The UK Education Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK education sponsorship opportunities
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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EE/PL001 |
 ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL - EVERY CHILD INCLUDED CONFERENCE Achievement for All is a leading not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges, improving outcomes for all children and young people vulnerable to underachievement regardless of background, challenge or need. "In our partnerships with early years settings, schools and colleges, Achievement for All has had a positive and measureable impact on the lives of more than 100,000 children and young people to date. Through our tried-and-tested approaches to aspiration, access, attainment and achievement, we aim to improve the lives of at least 100,000 more. Our 2017 conference saw over 500 delegates come together to listen to over thirty high profile speakers and panelists and engage with seventeen exhibitors (including Microsoft, Youth Sport Trust, Place2Be, Teaching Times and Oxford University Press) from across the education and third sector. The conference was a huge success, with #Everychildincluded trending nationally on Twitter. Sponsorship opportunities are available in connection with our Autumn/Winter 2018 conference at Newbury Racecourse in Autumn/Winter 2018. Achievement for All's Every Child Included: The journey of a young person in education conference will bring together experts, teachers and leaders in education, from early years to post-16, to explore how, through the journey of a child and young person's education, we can collectively unite to ensure every child is included. Our 2018 conference will be bigger and better than ever, with over 750 delegates attending the same unique venue, with a larger exhibitor space, additional breakout sessions, dedicated networking space and a dedicated conference website and publication. Keynote speakers will take delegates through the journey of a child and young person's education from early years to post-16 (and beyond). Each session will be interlinked to demonstrate the key issues faced at each stage. Breakout sessions will focus on key issues relevant to core phases and stages in education and the day will conclude with a pupil and speaker panel session chaired by a high profile guest. Please get in touch for more detailed information". Contact: David Poppit, Fundraising Consultant. Address: Achievement For All, St Annes House, Oxford Street, Newbury RG14 1JQ. Tel.: 07551237261. E-mail: dpoppitt@aol.com. link to website
Sponsorship opportunities
There are tiered sponsorship packages available - Platinum (£10k); Gold (£7.5k); Silver (£5k); Bronze (£2.5k), with a range of benefits that include on-stage branding, speaker opportunities, priority exhibition space and inclusion in public relations and social media.
EE/PL002 |
 ADELANTA EVENTS - CHOIRS IN QUIET PLACES - call for updated information The Choirs in Quiet Places choral workshop and concert is an annual event taking place in January in Southwell, Nottinghamshire. Choirs and individual singers are invited to attend, and come from Nottinghamshire, the East Midlands and Yorkshire, as well as further afield. The day begins with a choral workshop (sectionals and massed singers) in a local school, led by an internationally-known musical director, assisted by other professional singers and musicians. One or two major pieces are selected each year as the centrepiece for the workshop and concert. In the afternoon, the singers come together with an orchestra to rehearse for the evening's concert, which usually takes place in Southwell Minster. Choirs in Quiet Places has now run twice successfully, and the organisers, Adelanta Events, are looking for sponsorship partners to support the programme, and also to explore the possibility of extending the concept to an event specifically for Youth choirs and musicians. "Sponsorship packages start at £250; but rather than dictating packages and benefits, we would like to work with potential sponsors to design a tailor-made programme which will achieve the sponsor's aims". Contact: Alison Lowe. Address: Adelanta Events, 2 Commercial Road, Nottingham NG6 8HA. Tel.: 0115 975 6979. Fax: 0115 975 6907. E-mail: salesinfo@adelanta.co.uk link to website
EE/PL003 |
 ARTS SU/UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS LONDON SPORTS - call for updated details Arts Students' Union (Arts SU), the students' union of the University of the Arts London (UAL), offers a wide range of sports clubs. "We call this collective UAL Sport. Clubs range from dance to martial arts, competitive to non-competitive and traditional to non-traditional. All of our sports clubs are led by students. UAL Sport is a community where many students meet friends for life. We aim to create an inclusive and diverse environment where students can interact with other UAL students outside of their studies to enhance their university experience. To ensure that inclusion is as low cost as possible for our membership, we are seeking sponsorship from various well-suited partners to collaborate with on both the annual Arts Cup - Varsity Challenge tournament, against local rivals Goldsmiths University in March, and the annual Sports Ball celebration next May. There are many attractive sponsorship opportunities associated with these events. Sponsor benefits include print, digital and social thanks and exposure; table sponsorship; big screen sponsorship; email marketing to our 20,000 students; experiential marketing. For more detailed information, please get in touch". Contact: Jess Forsyth, Fundraising Manager. Tel.: 020 7955 7158. E-mail: j.forsyth@su.arts.ac.uk link to website
About UAL Sport members
25 active sports clubs
C. 1,000 students are members of sports clubs
Gender profile: 74% female, 26% male
Year of study profile: 1st year - 66%; 2nd year - 26%; 3rd year - 8%; 4th year - 1%
Age profile: 18-20 - 64%; 21-24 - 29%; 25-29 - 6%; >30 - 1%
1,500+ current UAL Sport Facebook group members
The Arts Cup - Varsity Challenge
Varsity is the most important event of the year in the UAL sporting calendar. UAL's rivalry with Goldsmiths University stretches back some seven years and is aptly named The Arts Cup. Students can expect a full day of sporting fixtures, from Ultimate Frisbee to Cheerleading. Arriving from 10.00am, hundreds of students compete and support their fellow athletes playing a variety of sports across multiple levels. After the trials of the day, all involved students alongside their friends will celebrate (or commiserate) at the Arts Cup after-party.
