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Street theatre comedy group Penny Plain sets out on the road to sponsorship success
Penny Plain Theatre Company is a Yorkshire Dales based touring company which performs high energy comedy from a travelling replica of a Victorian fairground theatre booth. They adapt Yorkshire tales and history and present it in the guise of "Malvolio Hardcastle's Mighty Excelsior Theatre", a troupe of disreputable down-and-out players trying to put on a play. The company has just finished a tour of "Black-hearted Evil" about the ghosts of Bolton Priory, and is starting rehearsals for a winter melange of songs, dances and mummery.  Next year's summer production is "The Entire History of the North": chaos and mayhem as ever, but with a serious underlying aim of retelling some of Yorkshire's heritage. The company's unique shows have proved astonishingly successful, and they are in a position where they need to expand to cope with all the bookings. "We attract large crowds, but as this is street theatre, we are always seeking sponsorship to supplement our income. In return, we will mention you in the performance, display your sign and acknowledge you in our publicity material and the well-produced leaflets we distribute at performances. We can tailor a sponsorship package completely to your wishes. You are welcome to ask for one of our short promotional DVDs or to talk to us - we're friendly - and fun!"
Contact: Mrs Angela Jackson, Company Manager
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