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SCM/PL001 |
There is an opportunity to get involved in sponsorship, at a choice of levels, for an exciting annual event. This is the National Knockdown Tournament, a high quality, smooth-running and exciting event, this year being staged on Saturday, 13th October. The event is always a sell-out and is a full day quality leisure time experience for the audience. The event is attended by BKK (British Karate Kyokushinkai) members, of which there are several thousand, and IFK (International Federation of Karate) members, as well as the general public. There are karate students in every town and city and this is a pinnacle event for the sport. Competitors enter from all over the world, including the UK, Switzerland, Belarus, Russia and the USA. Top quality DVDs, from extensive multi-cam coverage throughout the tournament, are made and sold after each event. These show the fights (men and women), the powerful opening ceremony, sword demonstrations, wood-breaking, etc. A full-colour commemorative and informative programme is produced annually, too, and given to, and kept for further use by, each attendee. Historically this event has been under-sponsored, in the sense that companies have not been invited to have such involvement. From this year onwards, it has been decided to open the event up to
sponsorship/branding and invite companies to take advantage of the advertising opportunities at this spectacular event, within the building, around the arena, or in the form of give-aways or advertisements (full pages etc) in the quality commemorative programme. The audience encompasses all ages (including children) but predominantly
comprises young adult men interested in fitness. Sponsorship interest from companies is truly welcomed, in this first opportunity to be associated with such a popular worldwide sport. The BKK would be delighted to work with sponsors on this, to be able to communicate their message effectively to this audience. Contact: Linda Keaveney. Address: 58 Highfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2NQ. Tel.: 01245 256891. Fax: 01245 496142. E-mail:
. link to website
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SCM/PL002 |
 BRITISH KICKBOXING COUNCIL Collectively the Martial Arts are the biggest participation sport/leisure activity in the world and Kickboxing, in all of its many forms, is fast becoming one of the largest spectator sports as well, with a recent high profile event outdoing the NFL Superbowl in terms of viewing figures. "Here in the UK there are roughly two million of us and that number is consistently going up. The British Kickboxing Council is set to become the official national governing body for the sport here in the UK and will soon re-form as the Council for Combat Sports, incorporating the British Wrestling Association, UK Muay Thai Federation, the British Grappling Association and more. In addition, our Chairman is set to become the first Vice Chairman of the World Congress of Combat Sports, which will be chaired by the Executive Director of the World Congress of Martial Arts, a branch of the World Congress of Amateur Athletes. One of our many goals for the sport is to raise the profile of our professional events and to increase participation and overall standards of coaching at our grass-roots level. Opportunities are available for sponsoring hundreds of competitors, events, our new Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Martial Arts Instruction and Club Coaching, which is one of the only qualifications of its kind in the world, and we're still searching for an over-arching Official Partner. Please contact us for latest news on our exciting range of sponsorship opportunities". Contact: David Jenkins. Tel.: 07891292629. E-mail: link to website
| Ongoing
SCM/PL003 |
The UK Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association (UKBJJA) - - is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to provide a governance structure for the martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and promotes and develops the sport while allowing individual clubs and practitioners the space and freedom to practice the martial art in the way they enjoy. "The UKBJJA is currently under assessment to be recognised by Sport England as the governing body for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the UK. The UKBJJA was formed in 2013, and the association's goal is to foster the development of BJJ at elite, community and grassroots levels, raising the profile of the sport but also providing pathways for development and involvement across communities in the UK. The UKBJJA is looking for a sponsor(s)/partners to support us in a number of key areas, as indicated below. Ideally we are looking for a single sponsor across all of the elite events but may consider individual event sponsors. For further information or an informal chat please get in touch". Contact: Francis Lambert, Sponsorship & Marketing. Address: UKBJJA, 89 Richford Street, London W6 7HJ. E-mail: link to website
Current opportunities
Grassroots - kit and technical equipment from Gi's to mats to technology to our internal newsletter across our clubs nationwide
Elite Athlete competitions support in 2017 *
: IBJJF Gi Europeans, January 2017 (Portugal)
: IBJJS Pan American Kids, February 2017 (USA)
: IBJJF Pan Americans, March 2017 (USA)
: IBJJF No Gi Europeans, April 2017 (Italy)
: IBJJF Gi World Championships, June 2017 (USA)
: IBJJF Masters World Championships, August 2017 (USA)
: IBJJF No Gi World Championships, November 2017 (USA).
* Sample of rights
: Logo on Gis
: Group photo of team with your corporate executives
: Logo branded team sports leisure wear and kit bag
: Joint event press release
: Medal winners photographed in front of your logo board
: Branded tweets
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SCM/001 |
"We are looking for a sponsor. The Alan Winner Academy was established in 1985. It is a sports academy teaching the discipline of Chinese Martial Art with classes from Monday to Friday 4.00pm to 10.00pm for all ages. It currently has about a hundred students. Given the number of years, it has become an integral part of its local community in Acton, Chiswick and Ealing. Through his teaching Alan provides much needed guidance to youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds, to adults who are dealing with personal or physical problems and to the general public - it's a great way to stay healthy. But also Alan provides the highest level of coaching to make the selection for the national team. There is no other place in the world that combines all the different disciplines: Meditation, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Wing Chun kung fu, Shaolin Kickboxing (Sanshou), Wushu International and floor gymnastics under one roof. And Alan, having reached the stage of Grand Master has a wealth of knowledge acquired since the age of eight when he started in the competitive world of swimming. "Do get in touch to hear about our range of sponsorship opportunities". Contact: Alan Winner, Founder. Address: Acton Swimming Baths, Salisbury Street, London W3 8NW. Tel.: 0208 995 7717. E-mail: link to website
SCM/002 |
ARNIS ANGELS The Arnis Angels are an all-female stick fighting team, the only all-female team in Europe. The team was started in September 2010 by Abi Steady and Jo Hicks, with the aim of creating an environment that welcomes women into the sport. The team of eight put in an outstanding performance at the WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation) national championship, where all angels medaled. "We are currently trying to raise money for various projects. Can you help?" Jo Hicks. Tel.: 07505 116226. E-mail: link to website
SCM/003 |
BRITISH COUNCIL FOR CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS The British Council for Chinese Martial Arts offers sponsorship opportunities in connection with the British team. The sport may become an Olympic event. Contact: Alan Scott, Sponsorship Co-ordinator. Address: 227 Red Bank Road, Blackpool, Lancs. FY3 9EA. Tel.: 01253 353181. E-mail: link to website