The UK Music Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK music sponsorship opportunities
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AMOP/PL001 |
 ARIA ALBA OPERA FOR ALL Aria Alba Opera for All is a new company, dedicated to bringing opera and musical performance to new audiences. "We provide a platform for emergent singers of all ages, and are currently rehearsing Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, in Italian, for performing in the Edinburgh Fringe. Our production includes a special youth version, showcasing our younger performers. Our singers range from professionals to complete newcomers, and our members all learn how to put on an opera. There are opportunities for instrumentalists, lights technicians, stage managers, costume designers, and everyone is made welcome. We seek sponsors to help with the costs of putting on delightful and inclusive performances, and to enable us to reach the widest possible audience". Contact: Sarah Tolley. Address: 12 Cairnmuir Road, Edinburgh EH12 6LP. Tel.: 07593316284. E-mail: enquiries@ariaalba.org.uk link to website
AMOP/PL002 |
 BATH OPERATIC AND DRAMATIC SOCIETY Do you want to sponsor musical comedy with an edge? "The award winning Bath Operatic and Dramatic Society (BODS) wants to work with you as our partner. Our show in October 2015 is Into the Woods, with its adult themes in a world of jumbled up fairy stories set to a powerful Sondheim score. Our Spring 2016 production is the edgy popular classic, West Side Story, at Bath's Theatre Royal. Savills Bath gets an association with one of the leading amateur musical and drama companies in the land, based in the beautiful and historical heritage City of Bath. Our audience in both the wonderful Theatre Royal and smaller theatres in the city is a discerning and generally better-off population and our activities are featured in local press and other media. We would also welcome you to our productions and ensure your sponsorship is publicised (eg in our theatre programmes). You could meet the cast and, for special sponsors, join our after show party! BODS puts on some of the more challenging and fun musicals such as Into the Woods, Rent, Witches of Eastwick and Hairspray. These productions fizz with excitement, with jazzy songs, raunchy stories, flying witches, sexy dancing and much more. We also present dramas, both serious and comic. We cover some topical themes such as tackling illness, fighting prejudice, surviving mental hospital and making love matches work! We use talented local directors for music, choreography and artistic direction with a string of successful shows behind them. We have won two Rose Bowl awards in the last two years (for Rent and our new version of the Mikado) and a NODA Innovative Production award (for Cuckoo). Two recent productions, The Witches of Eastwick and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, received high critical acclaim. So please take a look at our attached sponsorship offer, contact us for a chat and join us. You won't regret it and you will have fun!" Contact: Chris Born, Sponsorship Officer. Address: 1 Cambridge Place, Bath BA2 6AB. Tel.: 01225 319188. E-mail: chris.born1@talktalk.net. link to website
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AMOP/PL003 |
Sponsorship opportunities are available in connection with this versatile orchestra which already has a high profile both locally in the north east and nationally. Founded in 1953, Gateshead Youth Orchestra aims to give young musicians who attend school in Gateshead, or have a strong connection with the town, an opportunity to perform a wide range of music from a variety of periods and styles. Approximately fifty talented students from 11 to 19 years of age rehearse weekly under the direction of John Treherne, who has also composed original works especially for the orchestra. In addition to well known repertoire, eg this season, Mozart Piano Concerto K488, Vivaldi Guitar Concerto, Haydn Cello Concerto, Telemann Violin Concerto, the orchestra has performed lesser known works by composers such as Charles Avison. Also a performance of Rosina, an opera by local composer William Shield, last performed in the 18th century, was a memorable occasion. The overture to Rosina, which includes the melody Auld Lang Syne, caused a lively debate at the time about the origin of this celebrated tune. The orchestra was subsequently featured on BBC Television and in many major newspapers. Local venues have included Shipley Art Gallery, Council Chamber Gateshead, Northumbria Police HQ and Newcastle Civic Centre. Nationally, there was a performance at the Royal Society of Arts in February 2003, when the Gateshead Schools' Music Service was awarded the Major Award of the National Music Council of Great Britain. Dame Cleo Lane presented the award and again there was publicity in the national press. Each summer the orchestra embarks on an overseas educational visit and in recent years has toured Germany, France, Holland, the Czech Republic and Tuscany. There have been several CDs recorded both locally and on tour. These provide a valuable record of achievement for the orchestra's young musicians. As soon as the Gateshead Youth Orchestra returned from the summer 2003 tour, it travelled to London for a performance in the Royal Festival Hall. Music included "Into The Unknown" and other pieces by John Treherne. This formed the highlight of a most challenging and exciting year. Future projects include travel to, and hire of, larger venues in the local community, locally as well as nationally. The orchestra plans to undertake further overseas tours. Support for this type of activity, the purchase of new music and commission of new works is essential to enable the orchestra to consolidate its success and to ensure that young north eastern musical talent is allowed to flourish. Contact: John Treherne. Tel.: 0191 433 8690. E-mail: lynnebloxham@hotmail.com. link to website
