The UK Drama & Theatre Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK drama and theatre sponsorship opportunities
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ATY/PL001 |
 ARIA ALBA OPERA FOR ALL Aria Alba Opera for All is a new company, dedicated to bringing opera and musical performance to new audiences. "We provide a platform for emergent singers of all ages, and are currently rehearsing Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, in Italian, for performing in the Edinburgh Fringe. Our production includes a special youth version, showcasing our younger performers. Our singers range from professionals to complete newcomers, and our members all learn how to put on an opera. There are opportunities for instrumentalists, lights technicians, stage managers, costume designers, and everyone is made welcome. We seek sponsors to help with the costs of putting on delightful and inclusive performances, and to enable us to reach the widest possible audience". Contact: Sarah Tolley. Address: 12 Cairnmuir Road, Edinburgh EH12 6LP. Tel.: 07593316284. E-mail: enquiries@ariaalba.org.uk link to website
ATY/PL002 |
Cloudcuckooland is a music theatre comedy for kids and their families. It's riotous, funny and a touch irreverent, but carries a serious message about not messing up the planet. It's performed by six actor musicians who play twenty-two instruments between them; the musicianship is stunning and a great inspiration for kids. It was created in the Spring of 2008 with an initial one-off grant from the Onassis Programme and toured the UK, then played for a month at the Edinburgh Festival. It got excellent reviews, much feature coverage and was nominated for the Total Theatre Awards. The Observer picked it in its top seven pieces of theatre at the Edinburgh Festival from thousand of shows. Most importantly, for the company, it has fabulous feedback from kids, parents and teachers. The story follows an attempt by the birds to take revenge on humans for trashing their habitats. It features a gallery of beautiful and hilarious bird characters (the trombone-playing flamingo on stilts, and the trumpeting dodo with his zimmer frame) and culminates in the chickens trying to roast Gordon Brown for Sunday lunch unless he agrees to their climate change demands. The whole project aims to be ecologically sound and practice the message it preaches, but with with wit and humility. The company was helped in the creation of the show by a number of organisations, from the RSPB to the Carbon Trust. Many programmers from the UK and worldwide saw the show in Edinburgh and want to book it. One commented: 'I just wanted to say how impressed I was with Cloudcuckooland in Edinburgh. I thought it was unique, exciting and streets ahead of all the other children's shows at the Fringe'. The company would love to take the show to more kids around the UK and the world (together with a programme of workshops and participation events). However, they need a sponsor to be able to do that. They envisage this will be a company whose priorities are children getting involved in music and the arts and/or spreading a message of ecological responsibility in a fun way. The company can Put the sponsors name and logo on all print, adverts, press releases, mailings, posters, etc. distribute flyers/product samples with their mailings and at events have display material in foyers include adverts in their programme host the sponsor's guests, with complementary tickets and entertainment opportunities and be extremely grateful! The project is managed by Helen Eastman at OP Production Ltd.. Helen has a strong track record in producing and managing large scale arts events and UK and international touring. "We have raised a proportion of funds needed from donations (donors include Dame Judy Dench and Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney) but need to secure £10,000 of sponsorship. We hope to find a great working relationship with a new sponsor". Further information, a selection of photos and reviews and examples of previous print and programmes are available on request. Contact: Helen Eastman. Address: 17 Shorts Gardens, London WC2H 9AT. Tel.: 07770 277812 or 020 7836 6798. E-mail: helen.eastman@classics.ox.ac.uk
ATY/PL003 |
 DRAMA ASSOCIATION OF WALES The Drama Association of Wales' services include the encouragement and support of new writing for the theatre in both English and Welsh. As an integral part of its new writing programme the organisation runs annual competitive festivals, the prizes for which include consideration for publication and cash prizes. Previous winners have been published and performed in theatres throughout the UK and in many countries overseas. The association distributes information and entry forms to Regional Arts Boards and libraries in Wales and the rest of the UK, as well as to individuals across the United Kingdom, Europe and worldwide. They welcome entries in both English and Welsh and last year the competition attracted 187 entries, including scripts from many of the countries in mainland Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America. Unfortunately, because they have very limited funding for this venture it is difficult to meet the expense of marketing the competition sufficiently, not to mention the cash prizes and indeed the publication of winning entries. The association would like to offer attractive cash prizes as an incentive. To encourage new writing talent, they would also like to produce, or at least have a reading of, the winning plays of each category. There are three categories in the competition: Youth (for a cast between 16 and 25 years old), Open and Welsh Language. They do not expect 'money for nothing'; so in return for financial support an attractive sponsorship package can be agreed. Contact: Teresa Hennessy, PR & Member Services Officer. Address: Drama Association of Wales, The Old Library, Singleton Road, Splott, Cardiff CF24 2ET. E-mail: teresa@dramawales.org.uk link to website