Sponsor benefits include: presence at the Arts Cup Varsity; sponsor logo on all competitive UAL sports shirts; sponsor logo on promotional banners; logo and thanks on all social, digital and email promotion regarding the event.
Sports Ball 2017
May 2017 sees Arts SU host the annual Sports Ball with 400 students celebrating in style at Café de Paris, central London - an unmissable opportunity for you to reach creative and sporting students based in London. UAL is home to 20,000+ students, all constantly deciding which brands to buy, use and trust for the first time, in line with their ethics and identity. Sponsoring this popular event is a great step towards establishing brand loyalty during and after their time at university.
EE/PL004 |
 BATTLE MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL "The event of the weekend", The Guardian. The Battle Festival of arts and music, held in October, seeks to fund and present major classical concerts and a new music commission to be performed by children from twelve schools, at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill, a workshop/performance to introduce young children to an orchestra. "We want to take music to people who can't attend concerts through infirmity, at local residential homes and hospices. We want to offer Master Classes on song writing and how to enter the music industry. We present jazz and contemporary music. We facilitate and encourage a visual arts strand, showcasing local and international artists. Most of all we want to encourage and develop talent and enhance people's wellbeing through awareness of, and participation in, music and the arts. The Festival Committee established Battle Festival in 2013. It received considerable critical acclaim and appealed to a wide age group. The committee is managed by a team of creative professionals and educators. Artistic Director Dan Cornford, principle Viola Player of the London Philharmonic, draws on the skills and experience of internationally-renowned performers to deliver our classical repertoire to a rural community. Musical education and outreach projects are managed by John Boyd, former Head of the Hastings Areas Music Service. The inaugural project delivered in 2014 drew together 300 children from six varied schools and, working with East Sussex Hub providers, delivered a programme of music to children in addition to the curriculum. Young musicians (popular music) were provided mentoring opportunities from an Ivor Novello Award winner, songwriting workshops, alongside a Q & A session with industry figures, including BBC Introducing, thus delivering invaluable advice, support and inspiration for musicians at an early stage, an experience not available at school or the rural community. Opera in a Day was presented by Glyndebourne Education Department. A diverse range of Battle Fringe activities was programmed to supplement and enhance the core programme. For the future, we will produce a world class music and arts festival that enthuses the local community, boosts the local economy and encourages visitors to the region. We want to make Battle an essential cultural destination for the arts, inspiring new audiences and bringing world-class performers and artists to Battle. We will expand on our 2014 visual arts element, producing a programme for local, regional and international artists, including gallery exhibitions, free talks, workshops, demonstrations and masterclass mentoring sessions. We are partners with Battle Town Council and the Pure Arts Group and are constructing an Arts and Heritage Trail and a competition for a sculpture to be placed on a roundabout. This will foster 'Health and Wellbeing' with participants and audience. In 2016 we will further develop all our art and music streams as part of the celebration of the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings". Contact: Steve Scott. Address: 12 Sidcup Close, Eastbourne BN23 7LJ. Tels.: 01323 765378. E-mail: stevescott5@hotmail.co.uk link to website
EE/PL005 |
 BORDERLESS EXHIBITION: MADE IN ARTS LONDON (ARTS STUDENTS' UNION) Arts Students' Union represents the 20,000+ students of the University of the Arts London's six colleges. "We aim to help students embrace different experiences as they develop their creative practice through study. Arts SU is independent from the University, which means that we are always on the side of students. Made in Arts London (MiAL) is a not-for-profit enterprise run by Arts SU, promoting and selling art and design by students and recent graduates. We support our artists in their personal and professional development to break into the creative market. MiAL curates annual exhibitions, which explore relevant themes affecting artists as they progress from student to professional. How will 'Brexit' and the introduction of borders affect emerging artists in the UK and beyond? Through a week-long exhibition of students' work and an inspiring programme of professional-development workshops, Borderless addresses the new socio-economic obstacles facing British and international students and discusses how contribution from creatives across the world is vital to our multicultural society. Approximately twenty selected MiAL artists will exhibit their work, which we invite the public to view and purchase should they wish. As a not-for-profit, all profit goes straight to our student artists, ensuring they are valued for their time and talent. We have a number of sponsorship opportunities available and are seeking the perfect organisations to creatively collaborate with, in turn benefiting Borderless, our student membership and your brand's visibility and status. Please get in touch for an informal chat about your marketing objectives and how your financial support will make a difference to the next generation of artists". Contact: Jess Forsyth. Tel.: 0207 514 6270. E-mail: j.forsyth@su.arts.ac.uk link to website
