The Campaign for Drawing outlines a new perspective on sponsorship opportunitiesFor ten years, The Campaign for Drawing has shown that drawing encourages creativity, improves communication and changes perception.
Drawing - its influence and products - surrounds us every day. The design of your chair, the cartoon in your daily newspaper, a child's image of home, all start with someone making marks, all start with drawing.
The Campaign for Drawing aims to get everyone drawing because it is such a powerful tool for learning, invention, and social and cultural engagement.
"We believe that drawing helps people to see. We pursue our aims through three main programmes:
"The Big Draw - our major annual celebration throughout October, involving over 1,500 large-scale participatory events in leading cultural venues across the UK and internationally, launched at a high-profile national event;
"The Big Draw Awards - prestigious annual awards presented to artists, teachers and cultural educators who use the power of drawing to support learning, connect communities and engage new audiences with their natural or built heritage; and
"Power Drawing - the professional development programme that underpins the Campaign's work, supporting teachers, educators and others through courses, publications and website resources".