Seeking a celebrity-packed awards opportunity? Wetnose Animal Aid can come to the rescue ...
For the last four years Wetnose Animal Aid has held the Wetnose Animal Rescue Green Carpet Awards in London.
Rescue centres fill in a nomination form and judges pick the winners from the UK; other centres are chosen from abroad.

There are at least thirty celebrities invited to present awards, which include Best Rabbit Rescue, Best Wildlife Centre, Best Rescue Pet and Best Conservation, as well as a special Hero award at the end - all-in-all a magical, emotionally charged afternoon that brings many surprises!
The event brings so many animal people together, which has to be a good thing - meeting new friends and getting the right help from the right people; hearing memoriable speeches from Brian May (Queen) and Virginia McKenna (Born Free), where you can hear a pin drop as everyone is listening to every word; and seeing amazing animal footage that is sad - but also happy, with much standing ovation and cheering.
An exciting range of sponsorship opportunities is on offer - details are available on request.
"Please join us for this wonderful event and our aim for the future is to put this on national TV".
Contact: Andrea Gamby-Boulger
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