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Owzat! The ICCT's National Pubs Twenty/20 Knockout Trophy Competition will have great appeal to major sponsors
International Community Cricket Trust Limited (ICCT) - UK registered charity no. 1119716 - is the parent company of On-Side Cricket Limited (OSCL) - see www.onsidecricket.org.uk.
On-Side Cricket is a 'not-for-profit' organisation that has been founded by long-serving recreational cricketers as a 'one-stop-shop-resource' offering comprehensive, basic practical support services and facilities for the officers and committees of the circa. 9,000 recreational (community) cricket clubs throughout the United Kingdom, many of whom are finding survival each year increasingly difficult. In order to promote its activities, OSCL is seeking major sponsors for its annual UK-wide National Pubs Twenty/20 Knockout Trophy Competition, launching in July 2009. This is a professionally-administered, high-media-profile, annual cricket event, the simultaneous objectives of which are to raise the profile and emphasise the value of both cricket and (all) the pubs in local communities - both urban and rural support local pubs by helping arrest the decline in their numbers resulting from the smoking ban stimulate and re-encourage greater local pub patronage and customer loyalty promote and encourage much greater local community participation and involvement in cricket provide a high-profile national showcase for the licensed trade generally and empathetic corporate sponsors and commercial joint venture/affinity marketing/CSR partners, eg pub owners, breweries and suppliers in particular, who see the value of taking their brands directly to the 2,000,000+ individuals, their families - and their clubs - who participate annually in community cricket throughout the UK. Full details of the range of significant reciprocal quid pro quos and 'ROIs' offered and available to such sponsors are available on request.
Contact: Rodda Thomas, Projects Director
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