Annual: ongoing
ATY/PL004 |
DRAMARAMA MUSIC & DRAMA CLUB Dramarama is a community youth drama organisation. It works with children within the local community, giving them something to do in the evenings and with the aim of getting the children off the streets and helping them to build confidence and team building experience. All staff work on a voluntary basis and all funds come from government grants and fundraising events. The club is looking for sponsors who are willing to help in a variety of different ways - either through one-off or regular donations, in order for the children to buy much needed equipment, or by donation of the equipment itself. In exchange the club offers to add the donating company's logo to all of its advertising leaflets and any event posters or public paperwork, along with a notice attached to the equipment donated stating that the item was generously donated by the sponsor in question. Its current needs and requirements are as follows music mixing software theatrical lighting system scenery and staging equipment. They are also in the process of planning a family fun day during the summer holidays for the children in the area and require various pieces of equipment for the activities they have planned. These are marquees x 2, 3m x 3m art and craft equipment bouncy castle ball pit and balls trampoline face painting equipment outdoor gaming equipment (hula hoops, skittles, giant board games, etc.) large catering tea urn large sponges (wet sponge throwing). "Any further questions are welcome - please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks in advance". Contact: Mrs Gemma French, Chairperson. Address: 25 Eaden Crescent, Hoyland, Barnsley S74 9RH. Tel.: 01226 741592. E-mail: Dramarama@hotmail.com.
ATY/PL005 |
 PUTNEY ARTS THEATRE Putney Arts Theatre is a community venue home to G64 - theatre for young people - and Putney Theatre Company (PTC) for adults. "G64 runs classes, projects and shows for 350+ participants from 4 - 19 years of age and PTC produces a wide range of productions throughout the year. We also host events by many visiting groups. As a self-supporting organisation we rely on sponsorship to support our building maintenance, fund our ongoing activities and to further our educational reach to schools throughout the borough. We offer various marketing packages which range from programme advertising to funding a show and we can promote your good name through a variety of channels both at the theatre and through social media". Contact: Marie Thackwell, General Manager. Address: Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney SW15 6AW. Tel.: 020 8788 6943. E-mail: info@putneyartstheatre.org.uk. link to website
ATY/PL006 |
 TAKE 2 THEATRE SCHOOL Take 2 Theatre School is a South Yorkshire based theatre school offering children and young people the opportunity to gain confidence and develop their skills through performing arts. "Our groups are aged from 3 to 19 and we have workshops in dance, drama and musical theatre. We are seeking sponsors to help with the costs of putting on shows at the theatre, hiring costumes and musicians and the costs of publicity for the productions, eg posters, leaflets, T Shirts. We charge minimal fees to our members as we want everyone in the community to be able to afford to access our sessions; but this means there are few funds left to pay for the costs involved in putting on a show". Contact: Julie Cooper. Address: Take 2 Theatre School, 311 Sheffield Road, Birdwell, Barnsley S70 5TU. Tel.: 01226 744442. E-mail: julieacooper@fsmail.net link to website
ATY/PL007 |

The Talentz is a fresh and dynamic musical theatre company for four to twenty-one year olds, offering exceptional training in the performing arts. "We deliver weekly classes in acting, singing and dance, in addition to summer schools, holiday courses, masterclasses with current West End performers and full-scale musical productions - and we act as an agency for children and young performers. We encourage students to work together to learn about every aspect of musical theatre whilst developing their individual talent and exploring their own personality as a performer. Our experienced team of dedicated and inspiring industry professionals work to get the best from each student, and it is a testament to our teaching that many students go on to study at some of the country's leading drama schools. We would love help making our training affordable to everyone to help keep music live, and we would truly welcome the support of another company. We would love a sponsor for our fourth Edinburgh Festival - the largest arts festival in the world - run, which we have sold out the last three years and would really enjoy a collaboration. We are so proud of what we do and with a little help could do so much more. Please consider this totally passionate, family feel company. Thank you so much". Contact: Debbie King. Address: 62 Queens Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9JU. Tel.: 07899998249. E-mail: debbie@thetalentz.com. link to website
