The UK Sports Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK sports sponsorship opportunities
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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SAA/PL001 |
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. The charity has discovered new ways of beating cancer that together have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. One in three of us will get cancer at some point in our lives. Cancer Research UK's ground-breaking work, funded almost entirely by the general public, will ensure that millions more people survive. Cancer Research UK believes in collaboration. The organisation works together with brands and companies to develop integrated, imaginative partnerships that build brand awareness, drive stakeholder loyalty and deliver commercial benefits. As it is the sixteenth most loved brand in the UK and a trusted and well respected charity, a partnership with Cancer Research UK will deliver positive brand benefits and a good return on investment. Sponsorship of one of its iconic mass participation events, Race for Life and Run 10K, can offer the sponsoring company a unique way in which to reach into the heart of communities and connect with a mass audience. The charity's events team also organises a varied portfolio of glamorous events including Ronan Keating's Emeralds and Ivy Ball, a celebrity sports quiz, Sound & Vision at Abbey Road, a range of corporate and celebrity golf days and The Bobby Moore Sports Ball. These stylish and innovative events offer a platform for brands looking to reach out and engage with an affluent corporate audience. Cancer Research UK can create bespoke sponsorship offers, tailored to meet the sponsor's business need and budget. Whether the sponsor is interested in experiential activity, e-marketing, branding, sampling, networking, employee involvement or cause related marketing, Cancer Research UK is flexible in its approach. "We will work with you to create and activate a successful partnership that meets your aim". Contact: Katya Borowski, Sponsorship Manager. Address: PO Box 123, London WC2A 3PX. Tel.: 020 7438 5261. E-mail: katya.borowski@cancer.org.uk. link to website
SAA/PL002 |
 CANCERCARE CancerCare is a charity dedicated to the support of people with cancer, their families and carers and those bereaved by cancer. CancerCare has been established for twenty-five years, is funded entirely by voluntary contributions and makes no charge for its services. Throughout the year the charity presents a wide range of events, many of which enjoy a very healthy media profile. These include, among many others, The Cross Bay Challenge, an adventurous half marathon - the only race in the world to cross a tidal bay, two rivers and two counties - that draws both national and international competitors and has been the subject of an ITV documentary (www.crossbayrun.org.uk), The StarWalk, a 15km ladies-only moonlight walk (www.starwalk.org.uk) and The Santa Dash, a family-friendly, festive fun run (www.thesantadash.org.uk). "We welcome enquiries regarding sponsorship of any of our events, whether in the form of financial or product-based support, and we are happy to work with sponsors on an individual basis to ensure that any partnership meets the needs of their brand". Contact: Nicki Hearne, Fundraising Co-ordinator. Address: CancerCare, Slynedales, Slyne Road, Lancaster LA2 6JB. Tel.: 01524 381820. E-mail: nicki.hearne@cancercare.org.uk. link to website
SAA/PL003 |
CaniX (short for canine - cross country) means running on foot with your dog. No special training or equipment is needed. CaniX UK caters for all shapes and sizes, any breed/cross and all fitness levels - canine and human. Humans from the age of ten to 110 can enter as there is an equal male/female split across all age groups. There is no handicap for the size or breed of dog, as most can run faster than their human teammate. CaniX UK attracts all levels of runners from ultra-distance athletes, marathon and fell runners who achieve sub-6 minute mile times on cross-country terrain to those who just enjoy getting as dirty as their dog. No matter what level of runner, all enjoy the camaraderie of CaniX UK events. CaniX UK aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for owner and dog and responsible pet ownership inform, advise and motivate people of all ages and abilities via the handbook, website and events to achieve their personal health and fitness goals make people aware of the benefits for both human and dog. Contact: Eileen Cook. Address: PO Box 1045, Cheltenham GL50 9JG. Tel.: 07711 818241. E-mail: eileen@canix.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from CaniX UK (pdf format)
Sponsorship opportunities
Crufts CaniX (March each year)
The National CaniX Championship - individual events or the whole season.
The European CaniX Championships in October each year.
