20th November, 2013
Fourbirdsaboating's Great Pacific Race entry could carry a brand message worldwide for caring sponsors
This sponsorship opportunity is available to promote corporate responsibility, citizen science, brand promotion and free, online education to the most disadvantaged young people worldwide.

On 7th June, 2014, team Fourbirdsaboating will set off from Monterey Bay, California, as part of the inaugural Great Pacific Race to Honolulu, Hawaii, before continuing on alone and unsupported to Cairns, Australia over approximately eight months.
En route back to the UK, the team will visit 4,000 orphans in Thailand.
Sponsorship begins at £25 to become a Fourbirdsaboating Friend and sponsorship of kit in kind (£1.00 - £900.00); there are also tiered sponsorship opportunities at £1,000.00 (Bronze), £5,000.00 (Silver), £7,500.00 (Gold) and £10,000.00 (Platinum/Headline).
Contact: Sarah Weldon, Team Skipper and Charity Founder and Director (Oceans Project Georgia)
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