Sponsors who focus on mass exposure should snap up opportunities offered by Gay Photographers Network
Gay Photographers Network is holding its third West End annual exhibition in June 2012, once again as official participants in the London Pride Festival but also in conjunction with World Pride 2012.
"We are seeking sponsorship of just £5,000 in total to support the staging and promotion of this exciting addition to next summer's events calendar.
"With our sponsors' branding on all materials and events, last year's sponsors gained extensive exposure to the marketplace, including to over 180,000 readers of the print edition of the Independent newspaper and a further 58,000 Time Out readers with added visibility on their respective websites. We were also heavily supported by the gay press, including high profile titles such as QX and Bent.
"We estimate at least a quarter of a million potential customers were exposed to our sponsors' brands for the equivalent of just a few pence per head.
"In 2012 that exposure will be even greater with a million visitors expected in London next summer".
Contact: John Drennan
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