The UK Music Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK music sponsorship opportunities
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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AMCM/PL001 |
The 18th Century Concert Orchestra: the original tribute band. Since its first concerts in September 2001, the 18th Century Concert Orchestra has been delighting audiences with its pictorial view of how an 18th century concert might have looked and sounded. In historical costumes, using instruments of the era and including contemporary commentaries, the orchestra's performances are full of charm, elegance and wit. "Like viewing an eighteenth century painting with all the dirt and varnish removed - absolutely fantastic", Bath Music Critic. The orchestra has played in theatres, concert halls, churches and stately homes across the UK and further afield (including a two week tour of Canada). Their endeavours have earned them a National Lottery award and Arts Council England recognition, and a performance of Handel's Messiah was filmed for two television programmes in the Channel 4 series Georgian Underworld. Latest information about sponsorship opportunities is available on request. Contact: Marketing department. Address: 1 Blakeley Brow, Raby Mere, Wirral, CH63 0PS. Tel./fax: 0151 334 1956. E-mail: info@18thcentury.co.uk link to website
AMCM/PL002 |
 ARGENTO BRASS Argento Brass is a brass quintet hailing from all over the country, with the majority situated in Leicestershire and the East Midlands. "We formed in 2012 as an idea between friends and family, sharing a mutual love for brass and music as a whole. Our members, all currently under the age of thirty, have taken their passion for music with them to various universities, including the musically-acclaimed University of Huddersfield. We are able to perform from a huge variety of music from classical masterpieces to the latest chart-topping pop songs. Arrangements are especially chosen to showcase the diversity of the group, including original arrangements by the Chinery brothers. We are available for hire for all occasions from weddings to corporate functions. We're unafraid of challenge - we are happy to tailor music to any occasion. If there is a piece of music not listed on our website, we will be happy to accommodate your needs. We would like to improve our music and perform in many concerts throughout the year and be able to devote full time to the group. Our music can inspire and entertain all ages and we already have several good reviews from people we have worked with. To take the group to its full potential is up to you!" Contact: Benjamin Chinery. Address: 11 Main Street, Broughton Astley, Leicester LE9 6RE. E-mail: contact@argentobrass.co.uk link to website
AMCM/PL003 |
About to enter its fourth year, The Cottier Chamber Project is the UK's biggest chamber music festival and forms a core part of the West End Festival's programme. Featuring predominantly Scottish-based ensembles, performances last around an hour, mostly taking place in the stunning Cottier Theatre. Repertoire covers music from the 1500s through to first performances, with an incredibly varied line up of groups - string, wind, brass, vocal, mixed, jazz and world music groups are all included. Specific programme details are available on request and attractive sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact: Andy Saunders, Artistic Director. Address: The White House, 50 Havelock Street, Glasgow G11 5JE. Tel.: 07794159214. E-mail: andy@cottierchamberproject.com link to website
AMCM/PL004 |
 DAMIAN APPLEBY Running Mate is a darkly funny chamber musical about political manipulation, deceit and betrayal. There are eleven songs, including the climate change song, Melt Down, which can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/damiandarkness/melt-down-allrights-damian-appleby. Mostly blues and ballads, these are all original works. "My ambition is to stage this musical in Brighton and I'm currently seeking sponsors to raise £10,000. Rewards would include songs, the opportunity to meet the cast and director to discuss the project, the sponsor's name in all promotional literature, posters, etc.. And even a part in the show! Contact me, Damian Appleby, by email on d.darkness495@outlook.com or mobile 07765 087253". Contact: Damian Appleby. Address: 135 Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GH. Tel.: 01273 242445. E-mail: d.darkness495@outlook.com. link to website
AMCM/PL005 |
The Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival (LICMF) has been in existence since 2004 with the aim of bringing chamber music of the highest quality to remote areas of our county, and to audiences who would otherwise not have the opportunity for such a wonderful experience. "Using a variety of venues, including churches, country houses and small village halls, we have been able to bring the joy of live music to such communities, performed by first-class musicians with truly international reputations, who thrill their audiences and enrich their enjoyment. We achieve this through the expertise of our Lincolnshire-born artistic director, Ashley Wass, who is fully committed to the festival - he creates imaginative and varied programmes on a different theme each year, and has also included specially-commissioned works in the repertoire which have been given their premieres in Lincolnshire! In 2014 we began a new venture, taking professional