England Indoor Cricket Team declare their need to build a strong partnership with sponsors
The ECBIC (England Cricket Board - Indoor Cricket) has announced a major sponsorship opportunity for the upcoming Indoor Cricket World Cup to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in October this year.
"At present, Indoor Cricket at all levels in England is purely a self-funding sport, and has been since 1990.
"Your sponsorship will be invaluable in allowing England to make the strongest representation possible, allowing us to compete with the likes of Australia where Indoor Cricket has been a funded, government administered sport for many years.
"The Governing Body of the sport of Indoor Cricket has evolved under different names as the game has matured. Recently it has been brought under the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) umbrella and re-named the ECBIC.
"Together with the administrators of the sport in this country, and with the guidance of the ECB, Indoor Cricket has undergone a number of changes and is taking some promising steps to becoming established as a professional sport in the UK.
Now is the time to get involved!"
Contact: Alban Ford, Team Manager
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