The UK Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK sponsorship opportunities
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Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
OHL/PL001 |
 ABERAVON RFC "Do you believe in giving something back? Then this sponsorship opportunity is for you". Aberavon RFC was founded in 1876 and moved to its present home, the Talbot Athletic Ground, in 1907. Several of the current Ospreys squad have passed through Aberavon's ranks - flankers Justin Tipuric and James King, centre Ashley Beck, prop Ryan Bevington and scrum-half Rhys Webb have all gone on to represent Wales. "We play in the Welsh Principality Building Society Premiership, British & Irish Cup and the Swalec Cup and receive media coverage through TV, newspapers and numerous other media coverage. Aberavon RFC seeks sponsors to continue our development work in schools across Port Talbot with children aged 7-11 via our competitive sports programme for Rugby and Netball. The programme includes Rugby and Netball so that both girls and boys have an opportunity to take part in sport at a competitive level. It also provides many exit routes outside of schools that already exist with clubs for the children to follow if they don't already play for a team. The programme is part of a long-term initiative to develop and increase sport participation and rugby awareness, personal fitness and the need to balance sport with academic improvement within Port Talbot schools. Created to reinstate the positive relationship between Aberavon RFC and the Port Talbot primary schools, the programme has the support of local MPs, along with Neath & Port Talbot Council. The diversity of the programme has been a huge positive experience for over 3,000 pupils each season. Port Talbot has the second highest levels of obesity in Wales, along with other social issues and low income issues for families; but with your support we can help combat this together and brighten up the futures of the children we work with, along with putting your company's name into the schools', public's and children's eyes. In return for your becoming a partner we will develop a rights and activation package to align with your brand. Please check out more on the programme here: http://www.aberavonwizards.co.uk/communityrugby6.htm. Costain currently sponsor the programme but are ending their involvement due to their project moving on from the area. Aberavon RFC also seek other commercial partners for shirt, community and advertising opportunities - see this page: http://www.aberavonwizards.co.uk/commercial.htm. We look forward to speaking with you to discuss any sponsorship you would like to consider with us". Contact: Gareth Howells, Commercial & Marketing Manager. Address: Aberavon RFC, Talbot Athletic Ground, Manor Street, Port Talbot SA13 1AB. Tel.: 07974873683. E-mail: gareth.howells@aberavonwizards.co.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
OHL/PL002 |
 BURY ST EDMUNDS RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB LTD Bury St Edmunds Rugby Union Football Club is the largest community sports club in the region with a regular footfall of 3,000 per week in season. "Are you looking for Great exposure across a wide age range in a largely affluent life style group In-built trust and loyalty in association with the sponsor you choose All year round footfall in your target market which covers B2B and B2C customers A diverse number of marketing opportunities that can be tailored towards your core marketing message, with a number of key support activities filtering through different areas of a sports setting? Then look no further. Our strong community engagement activities include facilitating 35 football clubs on our all-weather pitch and an on-site gym open to all, as well as offering meeting and other function facilities. We have flourishing Youth, Mini, Women's and Veterans' rugby teams and are keen advocates of health and well-being programmes, with our coaches visiting up to 89 schools in the region, promoting rugby and general fitness to a wide range of children. In addition, we host a number of summer fitness activities, corporate events and fairs throughout the year. We also have a dedicated team that work on partnering, so make contact and allow us the opportunity to understand your objectives and work with you on establishing a successful sponsorship package". Contact: Samantha Webb, Sponsorship Manager. Address: The Haberden, Southgate Green, Bury St Edmunds IP33 2BL. Tel.: 07947 233339. E-mail: sponsorshipmanager@buryrfc.co.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
OHL/PL003 |
 CADENCE WEALTH Cadence Wealth is a wealth management company who specialise in looking after sportsmen, sportswomen and high net worth clients. "We are looking for sponsorship for our annual Charity Golf Day. This year's event is taking place on July 25th at the Mere Golf Resort in Cheshire and all proceeds are going to our two partner charities, CALM and SOS Kit Aid. This would be the third event that we have organised with some of our high profile equity holders, Peter Reid, Andy Gray and Richard Keys. The event has always been hugely successful at pulling in the biggest names in sports to join them in raising money for charity, including Alan Shearer, Tom Shanklin, Graeme Souness, David Moyes, Chris Coleman, Gianfranco Zola, Glen Hoddle, Dwight Yorke, Ally McCoist, Alex Mcleish and Ruud Gullit, to name but a few. The event has consisted of twenty-six teams of four, playing 18 holes, with a shotgun start, with one of the sportspeople captaining each team of four, before we have run a Q&A session and Gala dinner. We have sold tickets for both the golf and the evening afterwards, which has always been very popular". Contact: Kara Bowman. Tel.: 07814528474. E-mail: karabowman@cadence-wealth.co.uk. link to website
Key demographics
Number of attendees: 130+ playing golf and 200+ at the Gala Dinner
Gender: 80% male, 20% female
Age: 25 to 60
Occupations: Business Executives and Owners, Professionals, Sportsmen and Sportswomen
Benefits for sponsor
Be part of a high profile event at a prestigious venue
Market to your key demographics
Branding photographed with some of the biggest names in sport
Branding via numerous mediums
Helping to raise money for two worthy charities
Vast amounts of exposure
Proposed sponsorship packages
Platinum Package
Title Sponsorship of the event, prominent and explicit branding across all mediums, 3 golf teams, Featured branding on all marketing material
Gold Package
Secondary branding across all mediums, 2 golf teams, Secondary branding on all marketing materials
Silver Package
Tertiary branding across all mediums, 1 golf team, Mentioned branding on all marketing material
OHL/PL004 |
CaniX (short for canine - cross country) means running on foot with your dog. No special training or equipment is needed. CaniX UK caters for all shapes and sizes, any breed/cross and all fitness levels - canine and human. Humans from the age of ten to 110 can enter as there is an equal male/female split across all age groups. There is no handicap for the size or breed of dog, as most can run faster than their human teammate. CaniX UK attracts all levels of runners from ultra-distance athletes, marathon and fell runners who achieve sub-6 minute mile times on cross-country terrain to those who just enjoy getting as dirty as their dog. No matter what level of runner, all enjoy the camaraderie of CaniX UK events. CaniX UK aims to promote a healthy lifestyle for owner and dog and responsible pet ownership inform, advise and motivate people of all ages and abilities via the handbook, website and events to achieve their personal health and fitness goals make people aware of the benefits for both human and dog. Contact: Eileen Cook. Address: PO Box 1045, Cheltenham GL50 9JG. Tel.: 07711 818241. E-mail: eileen@canix.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from CaniX UK (pdf format)
Sponsorship opportunities
Crufts CaniX (March each year)
The National CaniX Championship - individual events or the whole season.
The European CaniX Championships in October each year, including the 2012 Championships to be held in the UK.