Benefits include:
Substantial brand exposure to our 20,000+ creative students (digital, physical, social)
Goodwill transfer: support prestigious artists in realising their potential
Bespoke advertising campaign through Arts SU marketing channels
EE/PL006 |
 THE BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY The British Psychological Society is the representative body for psychology and psychologists in the UK. It is not a trade union but is a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Registration Number: 229642) and in Scotland (Charity Registration Number: SC039492). The Society was formed in 1901 and has more than 46,000 members. Through its Royal Charter, the Society is charged with overseeing psychology and psychologists. It has responsibility for the development, promotion and application of pure and applied psychology for the public good. The British Psychological Society Annual Conference is a three day conference held in May and is seen as an important academic and networking event. The conference is a major showcase in which academics and practitioners can present their research. The programme includes renowned keynote speakers from the UK, together with workshops, symposia, oral presentations and posters, as well as a full and exciting social programme. It attracts over 500 delegates from all psychological disciplines, from students to professors and trainees to practitioners on each of the three days. Companies who would benefit from sponsoring, exhibiting or advertising are book publishers, test agencies and publishers, software manufacturers and distributors, consultancies, research agencies and councils, university departments, insurance suppliers, recruitment agencies, financial service providers, local Stratford-upon-Avon companies and many more. Contact: Ruth Raven, Conference & Events Manager. Address: St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR. Tel.: 0116 252 9555. Fax: 0116 255 7123. E-mail: conferences@bps.org.uk link to website
Sponsorship benefits and guidelines
Exposure to delegates from all psychological disciplines of all levels all under one roof in the same week
Cost savings for companies choosing to sponsor and exhibit
Increased profile for sponsoring companies
Book early to avoid disappointment, as this event always sells out quickly
Best exhibition locations will be given on a first come first served basis
More publicity - "If you book now you will get more mileage from all of the conference publicity to our 46,000+ members and beyond"
EE/PL007 |
 FIT FOR SPORT Fitter Schools overview: Fitter Schools is a free, annual initiative open to every school in the UK. Its Ambassador is Olympics medallist Roger Black MBE. Schools that sign commit themselves to becoming more active and to increasing the awareness of living more healthily to not only their children, staff and parents but also to the whole school community. Over 7,000 schools have taken part to date. 1.75 million children have participated in the challenge, with results showing a 12% improvement in fitness levels per year on average. In line with Fit For Sport's "Simple, Achievable and Sustainable" approach, children take part in three simple challenge exercises. Pupils' improvement or aggregate scores are added together to determine the school's overall performance. Relevant brand visibility and digital awareness: the programme includes communication with UK schools through the organisation's up to date schools database; via advertising with a sustained campaign with a positive messaging; utilising a strong local, regional and national PR platform for extensive sales and sampling opportunities; featuring local and national celebrity endorsement and access; including an association with a trusted organisation with twenty years' experience; and incorporating product integration - the opportunity to explore product/service integration wherever appropriate and the right to offer the sponsor's product or services as prizes and giveaways relating to the initiative. Fitter Families overview: "Fitter Families is the national voice for educating families on how to incorporate lifestyle habit changes, through our 'SAS' approach. This includes National Roadshows - typically, 30,000 people participate in twenty-four family activity roadshows throughout the UK; our website - over 20,000 people have registered their interest and received information via monthly newsletters and the Fitter Families website; a book - to reinforce the SAS message, a glossy, bound Ian Wright Fitter Families book was published with a print run of 25,000 copies; the Challenge - which specifies defined exercises to improve fitness levels over a measured period and is designed to illustrate the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle using the combination of the book, the website and the roadshow; a media campaign - the resulting campaign from our partners reached over a million people; and the Fitter Families learning programme, which achieved a 90% retention rate". Contact: Dean Horridge, Founder/CEO. Address: 55 Fulham High Street, Fulham SW6 3JJ. Tel.: 0845 563233. E-mail: dean.horridge@fitforsport.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Fit For Sport (pdf format)
Click button to download a factsheet from Fit For Sport (pdf format)
Fitter Families Opportunity
The right to associate the Fitter Families identity throughout your own communication, collateral and on the Challenge Pack, etc.