ATY/PL008 |
West End Kids is a unique centre of excellence based in London for young performers aged 10-18 who show exceptional talent and dedication in musical theatre and the performing arts. In turn, the company provides the "Kids" with challenging performance experiences via workshop style coaching. Since its creation in 2001, West End Kids has provided dedicated students with all the tools they need to progress into outstanding performers, with focus on singing, choreography, attitude, mental-toughness, work ethic and expectation. West End Kids is very proud of the fact that a very high proportion of its pupils have successfully applied to the performing arts school/college of their choice including the Brits School, Sylvia Young and Mountview. Furthermore when its students move into work professionally, there is no shock to the system as they have been working to the same standards for years. This makes the transition smooth for them and ensures they are a pleasure for directors to work with. Recently, a West End Kid, Holly-Anne Hull, won the Disney Channel's prestigious My Camp Rock competition. This was a great honour for both West End Kids and its Managing Director Martin Williams, who has provided personal vocal tuition to Holly-Anne for many years. Moreover, Holly-Anne displayed perfectly the standards that all West End Kids aspire to and indeed achieve. West End Kids is very active in using many forms of the media both for communication with its pupils and promotion of the company. Its website www.westendkids.co.uk receives 120,000 hits per year. West End Kids is also very active in Facebook and YouTube where it publicises its various activities and performances and as a consequence has a loyal following of thousands of fans throughout the world. The cost of running West End Kids is, not surprisingly, very expensive. In particular, London rehearsal venues are not cheap, therefore the company faces constant financial constraints. On the other hand the company is committed to providing professional advanced coaching to young performers with talent, regardless of financial circumstance. Faced with this persistent financial conundrum, West End Kids is looking for sponsorship of its rehearsal overheads so that it can continue to offer its current first class coaching programme to young musical theatre talent rather than restrict it merely to those who can afford it. West End Kids is confident that sponsors of the company will benefit from its growing national recognition via the ever-increasing demand for public performances, open workshops and media promotion. Indeed, this is a wonderful opportunity for a sponsor to gain excellent publicity, especially within the youth sector as West End Kids would be looking to promote the sponsor's name at all its events throughout the year. Over the last twelve months, the West End Kids brand was seen by in excess of 300,000 consumers. If such sponsorship fits in with your profile in this sector West End Kids would be delighted to discuss this matter. Contact: Sponsorship Department. Address: PO Box 638, Rochester, Kent ME1 9GY. Tel.: 020 8123 2025. E-mail: enquiries@westendkids.co.uk link to website
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ATY/001 |
Central Youth Theatre is a Wolverhampton-based youth theatre offering opportunities for young people from across the city. The organisation has spent over twenty-five years nurturing the creative talents of future generations of performers and creative professionals. Sponsors can be involved in supporting the work of the group either through sponsoring local projects such as specialist workshops, summer schools, etc. or via national and international exchanges, performances and festivals. Equipment is also required. Contact: Jane Ward, Director. Address: Newhampton Arts Centre, Dunkley Street, Wolverhampton WV1 4AN. Tel.: 01902-572091. E-mail: jane@centralyouththeatre.org link to website
ATY/002 |
The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain is expert at bringing together great British and international businesses and the best of young British creative
creative talent. "We can help you achieve your promotional and corporate social responsibility objectives. You can help us deliver great work with young people. Recently we have worked with Acer, Angels The Costumiers, Campus Living Villages, The Doyle Collection (The Bloomsbury Hotel and The Kensington Hotel), Nyetimber, Saudi Aramco and the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. We would be delighted to tailor a package to your company’s specific needs". Contact: Richard Wilkinson, tel.: 020 3696 7055, e-mail: richard.wilkinson@nyt.org.uk; or Roli Barker, tel. 020 3696 7060, roli.barker@nyt.org.uk. Addresses: Administrative Offices - National Youth Theatre, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT; Holloway Road Rehearsal Rooms, 443-445 Holloway Road, London N7 6LW.