Support can also be shown by advertising in the CaniX UK Handbook or taking a banner ad. on the website, which receives over 500,000 hits per month.
| Ongoing
OHL/PL005 |
 CITY COLLEGE NORWICH - EXTREME SPORTS THERAPY UNIT The Extreme Sports Therapy Unit provides students with a way of developing their practical sports massage skills in a real working environment and it doesn't get any more real than an all-night event in bitter cold, pouring rain. As an experiential learning opportunity it is second to none, and the students benefit from being able to work as part of a team whilst improving their skill and knowledge base, thus developing their confidence and communication skills. The unit usually contains a mix of students, some of whom are qualified and working to gain further experience, whilst still at the College studying the Foundation Degree in Sport Health & Exercise, though the majority are students studying the L3 Diploma in the Prevention and Management of Sports Injuries. "We are geared up to service medium to large events and like to focus on Extreme Sports - hence our involvement with Chain Reaction Cycles and Thetford Mountain Bike Racing (Thetford MTB). We can operate up to twelve treatment tables at one time; and if required we can operate in multiple locations at the same event. The Unit is completely self-sufficient; we have a field kitchen and camping equipment and the only thing only thing we need is access to water and toilets (though a hot shower is always appreciated). We have developed considerably over the last five years and we are still looking to expand further. Whilst we have had some support from the College we are essentially self-funding - therefore any money made at events through donations is invested back into the business. With this in mind we are actively seeking sponsorship to help fund travel expenses, purchase new equipment and further improve the student learning experience. In return for sponsorship we can offer exposure at events in the UK and Europe and on our website. Rest assured that your business will be well represented as we are a very professional outfit that is serious about what we do. As we have huge exposure at events there are numerous branding opportunities on marquees, banners, flags, student shirts and our 7.5 tonne truck". Contact: Philip Sayers, Lecturer/Manager Extreme Sports Therapy Unit. Address: City College Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich NR2 2LJ. Tel.: 01603 773287. E-mail: p2sayers@ccn.ac.uk link to website
OHL/PL006 |
 CROSSROADS COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE Crossroads is the leading provider of services to support carers and the people they care for in Coventry and Warwickshire. The charity is committed to providing high quality personalised services meeting both the needs of carers and the people they care for. The organisation aims to offer services that exceed the service users' expectations, are flexible, reliable, personalised and give peace of mind. As it is a charity, all of Crossroads' resources are used directly to provide services and to train staff to ensure it meets the needs of its users in the way they decide. Crossroads' aim is to provide that essential support to give the carer time out from their caring responsibilities, an opportunity to have a break and enable them to continue in their caring role. By supporting the carer, the charity can help the person they care for to remain living in their own home for as long as possible, something most of us would want to be able to do. Crossroads' aim is to prevent the breakdown of the carers' health, provide them with the support they need and enable them to do some of those things the caring role may prevent. Whether it is time to go shopping without having to rush, meet a friend for coffee or a glass of wine, play a round of golf or go for a swim: that's where Crossroads can step in and give 'time out' when and how it's needed. Overall the charity is managed by a board of trustees, all volunteers who give their time and energy to ensure the organisation is well managed and meets its statutory obligations. Many of the trustees are, or have been, carers and users of its services and bring with them a breadth of knowledge on carer's issues and many other skills from their working lives. The organisation is managed by a chief executive who has been with the charity for seventeen years. Each office is overseen by an experienced registered manager whose responsibility it is to ensure the delivery of quality care services to its carers and those they care for and to people with care needs who live alone. They are supported at each office by a team of co-ordinators and admin. staff to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the services. "Our front line staff, our care support workers, is what Crossroads is all about. Well trained, dedicated, and recruited with great care the support workers are our biggest asset and provide efficient, caring and supportive services to all service users whether they have care needs or are carers". Contact: Guy Bennett. Address: 6 Queen Victoria Road, Coventry CV1 3JH. Tel.: 02476 220752. E-mail: guy@crossroadscw.org.uk. link to website
OHL/PL007 |
DAYTIME SOCIAL GROUP FOR THE ELDERLY The Daytime Social Group has been established to motivate, encourage and assist elderly people to get out and about during the daytime and do more of the things they enjoy but perhaps feel unable to do by themselves or at night. It also offers one-to-one friendship, companionship and support to those who are housebound, shy, scared, lonely, bereaved, physically disabled and who may find it difficult to socialise. The Group started on 6th March, 2015 and currently has a membership of 150, with the number rising every day. Members voluntarily contact the group through their "Meet-up" website, which gives them the freedom to choose where they want to be, what they want to do and when they want to do it. The main aims and aspirations of the group are To create and open up opportunities for people of like mind and interest to come together and share and enjoy more of life at a time of the day when it is cheaper, quieter and easier to get around; and to do some of the things they have always wanted to do but either did not have the time or the company to do it with To offer friendship and companionship to people who are housebound, shy, scared, lonely, bereaved, physically disabled and those who finds it difficult to communicate or to socialise. Financial support is required to help fund a location and the establishment of a permanent meeting place for members to meet on a regular basis; and to facilitate the coordination and organisation of the voluntary "friends for living" service, which will offer friendship and companionship to people who are unable to get out and about during the day. The service will be delivered via regular contact, ie personal visits (if desired), phone calls, text messages, emails, Skype, through the "Meetup" website and via other available social media. Contact: Marcia Thomas. Address: 15 Leonard Road, Forest Gate, London E7 0DD. Tel.: 07903 180199. E-mail: marciathomas468@gmail.com. link to website
OHL/PL008 |
St John Ambulance's Everyday Heroes, supported by Physio-Control, is a special awards programme celebrating the incredible stories of ordinary people who have used first aid to save a life. The awards are also a chance to recognise individuals and businesses that have championed the cause, helping to create more first aiders in our communities. Each year, too many people die in situations where first aid could have given them a chance to live. Thanks to the knowledge and heroic actions of some inspiring individuals and organisations more people are alive today. "Whether directly using first aid to save a life or going the extra mile to champion the cause, our nominees are helping to reduce the number of needless deaths each year – making them everyday heroes in our communities". Details of sponsorship opportunities are available on request. Address: St John Ambulance, 27 St John's Lane, London EC1M 4BU. Tel.: 020 7324 4085. E-mail: everydayheroes@sja.org.uk link to website
OHL/PL009 |
 FIT FOR SPORT Fitter Schools overview: Fitter Schools is a free, annual initiative open to every school in the UK. Its Ambassador is Olympics medallist Roger Black MBE. Schools that sign up for the Challenge commit themselves to becoming more active and to increasing the awareness of living more healthily to not only their children, staff and parents but also to the whole school community. 1.75 million children have participated in the challenge, with results showing a 12% improvement in fitness levels per year on average. In line with Fit For Sport's "Simple, Achievable and Sustainable" approach, children take part in three simple challenge exercises. Pupils' improvement or aggregate scores are added together to determine the school's overall performance. Relevant brand visibility and digital awareness: the programme includes communication with UK schools through the organisation's up to date schools database; via advertising with a sustained campaign with a positive messaging; utilising a strong local, regional and national PR platform for extensive sales and sampling opportunities; featuring local and national celebrity endorsement and access; including an association with a trusted organisation with twenty years' experience; and incorporating product integration - the opportunity to explore product/service integration wherever appropriate and the right to offer the sponsor's product or services as prizes and giveaways relating to the initiative. Fitter Families overview: "Fitter Families is the national voice for educating families on how to incorporate lifestyle habit changes, through our 'SAS' approach. This includes National Roadshows - in 2009, 30,000 people participated in twenty-four family activity roadshows throughout the UK; our website - over 20,000 people registered their interest and received information via monthly newsletters and the Fitter Families website; a book - to reinforce the SAS message, a glossy, bound Ian Wright Fitter Families book was published with a print run of 25,000 copies; the Challenge - which specifies defined exercises to improve fitness levels over a measured period and is designed to illustrate the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle using the combination of the book, the website and the roadshow; a media campaign - the resulting campaign from our partners reached over a million people; and the Fitter Families learning programme, which achieved a 90% retention rate". Contact: Dean Horridge, Founder/CEO. Address: 55 Fulham High Street, Fulham SW6 3JJ. Tel.: 0845 563233. E-mail: dean.horridge@fitforsport.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Fit For Sport (pdf format)
Click button to download a factsheet from Fit For Sport (pdf format)
Fitter Families Opportunity
The right to associate the Fitter Families identity throughout your own communication, collateral and on the Challenge Pack, etc.