The sole title sponsor and exclusivity within your defined product/service sector; brand inclusion within the Fitter Families logo
Primary branding across all elements of the initiative ensuring brand visibility including the book, roadshows, the Challenge, the website and apparel
The right to integrate your product or service wherever relevant and appropriate
The right to sample and where possible sell products and/or services
The right to capture data in line with current data legislation and current agreements
The opportunity to engage with your staff internally through the Challenge, promoting a healthier, motivated workforce.
EE/PL008 |
 GRADUATION BALL: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is the foremost social science university in the world. "Based in central London, LSE is home to over 11,000 students representing over 140 different nations' worth of top talent. The School's graduates go on to shape the financial, business, political and voluntary sectors across the globe. The glamorous Graduation Ball will be held at the stunning Brewery in the City of London. Between 6.00pm and 1.00am, 800 students will celebrate with a champagne reception, three course meal and live music. By supporting the party of the LSE social calendar, you gain exclusive access to our incredible students as they leave university and embark on their careers. To discuss the opportunities available, please get in touch". Contact: Jess Forsyth. Tel.: 020 7955 7158. E-mail: j.forsyth1@lse.ac.uk link to website
Why sponsor the Graduation Ball?
Experiential marketing
Create a closer bond between graduating LSE students and your organisation as an employment contender through immersing your brand within the social event of the university calendar. Possible experience benefits could include: photo booth provision and playful props; entertainers with sponsor branding; goodie bags for graduate life.
LSE graduates
As university of the year for graduate employment, our alumni are in high demand. 88% of LSE graduates employed in the UK after their studies are located in London, and work within a variety of fields. The most popular fields of employment are increasingly the financial, legal and insurance sectors, with well over 30% of graduates securing such work upon graduating.
- 11,000+ students at LSE of whom approximately 90% will receive a First Class or Upper Second Class BA
- 800 attendees at the event
- 60% Female, 40% Male attendees
- 70% of attendees recall the sponsor of the Ball
- anticipate tickets selling out several months before the event
- 40% graduate with no secured employment
- 10,000+ unique website visits per month
- future ABC1 demographic entering the consumer markets
- Facebook event: 140,000+ reach and 2,000+ responses
Opportunities and benefits
Exclusive Graduation Ball sponsor - title rights: "LSE Graduation Ball brought to you by LSESU and …'"
Promotional logo and thanks on all print and digital event promotion
Exposure on email communications sent to all 12,000+ LSE students
Web banner for month preceding Ball on
Your own advert on our digital screen for six weeks
Presence in the official 'thank you' and follow up communications to all attendees
Scope for sponsor supplied entertainment element - experiential creative marketing
At the event
Two tickets to attend the Graduation Ball for you, your colleagues or clients
2 x promotional roller banners and artwork at the red carpet entrance seen by all attendees
Prime position for on-site presence at the Ball for brand exposure - a great chance to distribute branded giveaways and talk to students
Flyers/promotional material (to be agreed with LSESU in advance) on all tables (seating between 8 and 15 students).