ATY/003 |
Nottingham Playhouse produces more new writing for its main stage than any other theatre outside London. Partnerships with Nottingham Playhouse will generate greater brand awareness, business loyalty and PR opportunities focused towards target audiences. "We will help you reach and influence key decision makers. Your company can be associated with an organisation that has a great reputation for producing exciting and dynamic theatre shows and working extensively in the local community". Contact: Hannah Payne, Fundraising & Development Officer. Address: Nottingham Playhouse, Wellington Circus, Nottingham NG1 5AF. Tel.: 0115 8736244. E-mail: nickl@nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk link to website
ATY/004 |
Oily Cart is one of the great British theatre companies of the last twenty-five years. Yet plenty of theatregoers, even the most avid, will not have heard of it. The reason is simple: Oily Cart works entirely with children, many with complex disabilities, and often behind closed doors in special schools. Oily Cart is committed to producing quality theatre for two audiences who are often neglected in terms of cultural activity: the very young and young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) and/or an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We rely on the generous support of individuals, businesses and trusts to maintain our work. Your support will help us make a positive difference to the lives of these young people and their families. Address: Oily Cart, Smallwood School Annexe, Smallwood Road, London SW17 0TW. Tel.: 0208-672-6329. Fax: 0208-672-0792. E-mail: oilycart@premier.co.uk link to website
ATY/005 |
Quicksilver Theatre is an award-winning company giving many children their first experience of live theatre. Quicksilver have been at the forefront of bringing children's theatre into the mainstream for over thirty years. "We were among the first to believe that theatre for children should, first and foremost, be good theatre. That it should actively put children at the heart of the creative process, and engage with their intellect and emotions. That it should embrace every art-form. That it should draw strength from the diversity of the communities it serves. We still believe those things today". Address: Quicksilver Theatre, 15-16 Triton Street, Regents Place, London, NW1 3BF. Tel.: 0207 419 2000. Fax: 0207-254-3119. talktous@quicksilvertheatre.org
link to website
ATY/006 |
South London Theatre is a large community-based theatre in south east London. The organisers are looking for small amounts of sponsorship for each of their twenty-two productions a year, to enable them to maintain and improve upon their standards of production, as well as offering better opportunities for the local community. They are also looking for a sponsor for their children's and youth classes (four different classes ranging from 5 to 18 years). They would particularly welcome a sponsor from the local community. The South London Theatre operates as a registered charity. Contact: Lee Ridgeway, Chairman. Address: South London Theatre, 2a Norwood High Street, London SE27 9NS. Tel.: 020 8670 3474. E-mail: lee@southlondontheatre.co.uk link to website
ATY/007 |
Tara is the UK's leading Asian theatre company, founded in 1977. The company champions creative diversity through the production, promotion and development of cross cultural theatre. Tara promotes community cohesion by touring the classics of world theatre nationally for adults and young people. The company offers a range of sponsorship opportunities Headline production sponsor for national tours Children's theatre sponsor Tara studio artist development sponsor Community engagement theatre programme sponsor. "Tara really know what a sponsor needs and how to manage the relationship. Working with Tara was a mutually beneficial pleasure", Grange Hotels. Contact: Jatinder Verma. Tel.: 0208-333-4457. Fax: 0208-870-9540. vaio@tara-arts.co link to website
ATY/008 |