AMOP/PL004 |
Jackdaws Music Education Trust seeks a new sponsor for its Great Elm Vocal Awards, an annual competition for aspiring young professional singers aged 22 to 30 from across the UK and overseas. The awards, which offer some of the most valuable prizes in the UK, have been held annually since 1992 and have helped launch the operatic careers of many young singers who are now gaining international recognition. The prize money helps the winners further their singing careers. The award winners have also gone on to win prizes in the Kathleen Ferrier Awards, Cardiff Singer of the World and The Royal Overseas League. Preliminaries are judged by CD and the finals take place in the Wigmore Hall, London. The prizes are: first prize £2,000 ; second prize £1,000; third prize £500. Previous winners include Christopher Maltman, Sarah Fox, Andrew Kennedy, Mary Nelsen, Amanda Echalaz and Kate Royal, who are all now enjoying international acclaim. Jackdaws Music Education Trust is recognised nationally and locally as a major contributor to classical music education. Jackdaws was founded in 1993 by Maureen Lehane Wishart, the current Artistic Director and a former international mezzo-soprano. The trust was set up to promote access to music for all ages, abilities and backgrounds through teaching and performing by first class teachers and artists. A programme of residential courses, community courses and the Great Elm Vocal Awards is run from the picturesque Vallis Vale at Great Elm, Frome, Somerset. The natural beauty of the setting by the river is extremely conducive to artistic endeavour. Dame Joan Sutherland is the patron of Jackdaws and its vice-patrons are Sir Charles Mackerras, James Bowman and the Earl of Oxford and Asquith. Contact: Maureen Lehane Wishart, Artistic Director. Address: Ironstone Cottage (formerly Bridge House), Great Elm, Frome, BA11 3NY. Tel.: 01373 812383. Fax: 01373 812083. E-mail: music@jackdaws.org link to website
AMOP/PL005 |
 KINGSTON VALE OPERATIC & DRAMATIC SOCIETY KVODS is an amateur musical theatre group based in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey. It also has a youth section called Young KVODS for young people aged 7 to 17 years, which is expanding in size year on year. Both groups enable members of the local community to take part in full scale musical productions at purpose-built theatres. The groups also hope to educate local people in the arts and give those who may not normally attend theatre a chance to see musicals. More information about sponsorship opportunities is available on request. Contact: Julie Mills. E-mail: secretary@kvods.com link to website
AMOP/PL006 |
Opera Anywhere has a reputation for innovative and unusual productions. One of its main aims is to encourage and develop new audiences for opera. It looks to include and involve young and up-and-coming singers, as well as professionals: recent productions have cast members as young as seven and eight years of age! Touring several productions each year, Opera Anywhere would like to extend its work with young people through promoting attendance at singers' masterclasses, workshops and opera projects in schools and colleges. Opera Anywhere is currently looking for funding to take a radical new English translation of Don Giovanni into senior schools and colleges and its Gilbert & Sullivan production, Curiouser & Curiouser (based on the story of Alice In Wonderland), into primary education. It is also seeking financial support to be in a position to offer bursaries to its young singers to enable them to attend specific singers' masterclasses. In addition Opera Anywhere needs sponsors for its main productions throughout the year. The sponsorship package includes naming rights, brand and logo identity on marketing and promotional materials, tickets, corporate hospitality, advertising in the tour programme and opportunities for production display/distribution and co-marketing. Contact: Mike Woodward, Development & Marketing Director. Address: Opera Anywhere, Ashtree Cottage, 21 Sunningwell Village, Abingdon, Oxon. OX13 6RD. Tel.: 01865 735 910. E-mail: mike@oxfordvocalists.co.uk link to website
AMOP/PL007 |
 opera by definition