Support can also be shown by advertising in the CaniX UK Handbook or taking a banner ad. on the website, which receives over 500,000 hits per month.
| Ongoing
SAA/PL004 |
ELITE ATHLETE PERFORMANCE CENTRE, LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE * Contact for updated sponsorship information* Loughborough College is creating an Elite Athlete Performance Centre for talented top athletes aged 16-18 years, the only one of its kind in the United Kingdom. The centre will capture the elite talent from around the UK and create an environment that will deliver world class coaching, enhanced performance and provide a gold standard education as well as the best in pastoral care. The existing premises with character, built in the late nineteenth century and known as The Gables, will be transformed and refurbished into a state-of-the-art facility. "For this important venture there is no government support - hence we are seeking sponsorship and need up to £1 million. Your involvement could be an offer of support in sponsorship, making a financial donation, providing goods and services in kind or even organising a fundraising event. The association, publicity and benefits will certainly be rewarding for you and also for your business if it is involved. In years to come, successful athletes from a range of sports will graduate from the centre. So over the coming months and years there will be a range of benefits for young athletes, our community and our supporters. We also are sure that there will be many important benefits for our sponsors. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be associated with this prestigious project. Dame Kelly Holmes gave her full support at a recent press conference, backing the initiative to provide crucial development opportunities for young people who cannot otherwise access the type of world class provision needed to maintain their sporting ambitions. Accommodation and facilities include
high quality accommodation specifically targeted at young sporting athletes
access to Loughborough's world class performance coaching and facilities
lifestyle and sports science support
high quality flexible education
personal development
pastoral care and support
internet access
laundry facilities
a common room for relaxing and a large kitchen where breakfast or evening meals can be prepared
a dedicated member of staff available during College daytime hours
sports nutritionists/advisors available. We are seeking sponsorship for the naming rights of the centre, to assist the refurbishment of each room (twenty-two rooms in total), new equipment for kitchens, laundry, internet, common room, bedrooms, and all other facilities this centre requires to operate fully. The centre is aiming to be open by Spring 2012 in readiness for the Olympics. To see a full list of sponsorship opportunities and benefits, please download the attached document or contact Barrie Pierpoint on 07720 406806 to discuss your interest and involvement". Contact: Barry Pierpoint, Appeals, Fundraising and Sponsorship. Address: Loughborough College, Radmoor Road, Loughborough LE11 3BT. Tel.: 01509618320. Fax: 01509618109. barrie.pierpoint@loucoll.ac.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about the Elite Athlete Centre (ppt format)
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by the Elite Athlete Centre (Word format)
| Ongoing
SAA/PL006 |
Sponsorship opportunities associated with the Milton Keynes Marathon are now available. "We have received great feedback on our organisational skills and pride ourselves on putting on a quality event. The races finish inside Stadium MK, giving an electric atmosphere and BBC 3 Counties are our media partners giving us great exposure. Contact us for further detailed information". Contact: Andy Hully. Address: Waterdene House, Water Lane, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1AW. Tel.: 07714 764284. E-mail: run@miltonkeynesmarathon.co.uk. link to website
SAA/PL008 |
The Thames Chase Trust aims to make the Thames Chase Community Forest an inspirational example of landscape regeneration through cost effective environmental improvements that change lives - and demonstrates these values through exemplary community-led management at the Thames Chase Forest Centre. Thames Chase Community Forest covers forty square miles of countryside around the London/Essex borders, encompassing landscape in Barking and Dagenham, Brentwood, Havering and Thurrock. Within its boundaries there has been a concerted effort, over the last twenty-five years, to regenerate despoiled landscape and enhance the natural environment for the benefit of local people and wildlife. Contact: Mary Wright, Trustee. Address: Thames Chase Forest Centre, Broadfields, Pike Lane Upminster, RM14 3NS. Tel.: 01708 642970. E-mail: enquiries@thameschase.org.uk link to website
Current opportunities include:
A defibrilator for our Forest Centre
The Conservation Volunteer's 4x4 vehicle
Supporting wildlife and activity volunteer groups
Re-planting our renovated Tree Nursery
Bespoke sponsorship packages can be created to meet the sponsor's marketing objectives, but the benefits of working with the Community Forest include:
Association with the powerful and national Community Forest brand
Access to around 125,000 annual visitors to our Forest Centre
Coverage and acknowledgement in Community Forest social and printed media communications
Excellent corporate social responsibility and PR story
