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The Green Blue would like to tie up with marine-related sponsors steering an environmental course
The Green Blue is a trailblazing initiative developed by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and the British Marine Federation (BMF) to deliver real world solutions and best practice guidance to the recreational marine sector to minimise its impact on the coastal and inland marine environment. The organisation focusses on high impact awareness raising through published materials, targeted publicity, presence at marine events and support from high profile ambassadors, including Mike Golding and Dee Caffari, delivering practical demonstration projects (e.g. boat washdown systems or recycling facilities), building a bank of research to ensure their work is scientifically underpinned and making information available to assist in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements for marine businesses. Sponsorship opportunities range from strategic partnerships through to one-off events, including the Annual Conference and theme specific workshops and launches. Benefits and rights can include prominent logo placement co-branding of PR and communications brand association with a leading edge marine environmental programme access to the whole UK recreational boating sector (over 3.5 million participants) and to a RYA/BMF combined membership of 500,000 people and 1,600 businesses promotional opportunities, including the Southampton and London International Boat Shows event branding, pre/post event publicity opportunities to showcase the sponsor's Corporate Social Responsibility participation of the sponsor's stakeholders and staff in Green Blue events and access to Green Blue's network of partners to assist the sponsor in meeting their environmental policy targets. The Green Blue is the leader of the fleet as an increasingly well-known environmental marine brand surrounded by a fast-growing network of support and interest. The Green Blue is unique and innovative: it is the first programme of its kind to be developed for any recreational sector in the UK and is well placed to help a potential sponsor's organisation enhance its reputation, reach and environmental performance.
Contact: Jane Swan
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