The UK Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK sponsorship opportunities

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Our telephone number from within the UK is 01354 740916.

From outside the UK, dial +44 (1) 354 740916.

Our email address is

Contact name: Richard Fox

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The UK Sponsorship Database is part of Sponsorscape.

Sponsorscape is Ltd.'s network of sponsorship opportunities databases, providing details of current sponsorship opportunities in the UK, Europe, the Americas, Australasia, Africa and Asia.

If you are seeking sponsorship and would like to send us information to go into a listing on one of our databases, please follow the instructions below.


To send us information for a listing in our sponsorship opportunities databases

There are different kinds of listing and you will need to choose which type you would prefer. Details can be found via this page. We are keen to provide visitors to the site with details about specific opportunities where possible - these can be listed below the 'basic entry' (though it is not necessary to provide specific information).


To send us information for a listing in our sponsorship services database (UK only).

Details of specific types of listing for our Sponsorship Showcase can be found on this page.

Please send information for consideration as a listing in our UK-only Sponsorship Showcase section, which lists organisations offering services to sponsors - not sponsorship opportunities - by using one of the online forms available via this page.

We regret that we may not be able to include every listing we are sent. Some listings may be appropriate for more than one section. Our decision is final and no correspondence can be entered into. Ltd
Huntingdon Business Centre
Blackstone Road
PE29 6EF

Registered in England No. 4007145
Reg. office: 201 Haverstock Hill, Belsize Park, London NW3 4QG

For information about banners and other forms of advertising, click here.

For information about adding a brochure download facility ('download button') to your listing, click here.

Please send press releases to Alternatively, information can be posted to the address shown above.

We welcome suggestions and/or comments about this site and are very happy to consider ideas and constructive input, which can be e-mailed to us at

Need more information? Try our FAQs section, our About Us page or call 01354 740916.

Alternatively, here's a link to our site map.

Data protection Ltd respects your right to privacy. Please see our privacy policy.

Registered under The Data Protection Act 1998. Reg. no. Z7556989

Important note: whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this site's content and the integrity of the organisations and companies listed, all details provided herein are offered in good faith only and Ltd accepts no liability for any claim or actual loss arising out of use made of information and/or advertisements contained within this internet site.

Please see our full Terms and Conditions.

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