Sponsorship services |
(Note: if you have any problems filling in our forms on your mobile, use your PC or laptop and try this page on our desktop site: https://www.uksponsorship.com/list.htm) |
Gold listings
- one-off charge (no annual renewal - so your listing stays on for as long as you wish or until it becomes out of date) - download button available at £10.00
Platinum listings
- one-off charge (no annual renewal - so your listing stays on for as long as you wish or until it becomes out of date) - 33% discount for registered charities**
Send no money now - we accept payment by cheque or credit card.
Please note that uksponsorship.com Ltd. reserves the right to choose the most appropriate category(ies) in which to place listings. We may place a listing in more than one category at our discretion. We may decline to list the opportunity. We may change the layout, order, format and sequence of listings at our discretion. We may re-write submitted text to conform to our 'house style', eg no use of the expression 'unique opportunity', text must be written in the third person, etc. Please see our Terms & Conditions
To apply for a Gold listing @ £15.00*, click here (send no money now)To apply for a Platinum listing @ £30.00*, click here (send no money now)* Please note that costs shown are one-off charges. |