opera by definition is Kent's professional opera company, set up in 2001 with renowned international baritone Gerald Finley as Patron. The company presents a range of productions from intimate to grand and from modern to baroque. It employs exceptionally talented singers from around the country, including those who have sung at Glyndebourne, the Royal Opera House, English National Opera, Welsh National Opera and Scottish Opera. It enjoys the benefit of marketing, financial and technical expertise and has built an excellent reputation over the last six years for its productions and the marketing of the company and its sponsors. The company's management has extensive experience in opera and business. In addition, opera by definition education is a vital part of the company and offers in-schools programmes and workshops, followed by special schools performances of its productions. The schools performances of the productions are usually sung by the understudies, enabling them to be assured of at least one performance and to contribute to their ongoing training and development. The company seeks to make opera as accessible as possible and attractive to business and individual sponsors. Performances are in medium scale venues, usually in English, with pre- and post-performance talks available. Past productions include Mozart's The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, Purcell's Dido & Aeneas and Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin. "opera by definition show what heights a professional company can achieve", Stephen Pritchard, The Observer; "This company declares that it wants to gain its audience trust by its ability to tell a story. And it does ...", Hilary Finch, The Times; "They deserve a wholehearted welcome", Robert Thickness, Opera Now. Several sponsorship packages are available and the company would be delighted to discuss specific opportunities and requirements. Contact: Bruce J Williams, Marketing & Development Director. Address: 2 Quarry Cottages, Three Oaks Lane, Wadhurst, TN5 6PX. Tel.: 01892 785778. E-mail: brucewilliams@operabydefinition.co.uk link to website
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from opera by definition (Word format)
AMOP/PL008 |
 OPERA SERIA Opera Seria is a new opera company established in Manchester to bring emerging operatic professionals together with local people to enhance Manchester's cultural community. "We are dedicated to giving our soloists the ability to sing roles they might otherwise not sing early in their careers, enabling them to strengthen their experience and their CVs as they emerge into the larger professional world. We also want people from all walks of life to participate in the art form that is opera, by giving them opportunities to get involved in the company through our Community Chorus and our Acting Opera programme. We want to reach out to the disenfranchised community members, as we believe music is a great way to empower disadvantaged and socially isolated people, giving them something to tap their creative energies and feel proud about. We are seeking financial support to fund our outreach programmes as well as our main productions. Upcoming productions include a Gala Concert, Anna Bolena, Don Giovanni and I Capuleti e i Montecchi. We have a range of sponsorship packages that includes brand and logo identity on marketing and promotional materials, tickets, corporate hospitality, advertising in programmes, etc. Please get in touch to discuss how we can work together to bring opera to the wider Manchester community". Contact: Rochelle Hart, Artistic Director. Tel.: 0785 220 1029. link to website
Click button to download more information from Opera Seria (Word format)
AMOP/PL009 |
 OPERAMA Operama values nothing more than the support of its audiences throughout the year. "We pride ourselves on putting on high quality productions to keep our audiences entertained, and we want to continue to do that well into the future. So, here's your chance to help that happen. We've set up a corporate sponsorship scheme - it's your chance to help take care of us by becoming a friend of the society while having the opportunity to promote your local business to the local community". Contact: Stephen Cresswell, Artistic Director. Address: 34 St Lukes Road, Maidstone ME14 5AW. Tel.: 07970 033747. Fax: 07970 033747. E-mail: stephen.cresswell@blueyonder.co.uk link to website
For £200.00 a year, we'll offer your business:
A quarter A5 page advert in our programmes per year
Logo and link on www.operama.co.uk
50 word company profile on website
Two complimentary tickets to each show for our sponsors' night
A complimentary programme for each show
A welcome drink before the show on sponsors' night
Interval drinks on sponsors' night.
For £350.00 a year, we'll offer your business:
A half page A5 page advert in our programmes per year
An A5 flyer adveritising your business in the programme
Logo and link on www.operama.co.uk
50 word company profile on website
Two complimentary tickets to each show for our sponsors' night
A complimentary programme for each show
A welcome drink before the show on sponsors' night
Interval drinks on sponsors' night.
For £500.00 a year, we'll offer your business:
Full A5 page advert in our programmes per year
An A5 flyer adveritising your business in the programme
Credit on all outgoing emails and letters
Logo and link on www.operama.co.uk
50 word company profile on website
Four complimentary tickets to each show for our sponsors' night
Two complimentary programme for each show
A welcome drink before the show on sponsors' night
Interval drinks on sponsors' night.