The sole title sponsor and exclusivity within your defined product/service sector; brand inclusion within the Fitter Families logo
Primary branding across all elements of the initiative ensuring brand visibility including the book, roadshows, the Challenge, the website and apparel
The right to integrate your product or service wherever relevant and appropriate
The right to sample and where possible sell products and/or services
The right to capture data in line with current data legislation and current agreements
The opportunity to engage with your staff internally through the Challenge, promoting a healthier, motivated workforce.
OHL/PL010 |
Sponsorship opportunities are available for sponsors who would like to be associated with a recently formed football company which specialises in dream-come-true experiences for football fans everywhere (adults and children) and footballers at grassroots level. These opportunities will also appeal to sponsors who would like an association with the nation's Number 1 sport, not to mention its global appeal; and, at a time when there is such focus on obesity, to those who are seeking a link with a concept which encourages children - and adults - to live a healthy lifestyle by playing football. The concept has been tried and tested very successfully at a top venue and other venues are now being sought to expand the business. The adults' and children's events at the Premier League club are sold out months in advance, where the opportunity is also taken to raise money for charity. The company enjoys a very good relationship with The Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity and looks to raise money for this most worthwhile of charities, as well other deserving causes, at all its events. Whilst the stadium experiences form the "core" of the business, the company has also successfully staged other events, such as theatre shows, where fans get the chance to meet former idols of the game and listen to stories of their football careers as well as interact in question and answer sessions. Currently there are other exciting events in the pipeline and one in particular which will be certain to receive excellent local media, and possibly TV, coverage. The signs of growth for this young company are excellent and sponsorship is considered very important as the company looks to expand and fully realise its potential and nationwide aspirations. Contact: Jeff Garner, Director. Address: Panorama, Kellington Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 8EL. Tel.: 01268 680170/07941 877570. E-mail: jeff@footballforfans.co.uk link to website
OHL/PL011 |
 GET ACTIVE LONDON This is an opportunity to be title sponsor of a fantastic and high profile sporting initiative in London backed by LOCOG and managed by PRO-ACTIVE London - the Sport England funded organisation responsible for increasing physical activity in London. "www.getactivelondon.com is the largest (and free) online tool for finding sports clubs near you. With over 250,000 searches on Google every month for 'Sport' and 'London' related terms, the need is clearly there! We have over 12,500 listings live on the site across more than 300 different sports and have engaged over 150,000 Londoners since 2011. The project has grown five-fold in the last twelve months and we are looking for a partner brand in order to capitalise on this success and grow even more. This is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in such a large scale and socially responsible programme in London, especially after the success of London 2012. Please view the attached short presentation (see download button below) for more details". Contact: Adrian Ledbury, Director. Address: Middlesex University, The Burroughs, Hendon NW4 4BT. Tel.: 0208 411 4823. link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Get Active London (ppt format)
OHL/PL012 |
 GRATITUDE (from WILD IN ART) Gratitude (www.thisisgratitude.co.uk) is a spectacular outdoor public art installation which commemorates this extraordinary moment in time. The installation will bring together 49 uniquely designed human form sculptures in a display which invites contemplation and takes visitors on a creative journey of discovery. The image of key workers standing together, but apart, is one of the abiding images of our times - each worker socially distancing and standing apart, while at the same time showing a unique coming together. Each sculpture will be created by national and regional artists to reflect the stories and contributions of NHS staff and all key workers and will be sponsored by a different business. Free to visit, Gratitude will be hosted in high profile, accessible locations in Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and London. The sculptures will be auctioned in October 2021 to raise funds for NHS Charities Together (Registered Charity Number 1186569). "Businesses and other local organisations are invited to sponsor a sculpture for £9,750 plus VAT, which provides a great opportunity for your company to recognise the tremendous efforts of your own employees during the pandemic, and to support artists and exhibition designers, who are giving us all some much-needed colour and vibrancy to our cities in this challenging period. We also appreciate that, as a business, you will want to see a return on this investment and use your sponsorship to reach all your stakeholders. There are various ways that you can do this, including employee and stakeholder engagement and driving customers to your business. Gratitude sponsorship is a great opportunity to promote your brand, what you do and key messages through our print and digital assets. These include the sculpture plaque, Gratitude website and the app. Our team will talk you through various ways of getting your message out there. So don't delay and join our other sponsors including Ocado, Wesleyan, HSBC, Browne Jacobson, Securitas, Thortful, Premier Inn, Selfridges and others ... we are now looking for our last twelve sponsors and need to know by June 2021". "Gratitude will be an important landmark event for NHS Charities Together in 2021. We hope businesses step forward to support this event, which will raise vital funds for NHS Charities Together and will help us to produce a very special and significant event for the UK", Ellie Orton, Chief Executive, NHS Charities Together. Contact: Julie Gaskell. Address: Wild In Art, Unit 14, Binswood Trading Estate, Whaley Bridge SK23 7LY. Tel.: 07768 038912. E-mail: julie@wildinart.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the Gratitude installation (pdf format)
OHL/PL013 |
 GRIMSBY PRIDE The North East Lincolnshire Pride (trading as Grimsby Pride) committee have been providing an annual Pride festival for a number of years. The event always occurs on the Saturday after the August Bank Holiday, usually at Meridian Park, Cleethorpes. Its aim is to raise awareness and promote social integration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and other strains of the diverse communities within the North East Lincolnshire area. "As I am sure you are aware, it can be very difficult for all people that are unsure about their feelings with regards to their sexuality. We can offer support and encouragement through professional bodies and organisations that will be present on the day to help people through what can be a very troubling time. It also offers them the opportunity to enjoy a fabulous day with like-minded people. The festival has become hugely successful with thousands of people attending throughout the day, where they can enjoy a fantastic array of headline acts, local acts and a wealth of information, health awareness and retail stalls. We are looking to increase the attendance figures for this year and are planning a fantastic line up of entertainment and attractions to ensure a great success. We are a non-profit organisation with every member of the committee being volunteers. Due to funding cutbacks within the local authority, we are now seeking additional funding, sponsorship and donations. With this in mind, in the attached sponsorship pack are a compilation of packages available for your consideration. We hope that you can support us in some way, no matter how great or small. 2012 saw the management committee apply to the Charities Commission to become a registered charity. Our charity number is 1146977. In addition, we are in a growing, developing and exciting partnership with Grimsby Institute, developing a support group for the LGBT youth of North East Lincolnshire". Contact: Wayne Reece-Gorman, Chairman. Address: Grimsby Pride, PO Box 646, Grimsby DN31 9HN. Tel.: 07824875261. E-mail: wayne@grimsbypride.co.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information about sponsorship opportunities offered by Grimsby Pride (Word format)
