OTR/PL002 |
The Beauford Belle is no ordinary car! With her looks she is one of the most photographed cars in the UK and enjoys regularly participating in the London, Chantilly, Maastricht, Disney, Edinburgh and Paris annual parades. World wide TV exposure: With the New Year's Day London Parade not far away, here is a fantastic opportunity for sponsors to become involved with The Beauford Belle. She has been photographed with some of her best friends, including The Pink Panther, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Minis from The Italian Job. Her passengers have included among others, London's Town Crier, London's Ambassador for Goodwill, The Blue Flamingo from New Zealand and Betty Boo from America. The Beauford Belle is currently seeking sponsorship to enable initiatives that will help raise publicity for charities through parades and events. She also loves to be involved in corporate functions, films, TV, weddings and other special occasions. So well known is she that she has her own poem: "There is a car that casts a spell, She goes by the name of The Beauford Belle, She leads parades both near and far, With her classic lines she is a star. She's very sexy and sublime, In red and black she is divine. She loves publicity, photos too, She's more than happy to pose for you. So when you see her, wave and smile At her stunning looks and unique style!". She is very excited about any new possibilities! Contact: Andy or Julie. Address: 1 Forest View Avenue, Leyton, London E10 6DX. Tel.: 07974 654 457. E-mail: divpups@tiscali.co.uk.