24th December, 2012
Ballet Nimba African Dance Theatre drums out worldwide reasons for sponsors to provide their backing
Ballet Nimba African Dance Theatre offers sponsors the opportunity to put their name to this exciting and vibrant African company with potential for worldwide touring - and therefore worldwide recognition of their support and sponsorship.
"Be a part of something truly groundbreaking - 100% African but produced and therefore seen in the UK. Ballet Nimba African Dance Theatre is the first black dance company ever in Wales and the top company of its kind in the UK today.
 "Led by the irrepressible Idrissa Camara of Guinea, Ballet Nimba combines musicians and dancers from across West Africa to produce dynamic, compelling dance theatre with amazing musicianship and percussive beats that will astound you.
"Camara is a young, up-and-coming choreographer who in just two years has taken his company to performances at the Southbank Centre and WOMAD's main stages. Expect to hear the sounds of a Fulani flute, Ngoni, Bolon Bata, Kirin, Djembe, Wassaoumba and the Doundoun drums, with six of the most agile dancers you've ever seen!
"Our latest production, Bagatai, was funded by the Arts Coucil of Wales and we are now looking for sponsorship to assist with rehearsal costs and educational activities related to this production, so that it can reach its full potential. It will be viewed by the British Council with potential for worldwide touring and will be going to WOMAD New Zealand and Australia in 2014. (WOMAD are the largest world music festivals in the world).
"Your sponsorship will be recognised in all publicity material, mail outs, videos, photos and merchandising".
Press quotes
'One of the best kept artistic secrets burst on to the stage, grabbed us, mind, body and spirit and fed us a cherished hour of the most exciting and dynamic African dance imaginable ... if you want to celebrate the joy of living spend an hour with Ballet Nimba', Theatre in Wales Review. For the full review go to http://www.theatre-wales.co.uk/reviews/reviews_details.asp?reviewID=2660
'The audience were utterly transfixed and overcome by the whole experience - the sounds, the movement, the beauty, and the emotional intensity of the story. Everyone was so surprised by the intensity of expression of the dancers and the musicians they could barely communicate the wonder that they felt", Classical Journey Radio review of Ballet Nimba at the Home festival - http://classicaljourneyphonic.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/dartington-home-festival-feast-of-music.html
'Alongside these stand out performances for me over the weekend (at WOMAD) were ... Ballet Nimba's performances, including the Taste The World where they danced, sang, talked, explained how the instruments were made, and still got time to cook'. Read more at http://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/womad/2012/review-weekend.shtml#BjcB4tMqMPie8utU.99
'What does the "D" in WOMAD stand for? "That's a popular question round these parts. It is, of course, "D" for "dance", an aspect of the festival upheld this time around by, among others, Ballet Nimba. If you thought ballet was all about pirouettes and pas de deux performed at half-speed, let these six dancers recalibrate your preconceptions. This is an energetic, at times highly acrobatic display of West African dance, a discipline somewhat cast into shadow by the spotlight shone on the region's celebrated melody-makers. Not that Ballet Nimba neglect the musical element. The calibre of its accompanying musicians equals that of its dancers, whether delivering furious percussive work-outs or embroidering their compositions with the undulating melodies of the balafon and Fulani flute. Although drawn from several countries across West Africa, Ballet Nimba's focus is on recounting the mythologies and history of Guinea through choreography. We guarantee it'll be the most frenetic and physical history lesson you've ever sat in on - http://womad.org/artists/ballet-nimba/"'
' ... traditional masks and outfits make Ballet Nimba's visually stunning performance into a real carnival event ... Two of West Africa's most talented percussionists competed to astonish the audience with their superhuman drumming", This is Bristol Online Review
For the full review go to http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Transported-authentic-sounds-Africa/story-11283104-detail/story.html
' ... breath-taking performances by Wales' premier African Dance Theatre Company - Ballet Nimba', Black Heritage Today UK
'Ballet Nimba has started making ripples in the UK dance scene', Southbank Centre Dance Blog ... an interview with Idrissa Camara - for full interview go to http://dance.southbankcentre.co.uk/2011/09/09/celebrating-african-dance-spotlight-on-ballet-nimba/
Meriel Sparkes, ADAD south west coordinator, talks with Idrissa Camara about the process of developing new work drawing from his traditional roots, and working with dancers from outside his culture, to create an African dance for a European audience - http://www.adad.org.uk/metadot/index.pl?iid=25104
'An evening of West African culture, mythology, dance and music from Wales's new African dance-theatre company, Ballet Nimba. The show features traditional and contemporary Guinean dance from six agile performers, the rare talents of a Fulani flute player and the rootsy sound of the Ngoni, the traditional African acoustic guitar. Combined with the rousing rhythms of some of West Africa's most talented percussionists, it'll be a challenge to stay seated during the performance', press release from Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.
Contact: Lowri Myrddin
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