AMOP/PL010 |
Pegasus Opera Company is looking for one or more corporate sponsors who would be interested in a single production or long term commitment with an innovative arts organisation. Pegasus is the United Kingdom's leading professional, multi-racial, mid-scale touring opera company, founded in 1992. The company creates opportunities for young professional singers from all backgrounds to develop and perform in high quality and innovative opera productions, thus preparing them for national and international houses. Pegasus believes that it is only through the nurturing of these diverse talents that a new form of cultural harmony can be achieved. This harmony encourages talent equally, without regard to cultural heritage or ethnic background. The company also seeks to demystify opera by making it accessible to as wide an audience as possible, actively involving a cross-section of the community. This includes programming an accessible range of works and touring to a variety of medium-sized venues with the aim of reaching communities who would not normally have access to high quality opera. The company's community and education programme develops new audiences through special workshops and outreach programmes. One of Pegasus Opera's long-term goals is to gain secure financial support, enabling it to produce regular educational projects (at minimal cost to the schools involved), community projects and artistic productions. Reliable funding would allow the company to fulfil its aims to the highest standards, which in turn would ensure that the sponsoring company would feel a tangible benefit from the association, thus creating a lasting and sustainable legacy of music in the community at large. Past productions include a gala concert production of Porgy And Bess at the Barbican in June 2005 ("the Pegasus production was a brilliant interpretation to which the audience responded with a five minute standing ovation", Live 247); L'Elisir D'Amore (The Love Potion) UK touring production ("last night Pegasus Opera triumphed effortlessly", Huddersfield Examiner) Mayor Ken Livingstone's Summer in the City concerts ("Pegasus stars poured out a feast of popular arias from Verdi, Puccini, Gershwin, Bizet" - the music mesmerized the audience", Camden New Journal) Carmen UK touring production ("a spirited new Carmen, a febrile, physically exciting account", The Observer). Pegasus would be delighted to discuss specific sponsorship opportunities. Contact: Marleen Mikhail, London Programme Co-ordinator. Address: The Brix, St Matthews, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1JF. Tel.: 020 7501 9501. E-mail: marleen@pegopera.org. link to website
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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AMOP/002 |
English Touring Opera is the leading touring opera company in the UK, visiting more regions and venues than any other English opera company. Touring twice annually to around thirty theatres and presenting as many as 120 performances per year to more than 40,000 audience members, from Truro to Perth and Norwich across to Belfast, English Touring Opera is the perfect vehicle for any company with a multi-regional or local focus. "ETO are the ultimate strolling players, taking opera of a remarkably high standard to the most unlikely places". The Guardian, March 2010. "Sponsorship of English Touring Opera provides you with access to an affluent nationwide audience and affiliation with an acclaimed opera company with a true national reach. Whether it is branding, access to world of opera for your employees, entertaining clients or fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility commitments, ETO can help you accomplish your philanthropic vision and offer significant publicity opportunities. We offer bespoke and individually tailored sponsorship opportunities in order to meet your company's specific needs. We would be delighted to discuss your ideas to develop the best sponsorship solution for you. This flexible approach also means we can offer something to suit every budget". Contact: David Burgess. Address: English Touring Opera, 52-54 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4RP. Tel.: 0207 833 2555. Fax: 020 7713 8686. E-mail: david.burgess@englishtouringopera.org.uk
link to website
AMOP/003 |
Leeds University Opera (formerly Bretton Hall Opera) aims to mount productions of historically-important but neglected or rare operas. Past productions have included Anton Eberl's "Die Koenigin der schwarzen Inseln", Franz Schubert's "Die Freunde von Salamanka", J.C.Bach's "Amadis de Gaule", and J.F.Lampe's "Margery; or, a Worse Plague than the Dragon". Sponsorship support is being sought currently. Address: University of Leeds, Bretton Hall Campus, Wakefield WF4 4LG. Tel.: 0113 3439074. Fax: 0113 3439181. E-mail: mail@operasoc.co.uk. link to website
AMOP/004 |
OPERA FOUNDRY Surrey-based Opera Foundry seeks sponsorship for its programme of concerts. "Opera Foundry is an evolving enterprise aiming to provide the highest level of support and artistic development for our singing members. Our artists are carefully selected from exciting young professionals and some of the finest non-professional singers in the south of England, that bring passion and exuberance to our performances. They are coached and supported by a committed group of music staff - led by Musical Director Richard Cartmale, formerly of English National Opera. This is a new sponsorship opportunity and we can offer an individual sponsor active involvement in the development of this exciting venture with some genuinely new ideas. A corporate sponsor will be offered packages to include private performances or parties for their benefit at mutually agreed venues with suitable repertoire arranged by our experts. Potential sponsors, please contact our chairman Martin Perman for more details". Contact: Martin Perman. Address: 29 Hawthorn Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2NE. Tel.: 01483 415616. E-mail: mperman2@gmail.com. link to website
AMOP/005 |
The orchestra regularly commissions new works, runs opera and ballet weekends and last year focussed on music which was on the schools' examination curriculum. Address: 60-62 Clapham Road, London SW9 0JJ. Tel.: 0207 820 9994. E-mail: Admin@Rehearsal-Orchestra.org link to website
AMOP/006 |
Sadler's Wells' mission is to promote and encourage dance and music theatre for all, bringing the world's most outstanding dance, ballet and opera companies to London and ensuring that performances are accessible for all through affordable ticket prices and a wide ranging education programme. Contact: Nick Marsden. Address: Sadler's Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN. Tel.: 020 7863 8138. E-mail: nick.marsden@sadlerswells.com. link to website