Caring sponsors of Crossroads will soon find their campaign is heading in the right direction
Crossroads is the leading provider of services to support carers and the people they care for in Coventry and Warwickshire.
 The charity is committed to providing high quality personalised services meeting both the needs of carers and the people they care for.
The organisation aims to offer services that exceed the service users' expectations, are flexible, reliable, personalised and give peace of mind. As it is a charity, all of Crossroads' resources are used directly to provide services and to train staff to ensure it meets the needs of its users in the way they decide.
Crossroads' aim is to provide that essential support to give the carer time out from their caring responsibilities, an opportunity to have a break and enable them to continue in their caring role.
By supporting the carer, the charity can help the person they care for to remain living in their own home for as long as possible, something most of us would want to be able to do. Crossroads' aim is to prevent the breakdown of the carers' health, provide them with the support they need and enable them to do some of those things the caring role may prevent.
Whether it is time to go shopping without having to rush, meet a friend for coffee or a glass of wine, play a round of golf or go for a swim: that's where Crossroads can step in and give 'time out' when and how it's needed.
Overall the charity is managed by a board of trustees, all volunteers who give their time and energy to ensure the organisation is well managed and meets its statutory obligations. Many of the trustees are, or have been, carers and users of its services and bring with them a breadth of knowledge on carer's issues and many other skills from their working lives.
The organisation is managed by a chief executive who has been with the charity for seventeen years. Each office is overseen by an experienced registered manager whose responsibility it is to ensure the delivery of quality care services to its carers and those they care for and to people with care needs who live alone.
They are supported at each office by a team of co-ordinators and admin. staff to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the services.
"Our front line staff, our care support workers, is what Crossroads is all about. Well trained, dedicated, and recruited with great care the support workers are our biggest asset and provide efficient, caring and supportive services to all service users whether they have care needs or are carers".
Contact: Guy Bennett
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