OHL/PL014 |
The Haven Project is a charity which successfully treats people with the diagnosis of personality disorder. "We look after people 24/7, have crisis and respite beds available. We have a therapeutic and activities day service for structured recovery and a Social Inclusion unit to help client become employment ready. You can sponsor activities for our clients at £50.00 for a group session of up to to ten clients to help people become competent at self help. You can sponsor transport for people in crisis to come into out beds at £10.00 per taxi unit. You can sponsor Outdoor Wellbeing at £100.00 per day for healthy activity for ten people. Please help us to teach clients to help themselves and make a social contribution". Contact: Mrs Pernille Petersen. Address: The Haven Project, 1 Glenn Avenue, Colchester CO3 3RF. Tel.: 01206 287315. E-mail: pernille.petersen@thehaven project.org.uk. link to website
OHL/PL015 |
 HYPOPARATHYROIDISM (HPTH) UK HPTH UK (now Hypopara UK) is the only UK charity providing advice, information and support to people affected by Hypoparathyroidism, a rare and life threatening endocrine condition. "Hypoparathyroidism (HPTH) can affect all ages. There are several forms - people may be born with it or it may be acquired later in life but, most commonly, it is caused by surgery to the neck. This latter group go into hospital with one condition and come out with another! All forms of HPTH cause a lack of parathyroid hormone which leads to low calcium levels in the blood. Calcium is vital to life and the levels can often be very unstable, causing hypos. Unlike diabetics, and despite very similar difficulties, HPTH patients have neither replacement hormone therapy nor home testers available to help them manage their levels. The condition is not well known and is poorly understood by doctors. However, thanks to contributions from people like you, and the work we have been doing to raise awareness, understanding of HPTH is steadily improving and the new parathyroid hormone trial offers real hope for the future, though we have a long way to go yet. HPTH UK has worked entirely voluntarily since 2005 to raise awareness about this condition among the medical profession and to provide support and information to patients through our website, online forums, telephone helpline and our expert team of consultant endocrinologists around the UK. We keep going through donations and fundraising, so any support you can offer will be hugely appreciated - thank you!" Contact: Liz Glenister. Address: 6 The Meads, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4DF. Tel.: 01342 324091 (UK); +44 1 342 324091 (outside UK). E-mail: liz@hpth.org.uk. link to website
Click button to download more information from HPTH - onscreen version (pdf format)
Click button to download more information from HPTH - print version (pdf format)
OHL/PL016 |

Imperial College Medical School Boat Club is a ten year old rowing club comprising respected old hospital clubs with a combined 400 years of history and with a keen membership base of over a hundred university students from different disciplines and backgrounds. The club is entirely student-run, from training recruits to top level administration and operates on contributions from its members and the kind support of sponsors and affiliates. "We row on the River Thames on the busy Tideway section, competing in numerous races ranging from United Hospital events, in which we are highly successful, to world-famous regattas like Marlow and Head races like the Tideway Head. We also have a firm plan to qualify for Henley Royal Regatta, the sport's premier event. Sponsorship logos on equipment and clothing offer a business exposure wherever our club trains or races, which over the past year has included Chiswick, Hammersmith, Putney, Kingston, Cambridge, Dorney Lake and Henley. With regards to equipment, we can currently offer up to 28,800 sq. cm of advertising space on our racing boats of which we currently own six eight man, two four man and one single man and 2,400 sq. cms. on our oars. Furthermore our 100+ members annually order new clothing, each item of which has space for a company logo and our rowers are routinely seen wearing items in and around our London University. If you would like to discuss these or any other opportunities for sponsorship of our club, we would welcome correspondence at the address or email below and the club Captain or myself will be more than happy to discuss details over a coffee, whenever you are available". Contact: James Cooper. Address: 17 Delorme Street, Hammersmith, London W6 8DS. Tel.: 07905 591018. E-mail: james.a.cooper08@ic.ac.uk. link to website
OHL/PL017 |
A fantastic opportunity has just arisen for a partner/sponsor to be involved with the Isle of Wight Walking Festival, which is the largest in the UK. The festival's Title sponsor has now gone through business transformation, and as their strategy has changed they will no longer be supporting events, which includes the Isle of Wight Walking Festival - leaving open this exciting opportunity. The festival has won the BBC Countryfile Magazine Readers Award for the best Walking Festival, and would be the perfect opportunity for a sponsor/partner as it fits in nicely with the idea of reducing carbon footprints and also with healthy lifestyles, playing a role in helping people lead healthier lives by offering healthier product choices and encouraging consumers to lead active lives. The festival is looking for Title, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors and also for product and clothing sponsors or contra deals. It has been featured on BBC Countryfile and on numerous other TV programmes, with many radio interviews both locally and all over the country. "We have become quite infamous for our Speed Dating Walks, and to date have had three weddings, and possibly a fourth one on the horizon! We have also introduced into the programme an evening at the theatre which has proved really popular, and to date we have had Ben Fogle, Alan Hinkes and Janet Street-Porter, and next year we have Brian Blessed (which will be a complete sell out). We have increased the programme of walks from 39 to over three hundred, and it has developed into a Walking Festival which offers walks for all ages and abilities, and fits well into the healthy initiative. We look forward to hearing from you soon". Contact: Elaine Cesar, Events Officer. Address: Isle of Wight Council, 5th Floor, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD. Tel.: 07970 009909. E-mail: elaine.cesar@iow.gov.uk. link to website
| Ongoing
OHL/PL018 |