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the London School of Economics Graduation Ball 2017 (pdf format)
EE/PL009 |
 INSPIRE EDUCATION: UK SCHOOLS MEMORY CHAMPIONSHIPS Inspire Education has been working with schools across the UK providing exciting and revolutionary services to all sectors of education. The organisation is passionate about raising the attainment and aspirations of students regardless of ability, to maximise their potential for learning and to achieve success in life. They have set up the UK Schools Memory Championships in order to achieve these goals. Inspire Education's highly trained presenters visit schools to deliver memory training to groups of students. These students are given a pre-printed training manual, which has been written by the eight times World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien. Participating schools receive a Brain Club resource pack, which aids the students in setting up a club to promote memory development and brain training in general. After a period of training, in-school competitions take place across the UK. These competitions assess each student's ability to memorise five types of information in a test of raw memory power. The top students in the country are invited to a national final which is held in the region of the previous year's winner. The competition is a great way both of embedding memory techniques into education and developing life-long learning skills which are transferable across the curriculum and throughout life. Inspire Education constantly receives excellent feedback from schools, stating that these skills have had a positive affect on examination preparation and attainment levels. Recent research has shown that training the memory leads to a direct increase in problem solving ability, otherwise known as fluid intelligence. Participating students become proficient at putting these skills into practice to memorise and recall random words, random numbers and even the order of a shuffled deck of playing cards. As well as the realisation that they have acquired a powerful set of skills, this gives them the motivation and self confidence to memorise anything. These techniques are then effortlessly applied to their studies. The winners of last year's competition appeared on the BBC Breakfast News and the competition was featured in The Times and the Daily Telegraph. The size of the competition has increased dramatically this year and with it, the media interest is even greater. "As a sponsor you will be supporting the involvement of many schools that have limited funds to get involved in the training and competition; the growth of the competition throughout the UK and the provision of cutting edge resources for schools and students. Ultimately you will be helping to raise the attainment and aspirations of thousands of students across the UK. We regularly send promotional material to schools, educational departments and to government bodies. The competition has featured in several broadsheets and on the BBC News. You will be featured on all of our promotional material and on all of our press releases and television spots. Working with us will undoubtedly inspire you". Contact: Neil Denley, Director. Address: Gibbs House, Kennel Ride, Ascot SL5 7NT. Tel.: 01344 890126. Fax: 01344 883058. E-mail: neil@inspire-ed.com. link to website
| Ongoing
EE/PL010 |
Jo Cameron, business woman and media personality, has launched a quest to recognise the high performing women of the Midlands. Jo's High Performance Academy specialises in progressing women at work and in business. A sponsor's association with the Academy tells their customers and staff that they value the contribution of women at work, making the company more accessible and increasingly well known in an ever more diverse marketplace. It says that the sponsor is supportive of women's enterprise and the sponsorship will powerfully support the sponsoring company's objectives in this area. "You can use the links with our brand to promote your business to more women and demonstrate that you are 'women aware' and that their clientele is important to you. You can also use the links to drive more traffic to your website and show to the world that women matter". For more information, call 0870 2626555 or email talkto@jocameron.co.uk or visit the website at www.womenontheirway.co.uk. Contact: Lisa Ibbotson, Events & Communications Manager. Address: Coventry Technology Park, Puma Way, Coventry CV1 2TT. Tel.: 0870 2626555. E-mail: lisa@jocameron.co.uk link to website
EE/PL011 |
Kidz Stuff is a magical three day festival for pre-teenage children and their parents. The event provides a mixture of fun and education for children and includes a special day for children with special needs and their families, friends and carers. The festival has a very clearly defined market: it has been run since 2007 and attracts each year between 7,500 and 8,500 people from a wide area of the south east of England ... and grows each year in content and attendance. Kidz Stuff creates a world of entertainment for the audience to explore and learn, by creatively blending simple fun with practical learning through activities and demonstrations. The event takes place in Horsham Park, which is immediately adjacent to the town centre and within easy reach of the train and bus station and public car parks. In addition the event has its own car park within the grounds of Horsham Park. The event is created, produced and managed by The Rotary Club of Horsham and event management company, Terbell Ltd, together with non-financial support from Horsham District Council. Contact: John Le Rossignol, Festival Organiser. Address: Birkdale, Greens Lane, Mannings Heath RH13 6JW. Tel.: 01403 754005. E-mail: jleross@attglobal.net link to website
