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Author Nicholas Anderson's agent offers novel trilogy of page-turning undercover opportunities
A British author of a new book trilogy - NOC, NOC Twice, NOC Three Times - whose identity on camera cannot be disclosed, so when he appears in public dons a black balaclava, which in itself immediately piques the public eye as to why?
 If you peruse the author's website you will see photographs indicating that he is a master of disguise as befits his former profession as a covert action intelligence officer writing about his fictionalised espionage adventures. However, his spoken eloquence is quite charming and he has a natural "communication voice", speaking directly and in sound bites. His agency is offering the likeness and usage of the author's name, Nicholas Anderson, the various book titles as seen inside a trademarked triangle (see logo of NOC, the first) for use in print and/or moving images, and invites interested parties seeking an involvement in sponsorship, product endorsement, placement opportunities, merchandising, advertising, etc. to tender a proposal to them forthwith. "We accept this is an unusual presentation", says the agency, "but this is an unusual situation, leaning towards the non-commercial. And, yes, the feature films based on the books are currently in development, too.
"Media coverage on this international anti-hero is coming down the line anytime now so you know where to contact us. Nothing negative is sought, only the outside-the-box positive good, please. See recent podcast: http://www.bookexpocast.com/authors-studio/2009/06/03/noc/".
Contact: Ian Kleinert, Principal Agent
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