 LEE HADWIN (WORLD'S SLEEP ARTIST) 36 year-old Lee Hadwin from north Wales has been described by the Edinburgh Sleep Clinic as unique. With no training, no talent and no inclination in waking life to be an artist, Lee draws and sketches portraits, figures and landscapes in his sleep. Sleep-drawing since the age of four, it wasn't until he was sixteen and staying over at a friend's house that his nocturnal talents as an artist began to emerge. He recalls: "The next morning my friend's mother found drawings all over the walls in the kitchen, but we had been drinking that night so we put it down to that". In his late 'teens and early 'twenties, whilst still living at home, Lee began to draw or scribble on walls, tables, clothes, discarded newspapers - with pens, crayons and coal - anything he could get his hands on. Now, he is prepared and has his sketch books and materials scattered around his flat, which he shares with his partner Clint. Even he admits, at the start, his work wasn't much to look at; but as the years have passed, the drawings have become more detailed, more profound. Today, with interest from galleries around the world, Lee has discovered a global demand for his work. "People ask me all the time", he says, "what it is like; but I can't really answer that because I don't feel it's my work as I don't recall doing it in the first place. You should see my reports from school: I was appalling at art and couldn't draw at all". Lee has had a regular supply of offers from TV, radio and magazines as well as some bizzare ideas from different companies around the world. He is now looking for a major sponsor who can help to exploit his talents to the full, for mutual benefit. "We have many ideas to share". Contact: Lee Hadwin. Address: Flat 2, 56 Old Brompton Road, South Kensington, London SW7 3DY. Tel.: 07828 090104. E-mail: leehadwin@hotmail.com link to website
OHL/PL019 |
Man Beast Strongman presents popular strongman challenges, stunts, training facility tours and seminars, boot camp tasters, health days, photo opportunities, truck pulls and fayres. The organisation produces a wide range of strongman events and is now offering sponsors exciting packages which provide high visibility in locations across the UK. "For more details about current sponsorship opportunities, please contact us". Contact: Andrew Picken. Address: 28 Northcroft Avenue, South Elmshall WF9 2UW. Tel.: 07887400202. Fax: 07887400202. E-mail: andrewpicken10@gmail.com. link to website
Current opportunities
Full year's sponsorship of athletes, roadshows in town centres , seminars and all our activities: £15,000.00
Sponsorship of England's first-ever Strongman Bus Pulling Championship Day in a town or city: £6,000.00
Social media exposure and CSR activities undertaken by our athletes - as part of both the above packages
| Ongoing
OHL/PL020 |
 MEDWORM MedWorm is a search engine and RSS newsfeed provider based on the data collected from thousands of medical RSS newsfeeds. This free service aims to improve the dissemination of relevant medical information over the internet. The site has been developed in the UK and has a large following of UK-based supporters, although it is used by medical professionals from respected medical organisations worldwide, as well as educated members of the public looking to keep up to date with all the latest information about their own conditions. MedWorm is now looking for three lead sponsors to each contribute funding of £15,000 for further development during the period of 2011. Contact: Frankie Dolan, CEO. Address: The Watermark Innovation Centre, Erme Court, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0SZ. E-mail: frankie@medworm.com. link to website
Opportunities and benefits for sponsors include:
The sponsor's logo to appear at the bottom of the home page, plus text links to appear in the footer of every page on MedWorm (there are literally thousands of pages indexed by MedWorm which will help with the sponsor's Google page rank).
A detailed bio of the key sponsors on a dedicated MedWorm sponsorship page.
Ten key sponsored medical topics of the sponsor's choice, with customised text links inserted into the corresponding RSS feeds for those topics, plus directly under the title of every page on MedWorm within those topics. Text links can be changed whenever required, as can the topics sponsored (so long as the new topic is not already sponsored).
An additional one hundred randomly-selected sponsored topics, to include generic text links inserted into the corresponding RSS feeds for those topics, plus directly under the title of every page on MedWorm within those topics.
Fifty specified search terms to also display sponsored text links at the top of search results and within the automatically generated RSS feeds.
MedWorm to work closely with the sponsor to ensure that their company is getting maximum benefit from the use of RSS feeds, both to publish their news and research, as well in receiving data of benefit to their company.
Sponsor's logo to appear on any of MedWorm's printed literature during the sponsored period.
Sponsor to feature prominently in any promotional event or activity in which MedWorm participates during the period.
OHL/PL021 |
 MILLWALL RUGBY CLUB A major opportunity exists to sponsor Millwall Rugby Club, a young club founded in 1995, working to promote sport, youth development and adult health on the Isle of Dogs.
If you'd like to find out more about sponsoring or supporting the club, contact development@millwallrugby.com for a sponsorship pack.
| Ongoing
OHL/PL022 |
 OSPREYS IN THE COMMUNITY Ospreys in the Community is a not-for-profit foundation that was granted charitable status in November 2016, one year after it was formally launched at the Liberty Stadium, Swansea. Although OitC shares a strong relationship with Ospreys Rugby, and forms a key part of the club's long-term business strategy, it operates on an entirely independent basis to the professional rugby organisation, Wales' leading and most successful club. Working in conjunction with commercial partners, public sector bodies and third sector agencies to generate financial support and resources, the aim of OitC is to create a vibrant and sustainable foundation that utilises the undoubted power of the Ospreys brand, and players, in a positive fashion, to harness social good and make an impact in communities. OitC has already created a wide range of strategic partnerships enabling the creation and activation of innovative programmes that will be contained within four strategic themes: Education, Health, Sport and Inclusion. These partnerships, which include international, national and local businesses, education and health authorities, and local and national government departments, enabled OitC to engage with 17,000 people in its first year. OitC’s community engagement activities include Creating and delivering a groundbreaking educational programme aimed at primary school children, focusing on literacy, numeracy and digital competencies, with a clear focus on complimenting the existing school curriculum. More than 3,000 children a year are now engaging with the programme, which is completely free for participating schools TACKLE, a project aimed at 14-16 year olds in Communities First areas combining action-packed rugby sessions with education pathways and mentoring sessions with the aim of helping improve self-confidence, school attainment and employability skills among hard to reach teenagers Facilitating rugby camps and festivals for juniors and youths of both genders, as well as development days at community rugby clubs across south Wales to encourage active young people Development and delivery of both an adult and youth wheelchair rugby teams A senior womens rugby team and new Rugby Cluster centres for girls teams from Under 9s through to Under 15s. Having worked with over 17,000 children, adults and families in its first year, OitC requires sponsorship to support growth plans to work with a further 20,000 individuals this year. An ideal opportunity for a company looking to sponsor a wide range of objectives and keen to support deprived communities, OitC can offer a premium programme of national and international brand exposure, marketing opportunities including access to world-class international players as well as the opportunity to connect directly with the target audience through its database of around 20,000 local families. Ospreys enjoys a solid social media following with an average engagement level of 200k per month, which will be another key platform for promoting partnerships. Contact: Paul Whapham, Foundation Manager. Address: Liberty Stadium, Landore, Swansea SA1 2FA. Tel.: 01792 616500. E-mail: paul.whapham@ospreysrugby.com. link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor Ospreys in the Community (pdf format)
| Ongoing
OHL/PL023 |
For full details of available opportunities and updated information, please get in touch. Contact: Jane Curtis, Head of Special Events. Address: 2nd Floor, Camelford House, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW. Tel.: 020 7820 6704. E-mail: jane@pancreaticcancer.org.uk link to website