Click button to download more information about Kidz Stuff (pdf format)
Current opportunities
Kidz Stuff Sponsorship Packages
Main event sponsor
Secondary event sponsors
Individual attraction sponsors ... such as the World Record Attempt; main stage; arena
Sampling opportunities
Branding opportunities at the event
Family friendly corporate hospitality at the venue and ticket packages
Clothing sponsors/programme sponsors
Kidz Stuff branded associated events sponsors
EE/PL012 |
 NATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY UK - call for updated details The UN General Assembly established Children's Day all the way back in 1954 as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children. While it is now recognised on various days in many places around the world, the UK never established a Children's Day. Finally, in March 2013, National Children's Day UK (NCDUK) was launched by the Save Childhood Movement and, since then, has received steadily growing support from thousands of parents, grandparents, children and teachers. "Our partners and supporters include the 1,500 member organisations of the Wild Network, the National Trust, the Eden Project, Community Playthings, Siren Films and Eureka National Children's Museum. A recent theme was The Science and Magic of Play. We are looking for long- and short-term sponsors, as well as competition prize donors, who share our passion for children's wellbeing and would like to be involved in helping us grow NCDUK as a major national event. We are looking for exciting competition prizes for all three competitions (see details of sponsorship opportunities below). Play equipment and playground fixtures, books, outdoor gear, science equipment, even kids' snacks and drinks and certainly one of your products, would make an excellent prize. As a donor you would have the fantastic opportunity to display your logo on our website and all competition materials, as well as being able to have our help in promoting your products and events online. Please get in touch if you'd like to donate one of your products towards our competitions in return for exciting advertising opportunities on our website and social networking sites". Contact: Sandra Lipner, NCDUK Project Lead. Address: 46 Yeatman Road, London N6 4DT. Tel.: 447866479913. E-mail: sandra@nationalchildrensdayuk.com. link to website
Sponsorship opportunities
Long-term sponsorship
This gives you the opportunity for free promotion on all marketing materials and NCDUK's social networking sites. This is an excellent chance to have your company name featured in a young and vibrant national campaign that reaches out to all families and professionals involved with children across the UK. You will be playing a key role in establishing a day initiated by the UN, and this proud fact can help endorse your products amongst a broad audience.
Short-term sponsorship
This would be an exciting option for companies who have a particular interest in this year's theme and its importance in the fostering of curiosity, self-confidence and creativity in children. Your company's contribution would also be fully acknowledged on all our marketing materials and our social networking sites thus giving you exposure to our ever-growing audience.
Competition prize donorship
We are also looking for competition prizes for our three major competitions. Previous competitions have been a great success, and we enthusiastically promoted our donors' logos, websites and products via our social networking sites. Going forward, our competitions will again invite members of the public to respond to our annual theme in one of our three categories: short video, image and quote or children's poster.
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by National Children's Day UK (2015) (pdf format)
EE/PL013 |
The Big PTA Quiz is our annual virtual fundraising event, hosted by our PTAs and played by thousands of families during October. To take part, our PTA members simply download an exclusive interactive activity pack, featuring everything, and we mean everything, they need to be able to host, manage, promote and be part of the Big PTA Quiz. In our pilot year, 1,760 of our PTA members initially downloaded the activity pack upon its launch. Over 70% of those who downloaded played the Big PTA Quiz, which is over 1,250 schools raising funds. Each PTA had an average of seventeen teams play along at home. Over 93,000 friends, families and colleagues collectively raised over £280,000. We are seeking sponsors for our Big PTA Quiz 2021. With your support, we aim to make the Big PTA Quiz bigger and better for 2021 - ultimately, helping more PTAs raise even more money to ensure that children thrive and society benefits as a whole. Contact: Charli Janeway. Address: Parentkind, 39 Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge TN10 3DS. Tel.: 07807518268. E-mail: charli.janeway@parentkind.org.uk link to website
How can you get involved?
We have a number of packages, which enjoy varying levels of exposure, ensuring your company is readily available and easily accessible to our PTAs and their parent volunteers. Thus, no matter the size of your budget or your business objectives, you will enjoy effective levels of exposure, thus guaranteeing that your business information achieves high visibility and resonates with our PTA and parent audience.
