11th March, 2013
Volleyfirst's All Nations Volleyball Tournament is up for grabs
The All Nations Volleyball Tournament is London's largest regular indoor adult volleyball event, the first tournament having been held in 2005.
Participants are drawn mainly from Greater London and surrounding areas and there are partnerships in place with with local authorities, associations and community groups.
 Publicity is generated via local newspapers, local radio, 3T magazine (circulation 10,000), overseas publicity, sports desks and sports websites. There are some 400+ participants and volunteers, representing 50+ nationalities, with hundreds of spectators for the 130+ matches played over four days in May.
"The All Nations Volleyball tournament gives you the opportunity to highlight your products to your target market in a controlled environment. The majority of players are male/female, aged 23 to 35, fit and taking regular exercise and are in employment or in education. Over 80% of London volleyball clubs are represented at the tournament.
"At the events there are marketing opportunities to suit all needs, whether it be advertising space, banner advertising, team sponsorship or headline sponsorship. We also offer the option of exclusivity in sector.
"We aim to bring together our different communities in a fun but competitive tournament. Just imagine: local communities getting together and supporting their country in London; India against the UK; the green and yellow of Brazil against the stars and stripes of the USA. Who has the best amateur volleyball team?
What can we provide?
A vehicle to showcase your company to London communities.
Exposure to thousands via media at very low cost.
An avenue to help and support London communities in a positive fun event.
Entry level sponsorship of an annual event that is growing.
A chance to support an organisation committed to increasing sporting opportunities for all.
A target audience in line with your market.
Access to over 80% of the competitive volleyball clubs in London.
What can you provide?
Branded team uniforms/warm-up uniforms.
Financial support providing team strips, training shirts and venue hire.
Financial support with all of the benefits of a headline sponsor.
Team of tournament sponsorship.
Prizes and gifts for participants and winners.
Goodie bags for sponsored team or all participants.
Donations for a raffle".
Contact: Gary Beckford.
More information ...