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New high arts and popular culture online mag. is Open to sponsorship ideas
Open is a recently launched online magazine - www.openmagazine.co.uk - offering a cutting edge combination of the high arts and popular culture.  The ethos of the mag. is to present the arts as stylish, relevant, accessible and exciting. Its readership is bright, savvy and curious: interested in discovering new experiences; widening their knowledge. They may already be involved with the arts either as practitioners or enthusiasts.
But, equally, the magazine appeals to those who may know nothing about art, or theatre or modern dance but simply be curious. Open is never preachy or judgemental: it's fun, glossy and looks at the emerging zeitgeist with humour and irreverence. It looks at the classics with fresh eyes and champions emerging talent.
Features are written by journalists and experts in their field ... often by arts practitioners themselves.
Contact: Loma-Ann Bonner, Editor-in-Chief
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