By aligning your company with our annual virtual fundraising moments, your company will enjoy:
Advocating and improving the educational environment for millions of children
Demonstrating commitment to education and community goodwill
Being known as a contributor to school fundraising projects
Emotionally connecting with new audiences on a community level
Increasing distribution of positive PR
Generating attractive content and feel-good CSR stories
Supporting Parentkind and their mission of giving all parents a voice in their child's education
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Parentkind (pdf format)
EE/PL014 |
Tiddlywinks Pre-school is seeking sponsorship partners for the upcoming terms to help it continue in the education of pre-school children - and can offer a sponsor a range of advertising and marketing opportunities. Tiddlywinks is a Pre-school, set within a rural village in Suffolk and has strong ties to the Primary School and community. Tiddlywinks employs five highly trained members of staff from the local community and has a committee made up of five volunteers from the community. The school is looking for sponsorship to help with venue fees for the new year and for new educational equipment. They have access to parents through the Pre-school and Primary School and the rest of the village through the fundraising. They distribute newsletters weekly and do monthly advertising in the local paper. "Tiddlywinks organises several fundraising opportunities during the year and would be happy to promote all of our sponsors at these events. These include: Christmas Fair, Easter Party, Hallowe'en Party, quiz nights, toddle and rides, nearly new sales and much more. This is a great opportunity for a sponsor to help with the education of 2 1/2 - 4 year olds while promoting their own business". Contact: Mrs Cooper, Treasurer. Tel.: 01440 786 956. E-mail: acornsuk@yahoo.com.
EE/PL015 |
The aim of Vision Charity is to raise money for the benefit of blind, visual impaired and dyslexic children. Donations to the charity assist in maximising the potential of these children and improving the quality of their lives and the lives of their families, teachers and carers. The organisation achieves this through actively encouraging participation from its supporters, both corporate and individuals, as well as via sponsorship of its exceptional fundraising events. Sponsors wishing to reach a family audience may well be interested in Vision's ambitious initiative, SchoolsRadio.com. All schools are eligible and competition entries are in contention for awards presented at the radio industry’s major awards events, the Arqiva Commercial Radio Awards and the Sony Radio Academy Awards. Contact: Mrs. Bernie Muir. Address: Vision Charity, PO Box 553, Chatham ME4 9AN. Tel.: 07774 106064. E-mail: bernie.muir@visioncharity.co.uk. link to website
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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EE/0001 |
The undergraduate course in Textile Design at Central Saint Martins is seeking sponsorship of its graduation exhibition. Central Saint Martins (CSM) is an internationally recognised college of art and design. Sponsors will be acknowledged on the show programme and promotional material and will be listed on the course website at www.batextiles-csm.co.uk. CSM produces designers of the highest calibre and sponsors will help springboard the next generation of innovative creatives into the marketplace. As a thank you the organisers would like to invite sponsors to their private view in June. Contact: Sarah West. Address: Flat 18, Tamar House, 12 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RD. Tel.: 07815 703752. E-mail: s.west5@csm.arts.ac.uk link to website
EE/0002 |
Chelsea Art College Catalogue Committee is seeking donations, sponsorship and advertising for its Degree Show Catalogue. Every year, finalists on the BA Fine Art Course fundraise for the production of a catalogue and plan the design and distribution of it as part of their final Degree Show. During this week alone, the show attracts thousands of visitors and considerable press attention. The course has produced many successful art practitioners including Turner Prize nominees. This year they hope to print over 1,000 catalogues for distribution during the week of the show. Previous sponsors have included retailers, galleries and media groups donating from £50 to £1,000. The Committee is keen to receive financial support from groups and organisations with an active interest in Fine Art and/or art education. Contributions will be very much appreciated. Contact: Rose Jenner. Address: c/o Chelsea College of Art and Design - BA Fine Art, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU. Tel.: 07962 977508. E-mail: chelseacollegecatalogue@hotmail.co.uk
EE/0003 |
Sponsorship opportunities are available at this annual event. Contact: Katrina Ives, Conference and Marketing Executive. Tel.: 020 7251 6656. Fax: 020 7251 9050. E-mail: katrina@optimuspub.co.uk link to website
EE/0004 |
The English-Speaking Union, organisers of the national school and university debating competitions in the UK, also selects the England Schools Debating Team which competes in the annual World Schools Debating Championships. Teams of teenagers from thirty-two countries compete in debates on controversial topics, watched by audiences of trained adjudicators and schoolchildren. The ESU seeks sponsorship to aid with the costs of flights and registration fees. The English-Speaking Union is a registered charity (no. 273136). Contact: Debbie Newman, Head of Centre for Speech and Debate. Address: The English-Speaking Union, 37 Charles Street, London W1J 5ED. Tel.: 020 7529 1550. Fax: 020 7495 6108. E-mail: debbie_newman@esu.org link to website