musicians into primary schools to give 'workshops' to as many pupils as possible, including many small village schools, and providing a wonderful opportunity for the children; one of our headteachers described our visit as 'a privilege'. These musicians then perform as part of our very successful Lunchtime Concert series at the Lincoln Drill Hall which takes place once a month from September to July. Our festival is recognised by the BBC as one of the country's leading chamber music festivals. They have broadcast our concerts as part of the Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert series for the past four years and will be returning this year. Any sponsors are acknowledged and thanked in all of our programmes and brochures, and on the website, unless they choose otherwise. Members of the board can be contacted via LICMF's office address at Lincoln Drill Hall, Free School Lane, Lincoln, LN2 1EY, by telephone on 07757708858 or via e-mail on licmfoffice@ntlworld.com". Updated information is available on request. Contact: Jane O'Farrell. Address: LICMF, 27 Chauntry Road, Alford, Lincolnshire LN13 9HH. Tel.: 01507 462751. Fax: 01507 462751. E-mail: jane.ofarrell@virgin.net link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by the Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival (pdf format)
AMCM/PL006 |
London Arte Chamber Orchestra (LACO) has just returned from a tour to China and Poland. "Sponsorship will allow the orchestra to continue developing our intense education programme, which consists of the constant promotion of young musicians, composers, soloists and conductors in London and worldwide. Our mission is to create more opportunities through our Young Composer's Competition and Music To Heal campaign to help people in need and with disabilities. LACO performs a vast repertoire of music from all periods, styles and ethnicities. Our aim is to commission yearly new music scores from young composers, premiering new pieces worldwide and locally and showcasing the music that is still undiscovered. LACO has proudly performed concerts for diverse charities in London and has worked with the Stroke Association, the BBC and Disney. We need the support of new sponsors to be able to continue performing our orchestral and chamber music competitions, alongside our education programme. The orchestra can perform in any type of events from corporate to independent concerts that can be tailored to the sponsor's needs. We have provided quality musicians for the last six years to corporate events, weddings, festivals and public concerts and will continue to do so in a new exciting season". Contact: Fabricio Brachetta, Artistic Director. Address: London Arte Chamber Orchestra, 23 Chaffinch Road BR3 4LT. link to website
AMCM/PL007 |
 MUSIC AT PAXTON About Music at Paxton -
established in response to local demand in 2006, Music at Paxton is a charitable organisation which produces an annual Chamber Music Festival each July in the tranquil setting of Paxton House, an eighteenth century Palladian country house, near the historic town of Berwick-upon-Tweed in the Scottish Borders. "From a pilot weekend in 2006, we have grown to a ten-day summer festival, featuring international celebrity artists alongside emerging young talent and the best of the UK's established chamber musicians, with audiences who travel from Edinburgh and the Lothians, Northumberland and the Scottish Borders, Glasgow, and beyond. About Paxton House - an eighteenth century John Adam mansion, Paxton House nestles in the banks of the River Tweed. Full of treasures, the house is home to a magnificent collection of Chippendale and Trotter furniture, and boasts beautiful gardens and extensive woodland and riverside grounds. Concerts are held in the stunning Picture Gallery, an intimate venue seating 140, the largest built for a private home in Scotland, and an outreach of the National Galleries of Scotland. With its wonderful acoustics, domed roof-light that lets in the summer sun and walls hung high with paintings from the National Galleries of Scotland's collection, it is an idyllic setting for chamber music. 2016 Festival - headlining the 2016 festival are violinist Alina Ibragimova, cellist Pieter Wispelwey and pianist Cédric Tiberghien, in a residency over the opening weekend alongside the Doric String Quartet, allowing scope for concerts of wide ranging formats and the opportunity for audiences to interact with our artists in varied settings. During the week we will present a Live Music Now Scotland showcase of emerging artists, who will also perform elsewhere in the community around the time of the festival. The closing weekend will feature the internationally-renowned Canadian pianist Angela Hewitt. Full programme details are available on request". Contact: Elizabeth Macdonald, General Manager. Tel.: 07719702265. Address: 31 Kirk Park, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1BJ. E-mail: info@musicatpaxton.co.uk. link to website
Sponsor benefits
Support a local charity, and engage with the communities on both sides of the border.
Promote your business to audiences drawn from the length and breadth of the UK.
Entertain existing and potential clients, and reward staff.
Sponsor a concert from £2,500
Full page colour inside cover advertisement in programme.
Prominent acknowledgement as sponsor on website - www.musicatpaxton.co.uk.
Prominent acknowledgement as sponsor on all printed materials and publicity.
