22nd August, 2016

Sole sponsorship of Tiki the Penguin's website won't cost the Earth - but it could help to save it
Tiki.oneworld.org is an environmental education website with a global reach, aimed at children, schools and other educational establishments.
The site, established just over fifteen years ago, is free to use and had nearly 300,000 separate users in the last year alone.
This attractive website with its numerous and colourful cartoons appears at the top of Google searches for "kids' guides to climate change" and other searches related to pollution, pollution, plastics, pollution, energy, biodiversity and several more.
Statistics show the site is widely used internationally, with the highest percentage of users being from the USA (37%), the UK (18%) and India (7%).
More about Tiki and his website
Tiki, a friendly penguin, cares deeply about the future of the planet. He explains the ins and outs of pressing environmental issues, as seen through the eyes of a non-human via a series of jargon-free guides, in an engaging and humorous way, appealing to both children and adults.
Each guide concludes with an empowering "What kids can do" page. These guides are used as an educational resource by schools and individuals all over the world, helping our future adults gain a deeper understanding about the issues that will affect their future.
Tiki's site is free for all to use. As a result, the site is chronically underfunded, receiving basic support - as it has done since its inception - from OneWorld (a non-profit UK-based organisation).
Tiki's founder and producer, an earth scientist with a PhD (1970, Cambridge, UK), is looking for sponsorship to put Tiki's pages on a firm financial footing so that there can be a search for younger freelance writer(s) who can take over the reins of the website, building on its success, taking it forward into the future, where a science-based understanding of the problems caused by humans will be essential if solutions are to be found and implemented.
Sponsorship Opportunities
There is now the opportunity to promote your business or organisation through the tiki.oneworld.org website, by including your company logo, and company information in a single advertising opportunity on the website. This would provide benefits to your business through:
Being the sole sponsor - only one business will have the opportunity to advertise on the site, making your company stand out to all visitors to the site
Helping to achieve objectives towards improving your Corporate Social Responsibility, by supporting a free environmental education resource used by schools and individuals world-wide
Promoting your business or organisation as sole sponsor and reach out to educational establishments across the world on a website that is popular and well-used internationally
Associating your organisation with a good cause: promoting global conservation and educating people about the dangers and problems facing the future of our planet
Contributing to corporate/business Carbon Offsetting objectives, through investment in a climate-responsible organisation
Contact: Bry Lynas, Producer
More information ...