4th July, 2013
The Visually Impaired Sailing Association of GB challenges sponsors to support their amazing Atlantic expedition
"Take six people, give them a yacht and ... OK! we can hear you saying, 'What's different with this idea? I mean Three Men and a Boat was even a BBC TV programme, wasn't it?'
"Take those same six people, but this time you will notice that they are blind; give them that same yacht and the challenge to sail across the Atlantic - a feat never accomplished to date!

"The Visually Impaired Sailing Association of GB is going to take up the challenge and with sponsors such as yourselves supporting us every nautical mile of the way.
"We are going to enter the World Ocean Cruising Rally - the 2014 ARC (Atlantic Rally Cruise). The ARC is a 'must do' for many sailors and attracts over 200 boats and 1,200 people every year to sail 2,800 nautical miles across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia.
"Crossing the Atlantic is a challenge in itself, sailing almost 3,000 nautical miles in the knowledge that you're not going to see land for almost four months is something else, but for the Visually Impaired Sailing Association of GB team members physically not being able to see land is far more a reality than the worry it may seem. Using all the navigation technologies available to us, with adaptations for audio output, constantly having satellite tracking to reassure us of our position each and every mile of the challenge, and invaluable support from sponsors is going to be the key to success.
"We're appealing to people and organisations like yours to join us in our 2014 Blind Atlantic Crossing challenge with sponsorship and support. We have an ambitious objective - as if our challenge to have six blind sailors sail across the Atlantic Ocean isn't ambitious enough - and that is to raise £1,500,000 for the ongoing work of The Visually Impaired Sailing Association of GB and its work to ensure all visually impaired people have the opportunity to maximise on an equality of opportunity through sailing independently and being empowered.
"We're seeking sponsors, large or small, to be 'onboard' with us by supporting this never-before-attempted challenge to independently enter the World Ocean Cruising Rally - the 2014 ARC (Atlantic Rally Cruise) - as a team of blind sailors. Our sponsorship opportunities include Platinum sponsorship, promotional and product placement on our twelve metre yacht's hull, including an extensive surface area across three sails, main, foresail and kite; Gold, Silver and Bronze packages are also available, right through to the opportunity to make personal pledges by text donation, and purchase a personal satellite call from mid-Atlantic.
"More details on this never-before-attempted challenge are available on our website at http://www.visa-gb.org.uk/sailblind.htm".
Contact: Colin Fowler, Commodore
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