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Investing in Punjab's future: The Mahmoodiah Trust offers exemplary opportunity to contribute to excellence in education
The Mahmoodiah Trust has been set up exclusively to raise funds to set up The Mahmoodiah Academy of Excellence, a secondary school for young females in a deprived area of the Punjab province in Pakistan.
The institution will initially cater for a hundred students and provide an exemplary education. This is a grassroots development programme and its success relies on the co-operation and support of dedicated, passionate and committed individuals and organisations willing to share their skills and expertise as well as sacrifice their time. Training centres will be founded to offer teacher training to local females. Whereas it is hoped that the educational establishment will be a beacon which other schools may follow and to which they may aspire, it is also hoped that the entire project will benefit the community and country at large with regard to local investment, business and the economy. In a country which has long neglected the education of its citizens, especially girls, this project may be the only chance for many to gain a quality education and broaden the understanding of the world in which they live - and ultimately enhance their prospects for the future. With a team of dedicated volunteers who have amongst them a background in business, education and international development, The Mahmoodiah Trust is confident that with support and investment from related organisations, this project could eventually broaden its horizons and invest in other educational establishments in other developing countries.
Contact: Miss Farzana Akhtar
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