Display facilities.
Agreed number of reserved seats and complimentary programmes.
Opportunity to entertain guests at Paxton House through receptions and dinners.*
* Costs to be borne by sponsor.
"The above are simply illustrations, and we would be pleased to discuss alternative sponsorship packages according to your requirements. Financial information can be supplied on request".
AMCM/PL008 |
The Trossachs Quartet is made up of experienced professional musicians, some of whom have been playing together for over twenty years. They have travelled around Scotland to play for weddings and special events including performing in prestigious venues such as the Gleneagles Hotel, Cameron House Hotel, Atholl Palace Hotel in Pitlochry, Enterkine House Hotel in Ayrshire, Mount Stuart in Rothesay, Savoy Park Hotel in Ayr and Rufflets Hotel in St. Andrews. RAF Leuchars have regularly used The Trossachs Quartet to play background music for special dinners. With an extensive repertoire covering classical and light music, from Bach, Handel and Mozart to Elvis, Beatles and Oasis, The Trossachs Quartet can be a suitable accompaniment to most occasions. Advice is on hand from the players, drawn from their wealth of experience in this field. Another 'string to their bow' is the facility they have for arranging music. This means that melodies special to your heart can be performed on your special day. You can expect a professional service from this professional quartet. Contact: Diane Merson-Jones, The Trossachs Quartet. Address: 5 James Street, Dalry, Ayrshire KA24 5ET. Tel.: 01294 832450. Fax: 01294 832450. E-mail: diane.m-jones@lineone.net link to website
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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AMCM/001 |
An active classical music ensemble giving concerts worldwide and commercial recording. Contact: Adam Woolf, Director. Address: 12 Swingate Lane, London SE18 2HH. Tel.: 07973 966 535. Fax: 020 8473 9736. info@caecilia-concert.com link to website
AMCM/002 |
The first Cambridge Music Festival (CMF) under its new director, Justin Lee, was held in November 2012. Since then, world-class artists — ranging from Murray Perahia to Nigel Kennedy, and The Philip Glass Ensemble to the Borodin Quartet — have featured in orchestral, choral and chamber music concerts, alongside a programme of education and community events, and outdoor sound/light projections. Contact: via this web page: www.cambridgemusicfestival.co.uk/contact-us/. |
AMCM/003 |
Royal Holloway Chapel Choir is a mixed, ecumenical choir made up of about 40 students who sing daily in the College's beautiful chapel. The choir appears regularly on national radio and has produced several professionally-recorded CDs, details of which are available on its website (see URL below). The choir has toured to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Malta, the Czech Republic and Ireland in recent years. The choir requires sponsorship for the production of this year's CD, and funds to subsidise the tours. Sponsors will be able to advertise on the choir's website, as well as in concert and tour programmes and on the choir T-shirts. The choir are also available to sing for conferences, weddings and other events in the London area, in return for sponsorship. Contact: Dr. Lionel Pike, Director. Address: Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX. Tel.: (+44) (0)1784 443802.
Fax: (+44) (0)1784 437520. E-mail: chapelchoir@rhul.ac.uk link to website
AMCM/004 |
Contact: David Rowland. Address: Christ's College, Cambridge CB2 3BU. Tel.: 01223 334984. E-mail: d.e.rowland@open.ac.uk link to website
AMCM/005 |
One of the capital's leading amateur choirs. Sponsorship information is available on request. Tel.: 020-8398 5058. mail@cityoflondonchoir.org link to website
AMCM/006 |
Durham University Chamber Choir is an entirely student-run choir consisting of twenty singers from across the university. The choir sings a wide variety of music in concerts (which last year included a sell-out performance of Monteverdi's Vespers (1610) in Durham Cathedral) and is regularly invited to sing evensong in cathedrals throughout the region. Sponsorship support would provide the sponsor with a wide range of possibilities for advertising at an international and local level. Contact: Laura Plant, Sponsorship Secretary. Address: University College, The Castle, Durham DH1 3RW. Tel.: 0191-383-9907. E-mail: L.I.Plant@durham.ac.uk link to website
AMCM/007 |
FifteenB present performances of accessible contemporary music in and around London. Based around a chamber choir the group endeavours to integrate contemporary music with a wider repertoire. Sponsorship opportunities are now available. Contact: David Hughes, Administrator. Address: 36 Torrens Road, London SW2 5BT. Tel.: 020 7274 3600. Fax: 020 7274 3600. E-mail: fifteenB@hugill.demon.co.uk. link to website
