
27th March, 2013
Sponsors seeking a global perspective should focus on the World Image Tour website
There are a plethora of photo-sharing sites on the web these days and many of them feature excellent photos of all sorts of places.
Unfortunately, a lot of these attractive images come with descriptions like 'Italy' or 'Russia', and nothing more - or even just 'untitled'. Clearly, there is a need for a photo site which does more to inform than these sites generally do, and doesn't cost anything.
That's what World Image Tour does - it's an informative and educational site, as well as being one that provides imagery of various places around the world, which can also be viewed without the information if desired.
The main galleries are presented in Flash format at the moment. This is for the convenience of the zoom and pan functions, but also as a protective measure for those images which are not available for re-use (although these are few).
The main galleries feature photos from the past twenty years. Projected additional features include Archives galleries (photos more than twenty years old and ones which have been replaced with more recent images of the same scene) and Historical galleries (photos over fifty years old). Both these sections would be presented in fully downloadable JPEG formats, using only public domain images.
Other plans include expanding the Fast Facts Files sections to include several language choices, and several sub-sections (languages, religions, etc.).
"The site's viewership has grown consistently since the first pages were put up just for fun over three years ago. I would like to dedicate more time to the site, but need sponsorship funding to enable this to happen".
Contact: Alix Lee Speakman.
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