OHL/PL024 |
 PHOENIX FUTURES Support Phoenix Futures, a charity providing services for people with drug and alcohol problems. Contact: James Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Communications. Address: Phoenix Futures, ASRA House, 1 Long Lane, London SE1 4PG. Tel.: 0207 234 9762. E-mail: james.armstrong@phoenix-futures.org.uk . link to website
Click button to download more information from Phoenix Futures (pdf format)
OHL/PL025 |
Considered 'the one to win' by many pharma industry professionals, the Pharmaceutical Marketing Effectiveness Awards (PMEA) scheme is unique in being the only awards initiative to recognise and reward true marketing effectiveness in the UK and European pharmaceutical industry. Rewarding teamwork, innovation and, most of all, recognising the talent that exists in organisations large and small, these Awards are highly regarded by individuals and industry alike. Sponsorship of the PMEA represents an unrivalled opportunity to raise the sponsor's profile within the thriving pharmaceutical industry and engage with important decision makers in a focused and personalised setting. It also enables the sponsor to be associated with the most authoritative healthcare marketing brand in the pharmaceutical industry. "PMGroup will work in collaboration with you to ensure that your sponsorship is aligned to your objectives and offers a platform to provide return on investment. Act now to optimise the value of your opportunity by calling Ciaran Duke". Contact: Ciaran Duke, Business Development Director. Address: Vincent House, Vincent Lane, Dorking RH4 3JD. Tel.: 01306 74077. Fax: 01306 741069. E-mail: cduke@pmlive.com link to website
OHL/PL026 |
 2018 RCNi NURSE AWARDS Contact for updated information. The RCNi has officially announced that sponsorship of the 2018 RCNi Nurse Awards is now open. Heralded as the most prestigious awards in the industry, the RCNi Nurse Awards celebrate the very best of nursing care and will launch in December and culminate in a star-studded awards ceremony on July 4th, 2018. Last year saw over 700 nurses entered into the awards and over 400 healthcare professionals attend the awards ceremony. In 2018, these numbers are set to increase with the awards being bigger and better than ever, thanks to a new six figure consumer marketing and PR campaign that aims to reach over three million people in the UK. Rachel Armitage, Managing Director at RCNi, said: "With the responsibilities of nurses increasing year on year in the face of budget and resource cuts, now is the time to really celebrate and increase awareness of the unsung nurses who are making a real difference in patient care. These incredible awards wouldn't be possible without the help of our sponsors and, with more exposure on offer than ever before, we hope to have even more brands on board for 2018. This is a fantastic opportunity for the many brands that want to talk to the nursing demographic and support the work they do. Michael Henry, Healthcare Director at Superdrug, said: "Sponsoring the RCNi Community Nurse Awards gives us an ideal opportunity to engage and interact with nurses, raise the profile of the service we provide and become an employer of choice for nurses in the community in one of our Superdrug clinics". There are a variety of sponsorship packages on offer, from headline sponsorship through to category sponsorship, such as Child Health, Mental Health Nursing and Patient's Choice. "Category sponsorship starts from £12,500 for joint sponsorship and £20,000 for sole sponsorship, but please do get in touch to hear about further opportunities. For more details on how to become a sponsor of the RCNi Awards 2018, just contact a member of our Sponsorship Team on 020 8872 3118 or email sales@rcni.com for further information". Contact: Sponsorship Team. Tel.: 020 8872 3118. E-mail: sales@rcni.com link to website
About the RCNi Awards
RCNi Awards 2018 opened for entries on 4th December, 2017
RCNi Awards 2018 Shortlist announcement and Patient's Choice Award voting opens on 16th April, 2018
RCNi Awards Ceremony 2018 will be taking place on 4th July, 2018, at the Park Plaza, London
Involvement in the RCNi Nurse Awards offers a truly unique platform for companies to:
Gain exposure - through a seven-month marketing campaign in which your brand will be seen by 3 million consumers
Drive reputation - build credibility and trust through championing nurse-led excellence and innovation
Show support - be recognised as an advocate of the UK's largest group of healthcare professionals.
OHL/PL027 |
Rock Generation will be a three day rock music festival with one main sixty foot stage hosting twenty-four bands over the course of the weekend. "Our Mission - the Rock Generation Music Festival idea was born from our passion to help people. Not only are we aiming to raise money for The Samaritans, in the form of donating all net profits from ticket sales, but we are also creating a festival that focuses around mental-physical well-being and addictions through the presence of mentors and practitioners who will attend and create relaxing and advisory areas. In addition to the performances onstage, there will be various different relaxing zones and therapy tents and advisors - various different practitioners will be on hand to offer support to anyone that needs it. The theme will be positive and vibrant, with a small stage supporting up and coming musicians through their process a healthy well-being area for anyone coming away from an addiction and wanting to be with like-minded people talks from various different champions who have overcome depression and addiction Of course, an array of bars, food stalls and daily entertainment such as you would expect at any UK music festival not forgetting our wonderful wall of faith, designed by our guest artist and open for all to leave a message of hope! All of this will take place at The Hop Farm, one of the most famous and recognisable features of the Garden of England, boasting the world's largest collection of iconic Victorian oast houses. Its long and illustrious history spans nearly five centuries from its humble origins as a working hop farm to the picturesque location it has become. The Hop Farm will open its gates to Rock Generation, able to hold an impressive 50,000 capacity. Stretched over the beautiful countryside it is the size of 100 football pitches. Being located near all major London airports and the Channel Tunnel, the venue will allow us to welcome UK and international rock fans. It has previously played host to the likes of artists such as Prince, Bob Dylan, The Eagles, Iggy and the Stooges, Peter Gabriel, Suede and Florence and The Machine, to name a few. Reach - our press partners are Kerrang, Loudwire, Team Rock and Rolling Stone, who have average hits and readers of over five million, including a soon-to-go-to-print double page spread in Metal Hammer magazine, which sponsors will be featured in. All Production Ready: Stage and Sound, Backline, Accommodation, Venue and Layout, Stage managers, Personnel, Transport, Food, Drink, Security, Tickets, Merchandise, Camping, Glamping. We have someone who has been thirty years in the business and has toured with most of the bands. We also have a stage manager who has been stage manager for Metallica and Glastonbury 2017. Please see the sponsorship pack available via the download button below. All packages can be tailored to your business all details can be found at www.rockgeneration.co.uk". Contact: Neil Cooper, Director. Tel.: 07984583367. Address: 28 Osprey House, Archer Close, Studley B80 7HG. E-mail: info@rockgeneration.co.uk link to website
Sponsorship benefits
Rock Generation is offering the opportunity for brand sponsors to broaden their reach and support The Samaritans. We have set aside a field within the festival 100m x 100m to programme your own in-house event complete with 36m stage. This will be a complete product sampling master area - no other brands will be sold within this area other than the chosen sponsor products, a complete company zone.