Thame Youth Theatre is a vibrant and developing organisation which enables its members to participate in and learn from the arts. The organisation provides young people the opportunity to discover and develop theatre skills; enhance their confidence; and to provide the community of Thame and local towns and villages with regular performances to watch, events to attend and the chance to become involved in helping this organisation grow. In order for the theatre to achieve its goals in providing quality theatre coaching for young people and producing regular performances, the organisation greatly relies upon the support from its local councils, sponsors, local businesses, County and National funding bodies and of course, its local community: this includes parents and guardians. "Any support, whether financially, in kind or simply helping us to run our organisation (costume/set making, administration assistance, handing out flyers/posters, etc.) is greatly appreciated and welcomed with open arms. If you would like to support Thame Youth Theatre and join 'TYT Friends', providing you with regular updates on our progress, complimentary tickets to our shows, and your names printed on our website (only if your permission is given), please contact our Youth Arts Development Manager, Tom Mackriell, for more details". Contact: Tom Mackriell, Youth Arts Development Manager. Address: Thame Youth Theatre, c/o Lord Williams's Lower School, Towersey Road, Thame OX9 3NW. E-mail: admin@thameyouththeatre.co.uk link to website
ATY/009 |
“There is no missing the impact and the sheer stylistic resource of this most interesting company” (The Guardian). St. Albans-based Trestle Theatre Company was founded in 1981. It is a registered charity and receives regular funding from Arts Council England East. Trestle has become one of Britain’s leading touring companies, producing shows in its unique style of popular mask/visual/physical theatre. Trestle tours extensively through out the UK as well as internationally, usually producing 2-3 touring shows each year. In addition to the theatrical productions, Trestle runs a wide-ranging Education and Outreach Programme, including an average of 250 workshops and residencies a year, with over 4,000 participants. Trestle also runs Trestle Young People's Theatre Company, a youth theatre for 8-18 year olds in St. Albans. Trestle is a major source in the production of mask-sets for theatre and education. Its three sets of masks have sold over 5,000 sets worldwide to date. Trestle delivers a highly successful Business Training programme that works with non-arts businesses in areas such as team-building, communication, behaviour and the skills of presentation. As part of the Company’s ongoing development, Trestle Theatre Company raised £2 million in order to refurbish a redundant chapel on the outskirts of St. Albans to become its permanent operating base, housing all rehearsal, technical, mask-making and administration facilities, as well as an arts training and resource centre for the community of St. Albans. The project was made possible by an award of £1.5 million from the Arts Council Capital Lottery Fund, with Trestle raising £500,000 in partnership funding. Trestle seeks sponsorship for all areas of its work and is keen to explore flexible or imaginative approaches to sponsorship to ensure mutual benefits are identified to satisfy both parties’ requirements. Contact: Claire Winter, Finance and Venues Manager. Address: Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St. Albans, Herts. AL4 0JQ. Tel.: 01727 850950. Fax: 01727 855558. E-mail: clare@trestle.org.uk link to website
ATY/010 |
Triangle is a professional touring theatre company specialising in work with and for young people. Address: c/o The Herbert, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1. Tel.: +44(0) 2476 294731. E-mail: info@triangletheatre.co.uk link to website
ATY/011 |
The oldest professional theatre company for children in Britain, The Unicorn Theatre for Children has been producing the highest quality professional theatre and educational opportunities for children for over fifty years. The Unicorn has three levels of corporate sponsorship: Pearl, Diamond and Diamond Plus. Each offers a range of attractive benefits. "We pride ourselves on our relationships with our corporate partners and the way we are able to share our work through tailored events. We offer an association with excellence, opportunities to promote your involvement to our diverse young audience and we give full evaluations. We guarantee value for money to all our corporate partners". Contact: Alex Jones, Development Manager. Address: The Unicorn Theatre for Children, 147 Tooley Street, London SE1 2HZ. Tel.: 020 7645 0523 (direct line). E-mail: alex.jones@unicorntheatre.com link to website
