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Pocket Films projects opportunities for sponsors to get on the cinema map
Pocket Films Ltd. seeks a sole sponsor for the CINEMA MAP, a unique dual-format guide to cinemas in the UK and Ireland.  The CINEMA MAP is both a printed reference guide and an interactive website, providing comprehensive information on over 700 cinemas nationwide. The sponsor will get high visibility exposure on both the guide and the Pocket Films website. In addition the sponsor can control numerous aspects of the guide to best promote their brand. The website for CINEMA MAP will present a graphical overview of the location of 700+ cinemas across the UK and Ireland. Each cinema link can be clicked to provide key information on location, screens and film times. Pocket Films' cinema database is highly regarded for accuracy and is constantly updated. The printed CINEMA MAP will focus on London cinemas, which represent about a quarter of all UK cinema admissions. The guide will have a print run of 150,000 to 350,000 copies and will be custom distributed to the sponsor's target audience. The sponsor can also customise the advertising display space, the publication date and the sponsorship budget to their requirements. The pocket format of the guide means a large number of distribution options are available, from magazine inserts to venue display racks to event handouts. The CINEMA MAP sponsor will want to reach the UK's cinema audience - 162 million admissions in 2008. About 60% of the UK population said they went to the cinema about once a year, with about 18% going once a month. This huge audience demands up-to-date and concise information on UK cinemas. Pocket Films has specialised in innovative film and cinema guides since 1998 and its mission is to provide essential film information in the most elegant and convenient form possible. They have published over 25 million pocket guides to date.
Contact: Tony Franks, Publisher
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