The Arts Funding Guide

 Anne-Marie Doulton, Susan Forrester (Editor), David Lloyd (Editor)

Everything you need to know about UK sources of funding for all art forms, arts organizations and arts events
Whitworth Art Gallery puts new exhibition opportunities on show
Manchester's Whitworth Art Gallery offers companies the opportunity to sponsor all aspects of its work, including exhibitions and private views, learning and interpretation projects for schools, projects for young people, capital projects, conservation and the purchase of artworks.
A number of attractive sponsorship opportunities are available currently, including the following projects:
William Blake
A sponsor is sought to support an exhibition of works relating to slavery by William Blake and a linked exhibition which explores Blake's artistic legacy. The exhibition will open at the Whitworth in January 2008.
Child Art
This summer 2008 exhibition explores the psychology and motivation behind art made by children, drawing on historic and contemporary teaching methods and the importance of childrens art to a wide range of contemporary artists.
Learning and interpretation programme
The Whitworth has ongoing sponsorship opportunities for businesses of all sizes to support innovative and exciting education projects for all ages. They are currently seeking sponsorship for their ongoing work with schools, post-16 learners, families and young people outside school hours.
Learning Studio
Sponsors are sought to assist the gallery in creating a learning space to help enhance visits by schools, colleges and adult learners.
Contact: Jo Beggs, Head of Development.
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