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 BRITISH KICKBOXING COUNCIL Collectively the Martial Arts are the biggest participation sport/leisure activity in the world and Kickboxing, in all of its many forms, is fast becoming one of the largest spectator sports as well, with a recent high profile event outdoing the NFL Superbowl in terms of viewing figures. "Here in the UK there are roughly two million of us and that number is consistently going up. The British Kickboxing Council is set to become the official national governing body for the sport here in the UK and will soon re-form as the Council for Combat Sports, incorporating the British Wrestling Association, UK Muay Thai Federation, the British Grappling Association and more. In addition, our Chairman is set to become the first Vice Chairman of the World Congress of Combat Sports, which will be chaired by the Executive Director of the World Congress of Martial Arts, a branch of the World Congress of Amateur Athletes. One of our many goals for the sport is to raise the profile of our professional events and to increase participation and overall standards of coaching at our grass-roots level. Opportunities are available for sponsoring hundreds of competitors, events, our new Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Martial Arts Instruction and Club Coaching, which is one of the only qualifications of its kind in the world, and we're still searching for an over-arching Official Partner. One such event, planned for 2013 at the O2 Arena, will be the first ever World Combat Sports Championships". Contact: David Jenkins. Tel.: 07891292629. E-mail: link to website
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