ATY/012 |
Westcountry Theatre Company (WTC) is now offering businesses a sponsorship opportunity through the chance to become a West-One Corporate Member. A West-One membership gives organisations access to a huge potential market across Torbay and the South West through the company's audiences and workshop participants. Membership will also give sponsors the opportunity to entertain staff, clients and customers at hospitality events held throughout the year, featuring private performances by WTC. The work of WTC reaches an enormous number of people in Torbay and across the South West. The company’s website was visited by nearly 10,000 people in the last twelve months alone, they tell us, their schools’ tours regularly reaching 15,000 primary and secondary school children from all over the region and their open-air performances touring to an audience of between 8,000 and 12,000 people each year. In Torbay over 200 people, aged 6 to adult, attend classes at the Stage 1 Theatre School each week. This represents a huge potential in terms of marketing and brand promotion for companies, they point out. The West-One scheme also gives companies access to excellent networking opportunities, innovative and proven training sessions from highly experienced facilitators, delightful hospitality events for sponsors, their staff and their clients, and much more. Being a registered charity, any profits made by WTC go straight back into ensuring that the objectives of the company are met. These objectives include: promoting Theatre-In-Education from ages 4 to 18; making B>Shakespeare accessible to everyone by hosting open-air performances of plays like Macbeth, A Comedy Of Errors or A Midsummer Night's Dream; and raising the cultural profile of Torbay by hosting evening classes for all ages in dance, drama or music. Registered charity no.: 108862. Contact: Sponsorship Department. Address: W-T-C, St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, Union Street, Torquay TQ1 4BX. Tel.: 01803 299996. E-mail: info@w-t-c.co.uk link to website
ATY/013 |
The Wolverhampton Grand Theatre is a major receiving venue on the number one touring circuit. Its Membership Youth Scheme, GET-IN!, is open to all 9-18 year olds and offers a range of benefits including low cost tickets, workshops run by professional companies linked to shows at the Grand and the opportunity to go on backstage and theatre visits. Members have access to theatre professionals who share their knowledge of all aspects of theatre (technical, performance, admin., etc.). A representative from the theatre is present at every workshop and all persons involved in conducting workshops are screened. The opportunities available include full sponsorship or sponsorship of specific workshops and events. Contact: Melanie Whitehead, Youth Officer. Address: Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1DE. Tel.: 01902 573311. E-mail: getin@grandtheatre.co.uk link to website
ATY/014 |
The Young Vic is one of London’s most vibrant and innovative theatres, ”the theatre of the moment”, (Daily Mail). The company consistently produces world class productions of forgotten classics and challenging new work. The Young Vic works with a range of corporate partners at different levels – from production sponsorships, to support for its work with disadvantaged young people in south London, to membership of its Director’s Circle scheme for business involvement. At every level the Young Vic works closely with its sponsors to find benefits that work for them: through ticket allocations, tailor-made workshops with professional theatre directors, brand exposure, press campaigns, events and parties. If you’d like to know more about how they can work with you to enhance your message, call them now. Contact: Anneliese Davidsen, Development Manager. Address: 66 The Cut, London SE1 8LZ. Tel.: 020 7922 8400. Fax.: 020 7922 8401. E-mail: anneliesedavidsen@youngvic.org link to website