Sponsor branding opportunities
Corporate hospitality at our 17th century Essex barn and Conference Room
125,000 visits to our Forest Centre each year
3,500 visits to our website each month
Over 10,000 reached on social media each month
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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SAA/001 |
DAPHNE SCHRAGER "Hello, my name is Daphne Schrager. I am writing to you because I would like to have your support and partnership as I am a para sprinter who runs 100 metres and 200 metres for GB. I compete regularly, run the same times regularly and run to the best of my ability. I always give 100 percent, often running PBs - and I am still improving. This is a big chance for as I am only 15 at the moment! I'm a para sprinter at Millfield School and I am the first sportswoman at the school to be a para sprinter. Regards, Daphne Schrager". Contact: Daphne Schrager. Address: Oliver House Stud, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9EZ. Tel.: 07540117626. E-mail: daphneschrager@me.com
SAA/002 |
The sport of fell running prides itself on its friendship and camaraderie and the experience of running with nature. The focus on competing is coupled with enjoyment of the environment. The Fell Runners Association was formed in 1970 to cater for the needs of all fell runners throughout the country. It now has over 5,000 individual members. Nearly 300 athletic clubs are involved with fell running. Protecting the environment is one of the association's primary aims. It continually liaises with agencies and landowners over access and racing in environmentally sensitive areas. Two major sponsorship opportunities are available currently (see below) but there are plenty of ways to get involved with the FRA, from national championships, Grand Prix events and relays to grassroots and club development programmes. Contact: Alan Barlow. Tel.: 0161-483-9330. E-mail: alan.barlow@redcarclose100.freeserve.co.uk or UK Athletics - commercial@ukathletics.org.uk. link to website
Current opportunities
UK Championships
England Championships
- both 6 race series
| Ongoing
SAA/003 |
The Green Belt Relay is a 220 mile trail and road race for teams of ten runners that takes place each year in May and is open to runners and clubs of all standards. It starts from Hampton Court and then circumnavigates London by a route primarily on towpaths, footpaths and quiet country lanes before returning to Kingston. The course is renowned for the spectacular scenery and interesting sites that it passes. The Relay is organised by the Stragglers Running Club - it is strictly a non-profit making event with any surplus funds and money raised being donated to charity. Sponsorship support is now being sought for the next race. Contact: Sean Davis, Race Organiser. Address: 22 Royston Road, Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7PD. Tel.: 007746 062183. E-mail: greenbeltrelay@outlook.com. link to website
| Ongoing
SAA/004 |
"We want to hold the first Intrepid Games for emergency services, much on the lines of another like charity for veterans of the armed forces, but specifically for those who have served in the Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coastguard service (or who are still serving and living with a disability). We want to hold the first games at Stoke Mandeville stadium(agreed in principle). The cost for these first-ever Games will be £30,000, which will enable emergency services personnel to compete in adaptive sports competitively and will improve their mental health and promote disability sports. As a sponsor, you will change lives and support those who have given their all to their communities. You'll be supporting not only the participants but also their families. Those who have been injured on duty and have a condition that prevents them from taking part in able-bodied sports, or those who are disabled, all will be welcomed to participate. You will be acknowledged as the main sponsor, featured on websites/social media and be able to be present during the first-ever games to promote your business". Registered Charity Number: 1207507. Contact: Kerry Snuggs BEM. Tel.: 07766 521314. E-mail: kerrysnuggsbem@intrepidgames.co.uk. link to website
SAA/005 |
MISSING PEOPLE *Search website for updated information* Missing People provides support for missing children, vulnerable adults and families left in limbo. The charity offers families of the missing specialist advice and practical support as well as searching - securing publicity that could end years of heartache. Missing People relies on donations from individuals and companies in order to provide its services and reunite families. This year the organisation offers a new opportunity: to sponsor a phone and help the charity to provide hope and support to children like Sam. Sam ran away to escape his father's constant abuse. He was alone in a phone box late at night when he contacted Missing People. Sam said that no one cared, that he had nowhere to go and that he wanted to hurt himself. With sponsors' help, Missing People will be there for every desperate caller like Sam. Click the website link for details of current sponsorship opportunities, including the Miles for Missing - 10k Run on Clapham Common. Contact: Richard Mullen, Corporate Fundraising Officer. Address: 284 Upper Richmond Road West, SW14 7JE. Tel.: 020 8392 4515 . Fax: 020 8878 7752. E-mail: Richard.Mullen@missingpeople.org.uk. link to website