AMCM/008 |
Sponsorship opportunities are available in connection with the London Bach Society's London Bach Festival, which takes place annually in the autumn. Other concerts and special projects are arranged throughout the year. Settings include period buildings, churches and leading concert halls. Private and corporate memberships are available. The Society's 'Bach Notes' bulletin is published in March and September. Enquiries are welcome at any time. Contact: Mrs. Margaret Steinitz, Director. Address: 73 High Street, Old Oxted, Surrey RH8 9LN. Tel.: 01883-717372. Fax: 01883-715851. E-mail: lonbachsoc.demon.co.uk. link to website
AMCM/009 |
London Concertante are proud to have been hailed as one of the finest chamber orchestras in the country. Now enjoying their tenth Anniversary season, the orchestra performs concerts throughout the UK at top venues including the South Bank, the Barbican and St. Martin-in-the-Fields. A diverse range of sponsorship and corporate hospitality packages is offered, which can be tailored to suit the available budget. Benefits can include complimentary tickets, company logo on flyers and advertisements, hospitality at concerts and corporate CDs. Contact: Chris Grist, General Manager. Address: 105 Ferndale Road, London SW4 7RL. Tel.: 020-7207-3564. Fax: 020-7652-0979. E-mail: cmg@londonconcertante.com. link to website
AMCM/010 |
London Concord Singers are an award-winning chamber choir of about thirty mixed voices, based in central London, with a broad-ranging repertoire. The choir was established in 1966 by the then conductor, Malcolm Cottle. Many sponsorship opportunities are now available. Contact: Robert Hugill, Hon. Secretary. Address: 36 Torrens Road, London SW2 5BT. Tel.: 020 7274 3600. E-mail: info@londonconcordsingers.org.uk. link to website
AMCM/011 |
Sponsoring the London Oriana Choir is a wonderful, necessary and effective way of ensuring that the choir's unique style, broad repertoire and high standards are maintained - and could be a low cost way for a sponsor to publicise his or her company or products to an audience of several thousand adults with high disposable income. The Choir is a registered charity and therefore donations in support of it can be extremely tax efficient. The choir has achieved a number of notable artistic successes in the recent past. Contact: Daniel Whitehead, Director. Address: c/o Ashurst Morris Crisp, Broadwalk House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2HA. Tel.: 020 7859 1192. Fax: 020 7638 1112. E-mail: daniel.whitehead@bnpparibas.com. link to website
AMCM/012 |
The Swinsian Ensemble is a new, professional, string chamber orchestra consisting of twenty-two players. Contact: Stephen Cottage. Address: Mill Cottage, Mill Lane, Cavendish, Suffolk CO10 8BJ. Tel.: 07791 166595. E-mail: skcottage@hotmail.com. link to website
AMCM/013 |
Yorkshire Bach Choir (YBC) was formed in 1979 by its director, Peter Seymour, and is now one of the UK’s leading choirs. It enjoys an international reputation for its performances of Renaissance, Baroque and classical music, both unaccompanied and with the Yorkshire Baroque Soloists, and alongside the finest soloists, e.g. Emma Kirkby, James Gilchrist and Stephen Varcoe. YBC also regularly performs newly-edited and rediscovered masterpieces of earlier centuries. The choir has performed at numerous prestigious UK and European festivals. It has given frequent BBC Radio 3 broadcasts and has made a number of commercial recordings, most recently a CD of Victoria’s Psalms and Motets. But the most important part of YBC’s music making is the annual season of six concerts in the beautiful church of St Michael-le-Belfrey, situated alongside York Minster. Regular performances of the great works of the repertoire, such as Bach’s B minor Mass and Mozart’s Requiem, are given with orchestra using original instruments. And it’s for all these concerts that YBC seeks sponsorship. There are many sponsorship options available for next season, and individual requirements can easily be discussed. Some obvious benefits for sponsors are prominent mention in the choir’s promotional material, sponsor’s advertisement in each concert programme, complimentary tickets for sponsors and guests, opportunities to meet soloists, distinguished instrumentalists and conductor, press coverage and photo opportunities. The choir can also assist should sponsors wish to entertain their guests further, for example at the Dean Court Hotel or St William’s College, both in the shadow of the Minster. Registered charity no. 700412.
Contact: Andrew Jackson. Address: 6 Eppleworth Road, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5YE. Tel.: 01482 840630. E-mail: andrew@adj.karoo.co.uk link to website