Main Stage branding
Live advertising announcements throughout the event (on-screen)
Brand logo on all official advertising artwork/merchandise (pre-event as well as show weekend)
Social media campaign, including official festival platforms plus stake holders. Platforms, ie bands, charities, press = a tremendous reach (pre-event as well as show weekend)
Full access to the festival ticket buyers' database for independent promotions (post-event)
Opportunity to work closely with the charity The Samaritans
50 VIP weekend festival tickets
200 weekend camping tickets
Documentary footage plus TV live event
Artist demonstrations for brand
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the Rock Generation music festival (pdf format)
OHL/PL028 |
 RUBICON CARES Rubicon Cares offers free specialist trauma counselling to both adults and children (aged 10+) who have been affected by any crime (reported or unreported). "We are organic to Kent and Medway. We offer a telephone helpline for individuals and professionals and use rooms across Kent to ensure our service is accessible to all. We also offer counselling in many different languages. Historically victims have been ignored: with services and funding being centred more on the perpetrators, many have been left to cope alone, particularly after the court proceedings have ended. This is especially harmful as trauma symptoms often take months or even years to manifest - by which time any support they were receiving has long since ended. We are passionate about supporting those affected by crime, but this can be difficult in the current funding climate and we often work hand-to-mouth, relying on the good will of volunteers and fundraisers. We are receiving an ever-increasing number of referrals and would greatly appreciate any sponsorship support. Please contact us to discuss opportunities". Contact: Natasha Singh, Clinical Manager. Address: Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1HH. Tel.: 01622 230 736. E-mail: contact@rubiconcares.org. link to website
| Ongoing
OHL/PL029 |
Tim Murdoch and Robert Aldous are two good friends and two good sailors looking to change people's lives. Their mission is to help improve the way of life for those all around us suffering with cancer. Through the sport of sailing Robert Aldous and Tim Murdoch will aim to help increase not only the awareness of cancer but also for their selected charity Sail 4 Cancer. Updated details are available on request. Contact: Robert Aldous. Address: Trekieve, West Road, Bransgore BH23 8BE. Tel.: 07974 253822. E-mail: comedyvalue.j@gmail.com. link to website
| Ongoing
OHL/PL030 |
 THE SUFFOLK BROKERAGE: SUFFOLK CARE AWARDS 2018 The Suffolk Care Awards 2018 recognise exemplary care practice. They highlight the important and crucial job that high-quality carers and innovative care providers do, day-in and day-out. The organisers are seeking sponsorship for the ten category awards, and also for the event evening, with packages ranging from £500 to £3,000. There are ten categories which recognise excellent care practice - they include innovative dementia care, end of life care, inspiring leaders and managers, food and drink, and a special recognition award for a carer or care company nominated by an individual. The winners' evening takes place in October. For an idea of how the evening works, click to view a video on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/192171937 . "Since it was launched in 2016, the Suffolk Care Awards has grown to become an important event and key date in the calendar for the county's health and social care workforce. Those who have won say the awards make them feel valued for the work they are doing, looking after and caring for others. Those who get through to the Final receive recognition for their achievement. In an industry which often faces criticism and bad press, these awards are about recognising the - often unsung - heroes who are dedicated to their profession and are passionate about innovating and improving people's lives. We believe the awards lead by example and help encourage other care providers to improve and innovate. Each year the awards have brought to light amazing examples of caring and care practice. The winners' evening is a great opportunity for carers and care organisations to come together to network and share great examples of care practice. Winning the awards, and having their stories told in the media, helps shine a light on fantastic care provision in the county. The awards represent an opportunity for businesses and organisations with a connection to the care sector to build a brand association with this successful county-wide initiative. They are run by The Suffolk Brokerage, an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising care standards, and The Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers, an organisation for independent or voluntary care providers". Much more information is available on request (or click the download button below). Contact: Louise Whitley, Workforce Development Manager. Address: Unit 9, Norfolk House, Williamsport Way, Lion Barn Industrial Estate, Needham Market, Suffolk IP6 8RW. Tel.: 01449 720400. Fax: 01449 720400. E-mail: louise.whitley@suffolkbrokerage.co.uk link to website
Click button to download more information about the opportunity to sponsor the Suffolk Care Awards (pdf format)
OHL/PL031 |
 TRUST HEALTH SERVICES Trust Health Services (THS) is a healthcare service company based in China and the UK. "For updated information or application for sponsorship please email dwt@trusthealthservice.com". Contact: David Turton, Director. Address: 13 Matterhorn Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 1TR. Tel.: +44 (0)1513574167. E-mail: dwt@trusthealthservice.com link to website
Click button to download more information from Trust Health Services (pdf format)
Annual event
OHL/PL032 |
The Foundation's vision is to enable young people from a variety of backgrounds to use sports as a means of development and to build confidence, to improve health and to further their educational opportunities. The Foundation was set up in November 2007 as The Vaughan Sports Foundation in partnership with the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, an inner London comprehensive. The Foundation is based in north Kensington, recognised as an area of social deprivation. In the borough itself, 46% of children do not have English as their first language. The trustees acknowledge that participation in sport can be one of the major factors in breaking down barriers to inclusion for children. Participation in sport is also known to have a positive impact on academic performance, as recognised by Ofsted. There is also a need to address the growing prevalence of obesity in young children. If present trends continue, by 2020 one in three adults, one in five boys and one in three girls will be clinically obese. Such sporting opportunities can provide solutions to the problem of health, education and social development and enable the local youth to participate in society as mature and responsible adults. The Foundation sets out to extend provision of extra-curricular courses and activities for young people. Participants will be coached in a range of sports, fitness training and leadership skills. They have established a varied programme of sporting activities for young people during the school holidays, run in partnership with governing bodies such as the RFU and FA and other sporting institutions. The Foundation also intends to provide opportunities to participants to acquire coaching qualifications themselves so that they gain the confidence and skills needed to organise and supervise sports activities and competition in the local communities. It is hoping to add rowing and fencing to the list of options. Involvement in sports, particularly within a structured environment, is a fun and constructive way for young people to use their spare time, find new friends and obtain new skills. By taking part, young people will acquire a sense of achievement and self esteem - and realise that they can set goals and challenges and reach them. The Foundation's ambition is that all young people who benefit from its activities will raise their aspirations so that sport and healthy activities become part of the fabric of their lives. Get in touch for updated information. Contact: Nicholas Kehoe, Director of The Vaughan Sports Foundation. Address: 89 Addison Road, London W14 8BZ. Tel.: 0207 605 8748. E-mail: nicholas.kehoe@cvms.rbkc.sch.uk link to website
OHL/PL033 |
 vCREATE vCreate is looking for sponsorship to provide secure video messaging to connect parents with babies on NHS neonatal wards in the United Kingdom. The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow has recently completed a pilot to use secure video messaging to connect parents with babies in their Neonatal Unit, which cares for over 600 babies per year. "The hospital is now rolling it out across their unit and vCreate is providing the platform free of charge. Due to the success of the scheme we would like to offer vCreate to all 200 NHS Neonatal Units in the United Kingdom. To fund this initiative we are looking for modest levels of sponsorship from the private sector in return for PR opportunities and branding of the application (please see more information below). Support is available UK-wide starting from £25k". Contact: Ben Moore. Address: 37 Sugar Mill, Sugar Mill Business Park, LS11 7HL. Tel.: 0333 121 8422. E-mail: theteam@vcreate.tv. link to website
Benefits include:
Positive brand association with a very good cause - really helping to make a difference
Positive association with British technical innovation
Proven PR benefits - already featured as a top story on BBC News home page as well as on BBC TV and Radio and national newspapers
Positive brand exposure to parents
Positive brand exposure to NHS employees
Fulfils Corporate Social Responsibility commitments
Recent press:
Click button to download more information about NHS Neonatal Unit sponsorship opportunities offered by vCreate (pdf format)
| Ongoing
OHL/PL034 |
 YOUTH SPORT TRUST The Youth Sport Trust (YST) is a national charity passionate about creating a future where every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. "We are on a mission to pioneer new ways of using sport to improve children's wellbeing and give them a brighter future! Over the last twenty years, YST has developed successful partnerships with businesses of different shapes, sizes and sectors. These mutually beneficial partnerships have delivered a positive impact for businesses while supporting our charitable work to transform children's lives through the power of sport. We work on a local, national and international scale and strive to create bespoke partnerships which work for every company - from media companies like Sky and Entertainment One to the likes of Sainsbury's, Allianz and ESPO. We see our corporate partnerships as mutually beneficial relationships. By working with us to transform young lives through sport, you will help us to deliver a lasting positive social impact and we will help you to unlock benefits for your business like enhancing your brand or boosting employee recruitment and engagement. Every partnership is different and we will work to create one which is right for your business whether it is for a one-off event, a longer strategic partnership, programme sponsorship, a fundraiser or something completely different. Our reach: 20,000+ schools work with us across all of our different programmes, including more than 1,600 in the most deprived areas of England. We had 8.3 million views of our social media posts last year, from more than 60,000 followers, and 176,000 people visited our website. Interested in partnering with us? We have a number of partnership options available or can create something bespoke to your business". Contact: Corporate Account Manager. Address: Sportpark, 3 Oakwood Drive LE12 8WH. E-mail: partnerships@youthsporttrust.org. link to website
Ongoing <
Ref. no.
