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UK sponsorship news update ...

20th March, 2008

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New government Code for NHS-funded services lays out sponsorship rules
The government's new Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS-funded services has been published with the objective of ensuring that material used in the promotion of NHS services is accurate and fair.

It seeks to protect patients, the public and referring clinicians from offensive or misleading material. The Code is also intended to ensure that promotional material does not damage the brand or reputation of the NHS.

"Sponsorship", says the Code, "is permitted where it is not associated with matters, and co-sponsors are not associated with matters, that are damaging to health or associated with gambling, alcohol, tobacco, weight control, politics or private healthcare".

The Code also seeks to ensure that sponsorship deals comply with a range of guidance material, including "relevant NHS guidance on the subject, NHS brand policy and guidelines, and any local NHS guidance".

Finally, in line with the Department's emphasis on transparency, providers of sponsored materials must ensure that it is made clear that the materials they have


supplied are sponsored.

But sponsors "must not engage in 'product placement' activity, ie inclusion of, or reference to, them, their products or services within a film or programme in return for payment or other valuable consideration (whether the recipient of that payment or other valuable consideration is the programme- or film-maker or any other third party)".


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