EE/0005 |
The Kate Kennedy Club exists to preserve the Kate Kennedy Annual Procession and has three aims: 1. Maintaining the traditions of the University and town of St. Andrews; 2. Upholding and improving Town and Gown relations; and 3. Raising money for local charities. The Kate Kennedy Procession is the Club's main event and the one around which the Club was founded. Each year both Town and Gown assemble to form a crowd of some 15,000 people on the streets of St. Andrews to celebrate the lives and contributions of some of the great men and women of the town and university. The procession has a long history but its organisation by the Kate Kennedy Club has ensured that it is a great tradition in the life of the town, a special day for town and gown alike. The Kate Kennedy Club Charity May Ball is the biggest ball in Scotland and is the main social event of the University calendar. The ball claims to offer exceptionally good value compared to many balls both within and outside St. Andrews, through sponsorship and careful spending. The ball is held in luxury marquees in the beautiful surroundings of Craigtoun Park, more than 2,000 undergraduates enjoying free drinks, food, fairground attractions and live bands. Those who want a little more can enjoy the unique Gold and Platinum experiences which boast helicopter rides over St Andrews, limousines to the park and an exclusive champagne reception. The Charity Opening Ball is the first social event of the academic year, and aims to bring the members of the University together. Hosted on Lower College Lawn in luxury marquees, guests are received with a champagne reception and piper, making this a splendid way to begin a university career. The Kate Kennedy Club Jazz Night, held in November, is one of the Club's most popular events, entertaining over 250 people with bands playing jazz and blues in a sophisticated ballroom setting. Some of the top professional jazz bands play to a packed dance floor. Contact: Julian Kaye, Head of Sponsorship. Address: Porters Lodge Mailing Room, College Gate, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9AJ. Tel.: 07818 053791. E-mail: jjk2@st-and.ac.uk. link to website
EE/0006 |
The King's College London Debating Society is looking for sponsorship support for the organisation of events and the attendance of events such as the Oxford and Cambridge debates and the World Debating Championships. Sponsorship would provide the sponsor with a unique opportunity to create goodwill among students in London and to attract high quality recruits. The form of sponsorship is entirely negotiable and any support at all would be much appreciated. Contact: Brad Pomfret. Address: 15 Vernon Road, London N8 0QD. E-mail: bradpomfret@yahoo.co.uk link to website
EE/0007 |
One of the North's leading visitor attractions, Life is an award-winning science centre which forms one element of a science village in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne. Situated in Time Square, just a minute's walk from the mainline railway station and national bus station, the centre is at the hub of the growing regeneration of this world-class destination. The Centre offers a variety of sponsorship and event opportunities including: Open Air Ice Rink - an extremely popular feature during the winter months, the North East's largest ice rink is set in Times Square and attracts more than 60,000 visitors during a ten week run. Opportunities for a major sponsor include renaming the Ice Rink, advertising on the rink's enclosures and promotions including exclusive use of the rink for staff and/or customers Lifelab - a free educational resource that enables school children to enjoy national curriculum linked experiments in a state-of-the-art laboratory environment by professional science explainers Lectures@Life series - a popular programme of annual talks delivered by leading scientists, writers and broadcasters from all over the world Exhibition programme. Life is one of the few venues to host an annual programme of large-scale international touring exhibitions which attract many thousands during their run Newcastle Science Festival - Life is a major partner of the festival which takes place every March in conjunction with National Science Week. Partners across the City including museums and art galleries, theatres, the universities and national organisations such as the Open University and the RSPB. The festival includes lectures, debates, exhibitions and hands-on family activities and aims to play a key role in inspiring and communicating a greater understanding of science. Benefits of sponsorship include branding opportunities, integrated press and marketing campaigns, corporate hospitality deals, staff and consumer incentive schemes and sales promotions. Contact: Ian McGregor, Marketing Manager. Address: Life Science Centre, Times Square, Newcastle NE1 4EP. Tel.: 0191 243 8267. Fax: 0191 243 8201. E-mail: ian.mcgregor@life.org.uk link to website
EE/0008 |
The NAHT offers sponsorship opportunities at a range of events and conferences. Contact: John Randall, Commercial Development Manager. Address: NAHT, 1 Heath Square, Boltro Road, West Sussex, RH16 1BL. Tel.: 01444 472 413. Fax: 01444 472 491. link to website