Description/contact info.
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OHL/001 |
BEMDA (BLACK AND ETHNIC MINORITY DIABETES ASSOCIATION) BEMDA (Black and Ethnic Minority Diabetes Association) aims to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of people living with diabetes, because this chronic, long-term and progressive disease is now epidemic, with serious implications for individuals and society. Most deaths and diabetes-related complications occur in the economically-productive age group. Being diagnosed with diabetes is very traumatic; taking insulin increases the burden. BEMDA's principal activities are interactive workshops (the organisation's main area of work) for awareness of diabetes, inculcating the need for mutual support among young people to reduce the prevalent diabetes-related stigma and bullying random sampling and selection of participating schools and clubs to verify perceptions of diabetes raising awareness of the potential dangers of manipulating prescribed insulin doses to remain slim and socially acceptable, whilst raising awareness that other options to achieve a desirable slim figure are available without jeopardising health setting up a young people's vibrant, interactive website and learning materials to update their knowledge of diabetes, especially the prevention of complications sessions with teachers to ensure that an enabling, clean and discreet environment is available for pupils to take injections and test blood glucose levels frequently raising knowledge of diabetes among residents, especially young people, meaning taking steps to prevent unnecessary loss of limbs, early or sudden death and empowering people to take responsibility for their condition through effective self-management. Contact: Mrs. Aderonke Jomo-Coco. Address: Voluntary Action Westminster, 37 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DP. Tel.: 02077235357. E-mail: Info@bemda.org. link to website
Project for which funding is being sought
The project will be dedicated to relieving distress and the burden of daily living with diabetes (Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes)
Aims and Objectives of the Organisation
To promote and protect the physical and mental health of people with diabetes, especially those from black and ethnic minority (BME) communities, through the provision of support, education, practical advice and through undertaking research in the subject of diabetes with the dissemination of any useful results.
To provide, or assist in the provision of, facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life.
OHL/002 |
ODYSSEY PROJECT LTD Odyssey is an organisation which enhances the quality of life for people with cancer through programmes of adventure, based mainly in the outdoors. Using the stimulation of uncertainty and surprise, Odyssey takes participants on a five day journey aimed at combating the psychological and emotional devastation caused by their illness. By supporting people to overcome appropriate challenges (some physical, others creative or artistic), Odyssey helps people rebuild their confidence and regain their zest for life. Odyssey was founded in 1994 by consultant oncologist Dr. Howard Smedley, who saw a gap in the provision of support at the point where people are leaving treatment. Since then Odyssey has consistently tried to run a minimum of three courses a year in Kent and, more recently, to run courses in Wales, the West Midlands and Scotland. With skills and knowledge acquired over seventeen years, Odyssey believes its body of experience to be unrivalled. The increasing success of cancer treatments has meant that many people are surviving cancer and returning to normal life, often after a prolonged interlude of treatment. Others are terminally ill, but not physically incapacitated; and a third group comprises those who have to live through a long period of uncertainty before knowing the outcome. A fundamental need for all three groups is to maximise the quality of their lives. Many forms of support are offered through treatment centres, but typically they are introspective in approach. Odyssey is about active engagement and frequently provides the stimulus and confidence that people need to re-engage with life. For example, it's not uncommon, following an Odyssey course, for people to return to work after a long period away or to take up a new pastime. For others it helps them find positivity, enjoyment and peace during the closing part of their lives. Contact: Hugo Iffla. Address: Suilven, Marconi Lane, Tywyn LL36 9HN. Tel.: 01654 710225. E-mail: hugo@odyssey.org.uk. link to website
OHL/003 |
THE VIRTUAL DOCTORS The Virtual Doctors is a charity which provides a free telemedicine service, utilising mobile phone and internet technology, for Clinical Officers located in rural and remote areas of Zambia. "Our hand-held devices offer remote connection with our volunteer medical professionals in the UK, using our bespoke telemedicine software. The Clinical Officers upload case files, select an area of specialism in a dropdown bar, which the selected UK medical professional can review, and subsequently respond offering diagnostic advice. Clinical Officers are trained professionals but are not as qualified as doctors. Some clinics have huge catchment areas and people must travel long distances to reach them, only to be referred on to a hospital even further away. Our service is helping the Clinical Officers to learn and have the confidence to treat patients on site locally rather than having to refer to distant hospitals. The service is economically scalable, tried and tested. We have expansion plans to expand our reach beyond the current twenty health clinics and two hospitals in Zambia - our goal is to be delivering the service into 100 sites in rural Zambia and we will have introduced a trial into another sub-Saharan country by the end of 2018. We rely upon the generosity of others for 100% of our funding and your support would enable us to expand our reach into new areas and help more patients. We are keen to hear from individuals and organisations who would be interested in helping us to fund this expansion. It costs approximately £1,000 to set up and run the service for twelve months in each rural health centre. If you or your company would like to get involved, please contact rosbird@virtualdoctors.org". Contact: Huw Jones. Address: Sussex Innovation Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SB. Tel.: 01273 454755. E-mail: huw@virtualdoctors.org. link to website
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