sponsors and this can be in varying forms, including services in kind and monetary donations". Contact: Maame Baryeh, Founding Director. Address: 1 Charmouth House, Dorset Road, London SW8 1EU. E-mail: info@un-told.co.uk link to website
ETR/007 |
Wholehog Productions has designed and is implementing a new concept in TV broadcasting. It includes local and national participation for "would-be" and existing presenters, filming crews, production staff and more. They will receive free training and exposure in exchange for their time and input into the project or programme they are working on, and will be credited on all parts of the media that they are involved in. The existing participants/members of the groups and teams have already started to put together a new range of TV programmes of their own design and structure. These will be broadcast on the company's broadband channel (now on test) with, eventually, the best to be broadcast on a planned Freeview twelve hour daily transmission. "We need new or used equipment, including vans to convert to OB units (we have our own technicians to do this with existing equipment), camera kit, lighting, studio equipment and furniture, and some running costs/expenses for the crews, production staff and administration staff (at present working voluntarily). To date - several years - we have all worked for little or no cost and are committed to launch this project one way or another, with or without funding. Sponsors and sponsorship will receive full accreditation and recognition on the transmissions and OB vans. We have had huge interest locally and some nationally from the small amount of advertising we have put out. We want to be able to advertise and travel the UK with our 'Initiation Team' in order to help everyone, young and old, working or not, to fulfil their natural talents and ambitions. Please get in touch and we can explain in more detail than can be covered in this listing". Contact: Robert Whittaker, Director/Organiser. Address: Wholehog Productions, The White House, Lower Sea Lane, Charmouth, Dorset DT6 6LW. Tel.: 07817177708. E-mail: Robwholehog@hotmail.com link to website